Witch for All 1994

Chapter 64 Dragon Rider

When it came to buying cold drinks, Jiang Han recalled it in his mind, but there was no good place to go.

Her imprint on this world is too shallow.

After wandering on the street for two minutes, she let out a faint breath:

"It's already morning. If you don't buy a cold drink and go home, it's almost time for class."

Seeing that there was not enough time, Jiang Han could only carry the bag of work clothes home with a little regret, dress up a little, and go out again. I went to the Dream Garden Training Center, which is not far from my home, and used my student card to go through the entry procedures.

Pushing open the door to the classroom, she found that the interior was dressed like a reading room as always. She was surprised to see Cheng Yu, a tall man with black hair and dark red eyes, sitting at the desk, flipping through a magazine:

"Thursday Idol Interview: Rosa Rosa of Sweet House"

Judging from the name, it doesn't look like the kind of magazine that Cheng Yu, who is usually gloomy and has a serious and sadistic temperament, should read... Jiang Han guessed based on his inherent impression of his mentor, and knocked on the table politely:


The instructor with black hair and red eyes raised his head, frowned, and pointed at the magazine:

"You came early today."

"Did I bother you?" Jiang Han took off his big-brimmed hat and placed it on his lap as he sat down.

Cheng Yu shook his head and said:

"No, but Rosa Rosa is really cute. I heard she doesn't have a girlfriend yet. Do you think I'll have a chance?"

...Jiang Han was silent for half a second, then changed the topic:

"Is that so? You look particularly happy today?"

Cheng Yu said reservedly with a hint of joy:

"Not really, but there is still something to be happy about. My paper "General Knowledge of the Seventy-Four Ancient Runes of Yangyan Burst" has finally passed the approval of the Witch Association, and will be published as the main article of "Magic Network" magazine on Monday next week. Paper manuscript published.”

"Congratulations, that is the most authoritative academic magazine I remember, right?" Jiang Han did not forget that when he was doing research on dispelling magic, he extracted several papers from this magazine named "Magic Network" as a reference.

Generally speaking, the articles published there are very valuable and worth paying with a credit card to read, but these magazines are really expensive.

"One of the most authoritative, with sales exceeding 50 million." Cheng Yu raised his chin slightly.

"That's amazing." Jiang Han widened his eyes in response, showing admiration.

Magazines in this world are particularly easy to sell, but sales reaching tens of millions are still terrifying. This is also related to the huge number of witches in the country. With decades of recuperation, more and more powerful witches have grown up.

For high-end magic magazines, the business will only get bigger and bigger, and will not become worse and worse and close to death like later generations entering the Internet age.

"Whether it's great or not is just an impression. What's really important is that it's authoritative enough. Maybe next year I will be able to participate in the Witch's performance. Maybe next year I will be able to share the stage with Rosa Rosa from Good Night Girls. In a few days Year, maybe we can get to know each other and get each other's contact phone numbers..." Cheng Yu spoke slowly, with a slightly content tone.

"...That's it." Jiang Han stayed for half a second and sighed inwardly:

Mentor, you plan to spend several years even asking for a phone number... I feel like you are on track to break my 37-year-old virgin record.

After the theoretical classes in the morning, practical classes are held in the afternoon.

Instructor Cheng Yu, who was in a good mood today, gave his two students the treatment of dragon knights.

She transformed into a huge black dragon.

She asked two students to get on her back.

"Stasis Dragon!"

"A kind of dragon that can rest in the air and use acid clouds and floating soil as its nest. There are very few dragons who are born to place their nest in the sky!"

Li Li, her face flushed, introduced the fox witch carrying a staff to Jiang Han excitedly.

"That's it." Jiang Han replied perfunctorily. She was adjusting the ribbon on the dragon's back - in order to prevent the two students from falling off, Cheng Yu turned two dragon scales into ribbons.

Turning the huge dragon head around, this black dragon species called the Stasis Dragon has a slender neck, huge dragon horns, and a heat dissipation organ that emits high temperature under its cheeks.

