Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 261 Psychic Enchantment

Xu Ruoguang's body, which was driven by the power of the ax and spun four or five times in the air, was finally thrown out by centrifugal force and hit the ground heavily.

The sound crossed the barrier of time and space and squeezed into the ears again. The screams and the sound of steel squeezed into the cochlea the moment it landed.

Xu Ruoguang used his left hand to cover his right arm that was grabbing the flying ax and struggled to get up. He only felt pain in the arm as if it was torn apart.

Of course, pain is secondary. The player's characteristics make his perception of pain more like an indescribable feeling of pleasure.

Mainly because not only the arms, but all the joints of the entire arms seemed to be soft and unable to exert any strength at the moment.


The clash of swords and axes sounded behind them. The uncle and the orcs were fighting together, and they were not even aware of what was happening behind them.

"咻咻咻咻~" The ax that shot back made a terrifying roar. After throwing out the flying ax, the orc leader used some attention to pay attention to whether his attack had achieved corresponding results. He immediately realized that his attack was actually hit by the opponent. Return in original condition.

Looking at the flying ax returning, what he recalled in his mind was the fleeting action of the human just now.


The orc leader grinned, aimed at the throwing ax, and also stretched out his hand...


The rotating ax flew across his arm with an erratic trajectory, bringing up a small piece of green flesh.

Didn't receive...

"call out!"


The spinning ax continued unabated and suddenly hit an orc in the body.

The orc who was chasing the villagers but realized that he had been hit by an ax in his butt suddenly pulled out the "hidden weapon" inserted into his butt, and turned his head to look at where he came from with a pair of eyes full of anger...

Is it the boss? That's okay.

The orc leader retracted his gaze from the flying ax and turned to look at the human.

The injury on his arm was completely ignored by him, and the human's method of returning the attack made him even more curious.

I'm thinking I can do it too...

"Catch him!"

The orc leader grinned widely and strode towards Xu Ruoguang. Their eyes intertwined across the chaotic battlefield.

Passing by a member of the same tribe who was about to chop down a human woman with an axe, the orc leader kicked him aside, "That's it! Don't kill them all!"

He just came to catch people to practice axe-throwing skills. How to practice with dead people who can't move?

He thought that as long as he shot a live target, he would have a 100% hit. What was the difference between a dead target and a wooden target?

Realizing that his counterattack had attracted the attention of the other party, Xu Ruoguang pulled the uncle next to him who was still entangled with the orc and wanted to leave.

"Let's go! Uncle! Let's go!"

Gunshots were heard outside the settlement, and there were some humans behind the orcs... Although we don't know the origin yet, it is obvious that when facing the orcs, everyone is naturally an ally.

As long as you don't die the first time, there's always a chance.

"Can't run away!" The uncle didn't move. The hand held by Xu Ruoguang was as unshakable as if it were made of steel.

He stared intently at the orcs in front of him. They were both looking for opportunities to defeat each other, and there was no room for any distraction.

He is already the best warrior in this settlement, but he cannot easily win against an ordinary machete kid among the orcs.

Aliens are aliens, and their powerful bodies are their capital for arrogance.



He heard those shots too.

But if it weren't for powerful machine guns, sniper rifles, or large-scale concentrated strafing, the lethality against orcs would be equally poor.

Only explosions and flames are the biggest enemies of these alien races!

In the absence of those conditions, the cold weapon in hand is the only hope of victory.

"You go first, I will cover you." The uncle said solemnly, his eyes fixed on the orc in front of him, not daring to lose sight for a moment.

"...Okay!" Seeing the big orc striding across the battlefield and ignoring everything, Xu Ruoguang could only grit his teeth and turn around and run away.

The other party is obviously coming for me, and staying here will only bring danger from the big orc to the uncle.


Run outside!

Picking up the humans who came to support is the only way to survive!

Since those people dared to come after the orcs, they must have some confidence in dealing with the orcs!

Scrambling around, Xu Ruoguang's figure looked extremely slippery in the chaotic scene.

Talents that have not been fully unlocked cannot always take effect, but occasionally just slowing down his thinking is enough for him to consider the best course of action before others can react.

All the chaotic sounds on the battlefield failed to unbalance Xu Ruoguang's body's hormone secretion. His vision was still clear, his brain was still sensitive, and he was able to process all the information he collected perfectly.


Facing the almost simultaneous interception of the two orcs, the big orc chasing behind him almost grabbed the back of his collar and neck with his big hands.

Xu Ruoguang, who was desperate, could only speed up to meet one of the interceptors, trying to rely on the opponent's body to make a final dodge.


The dull sound didn't know whether it was transmitted through the bones or the air. It first sounded in the ears, and then a shock from the back of the heart that was directly transmitted to the internal organs made Xu Ruoguang feel that the inside of the chest almost instantly turned into a mess. .

A mouthful of bitter and salty liquid couldn't help but spurt out suddenly. Fortunately, the orc's huge strength also allowed Xu Ruoguang's not-so-tall body to fly very far away.


Like a gourd rolling on the ground, Xu Ruoguang's body instantly rolled out more than ten meters on the ground.

[You have received 49 points of blow damage and have been seriously injured! 】

[Warning: Your internal organs are continuing to bleed and you are in urgent need of rescue! 】

"Ahem!" Xu Ruoguang, who had fallen to the ground, ignored the prompts that popped up on the panel and still struggled to get up.

The player's unique mechanism prevents him from feeling any pain, and the attack on his back is more of a pleasure than a pain.

However, the severe injuries to his body put his body into an unsustainable state. His sore hands and feet were unable to control themselves. He slipped twice and finally crashed to the ground.

"Don't be afraid."

A cold and decisive voice came from above. Xu Ruoguang squinted his eyes and realized that a red figure had stood in front of him at some point.

Her slender thighs protruded from the slit hem of her skirt. The woman took out her small-looking pistol from the black gun belt tied to her thighs and aimed it in a certain direction.

Xu Ruoguang, who looked up at the woman from bottom to top, felt that the holy light was shining through her silver shoulder-length curls into his eyes, which was so dazzling that it was difficult to look directly at her.

"You won't get hurt again."

The woman said so and pulled the trigger with her left hand.


The small silver pistol actually made a deafening sound like a hand cannon, and the orc who was hit by the bullet flew backwards instantly as if he had been shot by a powerful shotgun.

The creation of spiritual energy is extraordinary.

But you can only fire one shot in a short time...

Looking at the formation of two more orcs, one large and one small, striding over, the woman held a knife in one hand, put it in the crook of her left arm and slowly drew it. The gray spiritual light in her pupils burned to the extreme, and the strong spiritual energy began to outward. Emitting a faint spiritual pressure.

Psychic enchantment!

[Psychic Enchantment: Use a specific action to strengthen your psychic output and attach psychic protection to your weapons. 】

As a guild, Gu Lan chose a completely different development method from Ren Fengxing.

Ren Fengxing used the power of the organization to get two large boxes of mines, and she... used the power of the entire guild to build herself.

Their Thorns Guild has always liked to take the personal route of high-end combat power. All members of the guild fully serve each "leader" with real-world wages.

In past games, outsiders preferred to call them... Thorn Valkyries!

Sensing the faint aura of danger on the human woman standing in front of him, the orc leader who was chasing after him slowly stopped.

After looking at Gu Lan for about two seconds, the orc leader grinned, "I'm just waiting for you to pinch me!"

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