Witcher starts with Get Inspiration Panel

Chapter 224 The path to improve strength

Just as Nicole completed the sacrificial ceremony, the battle in the northeast corner of Tuge City also came to an end!

"No!! How dare you mortals harm the great Lokall"

I saw that the originally high-spirited third-level stone elemental lord was beaten like a bereaved dog at this moment. The hard rock body all over his body had been cratered, and a huge rock arm had been completely broken!

"Boom!!" followed by a dazzling blue beam of light.

Lokall's rocky body was hit by more than ten kinds of weakening and defense-lowering curses. He could no longer withstand this heavy blow, and a circular hole the size of a door panel was penetrated in the center of his body.

Immediately, the third-level elemental lord Lokall entered his deathbed!

"The Great Lokor."

The originally strong mental fluctuations on the giant stone soon returned to calm, and a third-level stone elemental lord fell into the hands of a group of second-level great wizards.

Of course, this does not mean that the strength of the third-order stone elemental lord is just that much.

The giant suppressive witch formation that covers the entire Tuge City must be ranked first in its role. The giant suppressive witch formation effectively limits Rocaul's ability as a third-order stone elemental lord.

The ability of its force field aura is severely restricted, which can be regarded as a direct solution to the most troublesome group battle weapon of lord-level elemental creatures.

Secondly, the cooperation of as many as ten second-level great wizards, with the giant bronze puppet acting as a human shield, gave the great wizards a chance to hit the target.

The great wizards present were all moved when they looked at the heart of the earth element, which was exposed from a pile of huge broken stones, the size of a human head, and still flickering with earth-yellow light.

This is a third-level treasure and has too many uses.

Even if it is used in the most stupid way, putting it into a second-level giant rock puppet can continuously increase its activation level, thus slowly raising it to the second-level extreme level.

Not to mention, the alchemy plan of using the Earth Elemental Heart together with other treasures.

"Hey! Baghdadi, have you noticed that the souls of the fallen city guards seem to have disappeared." A second-level wizard who is proficient in the shadow system said with a puzzled face.

Just now, he saw with his own eyes the soul of a gray dwarf warrior from the city guard who had just died, suddenly disappeared.

It stands to reason that after a person dies, the soul will slowly dissipate within half an hour, and it will never disappear suddenly. This is not in line with common sense.

"It seems that it was absorbed by the ground."

The second-level great wizard thought for a while and added hesitantly.

The other party is a second-level great wizard who is proficient in the shadow system. The other party's words naturally attracted Baghdadi's great attention. After all, the City Guards can be said to be his direct line troops, and he cannot let his direct line troops lose their souls even after death. rest in peace.

Similarly, this incident also attracted the attention of other second-level wizards, who all looked around.

"Baghdadi, look here." Soon, one of the second-level wizards was discovered in a bakery nearby.

I saw him lifting up the carpet covering the floor of the bakery, pointing to a looming witchcraft rune on the ground and saying:

"This is the mark of the shielding witch formation. Judging from the size of the mark, this shielding witch formation has a very wide range. It is also very convenient to verify. The mark of the other witch formation should be over there."

Everyone rushed over to take a look, and sure enough, they found the corresponding witch formation mark on the floor of a resident's bedroom.

This made everyone look at each other for a while.

Who is it? Under their noses, such a large-scale covering witch formation was arranged.


No one expected that this discovery was just the beginning. Soon, several other great wizards would make other important discoveries.

"Baghdadi, I found the rune mark of the Soul Imprisonment Witch Array here." A second-level great wizard who studied the witch array carefully said to Baghdadi with a serious face.

"Is there a soul-imprisoning witch formation hidden underneath the covering witch formation?" Baghdadi murmured to himself.

Under the full investigation of a group of second-level wizards, within a few minutes, they discovered that several large witch formations had been secretly set up throughout Tuge City.

After research by two second-level wizards who specialize in witchcraft formations, although these large-scale witchcraft formations have different functions, they all serve only one purpose - to collect souls!

To be precise, it is to collect high-quality souls.

