"Your Excellency, there is someone who knows the situation, but he wants 100 gold coins before he will tell you!"

Soon, Count Ignatz received the report.

Several soldiers came with a man who was a well-known gangster nearby.

This guy, in order to get more money when other civilians were keeping secret, chose to sell the news at a good price.

Qi Feibai had already expected this situation.

People's hearts are unpredictable, and it is impossible for everyone to be of the same mind. No matter at any time, there will always be people who have their own little calculations.

"Promise him!"

Count Ignatz's eyes showed murderous intent and he hummed softly.

When the ruffian saw that Count Ignatz had agreed, he was immediately happy and started talking quickly.

"What? Qiangwei actually gave my land to those untouchables?"

However, as soon as the ruffian said a few words, Count Ignatz jumped up in a rage.

He also pulled out his sword with a "swish" sound, frightening the ruffian.

"Count, calm down, calm down!"

The surrounding nobles advised him one after another.

Count Ignatz forced himself to calm down: "Keep talking!"

The ruffian then continued speaking tremblingly.

At this point, Count Ignatz couldn't hold himself any longer.

Because, according to the ruffian's story, his castle was emptied out by those untouchables who were extremely lowly in his eyes!

Although, it was also the decree issued by Princess Qiangwei.

But these untouchables dared to empty his castle and divide his land!

Who gave them the courage?

A down-and-out princess who even turned into a bereaved dog?

"These untouchables!"

Count Ignatz was furious, and with a fierce swing of the sword in his hand, he chopped off the ruffian's head.

This ruffian never imagined that Count Ignatz, who had a very good reputation in the past and was always known for his integrity and abiding by the spirit of the contract, would actually break his promise.

Not only did he break his promise, Count Ignatz also took out his anger on him.

"Someone, go and catch those untouchables!"

Count Ignatz called on his warriors.

He also borrowed some warriors from other nobles.

A vigorous arrest began. Soon, thousands of civilians in the open space outside the castle who were still immersed in the joy of owning their own land were captured again.

When surrounded by tens of thousands of cavalry and seeing Count Ignatz, the expressions of all the civilians changed drastically.

"I consider myself to be kind to you, but I didn't expect that you would dare to betray me. Do you deserve to own my land? Do you dare to enter my castle?"

Count Ignatz held a long sword and looked at many civilians angrily.

At this time, he even wanted to kill all these civilians.

But if he really kills them all, there will be no one left in his territory!

"Whoever enters the castle first must come out by himself, otherwise, I will kill one every 10 seconds!"

Count Ignatz suppressed his anger and said.

No one spoke.


Seeing this, Count Ignatz waved the long sword in his hand, and a head flew up, and a corpse fell heavily to the ground.


A little girl cried hysterically.

All the civilians glared at Count Ignatz.

Count Ignatz was stimulated by the looks of these civilians, and swung his sword fiercely, killing an old woman.

"Untouchables, if you don't come out, I will kill you all!"

Count Ignatz said coldly.

"it's me!"

At this time, a man stood up despite his friends' dissuasion.

"Very well, hang him and hang his body for a month to show you untouchables the consequences of resistance. For the rest of you, you are required to hand over all your belongings within one day. As for the land, huh, you are not worthy. have!"

Count Ignatz finally calmed down and did not kill too much.

He looked at the many civilians coldly and spoke again:

"As a punishment for you, each of you must be hungry for more than three days. During these three days, you are only allowed to drink water..."

"Report, we got information from the north. The castles of Viscount Lane, Earl of Dorne and more than a dozen nobles were attacked. According to the information we got, Princess Rose issued a decree in Yorkshire to abolish all The nobles who participated in the rebellion will also distribute the nobles’ land to all the common people!”

Before Count Ignatz finished speaking, the spies who went to get information reported the latest information.

Each of these spies carried three horses, which was much faster than the large army.


At this time, many nobles were shocked.

"Crazy, Qiangwei has been driven crazy by us. She actually wants to abolish the nobility. Ha, what a big joke. Why is she abolishing these useless commoners?"

Immediately, a nobleman laughed.

In his opinion, these civilians have nothing to fear. Even though the civilians had a great time moving the treasures before, now Count Ignatz's word means that the civilians have to send them back obediently.

These civilians are born to be oppressed!

The nobleman didn't notice at all when he laughed.

The anger hidden deep in the eyes of some civilians.

Once that anger is concentrated, it can form a huge tsunami that can drown everything!

Bullets are already flying!


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012 This is impossible

"I didn't expect Qiangwei to make such a stupid move!"

"She is digging her own grave. Originally, as long as she surrendered, we could allow her to be a princess. Now, I'm afraid many nobles want to send her to the gallows!"

Other nobles also started talking about it.

In their opinion, this was the last act of madness performed by Qiangwei after being forced into a desperate situation.

These nobles were not worried.

They hold a powerful and elite army. Even if Qiangwei divides the land and lets the civilians rob the wealth in the castle, these civilians will not be afraid.

Just like Count Ignatz now, if you kill a few, other civilians will obey out of fear.

"Count Ignatz, we can't let her continue to act like this. We've almost rested and we must continue to pursue Qiangwei. Will you come with us or stay here?"

asked a noble.

The other nobles whose castles were breached could no longer wait.

"I'll take care of things here first, and then I'll chase you!"

Count Ignatz said.

"Okay, let's go first!"

The nobles set sail again with tens of thousands of cavalry.

Before setting off, they sent out a small group of cavalry to carry back the news from Yorkshire.

Some nobles also released carrier pigeons.

It is not that easy to communicate using homing pigeons. Homing pigeons follow fixed routes and communicate mainly by "recognizing places".

Some magicians also cultivated some smarter birds, but there were no magicians in the castles of the nobles before.

There are also magicians who have some more advanced magical communication methods, but these nobles do not have that kind of magicians.

Even if a small number of carrier pigeons fly out, it is impossible for these carrier pigeons to automatically search for the noble coalition.

The noble cavalry moved again, and at the same time, a large number of spies were released by them, trying to capture the trajectory and location of Qiangwei's army.

So that encirclement and suppression can be carried out.


"The noble cavalry has come after us."

When the noble cavalry took action again, in the north, in a castle that had just been captured, the voice of Princess Rose rang out.

"how do you know?"

Qi Feibai asked.

"I just received a revelation from the goddess when I was praying. The goddess learned about it when other devout believers prayed."

Princess Rose said.


Hearing Princess Rose's words, Qi Feibai was overjoyed subconsciously.

Doesn't this mean that the Moon Goddess is awake?

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