Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1062 Climbing the Ladder

Li Yong and Miao Qing stretched out their hands to catch Su Lang who was kicked over, and the faces of the three god killers became very ugly. Although they had known for a long time that this sloppy old man was as unfathomable as Brother Xie's strength, today they finally learned the lesson up!

"Huh!" With a cold snort, the sloppy old man turned around and looked at Du Long: "Boy! I didn't expect that after entering the Dianhe Cave for more than a hundred years, it can already be described as impressive! "

"Hey, thank you for your praise!" Du Long had already learned about the identity of the sloppy old man from Huo Hong, and he was one of the god-level powerhouses who ascended to the God Realm from the Qi League many years ago!

"Hmm! Old man, I seldom praise a young disciple. Come on! Hurry up and say hello to your master!" Nodding in satisfaction, the sloppy old man turned around and walked slowly towards the location of the three god-killing guards.

"Su Lang! For the sake of the old man Xie, this old man will not pursue your mistake today any longer. However, this matter must never be repeated. If I let the old man know that you disregard the face of the god-level powerhouse and take action against my fairy-level If you are a powerful disciple, then don’t blame the old man for being ruthless, even if you want to start a full-scale war, the big deal is to accompany you to the end!” Looking at the three gods and guards with cold eyes, the sloppy old man said in an extremely flat tone.

Although the tone was flat, everyone could hear the chilling killing intent from it, and the three god killers also understood it. This is definitely not someone trying to scare him, and he will definitely do what he says!

"Hmph! We will pass this matter on to Brother Xie. As for how he will decide how to seek justice, that is beyond what the three of us can stop!" Before Su Lang could reply, Miao Qing had already spoken for him.

"Fair?!" The sloppy old man said disdainfully: "It's a bit ironic to say these two words from the mouth of your god-killing guard! Forget it, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, so you can do it yourself!"

After saying hello to Fairy Zixia and the others, a group of god-level powerhouses ended their confrontation. Fairy Zixia and others, led by the sloppy old man, returned to the alliance side!

"Master! Since the ancestor and his elders have the ability to kill these three god-killing guards on the spot, why didn't they take the opportunity to kill them?!" Seeing the end of the confrontation between the two sides, Du Long couldn't help asking Huo Hong .

"It's not difficult to kill three or two of them, but what's difficult is how to face the forces behind them!" Huo Hong secretly shook his head and said through voice transmission: "Three god-killing guards in a district, for that force Words are nothing at all, if it is not necessary, the master and the old man are naturally unwilling to tear themselves apart!"

"Could it be that those god-killing guards are also extremely powerful in the god rank?!" Du Long said with his eyes widened in astonishment.

"That's natural!" Huo Hong raised his eyebrows and said solemnly: "Our four major alliances are not weak in the backing of the gods, but they are still unwilling to tear themselves apart from the black assassin in the fairy world. Otherwise, hehe! The Black Assassin Society with the support of a few god-killing guards is simply bullshit!"

Du Long was stunned. He had always believed that there were only those god-level powerhouses behind the Black Killing Society, but now it seems that this is not the case. Apart from a few god-level powerhouses, there are also some god-level powerhouses standing behind them. A powerful force!

"Could it be that here in the Immortal Realm we can directly get in touch with the gods?!" Although Du Long had already guessed, he still asked the doubt in his heart.

Nodding his head, Huo Hong replied in a deep voice: "Whether it is the Black Killing Society, our four major alliances, or the Dragon Clan and the Tanren Clan, they all have secret channels to communicate with the God Realm!"

After being stunned for a while, Du Long said in surprise: "The Tan people?!"

"Here, those three guys in red are the god-ranked powerhouses behind the Tanren Clan!" Huo Hong didn't talk nonsense, and secretly pouted at the three red-clothed men.

Only then did Du Long notice that the three maverick red-clothed men could sense a terrifying flame aura from them. This aura is so powerful that it is definitely not comparable to ordinary nine-star perfect immortals!

As if sensing Du Long's fiery gaze, the three of Jiang Yang also looked at him curiously. For this young man who dared to challenge the Black Killing Society alone in the fairy world, the three strong Tan people were both curious and a little bit Admire his courage!

"Okay! With the appearance of the sloppy master, those god-killing guards must not dare to deal with you openly!" Huo Hong continued to change the subject: "Since we have broken into the core area of ​​​​Dianhe Immortal Palace, we must find a way to get rid of it!" Understand the situation here!"

Only then did Du Long withdraw his attention, and began to look at the thousand-bladed solitary peak in front of him, as well as that steep ladder!

"Dianhe Sky Ladder?!" After seeing the four simple characters carved on the stone wall at the entrance of the Sky Ladder at the foot of the mountain, Du Long couldn't help muttering softly.

"Haha! It's the Dianhe Heavenly Ladder. This ladder has exactly 10,000 steps. Only those who can climb to the top step by step are eligible to receive the inheritance of the Dianhe Heavenly Emperor!" Just as Du Long finished speaking, he heard The sloppy old man replied with a loud smile.

