World Destroying Demonic Emperor

464: Shocking Mystery! Burning to death!

Sauron and Gao Yin rushed into the dungeon quickly.

Passed through layers of checkpoints, and finally came to the cell where the Marquis of Voe was imprisoned.

I saw him sitting cross-legged on the ground, bleeding to death from seven holes.

The expression on his face was very calm, as if he had died in his sleep.

Whether it is homicide or suicide, there should be a special fear before death, so the expression will be weird.

However, the Marquis of Voe really didn't have any expression on his face at this time, and was extremely quiet.

This can only prove one thing, he died suddenly and suddenly, without any pain, without any feeling, without any warning.

Zhuang Zhixuan stepped forward, took out a silver needle, dipped the blood under Fu'er's nostril, put it under his nose and sniffed it.

Master, there is no poison in the blood. Zhuang Zhixuan said.

Sauron asked, Is it suicide or homicide?

Zhuang Zhixuan said: He should have killed him!

Things are serious!

Extremely serious!

Why do you want to kill Fu'e? It's to silence!

Someone saw that Fu Qi was caught, and worried that the Marquis of Fue would confess all of them in order to protect his grandson, so he was killed in advance to silence him.

Sauron closed his eyes and said, Gao Weng, go to my house and invite Her Royal Highness over here.

Yes! Gao Weng immediately went to the princess mansion.

And Gao Ningqi and Zhuang Zhixuan guarded Sauron.

Sauron took a deep breath and looked at the bloody face of Marquis Vore.

Speaking of which, he can be regarded as a great hero of the Nulang Kingdom. Although he is only the second-ranked prince, he has a detached status, and no one dares to provoke him in the entire kingdom.

Unexpectedly, he died unexpectedly now.

Until now, Sauron was very curious about one thing, why did Fu Lingxi marry Earl Sauron?

Marriage between princes is a big event,

is very serious.

It seems that Fu Shi and Suo Shi did not have any particularly deep friendship in their ancestors.

Fue is dead, his grandson Fuqi Sauron will not let go, and Fu Lingxi is also finished.

In this way, will the once-prominent Fire Worship City be lost? Of course, this was also on Sauron's mind, because the Fire Worship City's Fu family has been suspected of treason.

But at this time, Sauron couldn't care about the Fire Worship City anymore.

Because of Voe's death, a huge event was involved behind it.

What is this matter? Sauron didn't know! But it must have a huge relationship with the Kingdom of Raging Waves.

Fuqi suffered two big blows today.

In the first blow, Aunt Fu Lingxi was captured. In the second blow, Grandpa Fue died tragically!

As a result, both of his backers fell.

Suddenly, Fu Qi felt extremely fearful and extremely uneasy.

After seeing Voe's body, he was completely in a daze at first, and couldn't believe his eyes. Such a powerful grandpa, who would never fall down, died like this!

Then, he collapsed on the ground and let out a hoarse howl.

The whole prison was silent, except for Fuqi's mournful cry.

At this moment, Yin Du, young minister of the Black Dragon Terrace, rushed over quickly, knelt down beside Sauron without saying a word, kowtowed and said, Sinful Minister Yin Du, I pay my respects to the Lord Duke.

Sauron asked: Soldiers and warriors in the prison, are there any casualties?

No. Yin Du said.

Sauron asked: Then is there any outsider entering or leaving this cell?

No. Yin Du said: There are only two people with keys in this prison cell, one is a subordinate official, and the other is Gao Weng. And every time the prison door is opened, the iron lock will leave a mark. But, today There is no sign of the cell being opened.

This is strange, no one entered this cell.

But Fue died suddenly and was killed and silenced.

How can you kill Voe if you don't enter the cell?

What a great mystery!

Two quarters of an hour later, the fairy fluttered, and the white-clothed Princess Xiyan entered the cell.

Coming to the side of the body of Marquis Voe, she first put on a thin leather glove, and then opened Voe's eyelids.

Then, reach out and touch his forehead, the back of his head.

Finally, she closes her eyes to feel the energy stance around her.

five minutes later

Xiyan said: Husband, this is a homicide, and he was killed with a spiritual resonance technique.

Then, she pointed to Voe's forehead and said, The incomparably powerful spiritual energy attacks Voe's brain region from here. The spiritual energy in Voe's brain area is instantly raised, exceeding the limit he can bear, and he dies directly! The whole process is very Quick, less than one-tenth of a second.

Then, Princess Xiyan pointed to the blood on Fue's mouth, nose and eyes, and said: In order to kill with one blow, the murderer's mental power was too strong, which caused the mental power in Fue's brain to resonate violently, so that the blood vessels exploded. Open, blood overflows from the seven holes.

Sauron said: The murderer's martial arts are very high?

Princess Xiyan said: It's very tall, shockingly high.

Sauron said: No one has entered this cell, how can Voe be killed?

She Yan said: The murderer killed him from a distance of tens of meters.

For a moment, Sauron was completely stunned!