The giant dragon Cheng Yu made a muffled voice:

"Extremely insightful, Miss Li Li. When I was adventuring in the sea, I spent two years looking for their traces and a year chasing them. Finally, I captured one in a two-month chase, and I took it. Only after creating a potion made from its blood and heart did I have this spell."

She has been out to sea for a long time... Jiang Han glanced at the giant dragon she transformed into. Before, there were heat dissipation organs in the tail, legs, and abdomen of this kind of dragon, and hot air was constantly sprayed out. , giving it the ability to stay in the air without consuming physical energy.

It can be said that it is really not easy for Cheng Yu to catch up with this kind of dragon.

You must know that all dragon species have the ability to resist prophecy spells. Coupled with the characteristics of flying creatures and high-speed movement, it is really not easy to catch up with the flying dragon.

According to Miss Li Li, transforming into a dragon is a very rare spell, almost as rare as a legendary spell, so it can be guessed that instructor Cheng Yu must have stayed in the sea for more than three years specifically for this kind of dragon.

"My family has written fifteen papers on dragon research. I think you may have seen it." Li Li waved her staff and her voice became particularly clear.

Not huge, but clear.

That clear feeling that could stand out amidst countless noises made Jiang Han look over curiously, and even Cheng Yu turned around and glanced at her.

Li Li said briefly:

"Talk to dragons, our family's unique magic."

The giant dragon Cheng Yu nodded, with a humane look of praise on the dragon's face, and then turned his head to look forward. His wings struck the air with a bang, and a huge force that could be felt was trembling slightly.

The feeling of riding on a dragon is particularly wonderful. I can clearly feel the power of the dragon beneath me, but I only receive a slight tremor.

"Then, hurry up!" Cheng Yu let out a dragon roar, flapped his wings again, and his huge body led the two witches to a height of 100 meters in an instant.

Jiang Han let out an extremely excited cry, along with Li Li.

It was like riding a jumping machine in the previous life. In one second, two seconds, he instantly jumped into the air, and his legs were lifted up due to inertia.

In these few seconds, people's thinking seems to be accelerating infinitely. You even feel that the take-off time of 3 seconds is only half a second. You even feel that this speed is so fast that it only takes off in the blink of an eye. passage.

What's even more exciting is that there is no dragon saddle when riding a dragon. There is only a ribbon tied around Jiang Han's waist. After taking off, her whole body seems to be in the air.

After the dragon gracefully spread its wings and glided for a few seconds, Jiang Han sat down from the exciting inertia and sat on a seat sunken in by the dragon's scales. She took a small breath, covering her undulating chest, and felt her heart beating fast.

It's not fear, but the aftertaste of a thrilling experience.

Beside her, under the outer scales of the dragon, air with a faint smell of smoke suddenly spurted out.

"Oxygen bursts." Next to her, Miss Fox, who was also blushing and heart-beating, took off her ears, held them in her arms, and said:

"The stasis dragon has the ability to store a large amount of oxygen. When needed, it can mix high-purity oxygen with the gas they produce called 'pure', and then use dragon breath to ignite it. In an instant, it can burn high-grade The protective barrier collapsed."

"Moreover, it can also provide oxygen to the small animals around us, such as you and me. This also shows that the Stasis Dragon is actually a very social dragon among the black dragons, and is also known as the 'oxygen tank'."

The dragon's voice sounded from the front:

"Miss Li Li, your understanding of dragon species is admirable."

Cheng Yu must be an experienced flyer. Her dragon form flew extremely smoothly, and occasionally her wings would increase her speed to another level. She was in an especially good mood today and even performed a giant dragon dive.

The thrill of falling at super high speed made Jiang Han want to pick flowers on the one hand, and on the other hand he wanted to learn this spell. Transforming into a dragon was so refreshing. Riding a broom could not feel such super speed. She also understands why witches envy and desire the magic of transforming into a dragon.

With the dragon's speed far exceeding that of a broom, the destination of the practical lesson was quickly reached.

To the west of Nancheng, there is a sea island behind the sea. Due to the development of the witches, there are many floating islands with one or two acres of land in the sky around the island, with houses, gardens, and small pastures built on them.

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