After calculating the core of the witchcraft array, the group quickly arrived at a villa belonging to a wealthy businessman and found that the person who had set up the witchcraft array had long since left the building. The place where the soul collector was supposed to be placed was also empty at this time.

This immediately made Baghdadi black-faced!

It seems that the mastermind behind this time must be directly related to the broken seal of the Scorched Earth Secret Realm!

The opponent's purpose was very clear, and they deliberately caused the seal of the Scorched Earth Secret Realm to break, allowing a large number of elemental creatures to rush out and cause killing, creating conditions for them to collect a large number of high-quality souls.

The clenched fists showed Baghdadi's inner anger.

This group of guys who only dare to play tricks behind their backs have desecrated the souls of the brave gray dwarf warriors. It is an unforgivable crime!

"Baghdadi, this seems to be the work of the Jade Fire Cult!" A second-level wizard who used Shadow Recall said.

"Yes, judging from the traces, it should be left behind by the followers of the Jade Fire Cult." Another second-level wizard who used Trace Detection confirmed the former's statement.

At this time, Baghdadi's anger was released instantly.

"Everyone, it seems that I need to rely on your strength again."

"On behalf of the City Lord's Palace, I issue a reward order. If you can find traces of the Jade Fire Cult or kill the members of the Jade Fire Cult, the City Lord's Palace will give you generous rewards."

"As for the specific reward terms, they will be issued later. I hope you can quickly communicate them to your respective organizations."

"Especially for those who can kill the Jade Fire Cult Bishop level, I will open the private vault and let them choose a treasure!"

Baghdadi seemed to be so angry that he even took out one piece from his personal collection and distributed it as a reward.

However, this immediately attracted the interest of the second-level wizards present.

As the city lord, Baghdadi has collected a lot of good stuff over the years. Almost everyone can find one or two treasures they need in his private vault.

"Baghdadi, don't worry, everyone is responsible for the cult!" A second-level wizard responded immediately.

"That's right! I will personally arrange the personnel for this matter."


Richard's Villa.

When everyone heard the words of the third-order stone elemental lord Rokoul, who was strong but capable, they knew that the overall situation in the northeast corner of the city had been decided.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the city guards to send news that the entrance to the broken seal had been temporarily blocked and all elemental creatures had been eliminated.

This made Richard, Fana and others relieved. They really couldn't stand another battle.

Muriel, the burly captain of the city lord's palace guard, also said goodbye at this time:

"You two, it seems that this place should be safe for the time being. I also need to report the situation here to the city lord, especially the news of Dissol's sacrifice!"

As Muriel withdrew with his guards, the only people left in the villa were his own people.

"Fana! It's all thanks to you this time, otherwise" Richard looked at Fana's delicate face and said extremely seriously.

"Don't say that! You also helped me in the Scorched Earth Secret Realm. Since we are friends, we should help each other."

"By the way, your residence has become like this, why don't you go stay with me for a while first."

As if she was worried that Richard would refuse, Fana paused and added:

"Besides, the matter with the Jade Fire Cult is probably not over yet this time. If the two of us are together, we will at least have the ability to protect ourselves."

Fana's words immediately made Richard, who was originally hesitant, make up his mind to temporarily move to Fana's villa.

With Nicole's strength, for the current Richard, there is no chance of winning on his own.

"Okay, Fana, I'll trouble you. Just wait for me. I'll go to the alchemy room and bring a few things. Let's go there." Richard nodded and agreed to Fana's suggestion.

There is nothing particularly valuable in Richard's villa.

The only thing he had to bring with him was some materials left in the alchemy room.

Alchemy equipment?

No need to bring it at all.

Don't forget, Fana is also an alchemist herself, although her alchemy skills are not as good as Richard's.

But the equipment in her alchemy room is almost complete, and in some aspects, it is even more complete than the alchemy room built by Richard in a short period of time.


after one day.

In the garden of Villa Fana.

Richard was walking alone, but he kept thinking about something in his heart.

He decided to further strengthen his strength.

Although, no matter what aspect I look at, I can be said to be very strong among first-level and early-stage wizards.

