Witch for All 1994

Chapter 339 Ancient Dragon Witch

"A giant claw ant egg..." Jiang Han was in the kitchen of the castle camp, with an extremely large patterned egg placed in front of him.

Just now, Jiang Han was sucked out of energy by a ghostly little witch.

It’s that charming little ghost whose APP may exceed 100 in the future.

It doesn't matter to the witch that her energy is being sucked, but she has to eat a good meal to satisfy her stomach from time to time, otherwise she will easily become weak from hunger.

In addition, Jiang Han did get a few eggs with local characteristics. I feel like it would be a shame not to try the "witch" name.

So after the group of little undead witches helped her sort out the types of samples, she went into the kitchen and took out a few samples to prepare for consumption.

Pricia helped her.

The smiling ghost witch's clothes were changed into a cook's outfit. Although Jiang Han didn't know where the cook's outfit would come with blue pantyhose and an off-shoulder design, her attitude was at least there.

She was even wearing a skirt herself!

Jiang Han silently gave himself a short spell to isolate dirt that lasted for two hours, coughed lightly and said:

"The giant pincer ant doesn't have a scientific name yet, but Anjie said that this giant pincer ant is not an insect in the strict sense, but a, um, egg-laying mammal?"

Even Jiang Han was a little confused by this combination.

Priscilla's smile softened slightly, and after thinking, she said:

"Miss, the Pinis duck-billed lake dragon is a mammal that lays eggs. Although it does not conform to the normal evolution of organisms, there is nothing wrong with being primitive."

Maid lady, you know a little too much... Jiang Han smiled, nodded and continued:

"That's right, there's nothing wrong with it!"

There's really nothing wrong with primitive egg-laying mammals.

"So, their eggs contain very high-protein tender meat, which adheres to the entire egg wall, and will begin to hatch with fertilization. According to Anjie, this is a species that, gu, tastes similar to donkey meat. A creature?" Jiang Han said a little unspeakably while recalling.

The corner of Pricia's mouth twitched, but she still maintained a smile and said:

"When we saw them, they were really a little bit like donkeys when they were young."

The mature size of this giant pincer ant can reach 9 meters long and 3 meters high. A pair of large pincers looks like it can eat Jiang Han.

However, they are a non-magic race. To put it simply, in addition to being able to stop a light tank moving at full speed head-on, cut a large tree in one breath, and leap ten meters high and thirty meters away, this giant pincer ant is quite easy to deal with. of.

After Jiang Han and Pricia wiped out a nest, they obtained about sixty or seventy such eggs as samples. It must be said that their output is not like that of ants, but the number is indeed large, and they are easy to lay.

Based on some content that is inconvenient to say.

and some scenes that are not easy to describe.

These giant claw ants are creatures that can lay eggs all year round like the witch, but the witch is actually a pure oviparous animal, and this giant claw ant is a mammal, which is really unbelievable.

"Let me take a look at Anjie Bookstore website... Hmmmm, egg meat can be directly fried on low heat. Even if it is over-fried, the texture will be like very tender donkey meat... Hmmmm! Egg liquid can be used. To make egg soup, you can also sprinkle sugar, milk and flour directly into the pastry, then bake it to make an egg tart, so convenient."

"Gugu...half of the egg yolk can be used to make egg tarts, and the other half can be squeezed into egg oil...Huh? Egg oil? Eggs have oil? Oh, these are giant claw ant eggs, anything is possible."

After Jiang Han and Pricia finished sharing the information, they picked up the hammer together and started smashing eggs!

Giant pincer ants are an amazing species.

Their hatching process is very weird!

The giant claw ant queen needs to carry all the hatching eggs to a hillside about 200 meters away, and roll the giant claw ant eggs down the slope!

In the violent collision and rotation, the development veins in the egg will slurry the larvae, layer by layer, but at the same time, it will also begin to use rich nutrients and impact to strengthen the larvae's body.

After repeating this process about 4 times a day for 10 days, a giant pincer ant larvae was born gorgeously.

And within the next month, it grew into a mature giant pincer ant, and met the giant pincer ant queen...

Well, animals have no ethics.

That’s why we regard people without ethics as beasts.

…That’s all I can say about the ecology of giant pincer ants. To sum up, the shell of their eggs is very hard. Even if two witches who have been attached with magic power took turns to break it, it took them a long time to crack it open.

Pricia's cooking skills are trustworthy. This ghost witch has a sweet voice and always smiles. She is also an all-rounder and is good at massaging and cooking.

The fragrant tender ant meat, the freshly baked hot egg tarts, and the half-fried egg yolks of ten eggs that Pricia decided not to fry.

"Smell, smell it, it smells so good!"

When Jiang Han uses na, he will never put "na,..." at the beginning of the sentence or use "na na" continuously.

Pricia no longer turned into a ghost, she honestly changed back into her Gothic Lolita dress, removed her bustle, and sat elegantly at the dining table, holding a knife and fork in both hands:

"It can bring me back to life."

