Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1005 Vulcan Orb

"Sister-in-law! Why did you come here too?! As long as the patriarch is here, you should stay and take care of Qing'er!" Gazi, a brother of the fire ape demon clan, who is the same generation as the patriarch Ga Gong, stepped forward and persuaded .

"It's enough for Qing'er to be taken care of by his ninth brother, alas! Speaking of which, the trouble this time is probably caused by Qing'er, a wayward child. I hope that after this lesson, she can grow up quickly!"*** *Shakes head helplessly and sighs.

"Sister-in-law, what are you talking about?! If there was no patriarch, we would have already grown grass on our graves, and we could not die anymore! How can we live for tens of thousands of years?!"

"That's right, that's right! These ten thousand years have been earned, as long as Ninth Brother and the others can rush out alive with the blood of the clan, then our death will be worth it!"


Facing the patriarch's wife who was full of guilt, many people comforted him, as they said, if the patriarch Ga Gong hadn't brought these clansmen out back then, they would have died like other clansmen!

On the seventh layer of defense at the core of Zhizedongtian, Heisha No. 5 and Heiyun Zhanjiang continue to break through all obstacles on this line of defense, and successfully reach the area of ​​​​the eighth layer of defense!

"Spirit of the array! Send me an order. All the clansmen participating in the battle will enter their respective battle positions and be ready to activate the Vulcan Destroyer Array to deal with the incoming enemy!" Seeing that even the seventh layer of defense could not stop the enemy's advance, Ga Gong Finally, the latest order was issued: "Also, let Ninth Brother and the others leave the clan immediately with the Space Cave, and escape from the Huaze Cave World according to the original plan!"

"Yes! Master!" After the Dongtian Array Spirit responded mechanically, he began to convey the instructions.

I saw three figures flashing out of the Fire Ape Monster Clan, and after clapping their hands and saying "precious" to each other, they shot away in three directions without looking back, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye!

With the help of the Dongtian Formation Spirit, the three of them were teleported out of the Huaze Dongtian World, and appeared in three different areas of Miaolin Planet, where the three secret escape formation gates specially prepared by the Fire Ape Monster Clan for today's escape were located. !

As the saying goes, there are still three caves for the cunning rabbit, not to mention their group who are always ready to be chased and killed by powerful enemies. It would be strange not to prepare a few escape routes!

As for the obvious entrance and exit of the Huaze Dongtian World, the Fire Ape Monster Clan did not consider it as an escape route at all. Since the Black Assassin Society can find this place, they will never give up guarding the obvious entrance and exit!

The fact is exactly the same. On the surface, Heisha No. 5 and Heiyun Warlord swaggered in through the gate of the Luoze cave, but secretly left some people outside the gate of the cave. The gate is free to enter and exit!

In addition, the Black Assassin Society also controls the interstellar teleportation formation on the Miaolin planet. There are no interrogation measures for those who enter the Miaolin planet, but if they want to leave the Miaolin star field, they must go through strict interrogation!

The black killing array of the entire Miaolin planet is also in full swing. In addition to sealing off the space of the entire planet, it is also constantly monitoring whether anyone wants to fly away from Miaolin planet and enter the space outside the planet!

Once the target is found, it will immediately report to another Black Snow Warlord who is in charge of chasing down the remnants of the Fire Ape Monster Clan on Miaolin Planet, and then Black Snow Warlord will be responsible for arranging the pursuit mission!

In short, this time, in order to deal with the remnants of the fire ape monster clan hidden in the world of Huaze Dongtian, the Black Killing Society has made all kinds of emergency preparations!

At the beginning, the leader of the Black Killing Society issued an order to all the Black Killing Guards who had no important tasks at hand to rush to the Taoyun Starfield to hunt down the remnants of the Flower Fairy Spirit Race. As a result, Black Killer No. 5 finally rushed to the Kuizhan Starfield as originally planned , the purpose is to carry out the important task of dealing with the fire ape monster clan this time!

It can be seen that the Black Assassin headquarters also attaches great importance to this mission!

Zhize Dongtian, the eighth line of defense in the core area!

The progress of Heisha No. 5 and General Heiyun was finally blocked by the large formation in front of them, but what blocked their way was not the Vulcan Destroying Heaven formation of the Fire Ape Monster Clan, but the only one in the Huaze Dongtian world. A demigod-level magic circle!

What is a demigod-level magic circle? !

To put it simply, a demigod-level magic circle is a magic circle that exceeds 18 stars but fails to reach 19 stars, so it is called a demigod-level magic circle by people in the fairy world!

It is no secret in the Immortal World that there is a demigod-level magic circle in the world of Huaze Dongtian, and there is a reason why the Black Killer Society dared to directly send Black Killer No. 5 with Heiyun Warlord to enter the world!

There are a total of 16 black assassin guards under the banner of the leader of the Black Assassin Club. Apart from their extremely terrifying combat power bonuses, they each have their own special advantages!

For example, what this Black Killer No. 5 is best at is a magic circle!

In the Immortal World, there are many forces that are wanted by hackers for various reasons!

