With Love and Time

Chapter 474: Make it clear that the design hurts her

I looked at the time when Luo Xiangdong called me the first time, it was just after 12 o'clock in the evening. There is a 12-hour time difference between China and the United States, just after noon on his side.

I am like this now. Call him he must be worried. And I have no evidence that Rong Xin harmed me. I had to suppress the fire temporarily and wait for Luo Xiangdong to return.

I sent him a text message and said that he had fallen asleep before. Just saw it. Believe it or not. Let me comfort him first, the other people in the province are still frightened with me while abroad.

SMS sent over. He didn't reply after waiting for ten minutes. Zhang Danqing said to me: "Zijin, sleep for a while. I will call you when the injection is over."

I responded and stepped back slowly. Zhang Danqing helped me set the pillow. I fell asleep as soon as I touched the pillow.

I was a heavy sleeper, and it was the sound of other people who woke me up. I squinted, and there were several people around the bed on the far right.

Zhang Danqing's voice came: "Wake you up?"

I instinctively stretched out my right hand and rubbed my eyes. Only then did I find tape on the back of my hand. The water has run out.

"Is the injection finished?"

"Well. I wanted you to sleep longer, so I didn't call you."

I whispered: "What time is it?"

Zhang Danqing said: "It's only half past eight."

The public ward is not good at this point. The family members who came in were unconscious and spoke loud enough to wake the people in the next ward.

The woman I saw when I woke up last night. She said she committed suicide by cutting her wrists and was picked up by relatives early in the morning. After a gang of men filed out, I immediately asked gossiping: "Did the man come?"

"What?" Zhang Danqing is not on the same channel with me.

I have to ask clearly: "That woman, don't you say she committed suicide for love, did the man come when I fell asleep last night?"

Zhang Danqing said: "You are like this yourself, and you still think about gossip about others."

I curled up my lips and replied with a faint smile, "I'm fine anyway."

Zhang Danqing didn't smile. He looked at me and said, "You are alone in the night city, and you are not taking care of yourself. This time I caught up. What about the next time?"

I said: "No next time." I almost said that this time it was not a coincidence, let alone accidental, it was probably because someone deliberately harmed me. But I couldn't tell Zhang Danqing about this, otherwise, with his temper, he would care about whose daughter Rongxin was, and he would have to be beaten if he dragged it out.

I deliberately said that I was heartless, I just wanted not to worry Zhang Danqing. But it may be my heartlessness that makes God unhappy, and I have to go around in a big circle to fix me.

If I had long known that there was a saying that the first move was first, I would definitely not suffer this dumb loss in silence.

Just as Zhang Danqing went out to buy me breakfast, I received a call from Wang Huining. I called out'Sister Huining' in a hoarse voice. Wang Huining said in a hurry, "Zi Jin, is the person in the video you? "

My brows frowned slightly: "Huh? What video?"

Wang Huining said: "What's wrong with your voice? Didn't you watch today's headlines? There is a video of less than one minute in which you were kissing a strange man in a nightclub. I just looked very much like you. phone……"

I didn't even listen to Wang Huining's words. From the moment she said the word nightclub, my heart trembled.

There is no wifi in the hospital, and I have this virtue, so naturally I have no mood to play with mobile phones. After she said so, my whole person panicked, and after hanging up the phone, I immediately opened the flow to scan the phone.

Sure enough, the headline was "Suspected Luo Xiangdong's girlfriend kissing the waitress in the nightclub." I clicked in and saw that the video was obviously taken by someone secretly. Under the dim sight, a pair of men and women in the corridor pulled and pulled. The man wore the uniform of a waiter, dragging the body of a suspected drunk woman with one hand, and the woman put her arms around the man's neck, tiptoes, and desperately leaned in to kiss him.

The video is slowly zoomed in from far away, even if the light is dim, I can recognize the men and women in the video at a glance. It is me and Zhang Danqing.

The two of us in the picture are close to each other. I can't see whether it's drug use or drunk. I behave crazy, clinging to Zhang Danqing's neck and refusing to let go. Zhang Danqing put his arm around my waist with one hand, and the other hand was in a position that the video could not shoot. I couldn't see if he was pulling me or what.

The only thing I can see is that I have a clear side face and even most of the side face when I shake my head. Zhang Danqing seemed to be talking to me, I couldn't hear anything, stretched out my hand and pulled him by the collar, pulling him to me.

I stood on tiptoe and kissed him. I thought Zhang Danqing would look away, but he... just stood there and let me kiss his lips again and again...

Looking down at the mobile phone in my palm, I was dumbfounded. Suddenly the picture stopped. I thought it was stuck, but it ended.

In just a few tens of seconds, I was completely cold.

Zhang Danqing said that it was okay, and I simply thought it was nothing. But what is going on in this video?

The phone was slumped in my palm, and I couldn't hold it tightly. Suddenly, the tingling started from my fingertips. I was so scared that I looked down and saw that it was a call.