She suddenly paused, put down the knife and fork, dematerialized, reached out and groped inside her body, took out the stomach bag, and then took out another stomach bag from the stomach bag...

It was a bit like a nesting doll, but it was what Jiang Han saw.

The ghost witch put the freshly taken out stomach bag into her body, hid the storage one in her sleeve, and turned into a ghost again.

Looking into Jiang Han's eyes, she smiled and said:

"I have two stomach pouches. In order to fully experience delicious food, I replaced the one that holds items with the one that holds digested food. In this way, I can digest food at double the speed, get hungry faster, and eat better. It turns out there’s even more food.”

oh! Emotions are super doubly doubly frivolous, right? Amazing!

If only I could be such a loser.

...Jiang Han thought with a little envy that the witches' delicacies were too many and too cheap, which made them easily full even if they had an appetite that was unimaginable to land people.

First is the quick egg tart. I have to say that the fact that witches are not afraid of calorie explosion is the best thing Jiang Han has discovered so far about witches’ bodies!

Their egg tarts really add a lot of butter, and use caramel and sea salt milk honey to neutralize the taste.


Jiang Han took one sip and felt enough calories to explode the earth exploding in his body.

The aroma of butter, the perfect ghost hand-made meringue, and the unexpectedly sweet but not greasy caramel tart.

While the two witches were enjoying their meal, the doorbell suddenly rang.

"Huh?" Jiang Han snorted in surprise and looked at Pricia, who also had a puzzled look.

This is not in the original world!

This is in Gaia, and there are no neighbors who come to visit here...Eh? It seems real, really?

After Jiang Han opened the door, he saw Angelette as expected.

The beautiful witch with red eyes and long gray hair looked at her condescendingly, then turned sideways.

Only then did Jiang Han see two different dragon witches standing behind her.

One of them has a huge dragon tail and savage huge dragon horns. He is petite and has long silver hair coated with a layer of red fire. His figure is similar to Jiang Han. She seemed to be a bit of a feline type, with a smile that couldn't be said to be kind or malicious, and her big eyes were half-lidded from time to time.

The other witch has long hair, her oval face looks a bit beautiful and handsome, her gray and golden hair color makes her look even more mysterious, and the pair of spiral-shaped dragon horns on her head are extremely exquisite. Her dragon tail is slender and slender, making her look more elegant and mature than the witch next to her.

They showed extremely powerful magic power in Jiang Han's radar.

This made Jiang Han a little curious.

It's not that she's yin and yang, but that she's a dragon witch with a magic power of over 5,000, which is very normal. The magic power exceeds 10,000, which is a bit rare. The magic power exceeds 20,000, which is basically none.

At the level of magic power, the dragon witch often shows [extremely terrifying growth potential], and finally pulls her away.

Falling on the baseline of the Great Witch.

The average of the two dragon witches in front of me is 70,000 to 80,000 each, which is higher than Ah Lin.

Angelette said briefly and directly:

"Jiang Han, these two ladies are rare ancient dragon witches. They need a camp to rest and sort themselves out."

"They can stay here. I welcome them. They can choose any room above the second floor." Jiang Han said proactively and sensibly.

Never let a witch with Angelite's personality say something like this herself.

She and Kraken are two kinds of witches, although they look quite similar.

Kraken's pride is not that real, at most he is a little petty. After all, Kraken's life experience and growth process are not like those of a proud girl like Angelette, who was born to become an omniscient and omnipotent witch.

Therefore, Kraken is the type who will take the initiative to say hello and ask for something.

As for Anjie, her demands only occur when she has an absolute advantage. Her arrogance that far exceeds that of all witches is hidden under a slightly polite appearance.

"Very well, please excuse me, Miss Han." She nodded and said to the other two well-behaved ancient dragon witches behind her, "Now that we are a family, I will send you items that match your identity and status. .”

The two ancient dragon witches nodded obediently and swung their tails in sync.

Angelette paused and continued:

"At the same time, we will convert the samples, precious plant seeds, and rare ores you provide according to the market price and remit it to your shared bank card, but at the same time, we will also take 40% of the amount as your joining price."

Seeing that both witches had no objections, she turned to look at Jiang Han, first pointed to the petite witch with silver-red hair, and then introduced:

"This is Miss Bridget, a very powerful ancient dragon witch. She voluntarily joined us witches and obtained an ID card. Of course, the country of the passport is still under discussion, but in short they can be regarded as 'Gaia's local witches' , please take care of them as much as possible."

She looked at another one, the more reliable ancient dragon witch with short gray-blond hair and said:

"This is Edwina, Bridget's... roommate for thousands of years."

When Anjie said this, the corner of her mouth moved slightly.

Thousands of years... uh, uh, not tired? Or should we talk about dragons... Jiang Han shook his head, nodded and said seriously:

"Okay, I will be responsible for taking care of you during this period... Pricia, please help these two ladies tidy up the room."

The ghost witch next to her walked out with a smile, and she looked at Angelite without leaving any trace.

Angelette raised her eyebrows and turned her head:

"Sorry to trouble you, Jiang Han."

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