With Love and Time

Chapter 475: What a great fight

Qin Yichuan came to Tan Huan very quickly, and it took only 20 minutes from the time I hung up the phone to them. Push open the door of the ward. Tan Huan walked in quickly. Seeing me sitting next to the hospital bed, she immediately came over and took my hand, and said worriedly: "Zijin."

I looked up at her. But don't know what to say.

Qin Yichuan walked up to me. Looking down at me slightly and said, "How is your body?"

I said: "After the stomach was lavage, the doctor said that he would be hospitalized for observation.

Qin Yichuan said: "Zheng and Zeyu both called here just now. They will be here right away and wait a bit. I'll take you to Zheng's side later."

I nodded and said nothing.

Qin Yichuan and Tan Huan were with me in the ward. About five minutes. Pushing the door open, Zhang Danqing walked in with a takeaway bag in his hand.

All of us looked at him. Zhang Danqing did not expect anyone to come to see me. After a daze. Towards Qin Yichuan and Tan Huan nodded.

I called out: "Brother Danqing."

Zhang Danqing walked over and put the bag on the bedside table. He said: "The doctor ordered you to eat only liquid food. I bought millet porridge. You drink a little first."

I was particularly embarrassed. Even if I really thought of him as my own brother, the pictures in the video kept flashing in my mind, and I didn't know what expression to face him.

Zhang Danqing was also wearing the uniform of a nightclub waiter. Seeing Qin Yichuan and Tan Huan's eyes, he must have recognized that the person in the video was the same as him, but neither of them spoke.

Zhang Danqing handed me the take-out box and reminded me that it was hot. I was so panicked that I really didn't want to eat, but Tan Huan persuaded me to take a few bites.

The atmosphere in the house was not uncomfortable, and I had to take advantage of the opportunity to eat to ease it somewhat.

After a while, Wei Zheng and Zheng Zeyu also arrived. The two first asked about my body, and then Zheng Zeyu said: "I have asked someone to block the source of the online video, and the upload address is also being checked. Don't worry."

I nodded.

Wei Zheng said, "I booked the nearest flight to the east and will be back early tomorrow morning."

I still nodded.

Tan Huan took my hand. I haven't cried yet. She has red eyes, and she whispered: "Zijin, don't feel bad, don't blame you for this."

The more they are like this, the more sorry I feel in my heart. In particular, they are all Luo Xiangdong's friends, and I always feel ashamed of Luo Xiangdong.

After a while, Wei Zheng took the lead and said: "Zijing, go to my side. The conditions there are better. You can rest well and wait until Xiangdong comes back."

Tan Huan took the initiative to get up and help me get my bag and coat, and we are ready to leave the hospital. Zhang Danqing had always been on the side before and didn't say much. Hearing the sound, he looked at me and said: "Zijin, let them take you there. Call me if you have something to do."

What happened last night was an accident. From a certain perspective, Zhang Danqing and I were both victims. Just relying on a few seconds of footage in the video, Zhang Danqing didn't avoid my kiss, which doesn't explain much. I tried to let go of the connection in my heart, looked at him and said, "Brother Danqing, thank you for sending me to the hospital."

Zhang Danqing said: "Tell me what to do with these things, take care of them, and if you want me to help, call me at any time."

I nodded: "Okay."

We were out of the hospital together, but Zhang Danqing went away alone. As soon as I got into Qin Yichuan's car, Luo Xiangdong called.

I whispered: "East."

Luo Xiangdong said: "Stomach lavage hurts your throat. Has the doctor prescribed medicine for you?"

I said ‘um’ and tears rolled in my eyes.

Luo Xiangdong said, "It's okay, don't be afraid, I will support you when the sky falls."

If Tan Huan and Qin Yichuan were both in the car, I would have lost my voice and wept bitterly. But it's not getting any better right now, I tried to endure the choking, but pumped.

Qin Yichuan took the phone and said to Luo Xiangdong: "Xiangdong, don't worry, we are all together and will take care of her."

I didn’t hear what Luo Xiangdong said. I only heard Qin Yichuan say: “It was made clear that someone deliberately punished her. Zeyu was checking the source of the video upload. I also asked someone to go to the nightclub last night to see if I could find out anything. ."

I thought that as soon as the video came out, I must have pointed it out. Unexpectedly, not only Luo Xiangdong didn't blame me, even the people around him believed me.

Nothing feels more emotional than reaching out for help when all thoughts are lost.

After all, I didn't find the wrong man, nor did I cross friends.

In the car, Qin Yichuan had been on the phone with Luo Xiangdong and only hung up when he arrived at the hospital. We walked to the inpatient department of a private hospital, and Wei Zheng got everything done with a single call. A group of us took the elevator to the top floor of the inpatient department. This floor is full of VIP wards. It is also very quiet on weekdays and will not be disturbed.

It's just that when we got out of the elevator door, the elevator door on the opposite side also happened to open. I didn't intend to look at it, but I heard Wei Zheng say in surprise: "Uncle, auntie."

As soon as I said this, I had to look up. This look is good, my eyes suddenly stared, because I saw Luo Xiangdong's parents.

Yes, it was Luo Zhenye and Guan Lin.

Guan Lin took Luo Zhenye's arm, and the two walked out of the elevator. Seeing our big group of people, no, it should be said that Luo Zhenye and Guan Lin both changed their faces when they saw me surrounded by them.


