Baghdadi said solemnly: "Everyone, stop watching and quickly repel the stone elemental lord Lokauer. Otherwise, I am worried that more elemental lords will come out of this cracked passage."

"In that case, even if we have a suppressing witch formation, it will be very difficult."

"Then what are you waiting for? Just use whatever means you have. Even if the third-level stone elemental lord is suppressed, he is not that easy to deal with." A red-haired second-level great wizard said aside.

"Hawkins, before the main attack, I need your help. I need your giant bronze golem to resist the stone elemental lord in front. Otherwise, no one will dare to do anything." Baghdadi said.

"No problem, Baghdadi!" Hawkins said, patting his chest.

He took out a strange metal whistle, put it in his mouth and blew it. Suddenly, there was a vibration on the right side of everyone.

After a while, a giant bronze demon statue, about twelve meters tall, walked from the side with long strides.

The entire golem seems to be made of cyan metal, and it seems to be made of bronze as the name suggests. But only a few people, including Hawkins, knew that most of the material of this giant bronze golem was made of a special bronze alloy.

Note, not bronze, but bronze alloy.

The overall shape of the giant bronze golem is similar to that of a human being, but there are three thick pipe devices on the back, which are the exhaust channels for condensate.

For a huge elemental lord like Lokauer, no warriors, including gray dwarves, humans, lizardmen, and fishmen, could serve as a solid shield to withstand Lokauer's rolling stone charge.

Unless death is the price every time, it may be possible to fetter the other party, but such a loss is too huge, and at the same time, it is not safe.

Therefore, the giant war golem of the same size as Rocaul is the best shield for the great wizards to resist Rocaul's attack.

Moreover, it cannot be an ordinary rock golem.

For example, the two rock-type golems at the gate of Tuge City cannot be activated this time to join the battle against the stone elemental lord Rocaul.

Because once they join, these two rock golems will be restrained by the natural ability of the stone elemental lord, and will instead become the enemy's helper.

As soon as the giant bronze golem approached the predetermined battlefield, it immediately locked onto Locall and began to charge towards Locall.

Lokall obviously also noticed this giant structure that was only slightly shorter than himself.


Suddenly, the two behemoths collided violently.

After being suppressed by the witch formation, Lokall's power was weakened to a considerable extent. The giant bronze golem that should have been far from his opponent was actually able to match it.

"Attack!!" Baghdadi roared.

Suddenly, colorful witchcraft flashed!

"Curse of Weakness!"

"Force field dispersal!"

"Metal Torrent!!"

"Slow down method!"

For a time, Lokall was beaten back by the witchcraft, and he was furious and helpless!

"Iron fist combo!!" Baghdadi took advantage of the heat to hit the railway track.

I saw three huge metal condenser tubes behind the giant bronze golem, and the whistle sounded loudly!

Apparently the energy source in his body began to operate at high power, causing the body temperature to rise suddenly and the condensate to boil.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The huge iron fist, the size of a door panel, started a ruthless series of attacks against Lokall's hard rock body.

The speed was so fast that a pair of iron fists waving back and forth were like high-speed pile drivers, and only an afterimage could be seen.

A few seconds later, a large area of ​​the rocky surface in front of Lokall was shattered. Stones the size of a washbasin kept falling off, scattering in a cloud of dust.

This caused Lokall, who had at least ten curses and negative effects in his body, to shout angrily: "Mortals! You have angered me!"

"It seems that the second-level great wizard, in the eyes of the elemental lords, is at least no longer an ant or a reptile, but has been named a mortal." Hawkins on the side couldn't help but joked.

To everyone's surprise, just when everyone was preparing to deal with Rocaul's ultimate move, who would have thought that the "great" stone elemental lord Rocaul would actually turn around and start running away towards the passage.


At this time, Lokauer was restrained by the Suppressing Wizard Formation and could not display his level three strength at all. Without a full-coverage force field, Lokauer was not much stronger than the level two great wizard.

