Although the Moon Goddess has given Tissini some authority over the projection of her godhead, projection is a projection, and Tissini cannot bypass the Moon Goddess and directly give Princess Rose inspiration.

Any influence from the world of gods to the continent of gods requires divine power.

And divine power is now so precious to the Moon Goddess.

Immediately, Qi Feibai realized that the Moon Goddess might not only be awake, but might also be paying attention to the Plantagenet Kingdom.

This made Qi Feibai even more motivated.

He decided to let his wife take a good look.

How powerful is her man!


"The nobles came to pursue only the cavalry?"

Qi Feibai asked.

Princess Qiangwei nodded: "Probably, even with a large army, it is impossible to be that fast. It is possible that Jasmine will lead them further back."

Qi Feibai pondered for a few seconds and shook his head: "Jasmine will not come. If my guess is correct, she will go back and ascend the throne!"


The expressions of Princess Rose and Tissini in the Kingdom of God changed at the same time.

"Goddess, if Jasmine takes the throne, then Rose will be a rebel!"

Tisini realized the power of Jasmine's move.

After the overall situation was decided, Jasmine ascended the throne with the support of the nobles, then she was the legitimate king.

Even if she launched a coup.

But what does that matter?

No one cares about losers.

History is always written by the victors!

“There must be the Holy Spirit coming to Jasmine’s side to make suggestions, I don’t know who it is!”

Tissiny murmured.


In the castle, Princess Rose also realized this.

"Your Majesty the Envoy of God, what should we do now?"

Princess Rose asked.

Qi Feibai looked down at the civilians who were carrying treasures from the castle, and said calmly: "In this case, let her not be able to ascend the throne with peace of mind, so first destroy this cavalry."

"Destroy? This is impossible!"

"This is impossible!"

The words of Princess Rose and Tissini sounded almost at the same time.

Princess Qiangwei decided to remind Qi Feibai: "Your Majesty the Divine Envoy, this cavalry is at least fifty thousand, and we only have more than fifteen thousand!"

"You send your men to other counties to spread your decree."

Qi Feibai did not answer Princess Rose's words, but looked at Princess Rose and said.


Princess Qiangwei nodded, she was already used to Qi Feibai's way of speaking.

"Then, we divide our troops into two groups. You take 10,000 people and continue north to attack the castles of those nobles. Leave the remaining 5,000 people to me."

Qi Feibai said.

Divide the troops!

Princess Qiangwei was a little reluctant when she heard these two words, because without Qi Feibai around, she would often be confused and not know what to do.

"By the way, can the goddess hear you just by praying to her?"

Qi Feibai asked.

"Yes, but the goddess will also listen selectively. You are the envoy of God, and the goddess will definitely listen to your prayers."

Princess Rose said.

"Then how will the goddess give revelation?"

Qi Feibai asked again.

Princess Qiangwei felt strange that a divine messenger didn't know this?

But she didn't think too much and said: "The goddess's revelation will bring blessings to the soul, but the goddess generally does not give revelation casually."

Of course it won't be casual. It takes a lot of divine power to reveal it.

Qi Feibai understood.

He took out a map of York County. The map was relatively rudimentary, but he could still get a rough idea.

"In the next few days, you attack along this line. You have more horses and the pursuers cannot catch up with you. Don't fight them head-on. Wait for my notification. If necessary, I will let the goddess give you enlightenment. "

Qi Feibai spoke in detail.

Princess Qiangwei listened very carefully. Now she has no idea of ​​her own. If Qi Feibai doesn't arrange it, she will be particularly confused.

After talking for more than an hour and explaining some precautions, Qi Feibai finally set off.

He took five thousand people with him and rushed southward in a mighty manner under the cover of night.

"What is he going to do?"

In the Kingdom of God, Tisini's beautiful eyes widened and she looked curiously.


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013 Night attack

As Qi Feibai left, Qi Feibai also disappeared from the screen.

The Moon Goddess used her divine power to create this scene through Princess Rose, which was only limited to Princess Rose's surroundings.

Furthermore, the Moon Goddess places certain limitations within the Godhead.

In some private moments of Princess Rose, such as when taking a bath, the screen will automatically move away.

For other believers, it is difficult for the Moon Goddess to do so when the other party is not praying.

In the entire Plantagenet Kingdom, Princess Rose is currently the only one who can actively observe the Moon Goddess around her when she is not praying.


Although Qi Feibai has that relationship with the Moon Goddess, the Moon Goddess cannot yet observe the situation around Qi Feibai.

Therefore, Qi Feibai's departure is equivalent to losing contact.

Tissini had cheered up.

She must hear Qi Feibai's prayers when he prays.

"Tisini, what are you going to do, Your Excellency Feibai? He only has 5,000 men. It will be very dangerous if he harasses the noble cavalry!"

A Holy Spirit couldn't help but become worried when he saw Qi Feibai disappearing from the screen.

"Your Excellency Fei Bai will not be so impulsive."

Tissini was also a little worried.

At the same time, she couldn't figure out how Qi Feibai could use fifteen thousand men to deal with more than fifty thousand cavalry.

Those cavalry are not bad in equipment. They are all wearing armor and fully armed.

There are also many heavy cavalry inside.

Although all of the fifteen thousand people around Princess Rose have horses, there are only a few thousand who can be called cavalry.

There is even less heavy cavalry.

Moreover, this army abandoned a lot of heavy equipment for the sake of speed.

The speed is indeed fast, but not to mention a head-on confrontation with more than 50,000 cavalry, even a hedging with an equal number of cavalry, it will be finished.

"Does it mean that he is going to use those civilians now? However, the civilians in Earl Ignatz's territory have been suppressed. As the nobles' troops march up, other civilians will lose their fighting spirit. Even if there are still civilians with him, the number Not enough."

Tissiny thought.

Through the help of some believers in Count Ignatz's territory, Tisini already knew about Count Ignatz's bloody suppression.

Now, all the civilians are obediently handing over the treasures they had moved away before.

Not only that, these civilians will be gathered together by Count Ignatz and fasted for three days as punishment.

The civilians did not resist.

What Tissini was worried about happened. The nobles were too powerful, and the common people were just common people after all.

However, Qi Feibai's words "let the bullets fly for a while" also gave Tissini a vague hope. She has not completely lost confidence.

While Tissini was racking her brains to think of a solution for Qi Feibai, she also listened to the believers' prayers with concentration, so that she could be the first to discover when Qi Feibai was praying.

This is also her important work as the Holy Spirit.

Even if the Moon Goddess was not injured, she would not be able to listen to prayers all the time.

However, she waited a whole day and night and did not hear Qi Feibai's prayer.

"Where did he go?"

Tissini was a little worried.


Night falls.

In front of Count Ignatz's castle, the lights were still bright.

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