After Xiaozhi and his friends crossed the mountain, they only needed to walk for another half a day to reach Yuanzhu City!

The sweet smell of fruit attracted Xiaozhi and his friends' attention. Xiaogang said,"What is this smell? It's sweet and fragrant, like the smell of ripe fruit."

Xiaoxia said,"Really, it smells good!"

"Pikachu was lying on Xiaozhi's hat, and from its high position, it saw an orchard not far away.

When they got closer, they found that it was an apple orchard.

Xiaozhi said,"It's an apple orchard."

Xiaogang said,"These fruits look delicious!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of wooden sticks knocking against each other."Pika" Pikachu looked up and saw the fruits suddenly disappearing from the tree.

Xiaoxia asked curiously,"What's going on?"

The remaining apple core was thrown in front of Xiaozhi and the other two, and another bitten apple was caught by Pikachu. At this time, Pikachu panicked, and Xiaozhi said,"Some Pokémon wants to make the owner of this orchard misunderstand us." As soon as Xiaozhi finished speaking, a large net caught Xiaozhi, the other two, and Pikachu.

""I finally caught you, you thieves who stole apples!"

Xiaogang rushed forward and said infatuatedly,"How can there be such a beautiful lady? You are like a beautiful fruit that makes people salivate!"

Xiaoxia grabbed Xiaogang's ear:"Now is not the time to talk about this!"

Xiaozhi reluctantly stepped forward to explain:"I think you misunderstood something! We just traveled here, how could we steal apples?"

The girl who caught Xiaozhi and the other two with a net put her hands on her hips and said angrily:"Don't lie! How are you going to explain the apple core in front of you and the apple in Pikachu's hand!" Xiaozhi took out his ID from his pocket:"This can prove it!" After showing the ID to the girl again, Xiaozhi hugged Pikachu in his arms and said:"Pikachu, open your mouth!"

Pikachu showed its teeth. Xiaozhi pointed to the tooth marks on the apple and said:"The tooth marks are different, how could we eat it!"

The girl saw so much evidence and apologized:"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said you are the criminals!"

Xiaoxia said:"Then let us go first!" Xiaoxia pointed at the net.

The girl hurriedly took the net off the three people and said:"I'm so sorry! My name is Anzhu and I'm the owner of this orchard. In order to make up for my mistake, I invite you to my house!"

Anzhu took out apples and tea to entertain the three people, and everyone introduced themselves to each other. Xiaogang said with love in his eyes:"Miss Anzhu, are you running this orchard alone?"

Anzhu nodded:"Yes, that's why I was so angry just now. This orchard is often short of manpower during harvesting. I have to harvest and inspect the apples. I just saw that there are fruit cores in front of you, Dr. Xiaozhi, and an apple in Pikachu's hand. I'm so sorry!"

Xiaozhi said:"It's okay! You don't have to blame yourself! Just make things clear."

Xiaogang said attentively:"If Miss Anzhu doesn't mind, I and my humble companions can help Miss Anzhu harvest apples!"

Xiaoxia said helplessly:"Xiaogang, who are your untalented companions?" Xiaoxia warned Xiaogang with her eyes. Xiaozhi smiled and said,"It's okay, let's help harvest! Didn't Miss Anzhu invite us to eat apples?" In fact, even if Xiaogang didn't say it, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia meant the same thing.

Anzhu waved her hands quickly:"I'm sorry, I agreed to apologize."

Xiaogang held Anzhu's hand:"Just leave it to us, Miss Anzhu, we can also use Pokémon to assist, which will definitely be much faster than harvesting alone."

Anzhu said gratefully:"Thank you very much!" Xiaozhi and the other two changed into work clothes, carried backpacks and followed Anzhu to the orchard. Anzhu pointed to the wooden sign tied to the tree and said,"Those are some simple anti-theft devices. When the Bobos come, they will make a sound." Xiaoxia said:"Then the sound we just heard was made by this!"

Anzhu said:"Yes. We are here, let's start with this apple tree! Only pick the big, red apples, and wait for the smaller ones to grow for a while before picking them."

Xiaozhi said:"Vulpes, Bayleaf, Gardevoir, Dragonite, you all come out to help!"

Xiaoxia said:"Starfish, Vaporeon, Crocodile, and Frog, you too!"

Xiaogang said:"I'll come too! Steelix, Geodude, Golbat, and Charmeleon, come out!"

With the help of the Pokémon, the picking speed is much faster."Pika!" Pikachu looked at the Pokémon on the opposite tree that were shuttling back and forth among the leaves.