Moreover, those who are besieging Lokall now are not just one or two second-level great wizards, but ten of them, the top leaders of the most elite forces in Tuge City, all kinds of rare magic potions, alchemy products, etc. No shortage.

Upon seeing this, Baghdadi immediately yelled: "Hawkins, let the bronze golem block Lokall's retreat!"

"Everyone, I hope that everyone can use all their strength at this time to keep the elemental lord Lokall as much as possible, so that his head can be used to pay tribute to our heroic city guard soldiers!"

Several second-level great wizards suddenly looked at each other. For a third-level elemental lord, it would not be easy for them to kill him.

The most important thing is definitely to worry about the opponent's desperate counterattack.

"Don't worry! The giant cannon puppet is already on its way. I believe we have a high probability of success!"

"Everyone, if we can successfully kill Rocaul, I can represent the city lord's palace and not participate in the distribution of the spoils. I think just a third-level Heart of the Earth can definitely make up for all your losses."

Baghdadi's words immediately made the eyes of the second-level wizards present brighten.

The long-range attack power of the giant cannon puppet can be said to be no less than the melee attack power of the giant bronze golem.

If a cannonball hits, its power is no less than that of a second-level attack witchcraft.

Money attracts people's hearts, and so do the second-level great wizards, but the only things that can make them tempted are more cherished and precious items.

The third-level stone elemental lord can be said to be full of treasures. If he can successfully kill him, everyone will naturally make a lot of money!

Suddenly, the density of witchcraft flying towards Lokall more than doubled!

This made Baghdadi and Hawkins look at each other with a smile.

Sure enough, they are all those guys who don't let go of the rabbit before they see the rabbit.


The outskirts of Tuge City.

Nicole, who was covered in injuries, was carrying Grace's body under her arm, and was escorted by several gray-robed people around her, rushing to somewhere quickly.

"Have you got the soul essence ball back?" Nicole asked quickly as he walked away.

"Sir, I got it back. As expected, a total of seven soul essence balls were collected." A man in gray said respectfully.

"Seven coins, originally it was enough, but now I don't know if it is enough." Nicole lowered her head, glanced at Grace, who seemed to have fallen asleep, and murmured to herself.

"There is no other way now. Let's go back first."

The group of people quickly ran towards the remote valley where they originally settled.

Half an hour later, when Nicole arrived at the Hidden Valley, she did not stop and chose to continue walking inside.

In the deepest part of the valley, there was a rock wall tens of meters high. After walking around a huge boulder, on the rock wall in front of him, there was a cave covered by vines, more than three meters high. The cave Deep and dark inside.

Although there are a small number of green flame lamps placed on both sides, the visibility is still not high, and due to its special green light, the entire cave presents a strange and evil atmosphere.

However, as Nicole and others gradually went deeper into the cave, they encountered more and more members of the Jade Fire Church.

It seems that this valley should be a large stronghold operated by the Jade Fire Church for a long time.

"Nicol Priest!"

"Lord Sacrifice!"

"Good day, my lord!"

Congregants kept stopping, bowing slightly to Nicole and greeting her respectfully.

It seems that the priest Nicole's status in the Jade Fire Church is higher than expected.

Although, logically speaking, there are bishops responsible for an area and patriarchs responsible for all academic affairs. In some churches, the patriarchs are called popes or patriarchs, etc. The names are different, but the meanings are similar.

"Is Bishop Antonio in the prayer room?" Nicole stopped a gray-robed congregant and asked.

"Yes, Priest Nicole, Bishop Antonio has just woken up and is in the prayer room now." A gray-robed congregant replied with a hint of awe.

Nicole's reputation for cruelty was well-known even within the church.

After letting his other subordinates wait outside the prayer room, Nicole tightened her grip on Grace under her arm and knocked on the door of the prayer room.

"Dong dong dong! Teacher, it's me!"

"Is it Nicole? Come in!" An old voice came.

But what is surprising is that judging from the voice, the other party seems to be very weak, not at all like the strength and grace that a bishop should have.