Qin Yichuan, Zheng Zeyu, and Tan Huan all greeted Luo Zhenye and Guan Lin, calling their uncles and aunts politely.

I was a step late and didn't go for a big walk. When I wanted to say hello, I had already missed the best time.

The point is that Luo Zhenye and Guan Lin ignored me either, Guan Lin just smiled and said to Tan Huan, "Congratulations on your engagement with Yichuan."

Tan Huan replied with a smile, "Thank you, Auntie."

Wei Zheng asked: "Uncle and aunt, why are you here?"

As soon as she said this, the smile on Guan Lin's face narrowed, and she replied aloud: "Rong Xin is in the hospital. I will come over with your uncle to have a look."


Rong Xin was hospitalized?

We all know what happened when I took Rong Xin to the nightclub last night. I haven't been to the ward yet, but she was admitted to the hospital one step ahead of me.

Zheng Zeyu asked quickly: "Why is Rong Xin hospitalized so well?"

Guan Lin said: "Her friend called us and said that he was taken to a nightclub to play, and after eating something that shouldn't be eaten, the stomach was lavaged."

"Stop talking, go in and see what's going on." Luo Zhenye said this.

This was also the first time I saw Luo Zhenye up close, and it was also the first time I heard him speak.

He is wearing a tailored and ironed suit with a long coat over the suit. The next year of the Ming Dynasty is already very big, but he has black hair, and he doesn't look angry.

I know that Luo Zhenye doesn't like me, and has always been afraid or even repelled from meeting him. Now when we meet on a narrow road, he just glanced at me inadvertently when he first got out of the elevator, and after that, he didn't really pick up his eyelids.

Luo Zhenye and Guan Lin stepped forward, and a group of people nodded and bowed their heads to bid them farewell. Seeing them entering a certain ward, everyone looked at me.

Zheng Zeyu frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Wei Zheng said, "Go in first, don't stand here and say."

Our group entered the ward, and Wei Zheng called the head nurse in.

He asked: "What's going on in Ward 1203?"

The head nurse said: "Sent here early this morning, taking medicine for gastric lavage."

Wei Zheng also frowned subconsciously, and asked in confusion, "Is the patient's surname Rong?"

The head nurse turned the case book and nodded, "Yes, it's called Rong Xin."

Wei Zheng nodded: "Okay, I see."

After the head nurse left, Zheng Zeyu sitting on the sofa raised her eyebrows and said, "She also lavages the stomach? Why is there a discount for the gastric lavage yesterday?"

Wei Zheng said, "Xiang Dong was so annoyed by Rong Xin recently that he also told us in private, eager to think of a trick to get her away."

Zheng Zeyu looked at me and said, "That little girl Rong Xin is not very old and is very tricky. Xiang Dong has told her clearly that she has nothing to do with her and told her not to mix with you anymore, but that girl has a very serious idea, called Xiang Dong talked to her parents, thinking about the law to torture you in a different way. Hey, who suggested going to the nightclub last night?"

I said, "Of course it is Rong Xin. I can't hide from her. How can I take her to such a place?"

Zheng Zeyu patted his thigh and said, "Well, needless to say, this girl did it all by herself."

Wei Zheng said: "Rong Xin is arrogant, unless she doesn't want it, she can't stand others not giving it. When Xiang Dong came up, she told her to stay away from her. If she didn't play with her, she would not suffocate with revenge. "

Qin Yichuan, who has always been silent and reticent, responded with a rare reply: "She relied on Xiangdong's parents to love her, and everyone dare not do anything to her."

Tan Huan said with a worried expression: "Now Zijin is hospitalized with gastric lavage, and she is also hospitalized with gastric lavage, what does she mean?"

Zheng Zeyu hummed, and said, "What do you mean you haven't made it clear yet?" After saying that, he added: "Of course, you don't understand the idea of ​​a scheming bitch. She was staying in the hospital because she was afraid that Xiangdong would come back to trouble her, so she did the same, and even moved Xiangdong’s parents in. Then she was also a victim, as long as we can’t take it. If the evidence comes out, then Zijin pitted her!"

Fuck me, his heart is vicious, it is comparable to the scheming of ancient palaces.

With my IQ, I can only guess that Rong Xin may have harmed me, but I was not sure before. After all, it is a big deal to administer medicine. She wouldn't want to get a boyfriend and kill me, right?

But now I saw that Rongxin Hospital was admitted, and Luo Zhenye and Guan Lin were called to guard. If she didn't have a ghost in her heart, she didn't believe it!

The more I thought about it, the more I held my breath, I was really going to rush to tear her up in minutes, but there were Luo Zhenye and Guan Lin in her room, even if they gave me ten or eight courage, I didn't dare.

A group of people analyzed the events of last night in the house, and while analysing, they called and urged the people under their hands to check and find what they should find.

Tan Huan comforted me and said: "Don't be afraid, Zijin, we all believe in you, and Brother Xiangdong believes in you, what are you afraid of?"

Yes, I should be most thankful that Luo Xiangdong believed me.

When I thought I had fallen into the target, he bent down and stretched out his hand to get me out of the sea of ​​isolation and helplessness. He told me to wait for him to come back, I must wait for him.

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