Caller: Tan Huan.

I rarely communicate privately with Tan Huan, when she suddenly called me. After hesitating, I still connected.

"Hey, Tan Huan."

Tan Huan froze for a moment, and then said, "Zi Jin, what's wrong with your throat?"


I was frightened and scared. I couldn't cry even if I wanted to cry.

Seeing that I was silent, Tan Huan's low and anxious voice came: "Zijin, did you watch the video? What's the matter? Is that person you? Yichuan asked me to call you."

As the saying goes that the ugliness of the family should not be publicized, I immediately had the illusion of being slapped in the face, although I knew that many people were worried about me, not for the fun.

The fingers holding the phone trembled slightly, and I whispered: "Tan Huan, I was drugged in a nightclub last night..."

"Ah? How could this be?"

Tan Huan's end was obviously anxious, my tears rolled in my eyes, but I couldn't fall for some reason, maybe it was because I was too scared.

It didn't take long for the person to change on the other end of the phone, and it was Qin Yichuan's voice.

He gave a ‘hello’ and then said, "Where are you now?"

I sucked my nose and said aloud, "In the hospital."

"Which hospital?"

Which hospital...I don't know. I don't remember how I came here, and the sky fell when I woke up.

I forcibly endured the fear in my heart and said aloud: "You wait for me to ask."

I lifted the quilt and got out of bed and out of the ward. There was a nurse on duty not far away, and I asked, "Which hospital is this?"

The nurse reported the name of the hospital, and I told Qin Yichuan. Qin Yichuan said: "We are past now."

After hanging up the phone, I went back to the ward and sat idly by the bed. How could I not get through this hurdle in my heart? I was afraid that Luo Xiangdong would misunderstand Zhang Danqing and me after seeing this video, so I immediately called him.

The connection sound of beep beep, Luo Xiangdong would answer after three or five beeps in the past, and it has been ringing six times today.

I gripped the sheet tightly under my body. I didn't want anyone to explain this effort, I just wanted to talk to Luo Xiangdong.

Finally, Luo Xiangdong answered, and his familiar voice came from the phone, but the voice was very low, he whispered: "I'm in a meeting, I will call you later."

"Xiang Dong..." I couldn't hold back a word, and already called him.

My voice was hoarse, coupled with crying, Luo Xiangdong was taken aback for a moment, and quickly said: "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

I choked in my throat, but after a few seconds, I withdrew my tears and tried to say to him in a calm tone: "Xiangdong, I'm causing trouble."

Luo Xiangdong should have come out of the conference room temporarily, his voice became normal, and he calmly said to me: "Don't worry, speak slowly, what's the matter?"

This time I can’t hide it anymore. I honestly said: “I took Rong Xin and her friend from Canada to the nightclub last night. I don’t know who drugged me. I, I recognize Zhang Danqing as you. Yes, I kissed him in a nightclub and was filmed..."

I don't know why, when this incident happened, my first reaction was to find Luo Xiangdong first. Instead of letting others tell him, I would tell him personally.

When Luo Xiangdong heard this, he was truly silent for a while. It's not that I'm not worried at the bottom of my heart. We can't see the expressions on each other's faces and don't know what's in each other's hearts.

But I know that for the present, the only person I can count on is him.

Xu was three seconds, maybe five seconds. Luo Xiangdong’s voice came through the phone, still steady and steady. He said to me, “Don’t worry, call Zeyu and ask him to seal the video first. Check the source of the upload. Where are you now? Are you okay?"

I said: "I'm in the hospital, Dan Qing sent me to have my stomach lavage."

I don't have to say something wrong. Since it was a stomach lavage, Luo Xiangdong should know that Zhang Danqing and I are fine.

Luo Xiangdong said: "Call Wei Zheng over and let him take you to his hospital to keep you, and I will go back immediately."

I said, "Don't worry about me, I just contacted Yichuan brother, and he said he is coming."

Luo Xiangdong was silent on the other side, and I was not sure what he thought. The key was that I couldn't see the expression on his face.

As he was silent for longer and longer, my heart became more uncomfortable. Finally, I whispered: "Xiang Dong..."

This time I did it wrong. No matter who gave the medicine, I walked into the nightclub with my own legs, no wonder others.

Maybe it was because of my inexcusable mistake that I couldn't cry anymore.

Luo Xiangdong said in a low voice: "Zi Jin, I'm sorry..."

I never expected that Luo Xiangdong would say sorry to me. His voice fell, my eyes flushed, and I choked up and said, "Why are you sorry to tell me..."

Luo Xiangdong only said one sentence: "Wait for me to come back."

With Luo Xiangdong's words, my heart feels like a reassurance, and I am not afraid of anything.

After hanging up the phone, I sat on the side of the bed and wanted to cry several times, but I tried to hold back. The more I get to the Kan'er, the stronger I am. I just did something wrong and haven't deliberately made a mistake. As long as I find out who harmed me, I will never let it go.

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