Yuanzhu City has a well-preserved ancient city, and the Burnt Tower and Bell Tower are its famous landmarks.

Xiaoxia said:"Yuanzhu City gives people a classical and elegant feeling, and I have the urge to wear traditional clothes!"

Xiaogang read the introduction of Yuanzhu City in the travel guide:"Yuanzhu City has a very long history and is the best-preserved ancient building complex at present."

Xiaoxia said:"I see!"

【It is detected that the host has arrived in Yuanzhu City. The title of Phoenix King Messenger has been awakened. Please go to the Scorched Tower.】

""Master Xiaozhi!"

Xiaozhi also heard Suicune's telepathy at this time, and he asked,"What's wrong?"

Suicune said,"Master Xiaozhi, I sensed that Yan Di is nearby."

Xiaozhi said,"In the Burnt Tower?" Suicune said,"Yes, that's where we were resurrected, the bottom floor of the Burnt Tower."

Does the Burnt Tower have a bottom floor? But we should know the specific things when we go to the Burnt Tower!

Xiaozhi opened his eyes and met Xiaoxia's concerned eyes. She said,"Xiaozhi, are you okay!" Xiaozhi shook his head and said,"It's okay."

Xiaogang said,"You suddenly stopped while walking, and then closed your eyes. Xiaoxia and I were still wondering what happened!"

Xiaozhi explained,"Just now Suicune's telepathy asked us to go to the Burnt Tower."

Xiaogang pointed to a burnt tower in their northwest direction and said,"Xiaozhi, look over there, that's the Burnt Tower!"

Xiaozhi nodded and said,"Then let's go and take a look!"

The group walked into the Burnt Tower. Xiaoxia looked around and said,"Xiaozhi, this Burnt Tower looks like it has experienced a fire."

Xiaozhi said,"The Burnt Tower is the original site of the Bell Tower. It is called the Burnt Tower because it was burned down. About three hundred years ago, a fire burned this place down. In this fire, three unknown Pokémon were burned to death, but before Ho-Oh left the Burnt Tower, he resurrected these three Pokémon, namely Suicune, Raikou, and Entei."

Xiaogang took a close look at the pillars and walls that were still supporting the tower and said,"It has been a long time indeed! These traces are at least hundreds of years old, which is basically consistent with what Xiaozhi said about the legend of Ho-Oh."

"Pikachu pricked up its ears, it felt like something had just passed by quickly.

Xiaozhi asked:"What's wrong with Pikachu?" Xiaozhi and the other two suddenly saw flames in front of them and began to burn the tower.

Xiaoxia stepped back a few steps and said:"What is going on?"

Xiaozhi said calmly:"Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, feel it carefully, the flames in front of you have no temperature."

Xiaogang stretched out his hand close to the flames in front of him and said:"Yes, there is no feeling of heat. Xiaozhi, what is this?"

Xiaozhi said:"It's an illusion"

"Yes, it is an illusion! I heard what you said just now, Gastly, Haunter, both of you stop it."A young man walked out from the darkness, Gastly and Haunter appeared, surrounding Xiaosong, and the illusion disappeared. The young man smiled and said,"My name is Xiaosong, and I am a gym trainer of Yuanzhu Gym."

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaosong and asked directly,"Mr. Xiaosong, can you please take me to the bottom floor of the Scorched Tower?"

Xiaosong's expression became serious and said,"How do you know that there is a bottom floor of the Scorched Tower?"

Xiaozhi pointed to the blurred statue of Ho-Oh on the wall and said,"I have seen Ho-Oh!" Xiaosong was surprised and said,"Have you seen Ho-Oh?"

Xiaozhi explained,"Yes, I have. I saw it near Tokiwa City in Kanto on the first day of my journey with Pikachu."Xiaosong immediately denied it and said,"You are wrong! It can't be Ho-Oh!" Xiaoxia didn't know why Xiaosong was so sure, and asked,"Mr. Xiaosong, why are you so sure?"

Xiaosong said:"That's because the Ho-Oh disappeared three hundred years ago! It was right after the Ho-Oh resurrected Suicune, Entei, and Raikou. My family is the family that has guarded the Bell Tower for generations!"

Xiaosong continued to explain:"The Bell Tower was originally the only place where the legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh communicated with humans.

The Ho-Oh was also regarded as a symbol of peace for humans.

My ancestor was the human chosen by the Ho-Oh to communicate with it.

Later, a group of people who wanted to obtain the power of the Ho-Oh to achieve their own goals appeared.

In that dispute, the Bell Tower was burned down.

This is the burnt tower where we are now.

