Witch for All 1994

Chapter 8 Happy Green Home

"What's this?"

"Comrade Jiang Han bought the bear."

...There was silence for a while, and then there was the sound of turning things around.

"Mom, what are you looking for?"

"Find a stick and beat that piece of barbecued pork to death!"

Fortunately, Jiang Zhenling's eloquence prevented Ms. Ye Keshu from being charged with parricide.

However, after telling the whole story, Ms. Ye Keshu's eyes suddenly became dangerous. Her eyes were sharp as if she could see the dangerous green nature. It was because of this penetrating gaze that she was called a famous detective. Ye Keshu.

"My magic power is 1150 kilometres, and my youngest daughter's magic power has just reached 670 this year." Ye Keshu sat in front of the two sisters, showing an "I understand" expression, and then clenched her fist and tapped her palm: "Then my eldest daughter's magic power this year has just reached 670." More than 18,000 for just 18 years old?”

The two sisters pulled and persuaded. Jiang Han even let go of his boyish reserve and hugged Mother Ye's thighs, acting coquettishly and pretending to cry, so that Ms. Ye Keshu would not be charged with wife-killing beasts. You know, Ms. Ye Keshu almost picked up the automatic rifle that was used as a toy for the ice bear just now, got on her broom and went to Ms. Jiang Xuan to ask for an explanation.

Her expression is probably similar to that of Sun Honglei in "Latent". She looks calm but is actually murderous, as if she is about to draw a gun and kill in the next second.

Ms. Ye Keshu was much more professional than the two sisters. After calming down, she first helped Ice Bear groom her hair, then made a small cave with soil and mud in the middle of the garden, and let Jiang Han, who was full of magic power, pour unlimited amounts into it. The frozen air was condensed until an ice cave that could automatically cool was made, and the ice bear was settled in it.

However, the automatic rifle as a toy was confiscated and replaced with two jars of honey.

In order to give the new members of the family more space to move around, Ms. Ye Keshu also dug up several cypress trees in the garden.

"An ice bear needs more than 200 square kilometers of territory to roam around, and an ice bear with an ice cave only needs 90 square kilometers of territory. We are currently unable to meet its territorial needs and can only keep cooling the ice cave. Only when the temperature is low enough , the ice bear’s territorial requirements can even be reduced to the level of a dwelling of dozens of square meters.”

Witches are all intellectuals, and most of them are intermediate intellectuals. In addition to their understanding of magic, they also know something about anything related to magic. Just like Ms. Ye Keshu, who has a bear, she also knows how to raise a bear. Under her leadership, the ice bear finally got a comfortable nest.

Jiang Han spent a lot of magic power to cool down, but still didn't feel a trace of fatigue.

Not only did she not feel tired, she was even in a state of excitement about using spells. Just as Jiang Zhenling said: "A youthful eighteen-year-old girl can't wait to smash eighteen fireballs a day." ’

Ignoring his sister's weirdness, Jiang Han felt that it was not bad. He really wanted to try what it felt like to throw a fireball:

"Comrade Zhenling, if I throw fireballs into the sky, it shouldn't be illegal, right?"

Jiang Zhenling took off the witch hat on her head, bowed slightly in a graceful manner and said mockingly: "I'm very curious whether the fireball thrown by the big witch will explode, and I'm also very curious about whether the police station has the guts to really kill someone who is close to the big witch. The witch was imprisoned in a detention center, I hope Miss Han can satisfy my curiosity."

Jiang Han clicked his tongue. The sisters in this world were a little more lively than those in the previous world, but correspondingly, they became more and more yin and yang. If my sister was an ordinary girl with a sharp mouth in her previous life, she will be a hermaphrodite in this life.

She also took off the witch hat on her head. This kind of triangular hat with a pointed peak and wide brim was rather boring to wear. She had wanted to take it off for a long time, but seeing that her mother and sister were both wearing it, she thought she couldn't take it off.

