World Destroying Demonic Emperor

431: Devil's Blood! Put it to death!

When the king of this world ascends the throne, it tastes like a combination of Chinese and Western.

The first step is in the Political Hall of the Royal Palace.

First of all, civil and military officials and nobles made a final memorial to invite the new king to ascend the throne! The new king once again refused, and there could be many reasons, such as waiting for the end of the filial piety of the previous king, or there are more suitable candidates, and so on.

As a result, the officials bowed down and tried their best to force the new king to take the throne.

As a last resort, the new king can only obey the will of God and the will of the people, and ascend the throne as king!

The second step is in the Dragon Tower.

After the new king agrees to ascend the throne, he will lead the queen, ministers, and nobles to the Dragon Tower to worship the dragon of heaven and earth.

Because offering sacrifices to the heavens is the right of the monarch, once you come forward to worship the heavens, it means telling the heavens and Shenlong that this country has changed masters, and I hope you can continue to protect the country so that the country will be prosperous and the people will be safe.

The third step is in the Longlin Hall of the palace.

Civil and military officials, present a congratulatory form and congratulate the new king on his enthronement!

Although the above three steps are mixed with the Dragon Temple, they are somewhat similar to the Enthronement Hall of ancient Chinese emperors, which can be regarded as relatively Chinese.

But the fourth step is very Western-style, and that is the coronation ceremony.

The king cannot wear the crown himself, but has to be crowned by the Dragon Temple. As for who will crown the king, if it is an overlord empire like the Yan Empire, it will naturally be crowned by the sky priest.

Although the Dongli Kingdom is very indifferent to the Dragon Temple, every time a new king of Dongli ascends the throne, the Dragon Temple will send a sky priest to take the initiative. Not a coronation, but a ceremony.

Of course, the Nulang Kingdom did not treat them like this.

In the previous generation, the scorpion was enthroned as king, and the Dragon Temple only sent a holy priest to be crowned.

After the Dragon Temple crowns the king, the king will give the queen a smaller crown.

After the coronation ceremony, the fifth step is entered.

This fifth step has become very Chinese again. The new king will write the first imperial edict, then seal it, and then slowly descend from the air.

The power to represent the king comes from the heavenly dragon.

The issuance of the first imperial decree officially represented that the new king had fully taken charge of the supreme power of the country.

After five steps, the entire enthronement ceremony is over!


Xili took Fang Qingzhuo into the palace.

Sure enough, the imperial guards did not dare to obstruct, and directly opened the palace gate.

Xili's Shaofu's pro-army immediately entered the Yizheng Hall and took over the defense.

In the Yizheng Hall, the scene of the officials kneeling down again was staged again. Everyone presented memorials one after another, and knelt down to beg Xili to ascend the throne as king.

Xili once again declined, the reason being that because of the death of the former king, he was heartbroken, and he wanted to wait for the end of the filial piety of the former king before ascending the throne.

As a result, the officials and nobles cried hysterically again and kowtowed and bled. Once again, he was about to hit a gold pillar and die, and he strangled himself with a belt.

As a last resort, Xili could only conform to the will of the people, God's will, and ascend the throne as king!

Then, eunuchs and maids led Shili and Fang Qingzhuo to change clothes.

Before, Zhili was still wearing the uniform of the young monarch, and Fang Qingzhuo was dressed as the crown princess.

This time, it is time to officially change into the robes of the king and queen, but without the crown.


After putting on the king's dragon robe, Xili felt his body tremble slightly, as if his body was surrounded by a powerful force, as if he was the real dragon emperor, possessed by a divine dragon.

Wearing a dragon robe, Xili led Fang Qingzhuo by the hand, and led the officials and nobles to go to the Dragon Pagoda to worship the heavens.

The ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven should be the most solemn and solemn moment today.

Standing on the high altar of the dragon, Ji Li, as if he was the only one in the world, read out the Shu Tian Wen Shu.

Thousands of characters of offering astronomical texts were poured into the Dragon Power from Jili, cadenced, sonorous and forceful, and spread throughout the entire Tianzhai Square.

I have to say, looking at the appearance and listening to the voice, Xili does have the spirit of a generation of heroes.

During the whole hour-long ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens, Ji Xin was actually very worried that something unexpected would happen and it would be regarded as unknown.

For example, there is a sudden thunder in the sky, and there is a sudden heavy rain. After all, today is not necessarily an auspicious day, and it is not specially selected.

But the sky seems to be especially fond of Zhili, there is no cloud in the sky, let alone a sudden rainstorm, let alone a thunderbolt, there is not even a wisp of dark cloud, not even a gust of wind.