It is said that after that day, the Ho-Oh decided to cut off contact with humans, and after resurrecting Suicune and the others, it left Vermillion City.


"My ancestors left this tower and did not repair it, just to use what happened in the past to warn future generations. But my ancestors also hoped that the King of Phoenix would return to Yuanzhu City, and built a bell tower exactly the same as the one before the Burnt Tower was burned to the east of the Burnt Tower. However, the King of Phoenix never came back again!"

After listening to Xiaosong's story, Xiaozhi said:"Mr. Xiaosong, it's normal that you don't believe it, then I'll show you my proof!" Xiaozhi took out a Master Ball and said:"Suicune is decided to be you!"

Xiaosong couldn't believe it. Suicune, one of the three Pokémon resurrected by the King of Phoenix, was in front of him. Suicune looked at Xiaosong and said:"You have the breath of the King of Phoenix on you."

Xiaosong said:"Suicune, my ancestor is the human who communicated with the King of Phoenix three hundred years ago!"

Suicune nodded:"I see." Xiaozhi walked to Suicune's side, and Suicune said to Xiaosong:"Master Xiaozhi is the messenger chosen by the King of Phoenix."

The fact that Suicune can follow Xiaozhi means that Xiaozhi has indeed seen the Ho-Oh and has been blessed by him to be chosen as a messenger. This also shows that the Ho-Oh has begun to try to forgive humans.

Komatsu nodded and said,"Xiaozhi, come this way! I'll take you to the bottom floor of the Scorched Tower now."

Komatsu led Xiaozhi and the other two down the stairs to the next floor. This floor was full of scorched wood, which blocked the way forward. Komatsu said,"Gengar, use your mental power to move all these woods away."

A Gengar drilled out from the ground under the feet of Xiaozhi and others, and used mental power to suspend the wood blocking the way in mid-air. Xiaogang asked,"Mr. Komatsu, is this Gengar yours?"

Komatsu said,"Yes. In fact, I asked Gengar to seal the passage to the bottom floor. Without Gengar's mental power, you can't go to the next floor. We're here!"

This Gengar of Komatsu is very strong. Although it has only the strength of the top gym, this powerful Psychic skill is unmatched even by the Quasi-King-level Pokémon.

Komatsu stopped in front of the wall of the narrow passage. He stretched out his hand and pushed the wall, and a staircase appeared. Under the stairs is the bottom floor of the Scorched Tower. Komatsu not only let Gengar arrange the situation in the passage, but also a hidden mechanism to protect the bottom floor of the Scorched Tower.

Suicune said:"Entei, come out! Master Xiaozhi is here!"

The bottom floor was extremely empty and dark, and Suicune's telepathy could form an echo.

After Suicune's voice fell, Xiaozhi felt the waveguide of Entei. Compared with the Entei created by the position totem in the green grassland, Xiaozhi could feel that this one was more powerful.

Entei walked out of the darkness, lay in front of Xiaozhi and lowered his head and said:"Master Xiaozhi!"

Suicune said to Xiaozhi:"Master Xiaozhi, please capture Entei."

Xiaozhi took out an empty Master Ball and captured Entei.

【Yan Emperor】

【Attribute: Fire】

【Gender: None】

【Features: Pressure (gives the opponent a sense of pressure, greatly reducing the PP of the moves they use)】

【Strength: Divine Beast Level】

【Skills: Smoke Screen, Bite, Meditation, Roar, Flame Fang, Crunch, Magical Power, Smoke Spray, Sunny Day, Big Word Explosion, Fire Spray】

【Conquer Entei, reward points 10,000】

Xiaosong bowed his head to Xiaozhi and asked:"Xiaozhi, since you are the one chosen by the King of Phoenix, can I ask you for a favor?"

Xiaozhi probably guessed Xiaosong's request, and he said:"Xiaosong, I promise you!

If I can conquer Raikou, I will return to Yuanzhu City to summon the King of Phoenix.

" He conquered Suicune, and now it's Entei.

Suicune said that the three of them are waiting for him on the road to the Chengdu area, so Raikou will also become his Pokémon.

Since the King of Phoenix sent these three beasts to protect him, it seems that the title of"Emissary of the King of Phoenix" given to him by the King of Phoenix means that it is waiting for the day when Xiaozhi can summon it.

Xiaosong said with gratitude:"Thank you!"

Xiaozhi also took Suicune back into the space. He said to Xiaosong:"You're welcome, Mr. Xiaosong, tomorrow's gym battle is up to you!"

Xiaosong nodded:"Xiaozhi, I'll wait for you in the gym tomorrow."

Xiaozhi and Xiaosong's gym match will start tomorrow!

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