Witch for All 1994

Chapter 7 Nine years of compulsory spell education

Jiang Han's body was shaking. It was the first time in his life that he saw such a big bear. His voice was also shaking: "Comrade Jiang Zhenling, what is this?"

Comrade Jiang Zhenling put her left hand on the ice bear's right paw and said calmly: "Bear."

Jiang Han was unwilling to complain and asked: "How did it come about?"

Jiang Zhenling looked over, rolled her eyes slightly, and said happily: "You bought the bear."

When the hell did I buy the bear?

Jiang Han subconsciously wanted to squirt, but suddenly realized something: "I bought it? I..."

"Well, you bought it." My sister touched the bear's paw and couldn't help laughing: "You sang a song of Katyusha, half of the song Unbreakable Alliance, and communicated with Ula for half an hour. Finally, Comrade Natalia returned it to us. We got a 15% discount and gave us six fully automatic rifles and 3,000 rounds of ammunition."

Damn, what did I do? Jiang Han covered his face.

After watching bears with his sister and listening to her introduction to this large pet, Jiang Han once again felt the difference between the two worlds. This ice bear is said to be from Ukraine. It is a kind of highly intelligent monster. In the endless folded ice field, this kind of bear can make animal fat torches by hand, and some will also use bone or stone tools, and even After training, this kind of bear can easily dismantle a Soviet-made rifle with their huge claws and then put it back...

After receiving the magical support of the witch, they can also learn most of the various schools of magic below level 5.

According to Comrade Jiang Zhenling, after studying for a period of time, this kind of bear can even get an "excellent" in the Witch Civil Servant A3 test.

"Hoo." He also greeted Comrade Jiang Han smartly. After saying hello, he rubbed his face harmlessly against Comrade Jiang Zhenling, as if he was a master of the field.

"Come on, sister. Touch her, she is a good girl." My sister cheered, "She is your pet and is harmless to our family."

Jiang Han swallowed again, cautiously approached the giant bear, and carefully brushed the bear's fur.

The hair is long, soft, warm and velvety.

Just by touching it, there is an incomparable, almost indescribable sense of comfort. Even Jiang Han, a man twice, couldn't resist the urge to stroke the bear's fur a few more times. The bear's scientific name is the Ukrainian Ice Bear. The body under the warm bear fur is actually a little cool, and it is even more enjoyable to stroke it.

Put it this way.

It's like steaming the sheets, turning on the air conditioner at 18 degrees, and curling up in the quilt that still retains the heat. It is almost impossible to escape... no, it should be said that it is completely impossible to escape this trap.

Jiang Han and his sister lay softly on the bear's belly, blowing in the wind, looking at the prosperous city, the witch on a broomstick flying past like a comet with a long flame tail, and the sunset.

The beautiful ones are no longer real.

Jiang Han escaped from the soft bear hair trap, ran back to the room, and began to look for his enlightenment textbook among the piles of books in the room.

According to her understanding of herself, she kept the textbooks from 1985 until 2005. If those textbooks were not accidentally lost in 2006, she might still have kept them.

Although he traveled through time and turned into a witch, given Jiang Han's understanding of himself, he should still not lose his textbooks.

After searching carefully, she found a set of elementary school textbooks in the corner of the closet in less than five minutes:

"Culture Class: Original Spell Classification" "School of Evocation: Elementary" "School of Conjuration: Elementary"...

The textbook covers are all plastic, and the paper is a little yellowed but not obvious. The text is printed in size 14 font. On many pages, in addition to Jiang Han's notes, there are random pencil sketches, and occasionally There are stick figures.

After rummaging around for a while, he determined that the remaining knowledge and memory in his body could still allow him to understand the words written on it as well as the English and Latin that appeared from time to time.

"I feel like I have more words stored in my body than I remembered after graduating from college in my previous life." Jiang Han muttered, and walked downstairs with a few books in his arms. Suddenly he remembered something and put the books down.

"Ahem..." She took out the wand from her waist and recalled a magic she had just seen in the textbook.

To be precise, it is an entry-level spell. You can activate it by imagining the model of this spell in your mind and pouring magic power into it. In the first step, the model body refers to the specific component of the spell. The spell model needs to be drawn on papyrus, and then the papyrus recording the spell is used as material and melted into a bottle of magic potion. Then, the spell model becomes will be logged into your spell library.

The second step is to extract it when you want to use it, pour it with magic power and cast it.

The first step of the process reminded Jiang Han of a certain story in the anime called Doraemon, which was translated into Tinker Bell in China. Using papyrus as a material to make a potion is similar to an item called 'memory bread' in which knowledge is written (printed) on it and then eaten to remember it. The slightly different thing is that brewing magic potions is not simple and involves a lot of professional knowledge.

For example, many advanced spells require different potions. Fireball is the most classic level 3 mid-level spell. The potion requires lava, certain devil's horns, an extremely violent sub-dragon reverse scale and gems. After being brewed using a special technique, it will be ready at 6 o'clock on the day of brewing. Drink it at sunrise to remember the model of the fireball spell.

——The biggest trouble is not even collecting materials, or even thinking hard to make a fireball model that suits you, nor is it necessary to start working on it at 12 o'clock in the morning and finish it within 6 hours. But after it is ready, if there is no sunrise at 6 o'clock, or it is rainy in the morning, then this dose of magic potion will be wasted on the spot... in vain, and can only be drank as coke and turned into tears.

Looking at the handwritten words 'June 25th, 6 o'clock, rainy day' written on the textbook recording the use of the fireball technique, with traces of tears soaked next to it, Jiang Han seemed to be able to feel the despair and grief in this short line. .

Fortunately, the spell model is also stored in the body, so Jiang Han does not need to make the basic potion again.

Guiding magic power was unfamiliar to her, but thanks to this body's unimaginable talent, the surging magic power poured into the spell model in less than half a second, almost overwhelming the spell model in her brain. Cracks appear.

If Jiang Han didn't have a clear understanding of his magic power in Natalia's shop before, he finally did now.

The textbook says: The casting time of a basic spell includes 'a gesture', 'a paragraph or half of a spiritual word - usually Latin', 'one second of time to guide magic', 'if conditions permit, use of magic spells' Amulets composed of spells - usually a piece of silver the size of a finger', 'need to pronounce the name of the spell to deepen the connection with the spell'

The contents of this primary school textbook are not applicable to Jiang Han.

She just came up with the model, poured the magic power into it, and released the spell without even thinking.

The hand of the mage.

A basic spell that summons an invisible floating ghost hand to appear in front of you and gain control of it.

Jiang Han felt as if he had a third arm, and he could use it flexibly in a magical moment.

The invisible hand she summoned picked up the books placed on the table. Although it was a little difficult, she succeeded.

"That's it, that's what magic is!"

The joy of using magic for the first time is like eating mung bean popsicles for the first time in the hot summer of 1994.

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