Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 115 Lord of the Blue Sky 1

You have to spend your life to earn gold coins. What if the lord is kind and evil, kills all the miners after a year, and then takes back the gold coins that were distributed?

"Hehe! I understand everyone's concerns. After all, what happened to you here was very unfortunate! I believe you have such concerns because you don't understand the character of the lord!" Facing the expectant eyes of many miners, Du Long smiled nonchalantly He replied: "Before coming here, my lord killed 20 or 30 corrupt officials in Fengli County, including Qian Jinlong, the former governor of the county! You will be able to find out about these when you go out in the future!"

"Also, apart from my status as the lord of Fengli County, I am also the emperor's son-in-law. The person next to me is Princess Huofeng, the jewel in the palm of the emperor of the Haotian Empire. She is also the wife of the lord! You have also seen it, now In addition to the lord's private army, there is also a more elite Imperial Forest Army, that's right! They were sent by His Majesty the Emperor to protect His Highness Princess Huofeng!"

"Fengli County is the dowry that His Majesty the Emperor bestowed on His Royal Highness Princess Huofeng. If you don't believe my lord's words, can you cheat you of a mere salary by virtue of the identity of Princess Huofeng here?"

Du Long's words immediately made the eyes of many miners who had some doubts brighten up on the spot. Princess Huofeng was also a smart person, she walked gracefully to the front of the stage, and then she showed a golden token and shouted softly: "This is a true princess token! I am Princess Huofeng, and the person next to me is indeed my husband, who is the current emperor's son-in-law, and the new lord of Fengli County!"

When she helped to explain, the miners below had no doubts at all, they all knelt down on the spot, shouting to pay their respects to the princess, and at the same time expressing their willingness to stay and serve the princess!

At this point, the matter of appeasing the miners has basically come to an end, and the rest can be handled by Fuan. He only needs to register those who are willing to stay, and each person who wants to leave will be given five silver coins as travel expenses, so that they will be with them when the time comes The lord's team can leave the Forest of Monster Beasts together!

In the hall of the main building of the mining village, Du Long and Princess Huofeng sat on the main seats, and a group of friends and the newly confirmed responsible management personnel of the mining village sat on both sides.

"Everyone! Does anyone know that the monster beast belongs to Fengli land, and what other mines are there besides these three gold mines?" Du Long asked on the main seat.

After waiting for a while, an old man finally said respectfully: "Lord Lord! This subordinate is from Fengli County, and he has a certain understanding of the Fengli land that belongs to the Forest of Monster Beasts, except for the three large mines that Lord Lord has now taken back. , the gold mines in other places are all small mines and poor mines. There are about a dozen of them in total. These small mines are time-consuming and laborious to mine gold, and there is a lot of luck in them, so they are not suitable for large-scale mining! Therefore, there are some Scattered adventure teams are just trying their luck!"

"Oh!" Du Long's eyes lit up and he continued to ask, "What do you mean by luck?"

"My lord! The so-called luck element refers to the mining of gold in those small mines. Everything depends on luck. If you are lucky, you will suddenly find ore with a large gold content. If you are unlucky, you will not be able to dig out gold for a long time. It can be said that lucky people are still in the minority!"

"Forget it! Since those small mines are not suitable for large-scale mining, let's put them aside for now, but in the future, we will send people to spy on the situation of each small mine, and when necessary, send people to take over the mine! Other than that , and continue to explore within the jurisdiction of the territory, find new veins, and grasp the distribution of monster power in the forest of monsters under your jurisdiction, Xiao Anzi, you have to do all these things with all your strength! "Du Long nodded and continued to confess.

"Yes! Young Master!" As a direct descendant brought out from the Du Mansion, Fu An was also used to calling Du Long this way naturally.

After arranging these things, the trip to recover the gold mine was successfully concluded. Du Long continued to stay in the third gold mine for one more day, and after finishing everything, he began to prepare for his return home!

First of all, of course, are the three small gold mountains. After each friend divided a hundred gold bars, the rest of his bones and brains were all received in his own space ring!

Since his strength has been upgraded from the level of energy accumulation to the level of cyclone, the space of his coiled snake ring has been several times larger, and it is no problem to store these gold bars!

Naturally, other people would not carry heavy gold bars on their backs, and handed the gold bars to Su Jinbao one by one. This guy has a space ring, and it is no problem to store hundreds of gold bars in the area.

He took out a stack of money tickets on the spot, and those who handed him the gold bars were each given 10,000 gold coins. This kid didn't even blink his eyes when he took out tens of thousands of gold coins.

"Hey! Student Su Huobao, does your family run a bank? Why do I feel that you have as many bills as paper?" Du Caini couldn't help teasing after receiving the 10,000 gold coin bill. road.

"That's right, that's right! It's not easy for this princess to come up with a ticket worth tens of thousands of gold coins all at once. What's your origin?" Princess Huofeng also booed. The princess felt very envious.

"Hey, if I say that the Xingchen Bank was opened by my family, do you believe it or not?" Su Jinbao said with a joke.

"Cut!" All the beauties rolled their eyes on the spot, all of them had expressions of disbelief, even Du Long and the boys did the same. The origin of this Star Bank is very mysterious. The chamber of commerce was opened, but who is the big boss of the Baolong chamber of commerce is still a mystery.

After everyone was ready, they immediately opened the road to return home the next morning, leaving about 200 miners and managers and 200 guards at the location of the third gold mine.

After safely crossing Shuangzigou all the way, the brigade rushed directly to the location of the second gold mine, leaving about 200 miners and 100 guards there. Gold mine rushed.

As for the first gold mine, there are still about two hundred miners. As for the guards, there will be fewer guards. There are only dozens of territorial private troops. Just send some more people from the county.

In the end, only one hundred Yulin soldiers, dozens of Du family generals, and fifty or so miners who were unwilling to stay in the Forest of Monster Beasts and rushed home to reunite with their families were the only ones who followed Du Long!

A team of two hundred people left the Forest of Monster Beasts very quickly. After arriving at Jinshan Town, all the miners said goodbye to Du Long with gratitude and left. To be honest, before leaving the Forest of Monster Beasts, they still I'm really worried that this lord will kill people to silence him!

Now that they have finally put their hearts into their stomachs, they are naturally grateful to this Lord Lord who keeps his word!

After resting for a night in Jinshan Town, Du Long and his party rushed back to Fengli County without the burden of the miners, where they arranged all the work in Fengli County for these days, especially for the The logistics support work of the three gold mines has to be properly arranged.

For example, it is necessary to immediately send additional defense forces to the three gold mines, increase daily expenses such as food and grass there, and recruit new miners throughout the county, etc. In short, Du Long has been busy for two days before finally finishing all the matters. !

At this point, Du Long and his group of Haotian Royal Academy students finally embarked on their way back to the capital city. In order to hurry up, they almost kept going. Unless necessary, they encountered some towns on the road and did not enter them. They just went around the city.

Even in such a hurry, it still took them nearly three days to return to the capital city after a long absence!

"You bastard! How could Fan Liang disappear without a trace with more than 300 family generals and two fourth-level monsters? Even if a high-level monster suddenly attacked him, it would be impossible to kill even one of them." Don't you?" In a heavily guarded study room in Fan Mansion, the left minister Fan De's angry curse sounded.

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