Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1061 Don't hesitate to turn your face

Dianhe Fairy Palace, the core area, stands a lone peak as high as a thousand blades!

A ladder leads from the bottom of the peak to the top. At this moment, you can see several figures in the middle of the ladder slowly advancing. If Du Long could see these people at this moment, he would immediately understand their identities. The god-level powerhouse who disappeared without a trace after the world!

Among them, there are Su Lang, Li Yong, and Miao Qing, the three god-killing guards, as well as the sloppy old man and eight other god-level powerhouses. Calculated in this way, there are a total of twelve passers-by who have reached the god-level strength!


On the ladder, there was a scream of pain suddenly, and Li Yong, one of the god-killing guards, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and rolled down the ladder in embarrassment!

It seemed that he had already become accustomed to this situation, and the other god-ranked powerhouses on the ladder at most just glanced at him, then buried their heads and continued to climb up slowly.

As for Li Yong, who just fell off the ladder, he sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes as if he was healing his injuries, and ignored the gazes of outsiders at all!

As time passed, the god-level powerhouses on the ladder couldn't hold on any longer, and they retreated automatically, or fell down the ladder in embarrassment like Li Yong!

If you are interested, you will find that the three god-killing guards standing behind the Black Killing Society all look a little embarrassed. As for the other god-level powerhouses, although they occasionally look a little embarrassed, they are obviously much more relaxed than them!

Under the ladder, those god-level powerhouses are clearly divided into three factions!

Among them, the three god-killing guards formed a circle by themselves, and there were also three stern-faced men in red clothes forming a circle, and finally there were six god-level powerhouses represented by the sloppy old man!

"Ah! More than a hundred years have passed. Except for the sloppy brother who can climb the ladder of more than 8,000 steps, everyone else can only climb the ladder of more than 5,000 steps. If you want to climb the ladder of 10,000 steps, I don't know. The year of the monkey is the year of the horse and the moon!" In the circle of the six god-level powerhouses, a man in white clothes dressed as a middle-aged alchemist shook his head and sighed.

"Hehe, what brother Su Qi said is very true. If we calculate according to the millennium period set by Emperor Dianhe, I am afraid that only Brother Sloppy among us will have the chance to reach the top!" The strong man nodded in agreement.

The name of this strong man with dragon horns is Ao Hong, and he is naturally a god-ranked powerhouse standing behind the Dragon Clan. It is also because of his existence that the Black Assassin Society dare not easily deal with the Dragon Clan!

You know, not only are the dragons in the immortal and mortal worlds very powerful, but even the dragons in the gods are not to be underestimated!

"Haha! You all praise me!" The sloppy old man laughed at himself while holding a wine gourd in one hand and stroking his messy beard with the other: "The Dianhe Ladder has a long-standing reputation in the God Realm, and it may be harder to reach the top than to climb to the sky." However, this old man doesn’t even dare to think about climbing to the top!”

"If even the sloppy old man doesn't have confidence in climbing to the top, wouldn't it be a waste of time for us to enter the Dianhe Cave this time?!" A beautiful woman in a purple robe and as beautiful as a Guanghan fairy answered in a coquettish voice. .

"Hehe, didn't Fairy Zixia feel that climbing the Dianhe Ladder for more than a hundred years has great benefits for both the body and the soul?!" The sloppy old man asked back with a smile.

"Ah?!" Fairy Zixia let out a soft cry in astonishment, and then murmured as if she had realized something: "What the sloppy old man said is true. After more than a hundred years, no matter whether it is physical fitness or spiritual strength, there is nothing to lose." It's a big improvement!"

"Haha, that's exactly the case! So don't be impatient, it doesn't matter whether you can reach the top, the most important thing is to practice as much as possible within a thousand years, you must know who is the ladder set up by Emperor Dianhe Everyone has a chance to climb!" After laughing loudly, the sloppy old man comforted him.

"What the sloppy brother said is true, it's just some people..." Fairy Zixia deliberately glanced at the circle where the three god-killing guards were, and then continued to point out: "I don't understand this Reasonable, the result is always so terrible to be thrown! Hehe..."

Although her voice was not loud, she didn't set up a sound-forbidden enchantment, so it naturally fell into the ears of the three god-killing guards, and she saw that Miao Qing stared at her with a livid face and cursed: "Zixia! You Could it be that you want to make trouble?! It’s none of your business whether the old lady fell badly or not?! If you have the ability, you can go to the top and show the old lady, if you can’t do it, don’t criticize Sanghuai!”

"Heck!" Fairy Zixia looked at Miao Qing, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, trembling for a while and said: "Grandma, although I failed to climb to the top, at least I still have self-knowledge, and I will back down if I feel wrong, unlike some people who want to show off there! "

"You..." Miao Qing was about to say something furiously, when she saw a group of men in black suddenly rushing into the mist not far away, and it was Black Killer No. 2 who rushed here with a dozen or so people .