This, how is this possible?

Killing people with spiritual techniques from tens of meters away?

She Yan said: Moreover, there are many obstacles in the middle.

Sauron said: Yan, if you are asked to kill, can you do it?

Sheyan said: If I have all the data in the target person's brain, I can do it.

Sauron is truly stunning!

There is no doubt that this is the most profound martial art in the world, and it can only be learned at the top of the Dragon Temple.

Sauron said: Is it difficult to get all the brain data of a person?

She Yan said: It is very difficult. The frequency and band of brain waves are very complicated data. Only with the full cooperation of the target person and putting down any mental defenses to undergo the inspection can we get complete data.

Sauron said: In other words, the murderer who killed the Marquis of Voe was someone who was very familiar with him, even the closest person?

Yes. Princess Xiyan nodded.

The original spouse of the Marquis of Voe is no longer alive.

Then his closest people are his children. Among his many children, Fu Lingxi is the only one who can understand advanced spiritual skills.

Could it be that the murderer is Fu Lingxi?

Of course, her martial arts are far from that high, but she told someone else the brain data of Marquis Voe, and then asked that person to kill Voe?

Sauron said: Yan, is it possible that Fu Lingxi sent someone to kill Fu E to silence him?

Sheyan nodded and said, It's very likely.

Sauron immediately closed his eyes, if this is the case, then Fu Lingxi is really awesome.

Not only was he able to ruthlessly kill his own son, but he also sent someone to kill his own father.

Really awesome!

The education of the Dragon Temple is really extinct!

Moreover, a few hours before Fu Lingxi was arrested, he even came to Sauron specifically to ask him if he could let Voe go?

At that time, Sauron felt very strange that she didn't come to ask sooner or later, but she came here at this time.

Sauron originally thought that it was because she knew that she was about to be arrested, so she came to fight for it one last time, trying to rescue her father.

However, when Sauron finally refused, she was actually relieved.

Obviously, this was not the gesture she should have to save her father, but it seemed that she had finally found a reason to kill the Marquis of Voe.

But why?

At that time, Fu Lingxi already knew that her name was on Xili's confession, and she clearly knew that she was going to be arrested.

And once arrested, it is absolutely impossible for her to survive.

She was about to die, why did she still have to kill Fu E to silence her?

What secret did Voe know? Let her Fu Lingxi keep her secret before she died?

Shouldn't she care more about her own life?

What is the big secret? Let her kill her father before she dies?

Suo Lun suddenly said: Yan, is it possible that the murderer who directly committed the murder is Ji Mengbai?

Princess Xiyan said: He has such ability.

Sauron said: Aside from him, who else has this ability?

Xiyan said: I'm already sick, Ji Xiuning.

Fang Qingshu, where's your concubine? Sauron asked.

She Yan said: These two people don't have this ability.

I'm pregnant, Ji Mengbai, who could be the murderer of Voe?

He was so ill that he couldn't see where he was, and he didn't know where he was. Moreover, he was excluded from the Temple of the Capital, and his relationship with Fu Lingxi should be relatively bad.

Ji Mengbai represents Yinzhou, and is an ally with the Temple of the Capital, so he is also an ally with Fu Lingxi.

And the most important thing is that Ji Mengbai happened to be in the capital city of Wangcheng, and he came to see Fang Qingyi yesterday, so he probably knew the exact location of Fu'e's detention.

In this way, it is more likely that Ji Mengbai is the murderer.

Send someone to search for Ji Mengbai and Fang Qingdi immediately. Sauron ordered.

Yes. Immediately, a Shadow Pavilion warrior led the order to go out.

Sauron waved his hand again and said, Go out, I'll just think about something here alone.


Immediately, Zhuang Zhixuan, Gao Ningqi, Yin Du and others all backed out!

But Princess Xiyan did not go out.

Sauron closed his eyes and thought quietly.

And Princess Xiyan gently massaged Sauron's temples, letting the back of her head lean against her soft chest.

Sauron's keen intuition was not wrong. There was a reason behind the reason why the Marquis of Voe went crazy with Xili to the end, and it involved a huge secret.

Yan, if you don't know the spiritual data of the opponent's brain, is it impossible to kill a person with a spiritual technique at a distance of tens of meters? Sauron asked.

Yes. She Yan said: At least according to the realm I know, no one can kill a spiritual master like the Marquis Voe with a spiritual technique from tens of meters away without knowing anything. Because the spiritual energy It is divergent, and the farther the distance, the stronger the divergence.

Sauron said: In this way, the person who sent someone to kill the Marquis of Voe is probably Fu Lingxi. Except for her, no one should know Voe's brain data.

Princess Xiyan nodded.

After being silent for a long time, Sauron suddenly asked: Yan, if you are allowed to be in charge, can you manage the entire kingdom well?

Princess Xiyan shuddered, then hugged Sauron's head in her arms, shook her head and said, Stop talking, I can't do it, I can't manage the kingdom well.

