Especially some gods who are at the peak of the third level and very close to the fourth level.


This is where the goddess of wisdom is in trouble.

She seemed to want to try to abolish the nobility, but she did not dare to act rashly.

In the Silver Star Kingdom, the role of these nobles is greater than in the Plantagenet Kingdom, because these nobles are needed to defend the border.

Because of this, these nobles have greater power in the Silver Star Kingdom.

In the territory of the nobles, the king had no intervention at all.

Nobles do not need to pay taxes, and the king has no right to mobilize private soldiers of nobles.

In addition, these nobles are not wrong. If the king of the Silver Star Kingdom does what Qiangwei did, it will not be much different from poking a hornet's nest.

The entire Silver Star Kingdom may fall into a long period of civil strife.

What happened in the Plantagenet Kingdom cannot be replicated in the Silver Star Kingdom.

Because the nobles and their troops are all in their own territory, unlike in the Plantagenet Kingdom, where the nobles, their families, and soldiers are not in their territory, Qiangwei has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

All these factors lead to the goddess of wisdom being worried even if there is a model of the Plantagenet Kingdom.


Qi Feibai looked at the holographic model silently and did not speak.

The goddess of wisdom's eyes full of wisdom were quietly looking at Qi Feibai.

She was now more and more curious about Qi Feibai.

Qi Fei doesn't talk much.

He obviously looked like an ordinary person, but in front of a great goddess like her, he was unusually indifferent.

She doesn't feel any pressure on herself just because she is a great goddess.

The goddess of wisdom was very curious about who Qi Feibai was and what his relationship was with the moon goddess...

at the same time.

She also wanted to know if Qi Feibai could come up with a plan to bring vitality to the Silver Star Kingdom.

Time passed little by little.

After more than ten minutes, Qi Feibai finally raised his head and looked at the goddess of wisdom.

"Goddess, please give me more detailed information."

Qi Feibai said.


The goddess of wisdom gently tapped her green-green jade finger, and a spot of light appeared, which was equivalent to a revelation from God.

Pass the information directly to Qi Feibai.

After the light spot entered Qi Feibai's mind, Qi Feibai obtained more detailed information about the Silver Star Kingdom.

In the Silver Star Kingdom, there are also a large number of nobles. These nobles have formed a large network that covers and controls the entire Silver Star Kingdom.

Of course, the king's power is still the greatest. There are a large number of nobles in the king's family, and they are all big nobles.

This is normal. Like Qiangwei, her mother's family has more than one noble.

Her uncles and uncles were all nobles.

During the previous civil strife, most of the nobles on her father's side remained neutral. These nobles are now the only ones left in the Plantagenet Kingdom, and their power has been greatly reduced.


After completely digesting these beliefs, Qi Feibai withdrew his gaze from the model and looked at the goddess of wisdom.

Seeing Qi Feibai's actions, the goddess of wisdom was filled with expectations.

Is it possible?

Qi Feibai has a solution now?

"Goddess, given the current situation of the Silver Star Kingdom, if we want to complete the reform, the first people we must target must be the nobles."

Qi Feibai said.

The goddess of wisdom nodded slightly.

If the aristocratic issue is not resolved, everything else will not be easy to develop.

Because a large number of civilians are in the hands of nobles.

It is unrealistic to carry out large-scale construction projects like the Plantagenet Kingdom, and it is even less realistic to popularize education.

Many nobles would rather have less convenient transportation so that they can be a local emperor in their own territory.

As for education...what can we do to let civilians know so much? Will it be easy to rebel in the future?

Let civilians serve as officials? Less likely!

How can the nobles still hang out?

Everything needs to solve the aristocratic system first. Otherwise, even if various changes are made, the effect of the changes will be half that of the Plantagenet Kingdom. Thank God.

"However, in the Silver Star Kingdom, it is not suitable to use too strong methods against these nobles."

Qi Feibai said again.

The goddess of wisdom nodded again, and Qi Feibai analyzed the point.

After knowing that Qi Feibai used strong and thunderous methods in the Plantagenet Kingdom to directly overturn the table and overthrow the nobles where he lived, she was still a little worried that Qi Feibai would do it again in the Silver Star Kingdom.

Now it seemed that Qi Feibai would not be so reckless, which made her look forward to Qi Feibai's next words even more.

"There are many ways to deal with nobles."

Qi Feibai's next words whetted the appetite of the goddess of wisdom.

a lot of?

Besides forcefully overthrowing it, how else can we deal with it?

However, mid-sentence, Qi Feibai stopped talking. Instead, he took out a pen and paper, scribbled down a few words, and then handed them to the goddess of wisdom.

"I have an ancient trick here. Goddess, please take a look."

Qi Feibai said.

The goddess of wisdom took the paper curiously, and when she saw it, there were only two words written on it: Tweet grace!

She frowned slightly because, with her wisdom, she did not immediately understand what these two words meant.

052 No solution

"Tweet grace."

In the kingdom of God, the goddess of wisdom whispered these two words.

Just based on these two words, she could not guess what Qi Feibai's ancient plan was.

Qi Feibai said: "Let the king issue an order to extend grace to the world. All adult children of the nobles can obtain territories and titles from the nobles, not just the eldest son."

Show favor to the world!

As soon as Qi Feibai's words came out, the goddess of wisdom fell into thinking.

Beside, several Holy Spirits were also frowning and thinking.

"Your Excellency Feibai, what's the use of doing this?"

Loretta asked.

Several other Holy Spirits have not figured it out yet.

However, the goddess of wisdom seemed to slowly see the power of this grace order, and the light in her eyes began to become brighter.

Qi Feibai said lightly: "The big ones turned into small ones, and the small ones turned into small ones."

These eight words made the goddess of wisdom's eyes completely light up.

She understood the true power and ingenuity of the grace order!

"I see!"

A Holy Spirit cried out.

The other Holy Spirits looked at her.

"Your Excellency Fei Bai's grace order can divide these nobles. In order to maintain the strength of the family, the current nobles adopt the eldest son inheritance system. If other children want to become nobles, they can only achieve military merit or fight for fiefs from the king. The probability is very small.”

The Holy Spirit analyzed it.

"In this way, these noble families can always maintain their power. However, once Lord Feibai's favor order comes out, the territory of a noble will be divided among all the children, and the power will be dispersed. Over time, the big nobles will become small nobles. The minor nobles will be further divided!"

The more the Holy Spirit analyzed, the more powerful he felt that Qi Feibai's grace order was being extended.

"It won't take long before these nobles are no longer a threat. Once they decline, the king can promulgate a new policy and carry out large-scale changes. By then, there will be no resistance!"

This Holy Spirit came to a conclusion.

After finishing speaking, she couldn't help but look at Qi Feibai, with admiration in her eyes.

"It's more than that."

Another Holy Spirit spoke.

"If we forcibly suppress the nobles or overthrow the noble system, these nobles will definitely join forces to deal with the king, or even overthrow the king. By then, even if these nobles are still willing to believe in the goddess, the entire Silver Star Kingdom will not change much."

The other Holy Spirits nodded.

Indeed it is.

"It would be okay if there were no external threats, but now the Silver Star Kingdom can affect the whole body at a single moment, and rashly adopt too drastic measures, which is likely to cause the Silver Star Kingdom to fall into long-term civil strife and even weaken."

"But Lord Feibai's grace order can weaken the nobles without spending a single soldier."

"This is the most powerful thing about Lord Feibai's grace order!"

That Holy Spirit saw another subtlety in the decree of grace.

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