World Destroying Demonic Emperor

430: Ascension to the throne! The situation is reversed!

After the countdown ended, Xi Ning still knelt on the ground, watching Turingdo quietly!

If you don't choose, then it seems that you don't want both of the baby's hands. Turingduo said coldly, and stepped forward to pull the baby's little hand out of his mouth.

The baby was sleeping soundly, and was suddenly awakened, crying loudly.

Turingduo grabbed the baby's tender pink arms like lotus root joints, put the dagger on the wrists, and said with a smile: It's really pink and cute little hands. After seeing Sauron, I wonder if he will die of heartache?

The baby was frightened, and tried desperately to struggle out of Turingduo's grasp, but he was only a little over one year old, so he couldn't escape Turingduo's clutches, so he cried even harder.

Good boy, it won't hurt soon. Turingduo said softly, raising the dagger, and was about to cut it off.

Shen Ning still knelt on the ground, did not beg for mercy, did not cry, and said coldly: After you cut it off, I will take the baby and leave this world. A woman who can't even protect her own child will have no face.

Turingdo was taken aback.

Shen Ning said: My baby is intact. If he is injured by a finger, then I will die! In order for him not to suffer, I will also take him away.

Are you threatening me? Turingdo said.

Then, she put the dagger on Shen Ning's face, and said coldly: At this time, you still dare to threaten me?

Yes, I'm threatening you. Shen Ning said, Because kneeling down to you doesn't work, and begging for mercy doesn't work, so I can only threaten you! What do you mean by putting a dagger on my face? Do you want to ruin my appearance? You do it, anyway, I won't be able to marry anyone in my life.

Turingdo slashed lightly with the dagger.

Immediately, bright red blood seeped from Shen Ning's snow-white face, and then flowed down her cheeks.

Xi Ning did not move, but reached out and placed the dagger on his neck artery, saying: I am Sauron's woman, if killing me can make you vent your anger, then do it. This is the artery, after cutting it He died in a few minutes, and the gods couldn't save him.

You are not only threatening me, but also blackmailing me. Turingdo said, and then slashed the dagger lightly.

Don't. Fang Qingzhuo shouted in shock as his heart was about to burst.

There was a bloody mouth on Ning Xuenen's neck,

Blood poured out. The incomparably sharp blade is only one millimeter away from her aorta, if it is cut, it will definitely kill her.

However, Shen Ning just remained motionless, looking at Turingduo, his eyes filled with death.

Suddenly, she and Turingdo fell into a stalemate.

After Shen Ning expressed his absolute will to seek death, Turingduo fell into a passive state. The remaining rationality told her that if she killed Shen Ning, Xi Li would not let her go. And if Sauron's son died, then she, Turingduo, would die even more without a place to bury her.

The two confronted each other for a long time.

Shen Ning suddenly said: Now the biggest obstacle for my brother's ascension to the throne is not only Xi Ting, but also Gao Yin, Hei Ningqi!

Hei Ningqi, the commander-in-chief of the imperial guards, was controlled by the eunuch Gao Yin.

Xi Ning said: Without Hei Ningqi's acquiescence, my brother Xili would not even be able to enter the palace, let alone ascend the throne? He can't ascend the throne in Shaojun's Mansion, right?

Turingduo gradually regained some sanity. It was a pleasure to take revenge on Sauron, but it was his ultimate goal to let Xili ascend the throne smoothly.

Xi Ning said: Sauron is a very paranoid person. He will not hesitate to choose family affection in front of interests and family affection! Yesterday I wrote a blood letter and a handful of the baby's lanugo. You send it to Sauron. Is it over?

Turingduo said: His Highness Shili has no griffins, so send the letter to the Princess Mansion. Gao Yin will definitely send someone to send this secret letter to Tianshui City as soon as possible.

Xie Ning said: Not necessarily, Gao Yin's allegiance is the king and Xiyan, not Sauron. For Gao Yin, the death of the baby and I is in his best interest, and it is also in the best interest of Xiyan. Therefore, he It may not be possible to send this letter to Sauron.

Turingduo thought for a while, and immediately agreed with Shen Ning's statement.

Shen Ning said again: Gao Yin will pretend that nothing happened and that he didn't receive your death threats. What you have to do now is to make this threat public, so that Gao Yin can no longer escape the fact that the baby is at stake. So At that time, if something happens to the baby, Gao Yin will not be able to get rid of the guilt of ignoring death, Sauron will definitely not forgive him.

Turingdo said: Then what do you think should be done?

Shen Ning said: Call Duke Xiting to this secret room, and force him to compromise with the lives of me and the child.

Turingdo said: How far is the compromise?

