Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 262 Are you the only one who calls me an orc?

Use the death of life to hone your skills, and show off your martial arts in battles with aliens to enhance your prestige within your clan.

As long as their peers believe that they are incredibly powerful and trust this, they can become truly powerful.

Getting stronger and stronger...even growing into the war BOSS of the entire orcs!

Every orc has this opportunity!

Every orc, even at the lowest level, has a way to improve himself step by step through this method.

Their bodies can grow indefinitely, and the bigger they get, the more powerful they become.

Big means good, big means strong!

Whether they know it or not, many orcs do this subconsciously.

Don't miss every opportunity to fight powerful enemies!

Don't miss every opportunity to show your strength in front of your companions!

This is their path to ascension!


The orc leader suddenly shouted, facing Gu Lan who was blocking the road, he was full of fighting spirit.

"Waaaagh!" The leader's war cry aroused enthusiastic responses from the orc boys who were fighting everywhere. In the uneven, noisy and fanatical shouts, an almost visible red light attached to each of the machete boys. , so that the strength and speed of their movements were strengthened a bit.

"I'm just waiting for you cowards to come out and pinch me!" the orc leader grinned widely, smiling a bit honestly.

He has not used all his strength, nor has he allowed his men to massacre, just to attract these sneaky human boys who have been hanging behind him!

We are already close, is there any time to run?

Gu Lan snorted coldly, with no intention of responding at all.

The so-called thorns... are to find all invincible enemies, challenge all unchallengable things, and embark on a thorny road that no one has ever walked before!

They are a group of extremely boring rich ladies! After having enough happy days, it’s time to find some excitement!

The edge of the single-edged long sword cut through the air, cutting away a few stray sparks.


In the confrontation between sword and axe, the first blow was equally divided.

As a "magic swordsman", physical and spiritual abilities are two absolute attributes that need to be developed in parallel.

The blessing of psychic energy made her originally seemingly weak sword appear indestructible, and she did not suffer too much of a disadvantage in a duel based on pure strength.

Moreover, the lightness of the weapon made her figure even more nimble. The blade of the sword touched the blade and moved away, then moved towards another orc who was slightly "thinner".

Thinness is only a relative term. The orc leader is almost twice her height, and even this slightly "thin" one is still twenty or thirty centimeters taller than her.

But with the blessing of spiritual energy, the difference in strength is far less obvious than the difference in size.

The single-edged long sword easily broke through the defense of the thin orc, and cut off most of the green flesh on his shoulder with one sword stroke. Gu Lan, who had level 4 light weapons specialization, was also excellent in skills.

Xu Ruoguang, who was lying on the ground, glanced sideways at the back of the woman in red who came to support him, with something strange in his eyes.

who are they?

How could the use of psychic powers be so primitive?


Xu Ruoguang was suddenly startled.


How can I, a person who doesn’t even have psychic powers, think that other people’s ways of using psychic powers are primitive?

Probably his brain is broken.

[Your internal organs are continuing to bleed, and your health is -1. 】

[Your internal organs are continuing to bleed, and your health is -1. 】

[Warning: Your internal organs are continuing to bleed and you are in urgent need of rescue! 】


The first life after entering the game is to be explained here?

He doesn't want to die...

Even if it’s a game.

He instinctively felt that he could not die too many times in this game, not because of the lagging progress of the game, or because he was afraid that all his accumulation after entering the game would be ruined.

It's just... you simply can't die too much.

It seems like something bad is going to happen, but what exactly it is... I don’t know!

So, who...who can come and save me?

"Bang bang bang~" The sound of the collision between trinkets and metal boxes while running was clearly heard in Xu Ruoguang's ears on the chaotic battlefield, and a girl wearing a wasteland hip-hop style trotted over from a distance.

The moment he came in front of him, the girl reached out to open the metal box and said to him warmly: "It's's'll be fine, don't worry."

The girl's hands seemed to have a magical power, easily stopping the injuries inside her body.

Feeling the relief of the injury, Xu Ruoguang's eyes were a little dull.

Who are these people?

They're all so awesome...

Are you also a player?