As we all know, the Black Killing Society is extremely powerful in the fairy world. In order to avoid being chased and killed, most of those forces chose to escape into a dangerous cave world and live on their last breath!

Even in the Immortal World, there are not many real god-level cave worlds, and it is extremely difficult to control the god-level cave world, and it is extremely dangerous to enter it, and it is often the result of ten deaths and no life!

At the beginning, Du Long was able to successfully control a god-level Nine Nether Cave World, which was also based on his own amazing talent for formation patterns, which allowed him to learn the Nine Nether Immortal Kungfu within a thousand years!

Otherwise, even an existence at the level of the leader of the Black Killing Guild Master might not even be able to enter the door of the Nine Nether Cave World, let alone control it!

Therefore, the vast majority of fleeing groups choose to control some demigod-level cave worlds as much as possible, just like the fire ape monster clan. Hide away!

Faced with this kind of demigod-level cave world, the Black Assassin Club has specially trained some talents who can restrain the demigod's cave formation, and Black Kill No. 5 is one of them!

First of all, his combat power bonus is not weak, it has reached the 16-star combat power bonus!

Secondly, his strength in the magic circle is not weak, and he has reached the perfect strength of eighteen stars!

The strength of the 18-star magic circle, plus the bonus of the 16-star combat power, this also allows Black Killer 5 to have the strength to crack the demigod-level magic circle!

For tens of thousands of years, Heisha No. 5 has also experienced several battles to crack the sub-magic circle, and has accumulated a lot of experience in breaking the magic circle!

But even so, he didn't dare to underestimate the sub-divine array on the eighth line of defense in the core area of ​​the Huaze Dongtian World, but started to break the array very carefully!

Zhizedongtian sub-god-level magic circle, which integrates sleepiness, illusion, and attack and killing, if it is only relying on brute force, it is impossible to break through the defense of this magic circle if it is as strong as Black Killer No. 5!

He can only rely on his own strength in the magic circle, try to find the weak link in the magic circle, and then concentrate on one point, and then break through this demigod-level magic circle!

He had been closely watching the two men in black in the eighth line of defense, and Ga Gong's expression was extremely solemn. He had already seen from the calm pace of Black Killing No. 5 that they definitely came prepared!

Frowning and pondering for a while, Ga Gong's eyes flashed cold killing intent and said: "Second brother, third sister, fifth brother! You three don't waste time with those passers-by, directly launch the strongest attack to kill them, you can't kill them!" Blow them out of the core defense line!"

"What's the matter?! Could it be that those two guys are going to break through the eighth layer of defense?!" Ga Yue exclaimed in astonishment.

"Although they haven't shown signs of breaking through the eighth layer of the magic circle, but... it gives me a feeling that they should be able to break through. We must prepare for the worst and be ready to strangle them with all our strength on the ninth line of defense. , otherwise..." Ga Gong said with an incomparably dignified expression.


Following Ga Gong's order, in the core area of ​​the cave, the other figures who are breaking through different lines of defense will be miserable!

In their eyes, the magic circle, which was considered mild, suddenly became violent, and all kinds of flame energy and thunder fire energy flew towards them like crazy, as if they were not afraid of wasting energy!

With such a huge change, those who broke through the level complained endlessly, or broke through with all their strength, or struggled under the crazy attack of the big formation, and finally were either killed in the big formation, or blasted out of the nine-layer defense line!

In the end, those immortal cultivators who were kicked out could only look at each other with lingering fear, then turned around sadly and flew towards the gate of the cave, apparently preparing to leave this cave world!

However, they never thought that they would be lucky enough to escape from the crazy attack of the Huaze Dongtian formation, but after leaving the Dongtian world, they would fall into the siege set up by the black assassin outside the gate of the Dongtian formation!

According to the practice of the Black Killing Society, for these people, they will always kill a thousand wrong ones, and never let go of any suspicious targets!

After successfully expelling all the irrelevant personnel in the core defense line, the three fire ape monster powerhouses who finally freed up their hands, and then turned their attention to Heisha No. 5 and Heiyun Warrior!

The four fire ape demon masters joined forces to control the demigod-level magic circle, and launched a fierce attack on the two intruders!

The terrifying flame energy beast, the deadly thunder fire hidden behind the flame energy, and even the attacks launched by Ga Gong, the head of the fire ape demon clan, were mixed in among the attacks, but they were still avoided by the two men in black. Come.

As a result of some attacks, the strength of Heisha No. 5 was many times stronger than that of Warlord Heiyun, and it was precisely because of his existence that Warlord Heiyun was able to escape fatal blows several times and survived!

"Brother! Do you want to use that treasure to deal with them?!" Seeing that the attacks were either blocked or dodged, wasting a lot of energy, but still unable to kill the two men in black, The irritable Gahu finally couldn't help shouting.

"No!" In the end, the patriarch Ga Gong refused without hesitation: "As soon as the Vulcan Orb comes out, our identities will be revealed immediately. Unless they rush to the ninth layer of defense, we must not use it lightly!"

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