Xie Ning said: The most important thing is to let him not attend the anti-Xili rally, and let the official group that opposes Xili continue to be leaderless. And let him publicly admit that the death of the king has nothing to do with Xili's brother, let him indirectly agree with his brother Xili Enthronement! Not only that, but he can tell Gao Yin and Heiningqi not to prevent Xili from entering the palace for the enthronement ceremony, otherwise we will kill our mother and son.

Turingdo's face twitched and said, Will they agree to such an excessive condition? Will they give up the entire throne for a mere child?

Xi Ning said: It is impossible for others, but it is completely possible here with Sauron! Our mother and child died at your hands, and the crazy Sauron will certainly separate you and tear you into pieces. And he will never forgive Xiyan and Xiting, because the child died indirectly at their hands. Xiyan can temporarily lose the throne, but he must not lose Sauron's support.

Turingduo said: I still don't believe that Gao Yin and Xi Ting would make such a big compromise for this child?

Princess Xining said: Then you can try and bring Xiting here.

Turingduo looked at Princess Shenning for a long time, then turned and walked out of the secret room!

After she left completely, Shen Ning collapsed on the ground again, as if he had lost half his life.

At this moment, the baby was still crying out of breath, and Xi Ning was heartbroken, so he held the baby in his arms, patted him gently, and comforted him.

Sister-in-law, how are you? Xi Ning asked crying.

I'm fine. Fang Qingzhuo struggled to get up and came to help coax the baby.


After more than an hour, Duke Xiting appeared in the secret room of the high tower of the Temple of Jidu, and met Shenning, mother and son, and Fang Qingzhuo.

He has lost weight, but is still fat.

Duke Xiting, the child in front of you is Sauron's own flesh and blood. Turingdo said.

Then, she walked to Shen Ning's side, took out a sharp dagger and waved it in front of the child, as if she was about to stab him at any moment, and she suddenly trembled in fright.

Turingdo said: You also know that what follows is an absolute life-and-death struggle. If you take half a step back from His Highness, you will die without a burial. And once we die, we will definitely take Sauron's flesh and blood to be buried with us. Before the interim , I will definitely entrust you to send the child's head to Sauron.

As soon as these words came out, Duke Xiting directly slumped on the ground.

Once this kind of thing happens, how many people will Sauron kill, one hundred thousand? one million?

Everyone who has anything to do with this matter will be killed, including him, Ji Ting. Sauron must be able to do such a thing.

Duke Xiting tremblingly said: I...I will not go to the rally against Xili, let alone lead the ministers to oppose Xili. I will stay in my Duke's mansion and never go out.

Turingduo said: Not enough, you still want to support His Highness Shili's ascension to the throne?

Impossible! Duke Xiting said, At worst, I will take a dose of poison and kill myself after I go back. I will never do that.

Turingdo immediately put the dagger on the child's tender neck.

Immediately, Shen Ning immediately covered the baby's eyes to prevent him from seeing such a terrifying scene.

Duke Xiting cried directly, and said: You kill me, you kill me, one death is one hundred.

Turingdo said: Otherwise, take a step back and publicly say that His Highness Xili has nothing to do with the death of the king, and you absolutely do not believe that His Highness Xili will kill the king.

This condition is too rude, and Xi Ting still can't agree to it!

Turingduo smiled on the beautiful face, then grabbed the baby's little hand and said: If you don't even agree to this condition, I can only chop off a little hand and give it to you as a gift. I wonder if you will? like?

Then, she raised the dagger, as if about to cut it off.

Okay, I promise, I promise... Duke Xiting cried loudly, clutching his heart desperately, feeling as if he was about to convulse and faint.

Turingdo said: I also want you to tell Gao Yin and Heiningqi that His Highness Shili will ascend the throne in the front hall of the palace. I hope that the imperial guards will not interfere in any way.

Okay, I promise, I promise... Duke Xiting nodded desperately while covering his heart.

Turingdo sneered and said: It seems that emotions are really not a good thing, and they are so passive that they are completely at the mercy of others. His Highness Shili really made a mistake. At that time, he should have taken this baby with him in the decisive battle with Sauron. Isn’t Lun’s cannon powerful? Just hold this child and rush to the first place to see if Sauron dares to fire the cannon?”

You will die badly, you will die badly... Duke Xiting tremblingly said, You will die badly...


More and more officials gathered in Duke Xiyan's mansion, this is a huge speculation for them!

It's time for everyone to stand up for justice when Xili acted in such a perverse way. If everyone contributes to the fight against Xili today, when Sauron and Xiyan return to the royal city in the future, they must be rewarded for their meritorious deeds.

Of course, everyone has the courage to hide in the crowd and defeat Shili.