Xili didn't believe in these things at first, but God's blessing made him burst with confidence, and he felt that he was really the lord of destiny.

When he came to sacrifice to the sky, he was still a little uneasy, but after leaving the dragon platform to worship the sky, he was already full of confidence.

With every step towards the palace, he felt his strength increasing.

By the time he reached the palace again, it was already afternoon, and after entering the Dragon's Palace, Xili already felt that he was possessed by a dragon, invulnerable and extremely powerful!


Next, the third step of the enthronement ceremony will be carried out, and the officials will go to the table.

There are too many officials and princes, and it is impossible for every official to read the congratulatory form.

Therefore, only dignified nobles and officials are eligible for this qualification. The Duke of Turingtuo was not present, and the first person present to read the congratulatory form was, of course, Prime Minister Yan Wuji.

And the second person who read the congratulatory form turned out to be the Marquis Voe of the Fire Worship City!

Voe chose to flee the battlefield with Turingtuo at that time, but after entering Baiyun County, he saw that Turingtuo had the intention of having an affair with Sauron, so he resolutely parted ways with Turingtuo and fled back to Wangcheng.

Turingtuo drew a clear line with Zhili at the critical moment. Didn't he think that the Marquis of Voe would still have sex with Zhili at this time?

It's really hard to understand, is he such a stupid person? Not like it. Why is he prejudiced against Sauron?

When Zhili ascended the throne, only half of the world's princes came, and only a small half.

Of the twenty-one princes, only seven were present, and the rest sent congratulatory forms.

But the presence of the Marquis of Voe made up for this shortcoming, for the simple reason that he was Sauron's grandfather.

In the congratulatory form of the Marquis of Voe, he finally mentioned that he hoped that the new king would make great efforts to rule, crusade against the rebels, and regain his homeland.

The traitor here is Sauron, and the so-called homeland is the southeastern province.

A total of nine ministers, nobles, and representatives of princes read the congratulatory form.

The third step of enthroning the hall is over.

Next, began the most important fourth step, the king's coronation!


The one who crowned the change of the previous generation was the serving priest of the Holy Temple of the capital.

So, who will crown Shili today?

In many people's minds, it should be a certain High Priest from the Temple of Xidu, the High Priest whose fate has been tied to Xili.

It is impossible for the Holy Priest Geli to appear.

Because, Xili's throne is too unjustifiable.

When this person appeared, everyone couldn't help being stunned.

This is an old man who has lost his life, wearing a golden robe, his beard and hair are all white, and his face is full of infinite majesty.

Holy Priest Enlin!

He turned out to be Enlin, the holy priest of the previous generation of Nulang Kingdom!

This is interesting!

In terms of qualifications, he is a holy priest of the previous generation, even older than Gerry.

But in terms of position, he has already come down from the holy priest of the Nulang Kingdom, and he has not been promoted to the Yanjing Temple, let alone the Sky Temple, so Enlin is just a retired holy priest at this time.

Xili is cunning, knowing that it is impossible for the holy priest, Ge Li, to attend his own coronation ceremony, so he uses Yinzhou's power to invite a retired veteran cadre to come out to be crowned himself.

Even though he has retired, he still has the title of Holy Priest on his body.

Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing for a high priest to really crown him.

At this time, En Lin, the retired holy priest, came forward, followed by two high priests and two high judges. Eight priests, eight judges, and ninety-nine Templars.

This lineup is indeed luxurious!

After the camp of the Dragon Temple appeared, the audience fell silent!

In the Longlin Hall, civil and military officials, nobles and princes retreated to both sides and knelt down on the ground one after another!

Even a retired holy priest is still a holy priest!

Next, ninety-nine Templars lined up in a solemn procession in the center of the hall.

Eight judges and eight priests stood under the steps, but Fu Lingxi was not inside.

Two high judges and two high priests stood on the steps, holding the crown and the crown respectively.

In fact, this crown should have been taken off from the head of 卮 Bian. But obviously it was impossible for Gao Yin to hand over the crown, so Xili made one himself, which was even more gorgeous and noble.

Anyway, as long as it is crowned by the Dragon Temple, any crown is real.

The other two big judges were holding the Dragon King Staff and the Dragon Gold Seal.

The entire kingship is composed of several large pieces, the crown, the dragon king staff, the dragon golden seal, and the jade seal!

Among them, the crown and jade seal belong to the secular world.

The Divine Dragon King Staff and the Divine Dragon Golden Seal were bestowed by the Divine Dragon Temple.

Now that Yuxi is in the hands of Sauron, if there is no accident today, if Xili is successfully enthroned as king, there will definitely be another fight for Yuxi.