Currently, most of the witch's outfits are based on Western styles, including witch hat, robe or cloak, off-shoulder dress or short dress top, skirt or breeches, long boots or round-toed high heels. Most witches dress up like this. According to what the British Witches Group said when they visited China: "Their attire (referring to the witches of New China) is more Western than the West."

Just like the businessmen of the original time and space fully promoted suits, this time and space also fully promoted the Western-style witch outfit.

The witch costume worn by Ye Keshu has been slightly modified. It is a bit like a high-cut cheongsam, but it is extremely witch-like. There are a row of finger-thick scrolls inserted into the belt around her waist. Comrade Jiang Zhenling has a triple satchel on her waist, which seems to contain materials.

Jiang Han looked around and saw that only her own clothes were the most orthodox witch costumes. Plus, her petite figure made her look more like a younger sister.

After a period of rest, Ms. Ye Keshu put on the witch hat, and Jiang Zhenling also put her hat back on. This seemed to be a signal to start work. Jiang Han also quickly put his hat back on his head, and the three of them took out their wands and began to save and process the garden in an orderly manner.

This included leveling some flowerbeds, enchanting trees with cold breezes, and carving warmth-preserving charms on rocks.

Although the workload is not small, the energy of the witch can still be seen in it.

In a normal world, it would take two or three days to complete such a process. It would require some engineering work and maybe an excavator to dig the ice cave. But it was the witches, and it took the three witches more than two hours to turn the garden into a natural landscape, with a clear hay path attached.

It’s no wonder that witches are sometimes called ‘pioneers’, and the environment they live in sometimes changes from day to day.

After transforming the garden into an environment where ice bears live, Jiang Xuan also returned home.

Jiang Xuan landed on her broom and was not surprised by the drastic change in the garden. But then she saw the ice bear, and her expression suddenly froze. She pointed at the bear:

"This...what is this?"

Ye Keshu and Jiang Zhenling simultaneously pointed to Jiang Han where the cat was resting under the tree: "Comrade Jiang Han bought the bear."

Comrade Jiang Xuan remained silent for a moment, then slowly pulled out the wand from her waist.

"Mom, stop making trouble, you can't beat this piece of barbecued pork." Comrade Jiang Zhenling, who already had experience, stopped Jiang Xuan in advance and once again explained the ins and outs of the matter skillfully.

After hearing what had happened, Ms. Jiang Xuan's expression was still frozen and a little sad. She looked at Ms. Ye Keshu with a hurt look. Her lips moved and the corners of her mouth curved as if she wanted to squeeze out a smile. , and unconsciously revealed a sad expression.

"My physical examination magic number this year is 1354." There was a green fragrance in her words.

"Jiang Xuan, can you have more trust in our family?"

As soon as she saw her reaction, Ye Keshu turned on the trolling mode. There was a bit of determination in her righteous words, which made Jiang Han almost forget that when Ye's mother first heard the news two hours ago, she wanted to be a wife-killing beast. Something happened.

Jiang Han stole a glance at Jiang Zhenling. His sister also had a "spiritual condemnation" expression at this time, which also made Jiang Han forget the expression she had in Natalia's store, thinking about which of her two parents had cheated on her.

Jiang Xuan was speechless, her mouth twitching. She was silent for a while and walked to the edge of the empty island to sit down and smoke a cigarette.

Express the psychological process of ‘I should be under the car and not in the car’.

Seeing her like this, Ms. Ye Keshu also quickly followed her and whispered something to her.

Jiang Han had seen this scene many times in his previous life. At that time, her father Jiang Xuan was a rather stubborn person. When he was wronged, he would stay alone on the balcony and smoke cigarettes... Don't ask why a man could only smoke cigarettes when he was wronged. This is not because he is afraid of his wife, but because he respects his wife. ...In short, every time Comrade Jiang Xuan was forced to smoke a cigarette, Ms. Ye Keshu knew that her performance was a bit too much, and she had to coax the aggrieved veteran comrade.

Jiang Han saw that the two wives were getting tired of each other again, with strange expressions on their faces. He couldn't accept it and went back to the room first.

It is foreseeable that this wonderful and weird picture may appear frequently in the future.

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