Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1004 Level 1 Combat Preparation

"Brother! What happened?!" Three figures, two men and one woman, appeared in the study room where Ga Gong was handling affairs. One of them was a middle-aged man who was slightly burly and had a hot temper. Asked loudly.

"Second brother!" Ga Gong's face looked extremely serious, and he pointed to a certain picture concentrated above the study room and said, "Look at the two men in black who are breaking through the barrier in that picture! In less than half an hour, they They have already broken through from the first layer of defense to the fifth layer...Ah! It took only a moment, and they actually broke through the fifth layer of defense again!"

Just as Ga Gong was explaining to the three people, the two men in black in the picture successfully cracked the magic circle on the fifth layer of defense again, and they were flying towards the location of the sixth layer of defense!

"Not good! Judging by the outfits of these two people, there is a high possibility that they will be members of the Black Assassin Society. They can easily break through the first five layers of defense. Their status in the Black Assassin Society is definitely not low. Could it be that... Black Assassin? Have you already discovered this hiding place of ours?!" The enchanting woman Ga Yue's face changed, and she whispered on the spot.

"Brother! Did someone from the clan leave the Huaze Dongtian privately recently?!" The relatively thin young man next to him was the fifth younger brother Ga Gu in this group of people, and his eyes flashed as he thought of a certain possibility.

"This..." The patriarch Ga Gong hesitated for a long while, and finally sighed helplessly: "Oh! It's that girl Qing'er who tortured me for a long time before, saying that she just wanted to live on the Miaolin planet outside. Take a stroll..."

"Brother! You are so confused!" Ga Yue rolled her eyes depressedly on the spot.

"Third Sister! This can't be blamed on Big Brother. We adults are fine. Children like Qing'er have never been out of the Huaze Cave, and even the core area where we live is not allowed to go out at will. This place is like a huge It’s like a cage, so it’s reasonable for the child to want to go out and have a look!” Ga Hu explained for the patriarch Ga Gong.

"That's all! Big brother, did Qing'er ever come back?!" Ga Yue could only shake her head helplessly.

"She went out more than a year ago, and she came back after just wandering outside for a month!" The patriarch Ga Gong obviously knew that he might have made an unforgivable mistake because of his soft heart, so he didn't speak for a while. Emboldened.

"Hey! For the present plan, let's divide the labor and cooperate according to the old method, and try our best to strangle these two suspicious men in black in the big formation!" The old fifth Gahu also sighed softly.

Thus, the four core members of the Fire Ape Monster Clan finally started to act. Their method was very simple, that is, the patriarch Ga Gong would personally control the formation to deal with the two men in black, and the other three would control the formation to deal with the nine men. Several other masters in the first layer of defense launched a blocking attack.

Inside the sixth line of defense, Heisha No. 5 and Heiyun Warlord seem to be walking slowly. At this moment, the scene in front of them has become a Gobi Desert that is constantly emitting deadly flames!

Oh ho!

Amidst the roar of a ferocious beast, a terrifying monster surrounded by flames sprang up from the sand, opened its bloody mouth, and slammed fiercely at the two men in black who broke into the formation. Bite it!


Heiyun Warlord snorted coldly, and the strange-shaped scimitar in his hand slashed out obliquely, a strange light flashed, and went straight to the charging flame monster!

Amidst the muffled sound, the flame monster was slashed fiercely by the light of the knife, and it instantly turned into fireworks flying all over the sky!


In the core area, Ga Gong, the patriarch of the fire ape demon who is controlling the formation, took a deep breath. Just now, the flame monster was a tentative attack launched by him controlling the formation of the cave, and the magic formation on the sixth layer of defense. one strike!

Although it was just a probing attack, it definitely had nine-star and twelve-star attack power, but it was a pity that he couldn't pose the slightest threat in front of Heiyun Warrior. How could this not make him secretly feel uneasy? !

Oh ho, oh ho. . .

On the sixth layer of defense in the Gobi Illusionary Territory, the two passers-by heard roars coming from all directions, and then saw a large number of flame monsters jumping up from the sand, and then directly launched a fierce attack on the two of them!

"Hmph! Bead of rice grains, also want to compete with the sun and the moon?!" Faced with a large number of flame beasts, Black Killer No. 5, who had never made a move, snorted coldly, and finally made a move!

I saw the black shadow flashing away, and then running among the flame beasts at a terrifying speed. You could see a sword following him like a shadow. Whenever a flame beast flew past, the sword The sword will instantly pierce the target, and the sword goes straight to the vital point of the flame beast's chest!

Puff, Puff, Puff. . .

As the figure of Black Killing No. 5 flew away, one after another the flame beasts burst open one after another. These existences that even the nine-star consummated powerhouse would feel headaches when they encountered them, faced with Black Killing No. 5, the man in black robe was like tofu Fragile!

Just like that, under the shocked gaze of Ga Gong, the patriarch of the fire ape demon, the two men in black swaggered past the sixth line of defense, and then shot towards the seventh line of defense in the air!

