Witch for All 1994

Chapter 65 You at the same table

Witches appear, and empty islands float.

Except for the Siberian witch who likes to dig holes in the ground, witches all over the world love sky islands. Even those in the West who like to build castles on the ground also like floating castles.

The floating castle and the flying magic bats.

For a period of time, there were a lot of vampire legends in the West. The witches there had been looking for vampires for about a hundred years. They chased the legends, they followed the sighting reports, and they finally discovered: 'It turns out that we are looking for ourselves! ’

Western witches who like to wear cloaks, ladylike clothes, black and red colors, coupled with floating castles, bats, crows, fog, etc., look like vampires at first glance.

There are similar stories in the East.

It tells the story of witches in the East who searched for immortals and finally found out that it was their own people who were making magic potions in the furnace. The final result was a little different - making potions in the furnace in the wild felt great for a while, but after that, they spent three months in the police station.

The giant dragon Cheng Yu carried Jiang Han and Li Li to a platform. After they landed on the empty island, they swayed slightly. The dragon scales and body slowly slid down, turning into black and red magic power and dissipating. Cheng Yu turned into a human form. She pulled off the dragon horns on her head and threw them into the air, where the magic power also dissipated.

She gasped, shook her head vigorously, then reached out and grabbed the air, pulled out a witch hat out of thin air, and put it on her head.

Noticing Jiang Han's surprised expression, she smiled ferociously with her left teeth exposed:

"For the unique modification spell, I couldn't use the original level 8 or 9 transformation dragon. It would cost too much. I would have to rest after 5 minutes of fighting after transforming, so I changed it to make it more durable and easier. , more convenient...and the price is this, a little bit..."

She glanced at Jiang Han's chest and bare legs, including the lace stockings underneath, then shook her head and said:

"A little dragon nature has entered your brain, just take it easy and it'll be fine."

Dragon nature came into his mind...Jiang Han and Li Li stayed at the same time for half a second, and then Jiang Han jumped back a small step, worried that the teacher who still had animalistic nature would bite him - her teeth were very sharp, and if she bit her, she might be able to Tear off a piece of meat...

Li Li wrapped her witch robe tightly to prevent the black tights from being exposed.

...Is she afraid of the cold? Jiang Han looked over, and Li Li also looked at her with a slightly innocent look.

The witch turned into a dragon and landed. There was a bit of movement. On this parking lot, the witches sitting on the gryphon car all looked at each other with "Niubaoao" and "Niububaha". While Cheng Yu was resting, a A witch wearing a hunting suit walked over. She also wore a hunting tricorn hat with three long golden, green and blue tail feathers on it.

Her long black hair was tied into a low ponytail, and her light golden eyes looked like an eagle.

She patted Cheng Yu's shoulder enthusiastically, causing the latter to roll his eyes:

"Good comrade, good sister, you came early. I didn't even have time to put on makeup, eat a piece of Nancheng specialty pie, enjoy a cup of earl gray tea, or oil my baby. It's too early, it's too early. …”

Halfway through her complaint, she walked up to Jiang Han and Li Li, showed an elegant toothless smile, and bowed slightly:

"…But if it is to meet you two beautiful ladies, then no matter when, I will arrive too late."

"Shut your mouth, birdman." Cheng Yu said a very elegant sentence.

"Vulgar, just like my first impression of you back then." The witch who had been trolled straightened her back, slightly opened her lips, chirped, and then turned around with a smile: "My name is Wu Xiao , used to be Cheng Yu’s deskmate, and now as the manager of Dream Garden, I hope I can leave you with a wonderful response today.”

Jiang Han found that this man was also very tall, at least 1.9 meters, only a little shorter than Cheng Yu. He had a very good figure and beautiful appearance, prettier than Cheng Yu, and his pair of light gold eyes were particularly charming.

"My name is Jiang Han, nice to meet you." Jiang Han introduced himself to her, and Li Li did the same thing.

"You impress me. You are just like the impression your mentor's sister left on me when she first met me. You are clean, pure, and have an aura that makes me have to give you juice." She typed. With a snap of their fingers, two glasses of juice in exquisite thermos cups appeared in front of Jiang Han and Li Li.

"That's not my sister, that's me." Instructor Cheng Yu next to her covered her face and said, "How many times have I told you, I don't have a sister."

Wu Xiao smiled softly:

"No, you do. Your sister also wore a very cute dress, pink and strappy."

Cheng Yu gritted his teeth and said:

"I, don't, have it, sister, sister, that was the first time I wore that kind of skirt."

Wu Xiao nodded her lips gently:

"That's your sister, my dear deskmate."

"That's me, I don't have a sister." Cheng Yu calmed down, stretched out his hand to draw the wand, drew an arc in the air, then raised it and slashed at the top of the arc, spitting out a spiritual mantra: "Sunlight, burst out. , deep red, atmosphere, flames... Yang Yan..."

Wu Xiao laughed mockingly, as if he got happiness from making Cheng Yu angry.

His mentor and this Miss Wu Xiao should be considered happy enemies... Jiang Han also felt that he was quite happy to see it.

"Weakened Yang Yan Explosion!"

Without any hesitation, Cheng Yu swung his staff horizontally, and an extremely terrifying but surprisingly accurate explosion of flames hit Wu Xiao, blowing the witch in hunting clothes away for more than ten meters, and suddenly fell down. Sky island. The strong wind of the flames also blew Li Li's fox ears around twice, and blew up Jiang Han's skirt a little.

...Jiang Han and Li Li stayed still for another second. Jiang Han remained dumb and covered her skirt. The fox witch turned her ears back twice and looked at each other again. Finally, Li Li asked cautiously. :

"Teacher, are you serious?"

"Of course!" Cheng Yu put the wand back into his pocket feeling refreshed, clapped his hands together to brush away the non-existent dust, flicked his cloak, and walked in front.

Jiang Han glanced around and saw that the witches on the parking lot all looked at each other with "awful" looks. He guessed that maybe Master Cheng Yu's Sunfire Explosion just now wasn't very powerful, otherwise these witches wouldn't be able to do anything at all. nervous.

After all, the weakening spell was installed... maybe it was a simple and direct damage spell, stronger than the fireball spell... She quickly took Li Li's hand, who was still rubbing her ears, and followed her instructor into a nearby building.

"I am an only child. My two mothers hatched 200 eggs in total, trying to make five sisters, but in the end only I was successfully hatched." Cheng Yu said as he walked, "Most of the time, I followed My father’s mother dresses up, and when I grow up, I sometimes learn makeup from my mother’s mother…”

She paused and said in a gritted voice:

"The first time I wore a skirt, that birdman Wu Xiao kept saying, 'This is not you, this is your sister.' Every time I saw her, I gave her at least a fireball!"

It sounds quite sad, but the way the instructor looked in a pink skirt... Jiang Han raised her head and looked at instructor Cheng Yu from behind. Based on her experience, she guessed that Cheng Yu was at least two meters tall and could hold her head and hold her with one hand. She held it up.

Can't imagine!

Absolutely unimaginable!

I can’t imagine what this woman would look like wearing a pink skirt, or a pink skirt with cute straps! I can’t imagine it at all!

This is definitely not because she lacks imagination, but it is simply unimaginable how a two-meter-tall girl looks in a pink skirt.

"We are here today for a safe and stable hunting." Cheng Yu took them to the front desk and registered their names, student ID cards, and her own teacher ID cards.

"Hunting..." Jiang Han repeated.

Cheng Yu turned his head and smiled:

"This is a hunting ground, a leisure hunting ground funded by Dream Garden. The monsters in it are not very powerful. It is a place where some witches like to bring their children to see blood."

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