In fact, she can. She has great vision and heart, and is wise, calm, ruthless and decisive, almost possessing all the qualities of a king.

Even, she is more suitable to be a king than Sauron.

The most remarkable thing about her is not to hand over all political affairs to Sauron, but there are some things that she disagrees with Sauron's approach, and her approach is often more rational, but she will not speak out, but continue to support Sauron.

At this moment, Zhuang Zhixuan's anxious voice suddenly sounded outside: Master, there is news from the palace that His Majesty the King has fallen into a coma. Duke Xiting please go over immediately.

Immediately, Sauron quickly jumped up and ran outside.

And Xiyan was even faster, grabbing Sauron's hand, as if flying away.

Inside the ghost prison of Yanjing Temple!

This is a special prison with a special energy array that can shield all spiritual spells.

Anyone with strong mental strength will become as weak as ordinary people when they enter this prison.

Not only that, the powerful energy magnetic field generated by this energy array will torture and suppress your brain spirit all the time.

This feeling is as if, when you want to sleep, there will be countless terrible sounds in your ears.

For example, the sound of scraping the wall with a knife, such as the sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling, such as the sound of a baby crying shrillly.

You can't fall asleep at all, and you can't sleep for days and nights.

And even if you fall asleep, the energy magnetic field here will make you dream, the most terrifying nightmare, the nightmare of fear gushing from the bottom of your heart.

Therefore, you cannot fall asleep in this ghost prison, and even if you fall asleep, you will fall into a more terrifying situation.

At this time, Fu Lingxi was locked in this ghost prison.

She was completely naked, and her beautiful and proud body was completely exposed. The whole body is bound by the heavenly magic silk, and he cannot struggle at all. The more he struggles, the more he will be cut into the flesh and blood.

From the waist down, everything is soaked in water.

This is not only a ghost prison, but also a water prison.

Those inside are green, icy cold, and the most terrifying thing is that there are countless blood-sucking snakes in the water. Once they find their prey, they will frantically pounce on them, bite and suck blood desperately.

At this time, Fu Lingxi's waist was frozen to the point of being unconscious. She had no idea how many vampire snakes were sucking blood on her body.

Soon, a red-robed judge came to the ghost prison by boat and came in front of Fu Lingxi.

This is a judge at the same level as Fu Lingxi, and should be the judge of the Yanjing Temple Tribunal.

Fu Lingxi, please explain. The female judge said coldly, What role did you play in the case of Xili's demon blood? Who is behind you?

Fu Lingxi tremblingly said: I'm really innocent, I don't know anything about the fact that Xili is carrying the devil's blood!

The female judge took out a whip and swung it away!

This whip seems to be composed of countless small poisonous snakes, with countless threads, each one is screaming and wriggling, it looks extremely terrifying and disgusting.

This is the Snake Ghost Whip.

Pa the female judge's snake ghost whip slammed on Fu Lingxi's snow-white delicate body.

Ah! Fu Lingxi let out a shrill scream.

The snake ghost whip whipped the body, and the countless tiny poisonous snakes on it fiercely penetrated into the fleshy body.

Therefore, the entire whip did not enter the body.

When the female judge pulled out the snake ghost whip, Fu Lingxi's body was already dripping with blood and riddled with holes.

Tell me, what role did you play in the case of Xili Devil's Blood, and who is behind you? the female judge said coldly.

I, I'm really innocent. Fu Lingxi's delicate body trembled, and endless pain hit her.

Crack the female judge's snake ghost whip hit her snow-white chest again.

Ah... Fu Lingxi's beautiful face was completely distorted by the pain.

The whole body was completely curled up into a ball, and the pain was so painful that he lost control of himself.

The Snake Ghost Whip can't hold up to three whips at most, and it doesn't even have anything to do with martial arts.

Sure enough, with the second whip, Fu Lingxi fainted directly.

After an unknown amount of time, Fu Lingxi woke up faintly.

Then, she found that someone was taking her hand to press fingerprints on the previous confession, which was to make her confess directly.

No, no, I'm innocent. Fu Lingxi struggled desperately.

The priestess said quietly: I know, I am on my own. No one will save you, and no one can save you. Fang Qingyi is going to die, Rogo is going to die, Ge Li is going to die, and of course you are going to die too. Die early and get out early.

I'm innocent, Fu Lingxi repeated.

The priestess said: Don't worry, we will remember your sacrifice, and we will definitely avenge you. You have already pleaded guilty, because your level is not high enough to carry out public execution, so you will burn it in this cell. Don't worry, you will die soon, it won't hurt too much.

After the priestess pressed her fingerprints, she put on the black robe of a prisoner in the Dragon Temple for Fu Lingxi.

Then, tie her to the gallows and pour a spoonful of oil on her.

Under her body, there is a pile of dry firewood in the shape of a pyramid!

Light it on fire and execute! the priestess ordered coldly.

Note: Nearly 5,000 words are sent, please support, please double monthly tickets, thank you everyone! To be continued.

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