World Destroying Demonic Emperor

463: Great harvest! Vaughan dies!

Princess Xi Ning was considered to be a long time ago, she hadn't felt much at first, but now she was ignited, like a wildfire in the wasteland, burning endlessly. @乐@文@小说@说|

The two of them tossed and turned for nearly two hours.

I don't know how many times I convulsed, how many times I almost fainted, before the flame in my body was completely extinguished.

In the end, Zhi Ning lay limp on the bed, not even wanting to move his toes.

As for Sauron, it's okay, as long as he doesn't meet such a heaven-defying beauty as Xiyan, as long as he doesn't have dragon power swallowing and spiritual skills, he is more than enough to do a Xining.

Two hours later, there was a knock on the door and the cry of a baby.

You go, I can't move anymore. Shen Ning lazily said, the jade hand was halfway up and fell down weakly.

Sauron got up wrapped in a sheet, and walked over to open the door.

Immediately saw Fang Qingzhuo who was blushing.

She smelled a familiar aftermath scent, so strong that it made her dizzy.

I, I didn't come here to sabotage it on purpose. It's the baby crying. Fang Qingzhuo said tremblingly: I can't coax him, he has been holding on to stay awake.

The baby was indeed crying so hard that her little face was flushed from crying. When she saw her father, she flattened her mouth and was so wronged that she wanted to cry again.

He hasn't been away from his mother for such a long time, but he is with his mother every moment of every day.

Thank you sister-in-law. Sauron said, and took the baby.

Fang Qingzhuo sneaked a peek into the room, and she was lying there helplessly, as if her soul was flying out of the sky.

Immediately, she blushed even more, and immediately turned and fled.

Sauron smiled and closed the door.

After returning to the room, Sauron lay down on the bed and put the baby in Shen Ning's arms.

The baby found his favorite with ease, put his mouth in his mouth and sucked it a few times, and fell asleep sweetly.

Usually at this time, he would have gone to bed early, but today he was not with his mother, so he insisted on staying awake. Now he was already tired, and fell asleep as soon as he returned to his mother's side.

Sauron got up, brought hot water, wiped Shen Ning's body with a towel, scrubbed his body, and then returned to the bed, hugged Shen Ning's mother and child, and fell asleep peacefully.

At this moment, Xi Ning really felt boundless happiness flowing around his body.

Since she was a child, she has never relied on anyone, including Shili.

After returning to Wangcheng Shidu, most of the time, she was helping Shili instead of relying on Shili.

Now, she has let go of the burden in her heart, and there is someone she can rely on by her side. This feeling is so warm and secure.

She is very sleepy and wants to sleep, but she is not willing to sleep, she wants to enjoy this taste of happiness and safety.

There is a cute baby in her arms, sleeping sweetly with her nipple in her mouth, and another beloved man is holding her next to her, gently stroking her smooth and tender breasts.

In this wonderful happiness, Xi Ning finally fell asleep sweetly.


Early the next morning, Sauron and Shen Ning were still sleeping soundly, when suddenly there was a muffled knock on the door.

This kind of knocking on the door can wake Sauron up without waking up the baby.

Sauron opened his eyes, there must be something urgent, otherwise Zhuang Zhixuan would never wake him up at this time.

Immediately, he carefully pulled his arm away from under Shen Ning's body.

Xi Ning opened her beautiful eyes in a daze, and said softly, What's wrong?

There are some matters that I need to deal with, Sauron said.

Yeah. Cheng Ning closed his eyes again in a daze, and continued to sleep.

Soren kissed her forehead and the baby's forehead, then got up and went to open the door.

Seeing Sauron who was completely naked, Zhuang Zhixuan blushed and spat secretly.

What's the matter? Sauron asked, walking outside while talking.

The maids have already prepared bath soup, and many of the maids here are old people from Suofu.

At that time, after Sauron was forced to leave the royal city, he dismissed the servants and maids of the Earl's Mansion and entrusted them to Duke Xiting.

After the king granted this mansion to Sheyan as the princess mansion, Duke Xiting resettled these servants and maids in the princess mansion, so at this time half of the mansion was filled with Suo's old people.

The maids rushed to bathe Sauron and took advantage of the opportunity.