"Not good! They easily broke through the sixth line of defense and are advancing towards the seventh line of defense! Array spirit, pass my order, the whole family enters a state of first-level combat readiness, and all the old, young, women and children whose strength is lower than six-star level all enter the third seat In the space cave, prepare to evacuate at any time!" After witnessing the strength of the two masters of the Black Killing Society, the patriarch Ga Gong finally felt that the situation was a bit serious, and began to prepare for the worst.

The Fire Ape Monster Clan is located in the clan territory in the core area of ​​the Huaze Cave. After the cave spirits conveyed the order of the patriarch Ga Gong, the clan territory with a radius of hundreds of miles began to become chaotic!

Hum, hum, hum. . .

Figures surrounded by flames flew into the air from every corner of the clan. These people were all members of the Fire Ape Monster clan with a basic combat power of six stars or more. After receiving the instructions from the clan leader, they began to gather at the designated location, preparing to join forces to resist foreign enemies Invasion!

In the genocide war tens of thousands of years ago, countless fire ape monsters could only hide in this cave world. They never forgot the catastrophe of genocide, and they are always preparing for the arrival of the enemy!

"Qing'er, Qing'er! Hurry up, follow mother to your ninth uncle's house and gather!" A charming middle-aged woman rushed into a wing room, grabbed her precious daughter and left.

"Mother! Is it true what the cave spirits said just now?! Has a strong man from the Black Killing Society come in?!" The little girl who seemed to be only twelve years old asked in a panic. .

"How can Dongtian Zhenling make fun of this kind of thing?! Hurry up, don't say anything!" After the middle-aged woman responded eagerly, she pulled the little girl out of the other courtyard where she lived, and walked straight Not far away, a courtyard rushed past.

"Mother!" Being dragged forward by her mother, the little girl showed a hint of regret in her eyes: "Could it be that Qing'er went out for a month last year to attract the enemy?!"

The middle-aged woman froze, but quickly returned to normal. While pulling the little girl to continue on the road, she pretended to be natural and comforted her: "Don't think too much about it, Qing'er, it was a year ago when you left the house." It should have nothing to do with you! Remember, after entering the space cave that your ninth uncle is in charge of, you must obediently listen to your brothers and sisters, and stop being self-willed!"

Hearing these words from the middle-aged woman, the little girl's heart tightened, and her face showed a look of panic: "Mother! Don't you enter the cave world with Qing'er?!"

"Qing'er...Mother has already reached the level of nine-star perfection. I want to follow your father to fight against the enemies invading the clan land. I can't accompany you into the space cave. Qing'er has grown up, so I must be strong. Brothers and sisters live on, do you understand?!" ****'s eyes were red, but she tried not to let the tears fall, and explained in as natural a voice as possible.

"No, no! Qing'er doesn't want mother to leave, no matter whether she lives or dies, Qing'er must stay with mother!" Qing'er shook her head violently, tightly holding the ****'s arm, and refused to leave Let go.

I saw **** gritted her teeth, picked up her precious daughter and rushed into the other courtyard where clansmen kept entering, and then shouted at a man surrounded by many clansmen: "Ninth brother! Hurry up and put Qing'er in the Space Cave Mansion, I'll go help your elder brother! Remember, take good care of Qing'er, my sister-in-law entrusted her to you!"

"Sister-in-law, please calm down! Unless I am dead, no one will bully Qing'er!" Seeing the man reaching out to pick up the little girl who was struggling desperately, he replied firmly to the ****.

**** nodded, and then turned her eyes to her precious daughter, her beautiful eyes were already filled with tears, and in the end, regardless of still calling her daughter loudly, she gritted her teeth, turned around and left without looking back !

"Mother, mother..." The little girl Qing'er watched her mother gradually disappear into the distance, trying to break free from Uncle Jiu's arm, but it was all in vain!

Although her mother just comforted her by saying that the enemy came in and had nothing to do with her, Qing'er had a hunch deep in her heart that the enemy's invasion of the clan's land this time probably had a lot to do with her!

I remembered that I had been going to torture my father last year. At that time, my father said that once the enemy found the clan land, the consequences would be extremely serious!

But he has repeatedly stated that he just went to the outer planet for a stroll, and he will come back soon, and he will definitely not be discovered by the enemies of the Black Assassin Society!

Thinking about it now, for one's own selfish desires, disregarding the safety of the whole clan, the consequences are serious, and Qing'er regrets and hates in his heart!

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now, I just hope that the clansmen can use the powerful magic circle to wipe out the enemies here!

In the Huaze Dongtian, somewhere where the Fire Ape Monster Clan lived in seclusion, thousands of Fire Ape Monsters with strengths above six stars gradually gathered!

Everyone stood in the air with stern faces, and new people were constantly appearing to join the crowd, but there was no noise of discussion!

A chilling aura radiated from thousands of people. The members of the Fire Ape Monster Clan communicated with each other through their eyes, as if silently saying goodbye to these people who had lived for thousands of years!

"Sister-in-law! It's sister-in-law!" As a beautiful figure flew up in the air, the originally silent atmosphere relaxed, and many people greeted her with respectful expressions on their faces.

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