You know, even if it is a cult, its setup is almost the same as that of an orthodox religion. Bishops generally need to possess the strength of a second-level great wizard to serve as a bishop.

Nicole opened the door gently and entered the room in a flash.

"Teacher! I have collected all the Soul Essence Stones." Nicole bowed slightly and said respectfully.

The prayer room in front of him was not large, only about 70 to 80 square meters.

There are very few ornaments inside. There is a huge candlestick on both sides of the innermost room. The shape of the candlestick is a mountain shape superimposed three times, which means there are nine candles in total. They are burning with a special turquoise flame at the moment.

Between the two candlesticks, in addition to a several-meter-high statue of the Jade Fire King Xavius, there is also a special stone platform placed directly in front of the statue.

The stone platform is about three meters in diameter, and a special complex witch formation has been drawn on it.

At this time, Nicole's so-called teacher was kneeling with his back on his back, hunched over, praying in front of the statue.

However, when he heard Nicole's words, he immediately turned his head.

What appeared in front of Nicole was an old face with wrinkled skin. Judging from the appearance, one could barely recognize that this bishop was actually a rare underground human.

Although his appearance was extremely old, after hearing Nicole's words, his joy was beyond words.

He seemed a little impatient to grab a green box handed to him by Nicole, so much so that he didn't even notice the criss-crossed injuries on Nicole's body.

However, no matter how careless he was, the other party obviously saw it for a big living person.

When Antonio saw Grace held under Nicole's arm, his face couldn't help but be startled, and he asked doubtfully:

"Hey! Nicole, who is this person?"

"This is my former lover in the Night Elf Empire. This time she came to the gray dwarves to perform a mission and was seriously injured. I hope the teacher can save her life."

"Let me take a look first, put it on the ground."

Nicole followed the instructions, stepped forward and laid Grace flat in front of the old man.

I saw the other party gently waving his hand above Grace's body, and after a green light scanned Grace from beginning to end, Bishop Antonio pondered for a moment, shook his head and said:

"Nicole, her injuries are too serious and it is impossible to heal."

In fact, it's not that Antonio can't save Grace's life, but the cost is too high. If you use the seven soul essence balls in your hand to pray for the king's gift, you can certainly resurrect Grace.

But the soul essence ball was used to extend his life, so it was naturally impossible to use it for other purposes.

After hearing this, Nicole couldn't help but be silent for a while.

At this time, Antonio continued to babble: "Nicole, don't worry about what happened in the past. If I can successfully extend your life this time, I will definitely create opportunities for you to successfully upgrade to Level 2. At that time, you will also be promoted to bishop and be responsible for another area."

"When the time comes, I will have whatever kind of woman you want!!"

As Antonio said, the movements of his hands were not slow at all, and there was no trace of senility.

I saw him quickly opening the green box that Nicole gave him, and placing fist-sized light green crystals at equal distances on the top of the witch formation on the altar that had already been drawn.

He has waited for this moment for too long.

His lifespan is about to reach its end, and he has tried everything he can find, including life-extending potions and strange fruits.

Although it has a certain life-extending effect, it cannot withstand the passage of time and is a drop in the bucket.

If he wants to greatly extend his lifespan, he can only pray for the gift of Xavius, the King of Jade Fire!

But the prayer ceremony requires extremely harsh conditions, such as the hearts of the three-headed sea serpents, the claws of the Norman giant bears, etc., which have been collected before.

Only the seven Soul Essence Stones are not enough. Each one needs to contain at least a high-quality Soul Essence Stone containing the soul of an official wizard. It has been impossible to collect them all.

Unlike Blood Essence Stone, Soul Essence Stone has extremely high quality requirements!

Only the soul of about one official wizard plus the souls of a hundred wizard apprentices could be condensed into a soul stone.

If the quality is not enough, no matter how many ordinary people are killed, they will not be able to unite.

After comforting Nicole, Antonio stopped caring about him and started the ceremony on his own, placing the hearts of the three-headed sea serpents and the paws of the Norman giant bears into the altar in turn.