Okay, I have something to talk about, you guys go out first. Sauron lay comfortably in the bathtub and smiled.

Oh. A few pretty maids walked out reluctantly, and even touched Sauron's chest before leaving. I really don't know who is playing hooligans.

These maids of the Sox family, from childhood to adulthood, have been of the same age as Sauron, just like family members. Besides, Sauron, the prodigal son from before, was fucking bad enough, he slept with every beautiful maid.

So now Sauron is also very worried about the marriage of these maids.

What's the matter? Sauron asked.

Shadow Pavilion has sent a message that Fuqi has been caught. Zhuang Zhixuan said: He is very cunning, he didn't escape to Fire Worship City, but hid in the countryside and mountains hundreds of miles away, so he spent a lot of money It took so long to catch it.

Why did Sauron arrest Fu Qi, just to force the Marquis of Voe to speak?

He just wanted to get a secret from Voe's mouth, why did he go crazy with Shili to the end?

Zhili assassinated the king and forcibly ascended the throne, which was a close call. And with Voe's detached status, there is no need to go crazy with him at all. Why did he do this? There must be a reason for this, and a shocking secret is involved.

However, even if the Marquis of Voe was planned to lose his limbs and tendons, he was unwilling to speak.

So Sauron sent someone to arrest Fuqi. The Marquis of Voe may not care about his own life, but he must always protect his grandson, right?

Fue doesn't like his son Fuxian, thinking he is too useless, but he likes his grandson Fuqi very much.

Fu Qi was very domineering and fierce, but the Marquis of Voe felt that this was very vigorous.

Therefore, the Marquis of Fue even decided that after he passed away in old age, he would directly pass on the position of Fire Worship City Lord to his grandson Fuqi.

Once Fu Qi is caught and threatened with his life, then he should compromise.

Of course, it is still unknown whether the secret in Voe's mouth is useful, but Sauron can feel that this secret will be very important, even astonishing.

How long before Fuqi can bring it back? Sauron asked.

In the evening, you should be able to bring it back to the king's city. Zhuang Zhixuan said.

Sauron nodded, then leaned back on the bathtub and closed his eyes, enjoying Zhuang Zhixuan's service.

Cut at once, be careful of premature aging. Zhuang Zhixuan said suddenly.

No. Sauron said, As long as it's not the goblin Xiyan, it's all right. I can handle three female leopards like you at a time.

Bragging. Zhuang Zhixuan said.

While speaking, her breathing gradually became short of breath, and the towel for Sauron's scrubbing was frequently lowered.

Sauron reached behind and touched her strong, round buttocks.

You, do you really want to give it to me? Zhuang Zhixuan said: Then, hurry up, I'm going to be on duty in the palace soon.

After all, Zhuang Zhixuan peeled off the tight leather jacket on her body, but she didn't take it off completely, she just peeled off her thighs, and then lay her upper body on the edge of the tub.

Sauron was stunned and said, Didn't you just persuade me not to kill me suddenly?

Zhuang Zhixuan said: I hate it, if you say you want to give it, you must give it. Hurry up, someone will come soon.


When returning to the palace to be on duty, Sauron occasionally tapped his lower back, which made Zhuang Zhixuan blush,

The flush on her beautiful face never faded.

Xiyan felt extremely happy, because she had a man to rely on, and she could be with the baby, watching him grow up day by day.

At this time, Zhuang Zhixuan also felt extremely happy.

She doesn't like to use her brain, she only has one skill, that is, she has high martial arts and is good at fighting.

Sauron protects the Kingdom of Furious Waves all the time, and Zhuang Zhixuan protects Sauron all the time, which makes her very fulfilled and full of sense of value.

Moreover, what I protect is the man I love the most.

Although not his wife, Zhuang Zhixuan spent more time with Sauron than Sauron's wife, even Princess Xiyan.

This also made Zhuang Zhixuan feel particularly satisfied.

Sauron's wife, she basically doesn't have contact with her, except for Yan Naier.

In her opinion, Yan Nai'er is the cutest among Sauron's wives, she is straightforward, daring to love and hate, and brave to sacrifice.

Moreover, both of them are martial idiots, and they often exchange martial arts together.

