Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 114 Return to the capital

Because of the lore order last night, all the gold stored here is cheaper than Du Long!

After interrogating for a whole day, Du Long started to appease the hundreds of miners after taking all the members of the Fan family into custody. With these skilled miners, a lot of things would naturally be saved.

After understanding, the treatment of these miners can be described as extremely poor. The Fan family does not treat them as human beings at all. They work hard every day. If they move a little slower, they will be whipped!

I still can't get enough to eat every day, and I can't wear warm clothes!

In short, these miners are poor people without any protection at all. Once they get tired and sick, the Fan family will directly throw them into the forest of monsters. These ordinary humans fall into the forest of monsters and basically die ten times. Wusheng will definitely become a delicious meal for many low-level carnivorous monsters!

In the small square of the gold mine cottage, hundreds of ragged miners gathered at this moment. Du Long led a group of friends to stand on a small platform, looking at these poor people who were not even as good as beggars.

"Report to Lord Lord! All the miners below have gathered, a total of 679 people!" A clever boy arranged by Fu Bo quickly stepped onto the platform and reported to Du Longhui respectfully.

This boy's name is Fu An, and everyone calls him Xiao Anzi. He is a distant cousin of Uncle Fu. He is only twenty-three years old, but he has been with Uncle Fu for five or six years. He has a high talent in account management. He is also the chief manager of the three gold mines selected by Du Long!

Nodding his head, Du Long strode to the front of the stage, looked at the group of miners with piercing eyes and said loudly: "Du Long, the new lord of Xiafengli County! Illegal behavior, so I came here!"

"My lord! I was wronged! Most of us were kidnapped here by a group of men in black, and then we were mining gold mines day and night. It was completely forced, not out of intention. Lord Lord please avenge Xiaomin!"

"My lord, avenge the grievances of the little people!"

As soon as Du Long revealed his identity, the miners who were still terrified immediately fell to their knees, shouting their grievances, and the scene became chaotic!

Pressing down with both hands, Du Long shouted loudly: "Everyone, be quiet first, and listen to the lord to continue! I know your situation, and you are all victims of the private gold mining! Therefore, this The lord will definitely not punish everyone for their crimes, on the contrary, I will try my best to help everyone!"

"First of all, the lord has taken over three gold mines from today, and a large number of miners are needed to continue mining gold mines here, of course! I, Du Long, will not treat the miners like those unscrupulous private mine owners. Apart from ensuring that everyone In addition to food and clothing, each person will be paid two to five gold coins a month! The exact amount depends on your monthly work performance!"

"Secondly, if anyone among you is unwilling to stay, the lord promises to send you out of the Forest of Monster Beasts in two days, and each of you will give five silver coins as travel expenses!"

"Okay! Is there anything else you don't understand? If you have something, you can raise it on the spot!" Du Long said his decision loudly. However, perhaps because these miners have been abused here for a long time, they simply cannot believe Du No one dared to stand up and ask questions about what Long said.

Seeing this scene, Du Long finally could only shout loudly according to the advice of the ring spirit beauty: "I know! You must not believe the words of the lord, whoever dares to ask the first question! The lord immediately rewarded him ten gold coins as a reward! "

"Lord, is the two to five gold coins wages you said true? Also, if we don't want to do it, can we leave here at any time?" Du Long waited for a long time, and finally a miner mustered up his courage and shouted He asked out the doubts in his heart.

"Hehe! Good question! Come here, give him ten gold coins first!" Seeing that someone finally dared to speak up, Du Long immediately honored his promise, and the clever little Anzi immediately sent someone a bag of ten gold coins In the past, many miners looked at this lucky guy with envy.

When the miner took the bag of gold coins with trembling hands and confirmed that it was correct, he immediately fell to his knees with a plop and shouted: "Thank you, Lord, thank you for the reward, Lord!"

"Haha, you deserve it!" Du Long replied with a loud laugh, "I will answer your question now, the monthly salary of two to five gold coins is definitely real! Hard work pays more, and in the future it will definitely There will be a salary distribution plan that satisfies everyone!"

"There is also the question of where to stay. Everyone knows that this is the Forest of Monster Beasts. It is not easy to go in and out usually. It is impossible to send a large team to escort him out just because someone wants to quit!"

"Therefore, the lord has decided to sign a labor contract with all the miners! This contract is valid for one year, that is to say, after one year, you can choose to stay or not. At that time, the lord will arrange manpower to escort you to leave!"

After Du Long made such a promise, the miners immediately whispered to each other and started talking. To be honest, most of them are poor people in Fengli County.

The wages of two to five gold coins a month are too tempting for them, as long as they work for a month, they can feed their whole family for a whole year.

If they can get a whole year's wages, dozens of gold coins are enough to make them the wealthiest existence in the village. By then, it will be no problem to marry a beautiful wife and build a beautiful house at home!

"My lord! May I ask if our wages are paid once a year or once a month?" Finally another miner who was very excited got up the courage to ask.

"The wages of all miners will definitely be settled and distributed in the same month! In addition, the lord has made the latest decision, that is, every miner has an annual leave every year. During the Chinese New Year, they can enjoy a one-month long vacation so that everyone Every miner has a chance to go home for the Chinese New Year, and of course, those who are willing to stay and work during the Chinese New Year will receive double the salary!" Du Long announced loudly according to the suggestion of the ring spirit beauty.

As soon as he finished speaking, some people couldn't help shouting loudly that they wanted to stay. The people of the Haotian Empire all have a New Year's celebration. After a whole year of hard work, they can go home to celebrate the New Year with a lot of money. man's dream!

The salary is not lower than the high salary in the capital, plus the promise of a one-month New Year holiday, so many miners who were planning to give up their jobs here and go home to reunite with their families began to hesitate.

"My lord! Please forgive me for being bold. The treatment you described is really attractive. To be honest, the little ones are also touched! However, after all, we are just some small people, and our small arms can't twist your thighs. Therefore, Xiaomin is worried that the promise of the lord will not be fulfilled in the future, do you have any good ways to make us feel at ease?" Among the miners, a slightly older middle-aged man stood up and said loudly.

Obviously, his doubts are also the common doubts of many miners below. Before this problem is resolved, it is estimated that although many miners are greedy for the generous treatment here, they have to choose to leave for the sake of their own lives.

After all, the inhuman treatment they suffered here before made many miners wish they could grow wings and escape from this purgatory on earth!

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