Xiaozhi said:"Are they here? Miss Anju, I think your apples were stolen by them!"

"Pichu Pichu."

A group of Pichus ran past the group. The Pichu in the lead had some frizzy hair on his head, looking very naughty.

Xiaoxia said,"That's Pichu, right? It's the form of Pikachu before it evolved!"

Xiaogang nodded,"Right!"

Pikachu obviously held a grudge against Pichu for causing Anzhu to misunderstand him and Xiaozhi and the others, so he chased after them.

Xiaozhi said,"Let's go and see too!"

When Xiaozhi and the others chased after them, they saw a Toucan trying to snatch the apples from the Pichus, so it used its wings to attack the Pichus.

"Pikachu, 100,000 volts!"Pikachu sent out a strong electric shock and hit the Toucan. The Toucan was charred by the electricity and immediately lost its ability to fight.

The Pichus surrounded Pikachu, and Pikachu preached to the Pichus seriously. Xiaogang smiled and said,"Pikachu has become the role of the big brother!"

Xiaoxia said,"Pikachu has more little brothers."

The Pichus all lowered their heads, as if apologizing. Xiaozhi said,"These Pichus seem to be very hungry." Anzhu said,

"The harvest of the orchard this year is not as good as in previous years, so an anti-theft device was set up. This should be the reason why the Pichus are not full!" Xiaoxia looked at Xiaozhi and said,"Xiaozhi, what should we do?"

Anzhu put the apples in the backpack in front of the Pichus:"I also want to say sorry to you. You know, if you are so hungry, they are just some apples. You can eat them. Come here, Pichus!"

The leading Pichu looked at Pikachu, and Pikachu handed the apple on the ground to it. Only then did the Pichus get up the courage to eat the apples on the ground.

Xiaozhi suggested:"Ms. Anzhu, why don't you use apples as a reward and let these Pichus help pick apples. This will not only allow the Pichus to eat their fill, but also make the work in the orchard easier!"

Xiaoxia said:"This is a good idea!" Xiaoxia picked up the leading Pichu and said:"Pichu, are you willing?"

"Pichu Pichu." The Pichu nodded repeatedly.

Anzhu said:"Thank you, Dr. Satoshi. I think I should be able to get along well with these Pichus, and I can also help the orchard. In the future, I won't have to worry about apples being stolen!"

Pikachu directed the Pichus to pick apples. With the help of the Pichus, the speed increased again.

Musashi's voice came from the air:"Hahaha, little brats, we are here again!"

Satoshi said:"What are you doing here again?" Kojiro said:"Of course we are here to receive these apples. With these apples, we don't have to worry about food for a long time. The ones we can't finish can be made into cans and sold!"

Meowth said:"Why are you still wasting time talking to them, start the machine!"Meowth pressed the remote control in his hand, and a vacuum cleaner-like device with super strong suction appeared from under the Rocket Team's hot air balloon.

The apples on the fruit tree were sucked into the device, and the Pichus were small and light, and were sucked into the air one after another. Xiaoxia hugged the furry Pichu tightly in her arms, and Xiaozhi and Xiaogang asked the Pokémon to stop the Pichus so that they would not be sucked into the Rocket Team's machine.

"Dragonite uses Storm!

Dragonite flew up with three Pichus in its arms, flapping its wings to create a strong wind that swept Team Rocket's hot air balloon.


Dragonite made another thunder, sending Team Rocket away, and the apples sucked by Team Rocket fell out of the machine.

Xiaozhi said:"Everyone go and catch the apples!"

All the Pokémon went out and caught the apples that fell from the sky safely, and no apple was broken.

The sun gradually went down, and everyone finished picking all the apples. Xiaozhi and his friends rested at Anzhu's house for a night and prepared to leave the next day.

Before leaving, the furry Pikachu hugged Xiaoxia's legs, with a look of reluctance. Xiaoxia picked up Pichu and asked:"Pichu, do you want to come with me?"

"Pichu Pichu." The Pichu rubbed against Xiaoxia's arms.

Anzhu said,"Xiaoxia, you can take it away. As for them, I believe that with their help, we can pick more apples next year in the orchard!" Anzhu looked at the Pichus at his feet and hoped that it would be like this next year!

"Pichu Pichu." Pichu waved goodbye to its companions in Xiaoxia's arms.

Xiaogang cried reluctantly:"Goodbye Miss Anzhu!" Xiaozhi and

Xiaoxia said at the same time:"Let's go!"

Yuanzhu City is right in front of us!

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