When in Wangcheng, Zhuang Zhixuan occasionally had some contact with Princess Xiyan. But most of the time, it was Zhuang Zhixuan who was asking Xiyan for advice on martial arts.

Zhuang Zhixuan has never met Dongli Wang Jiangshang, so in her eyes the person with the highest martial arts is Princess Xiyan!

How high is Xiyan's martial arts? From Zhuang Zhixuan's point of view, there is no bottom to it.

In short, until now, Xiyan has never met any opponent.

Princess Xiyan is not a few years older than Sauron, and her martial arts are so high at such a young age. Zhuang Zhixuan is really curious, how did Xiyan master her martial arts?

She also heard that Ji Mengbai has the most outstanding martial arts talent in the entire Dragon Temple.

I don't know who's martial arts is higher compared with Ji Mengbai.

Moreover, Princess Xiyan seems to be very obsessed with martial arts. After entering the royal city, she almost never appeared in the palace.

Before, she was protecting Fang Qingzhuo's mother and daughter in the princess mansion, but now the Nulang Kingdom is completely safe, she still did not come to the palace, but meditated and practiced in the princess mansion.

In Princess Xiyan's world, there seemed to be only two things. The first one was practicing martial arts. The second thing is to have fun with Sauron.

For the rest, she doesn't care about anything.

For Princess Xiyan, Zhuang Zhixuan couldn't see through at all, and had no idea what this fairy-like woman really wanted?

What is the relationship between her and Sauron?

The husband and wife relationship between her and Sauron seemed to be more loving than any other couple.

Because Princess Xiyan never had any contact with other men, not even a single word. In front of other people, she will always be a fairy who does not eat fireworks.

But in front of Sauron, she is more than a vixen, more than a stunner? She simply surpassed any slut in the world, every time on the bed she made Sauron so miserable that she wanted to die.

However, she and Sauron seemed extremely estranged.

Although the two of them are together every day, they seldom talk to each other, unless something very important happens, the two of them will communicate.

Moreover, there are many women around Sauron, and Princess Xiyan doesn't have any jealousy.

Even these women were under her nose, she didn't feel any displeasure.

There is no woman in this world who is not jealous, including Yan Nai'er. Every time a woman talks about Sauron, she is very angry and her eyes are red.

Even in her room, a leather man was specially made with Sauron's face painted on it. Every night, Yan Nai'er had to beat the skin man before she could sleep.

How could a woman not be jealous? But Xiyan didn't.

Of course, maybe Princess Xiyan's realm is too high, Zhuang Zhixuan can't see clearly.


My lord, the ransacking of Suofu and the twenty-five giants has been completely and roughly completed, and the confiscated gold coins have also begun to be shipped to the King City Gold. Gao Yin couldn't conceal the joy on his face, holding a thick a stack of ledgers,

Sauron said: The property was stolen in total?

Gao Yin said: You can't believe it, the total confiscated property of the twenty-six giants reached 9.79 million gold coins.

This figure is completely jaw-dropping, and it is a full six years of taxes for the Nulang Kingdom.

Gao Yin said: There are still many hidden properties that have not been counted. After the statistics are counted, this number will increase, and it will even exceed eleven million gold coins.

God? It's only been a few years!

The huge corruption of the kingdom has risen to such a scale.

If it continues like this, this group of giants will swallow up the entire Nulang Kingdom.

However, many of the seized properties were valuable books, antiques, manors, fields, and real estate.

How much cash do you have? Sauron asked.

5.92 million gold coins. Gao Yin said: The remaining part of the property has to be auctioned to exchange for gold coins. The larger part is real estate, and it will take longer to realize it.

Five million nine hundred and twenty thousand gold coins, all in cash!

Only a dozen or so giants confiscated nearly six million gold coins in cash.

Now, the shortfall that Xili embezzled from the people's savings can be filled. Not only that, but there are also gold coins to maintain the operation of the Nulang Kingdom. At least for half a year, you don't have to worry about money.

Then it won't be realized for the time being. Sauron said: These real properties will be kept as the property of the royal family, and the benefits generated will be directly allocated to the internal treasury.

Obey. Gao Yin said.

Sauron said: Next, we will start to rectify the royal family's property. The corrupt insiders inside should be arrested and killed! This group of royal family slaves actually colluded with Yinyuanhui to enrich their own pockets , should be killed!