Of the four things that make up the king's power, two of them were bestowed by the Dragon Temple. It's no wonder that Xili dared to assassinate the king and ascend the throne forcibly, because he had the support of the Dragon Temple no matter what.

He is backed by Yinzhou, one of the four major forces under the Dragon Temple.

Even if he committed a heinous crime by assassinating the king, as long as he can make it through, as long as he can make all the officials in the royal city unify, the Dragon Temple will have a way to support him.

Even if you can't give direct and positive support, you can still make a detour and let a retired holy priest perform the coronation ceremony.

In case something happens, just say that this is the private behavior of retired veteran cadres and has nothing to do with my Dragon Temple.


Enlin, the retired holy priest, came to the highest point of the Longlin Temple, under the throne!

Shili pays homage to Your Excellency the Holy Priest. Zhili knelt down on one knee.

Fang Qingzhuo pays homage to Your Excellency the Holy Priest. The new queen Fang Qingzhuo knelt down on both knees.

The holy priest Enlin put his hand on the top of Zhili's head and said, The new king, Zhili, are you willing to believe in Shenlong for the rest of your life?

I am willing. Zhili said extremely piously.

Holy Priest Enlin said: The new king Zhili, are you willing to serve Shenlong for life?

I am willing. Zhili said.

Holy Priest Enlin said: Do you swear that you will not violate any will and majesty of Shenlong for the rest of your life?

I swear. Zhili said.

Three questions are over!

Holy Priest Enlin came to Fang Qingzhuo and put his skinny hand on top of her head, asking the same three questions.

Queen Fang Qingzhuo, are you willing to believe in Shenlong for the rest of your life?

Fang Qingzhuo: I am willing.

Queen Fang Qingzhuo, are you willing to serve Shenlong for life?

Fang Qingzhuo: I am willing.

Queen Fang Qingzhuo, do you swear that you will not violate any will and majesty of Shenlong?

Fang Qingzhuo: I swear!

So far, the problem is over.

Enlin, the retired holy priest, picked up the crown and held it high!

On behalf of Shenlong, I bestow the supreme and sacred crown on the pious and noble Xili!

Then, the crown slowly lowered towards the top of Shili's head!

At this moment, Xili's heart was surging, and he couldn't contain his excitement!

He succeeded, this road of narrow escape, he actually succeeded.

I really didn't expect that Sauron would be so stupid that he would retreat again and again for the sake of a mere biological son.

He didn't even dare to stop the enthronement ceremony of Xili, this kind of stupidity and absurdity, he had never seen or heard of it.

Zhili had already made up his mind that he would use Sauron's own flesh and blood as a threat for any major event in the future.

If they attack Tianshui City again, they will directly bring Sauron's son to the front of the army.

Isn't your Sauron's artillery powerful? Come here, beat your son to pieces.

Non-toxic no husband!

History books are written by the victors. After a hundred years, who would know how unbearable and shameless he was?

The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. Sauron, I will definitely win! Xi said word by word in his heart.

The coronation of the crown is a very sacred process that requires a sufficient sense of ritual, so it looks like a slow motion movie.

At this time, the new king's heart was extremely anxious, wishing to snatch the crown and put it on his head immediately, lest something might go wrong at this last moment.


After the kings of all dynasties entered the coronation ceremony, there were no accidents again.

However, caring is messy.

The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. Sauron, I have won. Xi said again in his heart.


The crown already seems to touch the hair!

Once the crown is worn, everything is decided.

at this time……

Suddenly, the queen Fang Qingzhuo took a deep breath, and said resolutely, I report to Xili that I bear the blood of the devil, against the power of the dragon, and against the belief of the dragon!

As soon as the voice comes out!

The audience was shocked!

Zhili seemed to feel that a thunder nine days away struck violently on the top of his head.

He instantly lost consciousness and lost any movement.

All the civil and military officials, princes and nobles in the audience were completely stunned.

Even Enlin, the holy priest, was completely frozen in place.

After finishing speaking, Fang Qingzhuo suddenly pulled out the gold hairpin on top of her head, and swiped at Shili's face.

Shili, who was standing still, couldn't react all of a sudden, so he let his wife scratch his face.

Immediately, blood poured out, and a wound appeared on his face.

At this time, the audience was exclaiming!

A few tens of meters away, the eunuch Li Chenglian rushed forward and shouted, There are assassins!

Then, his Buddha dust slammed on Fang Qingzhuo's head, trying to smash her to pieces.

But then...

The wound on Xili's face quickly disappeared, and he completely recovered!

The blood of the devil, the evidence is as strong as a mountain!


Note: The first update is here, please support, please ask for monthly tickets, thank you everyone! (To be continued.)

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