It does not refer to the scenery of the Kingdom of God.

But it means that as soon as I got here, my brain seemed to be much clearer, and the entire Kingdom of God was filled with the power of wisdom.

After Qi Feibai looked at the scenery in the Kingdom of God, he looked forward.

There, on the throne, a goddess exuding the aura of wisdom let out a light sigh.

Because, she discovered...Qi Feibai, it seems, is not the Holy Spirit! .

050 strong interest, situation

Soon, the Holy Spirits of the Goddess of Wisdom also made the same discovery.

One by one, you look at me and I look at you, with surprise in their eyes.

However, as Holy Spirits, they were not rude.

"Is this Your Excellency Fei Bai?"

A Holy Spirit came forward and asked politely.

"Yes, it's me."

Qi Feibai said.

"I am Loretta, please come with me. The goddess has been waiting for you for a long time."

That Holy Spirit said.

Under the guidance of this Holy Spirit, Qi Feibai followed her all the way to a floating island in the center of the Kingdom of God.

This island is like a book.

The goddess of wisdom has stepped down from the throne, and her eyes can no longer hide the interest in Qi Feibai.

It is very simple to have such an interest.

Originally, after seeing the Plantagenet Kingdom undergoing great changes, it was developing in an increasingly prosperous direction.

The goddess of wisdom was very interested in the person behind the Plantagenet Kingdom.

After the celebration, the Goddess of Wisdom used her godhead to specially design a model to calculate the changes in belief in the Plantagenet Kingdom.

The final conclusion is that the faith provided by the Plantagenet Kingdom is likely to explode.

It's not just a slight increase.

But many times.

This is the real reason why the goddess of wisdom cannot sit still.

When it comes to faith, who can sit still?

As a great goddess, a large part of her beliefs come from her own country.

The faith collected through clergy also accounts for a part, but this part is not particularly large.

Her own country is always the top priority, and no other god can compete with her for this.

Even if other gods have relevant priesthoods, they cannot gather faith in a kingdom that belongs entirely to her.

This is the importance of a complete kingdom.

If the faith of her Silver Star Kingdom can skyrocket, then the speed at which the Goddess of Wisdom accumulates divine power will be greatly accelerated.

This means that the time it takes for her to go from great goddess to main god will also be greatly shortened.


In addition, Qi Feibai is a male, a male envoy of a great goddess, which is very rare.

A clean goddess will pay attention to this and will not extradite the male Holy Spirit.

The main reason is that the male Holy Spirit is prone to admiration for the goddess.

Goddesses are so perfect, especially great goddesses. Each great goddess has her own uniqueness. Any man in the world who sees her will most likely fall in love with her at first sight.

This kind of admiration... is not what the goddess needs, and it often causes problems.

There was such a lesson in the past. There was once a goddess who extradited a male holy spirit to the Kingdom of God. Not surprisingly, the male holy spirit fell in love with the goddess.

He also tried to possess the goddess. After the goddess noticed it, she expelled this holy spirit from the kingdom of God. This holy spirit grew from love to hatred and colluded with a witch, causing the goddess to suffer a lot of losses.


The goddess of wisdom knows the moon goddess well and knows that it is impossible to extradite the male holy spirit because of the other person's purity.

But it happened that the Moon Goddess did this.

This gave the Goddess of Wisdom another interest.


The other party... is actually not the Holy Spirit!

It's more like a human being who doesn't know any magic, and this human being actually ran from the divine kingdom of the Moon Goddess to his own divine kingdom.

Although her divine kingdom is now open, Qi Feibai's ability to cross the long distance to come here speaks for itself.

All kinds of things.

The goddess of wisdom's interest in Qi Feibai has become extremely strong.

Of course, as a goddess, she can naturally be happy but not angry, and it is impossible for her to write everything on her face.


"I've met Her Majesty the Goddess."

Qi Feibai spoke first.

"Please take a seat."

The goddess of wisdom moved her hand lightly, and a chair appeared behind Qi Feibai.

As a god, he rarely has as many false rituals as humans.

Communication between God and God is often relatively direct.

Qi Feibai sat down.

The goddess of wisdom sat down opposite Qi Feibai.

"Bai, I'm glad you can come here. Adele calls you this, and I will call you this, okay?"

The goddess of wisdom looked at Qi Feibai with bright eyes and said.

Adele is the name of the moon goddess. Last night, the moon goddess told Qi Feibai in emotion.

Qi Feibai nodded slightly: "Okay."

A slight smile appeared on the face of the goddess of wisdom: "Okay, let's get started."

As she spoke, the goddess of wisdom's hand moved slightly.

Suddenly, a holographic scene appeared between her and Qi Feibai.

Qi Feibai took a look and saw a large number of mountains and rivers in this scene.

This should be a kingdom in the continent of the gods. If nothing else, it is the Silver Star Kingdom owned by the goddess of wisdom.

"This is the Silver Star Kingdom."

The goddess of wisdom said.

Qi Feibai nodded in response, waiting for her next words.

"The population of Silver Star Kingdom is similar to that of Plantagenet Kingdom, but the terrain is more complicated and the surrounding situation is also more complicated."

Following the words of the goddess of wisdom, the terrain of the Silver Star Kingdom began to shrink.

"Bai, you see, the north of the Silver Star Kingdom is surrounded by endless snowy mountains. These snowy mountains are an ice ridge line on the mainland, which makes the north of the Silver Star Kingdom relatively cold."

Qi Feibai looked away.

The Continent of the Gods is too big, a world with round sky and square earth, and the climate model is completely different from that of the earth.

There are many ridges on the continent of the gods. This snowy mountain is an ice ridge, which is unusually high and can bring cold air with the movement of the sun in winter.

"The east side is more chaotic. This is the barbarian area. Every winter, some barbarians will attack the Silver Star Kingdom because of lack of food."

"The south is a kingdom that is constantly in war. This kingdom has been in chaos for decades. Many middle and low-level gods are fighting for their faith in it."

"As for the west, the situation is slightly better. It is a country of great gods."

The goddess of wisdom slowly told the situation of the Silver Star Kingdom.

Then, she looked at Qi Feibai.

"Bai, if a kingdom like this wants to complete the same changes as the Plantagenet Kingdom, what do you think it should do?"

The goddess of wisdom got straight to the point and asked her purpose this time.

051 The Eternal Strategy

Qi Feibai did not answer immediately.

Instead, he looked at the Silver Star Kingdom simulated by the Goddess of Wisdom and fell into thinking.

This time, the goddess of wisdom’s goal is indeed her kingdom.

After seeing that the Plantagenet Kingdom had abolished the nobility and launched various measures, and achieved such great results, the goddess of wisdom was also moved.

However, even though she was known for her wisdom, she did not rush to touch the Silver Star Kingdom.

A huge kingdom that affects the whole body.

What's more, the situation around the Silver Star Kingdom is also relatively complicated.

The complex situation means that if a large-scale turmoil occurs in the Silver Star Kingdom, and this turmoil cannot be calmed down, it may be taken advantage of.

Especially the barbarians, these guys don't care whether the Silver Star Kingdom is the kingdom of the great goddess or not.

No matter how powerful the great goddess is, she is only in the sky, in the divine realm.

What's more, if someone really sees a chance, then there will be stronger gods behind these barbarians every minute.

If the Silver Star Kingdom is too chaotic, some other gods may also have some thoughts.

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