Yes! Gao Yin said.

Sauron said: There are other corrupt dignitaries in Suof's account book, more than a hundred people, but the scale of their corruption is smaller. Send someone to warn them, and let these people hand over the corrupt money voluntarily. Come out, there is still a way out, don't force me to kill.

Gao Yin said: Yes, and they can also report and expose each other.

Sauron hesitated for a moment, and said: It's fine to report and expose, once this is done, the country will be in chaos.

Yes. Gao Yin immediately knelt down and said, This old servant is talking too much.

Sauron hurried forward to help him up and said, Gao Weng is my elder, it must not be like this.

Gao Yin got up and stood on one side.

Sauron said: In short, this crisis is finally over. But we will need money in many places in the future. Among the four major armies, the Dragon Guard Army and the Southwest Army almost have to be rebuilt, which requires an astronomical amount of gold coins. As for the Southeast Legion, it needs to be independent from our Tianshui City army and restore to the 200,000-strong army, which also requires a lot of money.

In the next few years, there will be large-scale struggles within the Dragon Temple, and there will be no time to take care of us. It will be a golden period for our development. Sauron said boldly: In three years, I will restore the Nulang Kingdom to its heyday. .In five years, I will make the first-line army of the kingdom exceed one million, establish a southeast camp, and start the road of expansion to the south!

Gao Yin was also excited and said: In this way, the Nulang Kingdom will expand thousands of miles in twenty years, and four or five provinces will be added. When the little master inherits the throne, my Nulang Kingdom will already be a The most powerful country in the universe.

Sauron laughed loudly and said, Gao Weng, I have a good word for you.


at dusk!

The shadow pavilion warriors escorted Fu Qi into the king's city.

After fleeing for more than ten days, Fu Qi seemed to be a completely different person, from a nobleman to a beggar, with dirty hair, hair like weeds, and not a single inch of his body was clean.

After seeing Sauron, Fuqi said sternly: Sauron, you dare not do anything to me? My aunt is the judge of the Dragon Temple.

Sauron said indifferently: The aunt you are talking about is my mother. She has been arrested. Xi Li was charged with the blood of the devil. In his confession, there was Fu Lingxi's name. Yesterday, she had He was arrested and sent to Yanjing Temple for trial.

Impossible, impossible, impossible... Fuqi roared desperately, struggling desperately.

The Shadow Pavilion warrior stepped forward and slapped him wildly, causing his mouth and nose to bleed.

Soon, Fu Qi became quiet.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly knelt down and kowtowed to Sauron.

Sauron, let me go, let me go! Fuqi cried bitterly and begged: I am still your cousin, my real sister Fu Yaner is your woman, and I am Qinqin's own uncle. what!

Sauron gave him a disdainful look, waved his hand and said, Go, take me to the prison!

Now that Fu Qi has been caught, Sauron doesn't believe that the old thief Fu E won't speak!

Now that the Kingdom of Raging Waves is safe, the only thing that hangs in Sauron's heart is the secret of the Marquis of Voe.

Of course, some people may say that Xiyan can dig out this secret with spiritual skills.

This is difficult. The Marquis of Voe is different from Sof. He has such a close relationship with the Dragon Temple, so he must have learned the art of mental defense and mental deception.

At that time, a group of people in the Dragon Temple could not get the secret of the devil's blood out of Ashiro's mind.

Therefore, Xiyan couldn't get anything out of Fuer's mind.

However, with Fu Qi's life, he should be able to force him to speak, because Fu Qi is all the hope of Fu E.

While Fu Qi was struggling and begging for mercy, Sauron and his party went to the Heilongtai prison to interrogate Fu Qi!


When it was a few hundred meters away from the Black Dragon Terrace Prison!

Suddenly, several Shadow Pavilion warriors rushed over quickly, knelt on the ground and said tremblingly: My lord, Fuhe suddenly died suddenly!

Sauron trembled suddenly, Voe died?

My cheap grandfather died at this critical moment?

Died before he was about to speak! Is it suicide? Or he killed?

Was it murdered?


Note: The first more than 5,000 words have been sent, please support, please double thank you everyone! (To be continued.)

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