But no one would have the guts to stand up and take the lead in defeating Shili. Shooting the first bird, hiding in the crowd, but not punishing everyone, Xili can't kill everyone. But whoever dares to stand up and take the lead will definitely be slaughtered.

After waiting for a long time, Duke Xiting still did not appear.

Without a leader, everyone's confidence in opposing Xili would not be strong, and there would be no substitute for the dead at critical moments.

Finally, countless officials and nobles could no longer wait at the Princess Mansion, and went to Duke Xiting's Mansion one after another.

In the evening, hundreds of officials knelt outside the residence of the Duke of Xiting, each beating his chest and crying.

Duke Xiting, the kingdom has reached the most dangerous moment, you must stand up...

Your Excellency, the state-owned evildoer, as the pillar of the kingdom, you must stand up and save the kingdom from falling!

Princess Xiyan is not here, the Marquis of Sauron is not here, Duke, you must stand up, otherwise the kingdom will fall into the hands of evildoers!

Everyone cried and shouted out of breath, and asked Xiting to come forward and oppose Xili's ascension to the throne.

However, no one here dared to call out Xili's name, and they kept saying that they were evil, but they didn't even dare to say Xili's name, for fear that Xili would remember it.

If justice can bring benefits, of course everyone is willing to stand on the side of justice.

However, justice has to pay a high price, so it needs to be considered.

Therefore, these officials desperately called on Duke Xiting to come out, hoping that someone would take the lead, and at the critical moment, they could also block the butcher's knife for everyone.

In their mouths before, Duke Xiting was an incompetent dandy and a scum of the kingdom. Now it has become the pillar of the kingdom, the jade pillar of the kingdom!

In just over an hour, more than a dozen officials who were kneeling outside the Duke's mansion cried and fainted, and three vomited blood.

Hundreds of people, crying loudly!

Finally, the gate of the Duke's Mansion was opened, and Duke Xiting finally came out after a thousand calls and stood in front of everyone.

Immediately, everyone jumped up and knelt down, crying loudly: Your Excellency, the Nulang Kingdom has reached the most dangerous moment. Princess Xiyan is not here, and Your Excellency Sauron is not here. You must save the world and save the kingdom. gone.

Duke Xiting said: How to save?

A leading nobleman said: Lead us and stop the evildoers from making waves.

Monsters making waves? Duke Xiting said, What do you mean making waves? Can you explain it more clearly?

If you don't even dare to say Shili's name, you still want to push me out and lead you to fight against Xili?

The nobleman gritted his teeth sharply and said, Prevent Xili from ascending the throne?

After finishing speaking, don't worry about it and don't regret it, in short, he risked everything, and finally said Xili's name.

Duke Xiting said, What reason?

The nobleman said: His Majesty the King was assassinated and died, some people have suspicions that cannot be cleared!

At this point, he shrank again, saying that some people were suspected.

Duke Xiting said, Who are some people?

Someone in the crowd shouted, It's Zhili, the one who assassinated His Majesty the King.

Hero... The officials and nobles present applauded him.


Duke Xiting coughed.

Everyone instinctively quieted down, because they knew that Duke Xiting was about to deliver an important speech.

Duke Xiting said loudly: As we all know, the appalling murder of the king took place in the palace last night, and the whole world was shocked by it. Many people said that it was the work of His Highness Xili...

Having said that, Duke Xiting looked at everyone.

Everyone held their breath and pricked up their ears, waiting for Duke Xiting's next sentence.

Duke Xiting said slowly: I absolutely don't believe it! First of all, His Highness Xili is in the southern border city, thousands of miles away, and wants to direct the assassination of the palace? How is it possible! Secondly, His Highness Xili is humble and filial, I absolutely don't believe it He would be so insane that he would assassinate Junfu! Therefore, the fact that His Highness Shili assassinated the king is completely fictional.

Xi Ting's words, like a gust of storm, completely blew everyone's hearts!

All officials were completely stunned!

what happened? what the hell is it?

Was it Duke Xiting who rebelled? Or did His Highness Shili have some trump card that made Sauron have to compromise?

After Xi Ting finished speaking, he returned directly to the Duke's mansion, closed the door tightly, and never intended to open it again!


Duke Xiting's statement was like a 12-level hurricane blowing through the royal city!

The leader of the anti-Jieli camp, who was expected by everyone, even stood up and publicly expressed his support for Xili, so what do you expect?

If someone stood up again to oppose Xili's enthronement, wouldn't that be like a mantis' arm?

Sauron and Xiyan are not here, who are you showing justice to, and let Xili pull it out to make an example of others?

Immediately, the officials outside the duke's mansion scattered one after another, and those officials who vomited half a liter of blood and passed out to the end also secretly woke up, mixed into the crowd, and fled, regretting that they had acted too much.