"No. 2 sees the three adults!" Hei Sha No. 2 is also sensible. After seeing the presence of the three god-killing guards, he immediately led a dozen of his men and rushed over to kneel down and salute.

"No. 2! It's very good... I didn't expect that the first batch of immortal ranks to arrive here were actually disciples of our Black Assassin Society!" The moment Miao Qing saw Black Assassin No. 2, the angry look on Miao Qing's face Immediately dissipated out of thin air, but put on a provocative gaze and stared at Fairy Zixia and said: "It's not like that bullshit alliance that some people shelter, it's been more than a hundred years, and no one has rushed here yet, tsk tsk !"

Uh, Zixia Fairy was obviously choked by these words, and couldn't find any rebuttals for a while, what they said made some sense!

"No. 2! Where are the others?! Why are you the only ones?!" Li Yong couldn't help asking, as if he felt that the group of subordinates behind Black Kill No. 2 looked a bit depressed.

"Back to the adults!" Heisha No. 2 replied hastily and respectfully: "After this journey, I will kill the disciples who will enter the world of Dianhe Cave, some of them died on the way to break through the level, and... there are still a large number of them. Died at the hands of... that Du Long!"

"What?!" Su Lang said angrily, "Who is Du Long?! Did he eat the heart of a bear or the gall of a leopard?! How dare he kill a large number of disciples of the Black Killing Society?!"

It's no wonder that Su Lang didn't think of Du Long's name for a moment. In his impression, Du Long only had seven-star strength, so how could he pose such a huge threat to the Black Assassin's team? !

Although his expression was apprehensive, Black Killer No. 2 was secretly ecstatic. After entering the Dianhe Immortal Palace, the group of them encountered many dangers in the Immortal Palace, and they had nowhere to vent their accumulated anger!

As a result, another freak like Du Long appeared in Dianhe Fairy Palace. According to reliable information received, there must be over a hundred members of the Black Assassin Society who died at his hands. , the number can be doubled or doubled!

Afterwards analysis, Black Killer No. 2 felt helplessly that it was already very difficult to kill Du Long with his own strength. Since it was Shenshawei who took the initiative to ask, how could there be any reason not to use his strength? !

In a flash of thought, he immediately recounted the detailed process of Du Long beheading and killing a large number of members of the Black Assassin Society, and he heard the twelve god-level powerhouses around him in amazement, curious about a man who was only seven-star not long ago. How did your little guy grow up like this!

"Bastard! How dare you kill two or three hundred members of my Black Assassin Society one after another. I must demand blood from him!!" After listening to the explanation of Black Killer No. , which gets even more eerie.

"Su Lang! This old man reminds you, Du Long is the direct disciple of the lord of my four major alliance weapons. If you dare to bully the small by disregarding your face, then don't blame the old man for not showing favor!" Almost at the same time, The sloppy old man standing on the side of the four major alliances directly threatened in a deep voice.

"Sloppy! Your grandson killed so many people in our Black Assassin Society, and you still have the face to threaten us?! Could it be that you are ready for an all-out war with us?!" Su Lang was angry without showing weakness drank.

"Hahaha..." The sloppy old man laughed back angrily: "Over the years, haven't you killed too few alliance disciples?! You always want to threaten me with an all-out war?! Hmph, to be honest, This old man is really not afraid of this trick!"

Facing the sloppy old man who was not to be outdone, not only Su Lang and the three god-killing guards felt strange, but even Fairy Zixia and the others felt that something was wrong. According to their understanding of the sloppy old man, he was definitely not a belligerent. For Du Long's sake, he will completely turn against Shenshawei!

"Sloppy! Do you understand what you are doing?!" Su Lang narrowed his eyes slightly, and a violent murderous aura condensed on his body. It looked like the word wolf in his name, as if he was ready to pounce on him at any time. The target is like a wolf!

Naturally, the sloppy old man would not take his performance seriously, and said with a sneer of disdain, "Of course I understand what I want to do! For countless years, how many outstanding disciples of the four major alliances have died in the process of growing up?" In your hands?! The old man doesn’t want to pursue those past matters anymore!”

"But this time, I vow to keep this Du Long, and I'm not afraid to put my words here. For this reason, I will not hesitate to start a full-scale war with you!"


The scene was silent, and everyone looked at the sloppy old man who was always at ease and rarely got angry in front of others in astonishment. They didn't expect him to say such decisive words!

After an unknown amount of time, another group of people penetrated the fog and appeared within the line of sight, breaking the extremely suppressed atmosphere on the spot, and saw that the leader of the weapon, Huo Hong, was rushing towards here with a group of people.

"Ao Zhuang (Ao Fan, Ao Fang...) pay homage to the patriarch!" First, the Dragon Emperor Ao Zhuan led the eight dragon kings and many dragon disciples, saluting respectfully to the god-level powerful Ao Hong.

On the other side, Huo Hong, the leader of Qi Alliance, naturally led a group of disciples and grandchildren, and began to pay respects to the sloppy old man, Fairy Zixia and other strong men standing behind the four major alliances!

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