But the enemies he faced became stronger each time!

Especially when facing Nicole this time, with the opponent's top-level strength and his extremely powerful body after alienation, if Richard hadn't relied on the self-destruction of the blood-bone puppet, a high-level combat puppet, he might not have been able to survive. It only takes a few moves and it will be completely over.

After the battle yesterday, Richard had been thinking about something.

If you meet Nicole again next time, how should you fight? How to win!

Considering the current situation, Richard is basically certain that if he is still at the first level of the first stage, even if he can collect all the materials, make a bloody bone puppet again, and summon the resentful spirit to abhor.

But it seems that I still have no chance of winning!

The only feasible way is to make full use of the mixed black dragon blood in your hands.

Use the method of burning bloodline essence to stimulate yourself to become a first-level high-level wizard.

If successful, his blood-bone puppets and resentful abominations will be boosted by his increased strength, thus possessing the combat power to compete head-on with Nicole.

Now the problem is back to square one.

That is, how to solve the problem of igniters?

Richard called up the inspiration panel and looked at the hundreds of thousands of energy points and the first-order spar aggregation witch formation.

He planned to try to see if he could deduce the first-level crystal aggregation witch formation to a second-level crystal aggregation witch formation, or some kind of mixed crystal aggregation witch formation.

The purpose is to use a large amount of flame crystals and essence to simulate the effect of the third-order flame heart, thereby igniting the mixed black dragon origin blood!

Richard came to Fana's alchemy room.

I saw that the area of ​​the alchemy room was almost three times that of Richard's. The alchemy equipment in the room was all available. Except for the unique equipment designed by Richard himself, it could be said that it had everything it should have.

Richard nodded slightly and immediately ordered Fingart to guard the door and not to let anyone disturb him.

[It was discovered that the host was practicing an unknown witchcraft formation. Did/do you consume energy to gain inspiration for practicing the unknown witchcraft formation? 】

Without hesitation, Richard dragged the slider to the far right and selected "Yes!"

He would get energy points from the three gray-robed men and use them all at once.

After a while, Richard's soul came to the dream space by a familiar route. This time it was an alchemy room, which seemed to be the dream space projection of Fana's alchemy room. The size and placement were exactly the same.

In the room, a vague figure is constantly extending outwards and drawing new formation patterns based on the first-order crystal stone aggregation witchcraft formation.

I saw that the original diameter of this witch formation was about three meters. Due to the continuous addition of new formation patterns, it has now become a huge witch formation with a diameter of more than six meters.

"Okay, now, the witch formation has a total of thirty-six crystal stones. I don't know if it is enough!" Richard thought to himself.

If all first-level flame crystals are placed, from the energy calculation point of view, there should be a big gap between the energy fluctuations of the third-level flame heart.

In this case, only some of the thirty-six points can be upgraded from placing flame crystals to placing second-level flame essence!

Let’s start by adjusting the flame crystals at six points.

Since the turbulence effect needs to be recalculated and adjusted after adding the flame essence, Richard can only use the inspiration of massive energy points to push forward, starting from the six points of flame essence and constantly improving!

【drop! The unknown witch formation attempt was successful, please name the host? 】

"Mixed Crystal Gathering Witch Formation!"

After a while, the world was spinning, and Richard's soul returned to his body.

Finally succeeded!

Richard's clenched fists revealed his inner excitement.

Mixed crystal aggregation witch formation, the main effect of this witch formation is to gather energy through multiple first-order flame crystals and second-order flame essence, thereby achieving the energy fluctuation effect of the third-order flame heart.

According to Richard's calculations, as long as eight flame essences and twenty-eight flame crystals are placed in all thirty-six points of the mixed crystal aggregation witchcraft array, after the witchcraft array is successfully operated.

The energy reaction in its core area should be able to achieve the energy fluctuation effect of the third-order Flame Heart.

Of course, to be on the safe side, Richard decided to increase the number of flame essences to nine, which means nine flame essences and twenty-seven flame crystals.

"Hiss!" Richard couldn't help but take a breath. This amount, converted into magic stones, is almost an astronomical figure!

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