After more than half an hour, all the officials standing outside the mansion of Duke Xiting disappeared completely.

Officials in Princess Xiyan's mansion also left almost cleanly.

The officials and nobles who kept saying that the kingdom was just and wanted to save the kingdom from collapse all disappeared.

Duke Xiting saw through the crack of the door that the bleakness of the deserted people outside had returned, and he shook his head and sighed.

The kingdom has raised these officials for decades, and raised these nobles for hundreds of years. But at the critical moment, no one is willing to stand up and truly be loyal to the country and stop Xili.

This fact is really chilling!

In fact, it's not just that that's chilling!

Before, inside the Princess Mansion and outside the Duke Xiting's Mansion, they kept saying that they wanted to uphold the justice of the kingdom and overthrow the officials of Xili. Many people had already secretly gone to the Young Monarch's Mansion in Xili, beating their chests and yelling at Sauron for being despicable, even keeping the king's death a secret, trying to place the crime of regicide on His Highness Xili's head.

Even though Xili was not there, these officials bowed and kowtowed to the empty chairs, shouting in pain, the country cannot be without a king for a day, please His Highness Xili ascend the throne as soon as possible!


As night fell, Xili and Prime Minister Yan Wuji rode griffins back to the royal city!

An extremely shocking and extremely absurd phenomenon appeared.

Xili's Griffin just landed.

Hundreds of thousands of officials in Shaojun's mansion immediately knelt down, crying loudly, with only one sentence in their mouths.

A country cannot be without a king for a day, please enthroned His Royal Highness as soon as possible!

A country cannot be without a king for a day, please enthroned His Royal Highness as soon as possible!

Both Xili and Prime Minister Yan Wuji were stunned!

When Yan Wuji left Wangcheng, there were still few officials and nobles in Shaojun's mansion, but there were many people in Xiyan's side.

At least 70% of the officials and aristocrats in the entire royal city were against Xili, and they even shouted for beatings and killings, saying that the state owned evildoers and the like.

When they came back at night, more than 70% of the officials came to Shaojun's mansion to kneel down and ask Xili to become king, and they kept yelling at Sauron for being despicable, and even tried to blame the crime of regicide on His Highness Xili.

Moreover, a large part of it is the same group of people. In the morning they shouted to defeat Xili, and in the evening they shouted to defeat Sauron, kneeling down and begging His Royal Highness Xili to ascend the throne as king.

Some even spoke more violently. Before, Sauron made the false impression of assassinating the king to frame Si Li, but later it simply became Sauron's assassination of the king.

The nobles and officials of the entire royal city went to Shaojun's mansion to kneel down and beg Xili to ascend the throne, only about 70% of them accounted for about 70%, where did the other 30% go?

They were not in Sheyan's princess mansion either, but hid at home and acted as ostriches, without making a sound or expressing their opinions.

In one day today, the situation has completely reversed!

And all these changes are only because of Duke Xiting's public statement.

The trick of pointing a deer into a horse and turning black and white was directed by Xi Li, but when the thing actually happened, he was still stunned.

It turned out to be better than what I expected.

It was clearly a deer, but hundreds of smart people present said in unison that it was a horse.

Even fools know that last night it was Xili who assassinated the king. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people said in unison that this was Sauron's conspiracy, and even Sauron assassinated the king.

Xili was really a little stunned, feeling that the scene in front of him was really fantastic.

His inversion of black and white turned out to be like this! His plan to assassinate the king and forcibly ascend the throne was a near-death plan, but it turned out to be a plan.

At this time, he couldn't help but said to Prime Minister Yan Wuji beside him: It is said that the mouths of nobles and officials are like the back eyes of prostitutes. Now it seems that even the back eyes of prostitutes are not as good. Their back eyes are just like the eyes of prostitutes. It’s used to shit, and these people’s mouths can not only shit, but also eat it back.”


So far, the nobles and officials in the entire royal city have only one voice, the country cannot be without a king for a day, kneel down and beg His Royal Highness Xili to ascend the throne as king!

That night, the officials wept blood and knelt down to ask Xili to become king.

Zhili refused three times, but a nobleman bumped his head against the wall, blood poured out immediately, it was extremely tragic.

At the same time, more officials and nobles took off their hats, threatening Xieli to hit the wall and die if he did not agree.

As a last resort, Xili could only agree with tears in his eyes.

Early the next morning!

Xili, civil and military officials, and all the nobles, under the protection of the city guards, headed for the palace in mighty force.

Fang Qingzhuo dressed up in splendid clothes, followed by Shili, and entered the palace!

The impatient enthronement ceremony is officially open!


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