The thin orc knew that the human woman with the sword was not easy to mess with. The most important thing was that she was the prey identified by the leader, so he turned around and stared at Gong Yan who was carrying out rescue operations here.

As soon as he approached with the hammer in hand, he was instantly knocked away by a huge force.

Kuang Xin roared as he landed, looking like a madman.

The more chaotic the scene, the more excited he felt.

Since fighting in that arena for more than ten games, he has completely let himself go in the game.

The thin orc who was repulsed also didn't know what fear was, so he attacked again with a hammer. Kuang Xin, who was holding a heavy ax, didn't even know what cowardice was.

Facing these green-skinned monsters in front of him, he just wanted to tear them into pieces to restore his beautiful fantasy about the orc sister.


"Clang clang clang!"


Chaotic sounds kept coming to his ears. Xu Ruoguang, who was lying on the ground unable to move, felt frightened and fearful of being affected by the aftermath of the battle.

However, every time his eyes glanced at the eyes of the woman in front of him who seemed to be concentrating on treating his injuries, all the panic disappeared.

Her hands are so steady...

"Okay, you're okay." Gong Yan, who had been squatting, straightened her chest and exhaled as if she was relaxed.

The passage of time seemed to have deceived the senses. Xu Ruoguang was surprised to find that he had regained his ability to move, "Hey? Are you okay?"

He tried to get up and found a faint warmth surging in his chest.

"Okay..." Gong Yan subconsciously wiped a drop of sweat from her forehead due to concentration, and smiled gently at Xu Ruoguang, "But you can't act violently yet, just leave this place... to us."

While speaking, a green figure flew out behind her.

Immediately after, a macho man holding a giant ax followed and slashed with an unknown roar.



The sound of the ax blade penetrating into the flesh was heard one after another, the green flesh was flying all over the sky, and there were dots of fire in the distance. Everything seemed to be the background of the gentle and smiling girl.

Xu Ruoguang looked a little dazed...

This picture... is indeed a bit shocking.


The loud noise behind him, accompanied by a body sliding against the ground, woke up Xu Ruoguang, who was in a daze.

Gu Lan, who was kicked in the lower abdomen, slid over on the ground. The originally bright red dress was now in tatters, exposing her legs stained with black and gray.

But there is a different kind of wild beauty.


Sister Yu suddenly spat out a mouthful of surging gastric juice to the side and stood up with a long sword in hand.

"If you have nothing to do, leave as soon as possible. This guy is a bit difficult to deal with."

It was said to Gong Yan and Xu Ruoguang.

This is the first enemy she has encountered since entering the game.

The surging fighting spirit supported Gu Lan's sword, and she felt her body trembling with excitement.

Or it could be genuine trembling.

The player's body will not be affected by pain, but the system seems to simulate the real feedback of the body. Several powerful fights made her right hand holding the sword tremble unnoticeably.

Looking at the hill-like figure approaching step by step, Gu Lan's eyes were sharp and she was ready to fight to the death.

Just like what the muscular gorilla said at the beginning of the war——

It's just a game!

If you don’t dare to fight in the game, when will you dare to fight?

[You have strengthened your combat power in battles beyond your limits, and your psychic power limit is +1. 】


The long sword felt Gu Lan's will, and under the blessing of spiritual energy, it let out bursts of soft moans.

The heavy ax struck down on the head, Gu Lan dodged and tried to retreat.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly came over at an angle, and the equally heavy ax collided with the opponent's tip.


A dull crashing sound echoed in the ears, and the voice of a certain muscular gorilla sounded warmly.


Looking at the back that suddenly appeared in front of him, the figure that seemed a bit silly before now seemed so stable and reliable.

"Stand back, don't delay the fight!"

Kuang Xin didn't even look back, the muscles in his hands exploded with amazing strength, and he forcibly lifted the giant ax of the orc leader.

With the help of Advanced Physical Training Plan 3.0, his physical fitness is gradually approaching the 15-point limit, not to mention his talent specialty - Brutal Body, which has long been unlocked through various heavy physical activities or battles.

His direct physical performance +3 expertise makes him fearless of almost anyone in a pure strength competition.

"You're the only one who's an orc!"

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