Finally, he opened his arms and chanted a spell loudly.

"Great Lord of Jade Fire, please listen to your humble servant"

But what he didn't notice was that there was a pair of ferocious beast-like eyes behind him, which began to turn blood red and were looking at him eagerly.


A sharp claw instantly penetrated Antonio's rickety body from behind!

When the sharp claws stretched out from the chest, what was seen in its palm was Antonio's beating heart.

Antonio's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief on his face. He lowered his head and glanced at the claws. They looked so familiar!

He reluctantly turned his head and saw a pair of blood-red and violent eyes.

"Nicole you."


The heart was crushed instantly, like a raw egg, and blood overflowed.

Nicole used his strong arms to throw Antonio's body away and abandoned it in the corner.

And took a fierce breath: "Old guy, I have tolerated you for a long time. If you can save Grace, I can let you live for a while. Now, you can go!"

Nicole originally had this plan. After killing this troublesome old guy, he was already at the top level of the first level. After receiving the gift from the King of Jade Fire through the ceremony, he would definitely be able to break through to the second level and become Tuge. Bishop of the urban area.

However, something unexpected happened during this operation. Grace's sudden death forced him to change his plan!

At the same time, a young human face appeared in front of Nicole's eyes.

If it weren't for him, this would never have happened.

Boy, sooner or later I will pull out your soul and flog it for a hundred years!

I saw Nicole gently placing Grace's body on the altar in front of the statue.

He began to chant a spell: "Great King of Jade Fire, please listen to the call of your servant."

After a long spell, a vague and huge wave of spiritual power came from the statue.

In an instant, a low, cross-border voice sounded in Nicole's heart:

"I am very satisfied with this sacrifice. Tell me, what do you want?"

"King, I want to increase my strength to Level 2, and at the same time, I also want to ask you to help me save the woman in front of me."

After thinking about it, Nicole decided to give it a try! Even if you know that making two requests at once may cause the king's displeasure!

A stream of air suddenly appeared and spun twice around Grace lying on the altar.

"Greedy servant, she is already dead. If your sacrifice wants to meet two conditions, there is only one way."

Hey, he was able to achieve two goals at the same time. Nicole was so happy that she didn't notice the slight sarcasm and ridicule in the low voice.

"No matter what method, I can accept it." Nicole said decisively.

"In that case, fine."

Nicole could actually hear the joking tone in the Jade Fire King's answer. Could it be that the King was particularly satisfied with herself?

This must be the case!

Suddenly, Nicole felt dizzy, and the next second, she fainted.

When he woke up again, his body felt better than ever, all his wounds had recovered, and his strength had reached Level 2!


At the soul level, he felt a sense of heaviness, no, a sense of overflowing!

It seemed that something had been forced into his original body, causing it to feel full and swollen.

Grace's body on the altar is no longer there either.

The seven soul stones that originally emitted powerful energy fluctuations on the edge of the altar were already broken into pieces at this moment.

Obviously, the energy in it was exhausted during the sacrifice process, or was taken away by the King of Jade Fire.

"That's not right, the king promised to resurrect Grace, why is she here now?" Nicole murmured to herself.

He searched around but couldn't find Grace in the prayer room. Instead, Antonio, who was killed by him, still had his rickety body in the corner.

"Nicole, are you awake?" Grace's hesitant voice sounded in Nicole's heart.

Nicole was suddenly startled. It seemed that the sound came from his own body. Could it be...

"Grace, you"

"I seem to be inside you now."

Nicole had an expression of disbelief for a moment, but after a while, his face returned to calm.

At least Grace is still alive, right?

"Grace, can you come out?"

After a moment of silence, Grace replied:

"It seems possible, but I can only come out after you, the original owner of the body, have fallen asleep."

Suddenly, Nicole's handsome face turned extremely pale.

If this is the case, it means that he will never see Grace.

This seems to be another farthest distance in the world. My beloved you are in my body, but I will never see you!

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