"Master! Could it be that after entering the world of Dianhe Dongtian, you group of god-level powerhouses came here directly to accept the inheritance assessment?! Has there ever been a god-level powerhouse who successfully climbed to the top?!" Du Long's eyes widened Liang, immediately thought of the key point.

"That's right! The tests in Dianhedongtian world are not effective for the god-level powerhouses. We have been here for more than a hundred years, but unfortunately, no one has successfully climbed to the top!" Everyone at the scene heard his words.

"Isn't it?!" Du Long whispered depressingly: "If even the god-level powerhouses can't climb to the top, then we fairy-level existences, wouldn't we have no hope of reaching the top?!"

Du Long's words were not unreasonable. Many immortal cultivators showed a trace of helplessness on their faces, apparently even less confident about whether they could get the legacy of Emperor Dianhe!

"No, no!" The sloppy old man opened the gourd plug, poured a mouthful of spirits into his mouth, then wiped his mouth and shook his head, and replied: "The Heavenly Emperor Dianhe chooses the inheritor, since the existence of the immortal level is allowed to enter Among them, it will naturally give you a glimmer of hope for success, and this Dianhe Sky Ladder will give people of different strengths different assessment difficulties!"


The sloppy old man's answer caused an uproar in the originally quiet crowd, and the eyes of the immortal cultivators who had already given up hope lit up with a glimmer of hope!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. . .

Immediately, there were several figures rushing towards the Dianhe ladder impatiently. Most of these people were not disciples of the top powers, but casual cultivators, or immortal cultivators with good talents in the small powers!

It can be said that none of the immortal cultivators who can reach the basic combat power above the seven-star level and can successfully accept several tests in Dianhe Cave come here is the easy generation!

Du Long was not in a hurry to climb the Dianhe Ladder, but continued to ask the sloppy old man about the conditions for climbing the Dianhe Ladder, and the difficulty of successfully climbing to the top, etc.!

As the saying goes, sharpening the knife does not cut firewood by mistake, not everyone can easily climb the Dianhe Ladder, and those who are unwilling to spend this time asking about the experience and lessons of the predecessors will probably suffer a lot later in the process of climbing the ladder deficit!

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a guy to scream, spit out a mouthful of blood, and finally rolled down from the ladder of more than 100 levels. Seeing him lying on the ground like a dead dog, he probably won't die. Are you going to kill Half-Life? !

The sudden change was like pouring cold water on the head, and the restless atmosphere at the scene instantly quieted down. Many people finally understood that the seemingly harmless Dianhe Ladder, if greedy for success, might also have great risks!

"Sister Huo'er! This is the Dianhe Sky Ladder. According to the master's opinion, as long as you don't be greedy for merit, and carefully comprehend the mysteries in the process of climbing the ladder, it will help your own cultivation to some extent!" Holding the Dianhe ladder, Du Long confessed to Xiao Sehuo who had just been released by him via voice transmission.

Since Chuangdian Hetian Ladder is of some help to practitioners, Du Long will naturally not forget to share this benefit with Xiao Sehuo. As for his wives and daughters who have not reached the seven-star level, it is not easy to violate the regulations and send them away for the time being. let go.

After explaining to Xiao Sehuo, Du Long stepped up to the Dianhe ladder together with her. The moment he stepped on the first step of the ladder, a wave of energy that could bind body and soul at the same time suddenly descended!

However, it should be because it is only the first step, this binding force is not too strong, and it can be easily resisted by relying on its own strength!

Feeling the energy restraint that affects both body and soul, Du Long frowned slightly. He was not in a hurry to continue climbing up like others, but stood on the first step and began to analyze this mysterious energy. What exactly is the power of God!

"Du Long! Why don't you continue to climb up?!" Xiao Sehuo originally wanted to walk side by side with Du Long, but when he saw that he was standing still on the first step, he immediately asked in a strange way road.

Looking up at Xiao Sehuo who was standing on the third step, he grinned and said, "Sister Huo'er! I just want to use this ladder to gain insight into cultivation. It doesn't matter whether I can reach the top, so you don't have to wait for me." ! Let's practice on the ladder!"

After being dazed for a moment, Xiao Sehuo nodded with a smile and said, "Forget it! Then let's practice separately!"

Seeing Du Long close his eyes again, as if he was comprehending something, Xiao Sehuo, who has always been more impatient, turned around thoughtfully and continued to climb the ladder, but her speed dropped significantly, as if she was infected by Du Long , began to carefully sense something while climbing the ladder.

In this way, people continued to rush out of the layers of fog in the Dianhe Fairy Palace, and then joined the ranks of climbing the ladder. However, many people were a little puzzled to find such a strange phenomenon, that is, they stood on the first ladder from the beginning to the end. Du Long above a step!

Unlike other people who can't wait to climb to the top, it took him a whole year to stand on the first step. Many people climbed up, fell down, and then continued to climb after healing their injuries. progress!

However, he just stood on the first step like this. Such a maverick performance naturally attracted the attention of countless people. They didn't know what effect he had standing on the first step like this!

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