But it is not an ordinary network, but a magical network created with the help of the gods in the sky, allowing all magicians, even non-magicians, to access the Internet through some magic items.

This kind of network does not require large-scale laying of base stations, network cables, or servers.

Qi Feibai planned to use the goddess of the moon as the largest server.

The Godhead has many functions. If converted according to the computing power on the earth, the computing power of a Godhead is probably equivalent to a supercomputer the size of the moon.

The Moon Goddess is in the sky and can be regarded as a "satellite".

If Qi Feibai's genius idea can be realized, the magic network is set up, and the Moon Goddess is allowed to expand some of her responsibilities and gain faith through the magic network.

That can bring huge benefits to the Moon Goddess.

Coupled with the continuous development of the Plantagenet Kingdom, the income from the Moon Goddess's faith will be very considerable.


048 The Goddess of Wisdom and the Visitor

"Your Excellency Feibai, is it really possible for everyone in your hometown to transmit sounds thousands of miles away?"

In the Kingdom of God, Tissini’s surprised voice sounded.

It's not just her.

The other Holy Spirits gathered around one by one.

Listening to Qi Feibai introducing mobile phones and the Internet, he also talked about things about his hometown.

When I heard that Qi Feibai’s hometown could allow everyone to transmit sounds thousands of miles away.

The Holy Spirits were very surprised.

"Not only can you spread rumors thousands of miles away, but you can also make videos like we did just now. Even if you are tens of thousands of miles away, you can see what the other party is doing, and you can also communicate with the other party."

Qi Feibai said.

While talking, he clicked on a video. This video was also one that Qi Feibai carefully selected when he returned to Earth last time.

This is a video introducing communication before the earth enters the era of national awakening.

As the video started, the Holy Spirits all watched it attentively.

The Moon Goddess's gaze is naturally also on the video.

Now, both the Holy Spirit and the Moon Goddess vaguely knew that Qi Feibai must have come from a magical place.

In the video, the mountains and landscapes, as well as different cities and people, are different from those in the Continent of the Gods.

This made the Holy Spirits look particularly attentively.

When you see in the video, two people who are not knowing how far apart can make phone calls, video calls, or send voice messages anytime and anywhere.

The Holy Spirits were convinced of Qi Feibai's words.

"This is amazing."

After watching the video, Tissini couldn't help but say.

She couldn't imagine it.

What kind of world would it be like in a world where everyone can hear messages thousands of miles away, make calls thousands of miles away, and even chat face-to-face through video?

"Your Excellency Feibai, how did you do this?"

Tissiny asked.

"That's what the Internet is for."

Qi Feibai said.


Tissini tasted these two words.

"Honey, when I was on the phone with Tissini just now, did you notice anything?"

Qi Feibai looked at the Moon Goddess and asked.

He must first explain the principles of the network to the Moon Goddess, and then the Moon Goddess can think of a way to achieve it through divine magic.

The moon goddess nodded slightly, looked at the router, and said: "It seems to send out a kind of wave, forming a network."


The Moon Goddess is indeed a great goddess. Although she has never been exposed to technology before, she is still aware of the radio waves emitted by the router.

The radio waves of WIFI are themselves a type of electromagnetic waves.

"These two mobile phones are capable of long-distance video, which is achieved through this network. Now, Tissini, take it over again."

Qi Feibai said to Tisini.

Tisini took the phone and flew three hundred meters away, continuing to video chat with Qi Feibai.

"Honey, feel it carefully again."

Qi Feibai said.

The Moon Goddess became serious this time, mobilized her divine power, and felt it silently.

It is impossible for humans to feel radio waves.

But the Moon Goddess can.

Soon, she made a discovery, and then, divine power floated on her slender fingers.

Then they saw that the pictures on Qi Feibai and Tisini's mobile phones started to vibrate.

The image quickly disappeared, then reappeared.


The Moon Goddess' hand gently moved towards the distance.

Tisini understood what she meant and flew three thousand meters away.

At this distance, Qi Fei Bai belt's router would naturally not be able to cover it.

The video connection on the phone was lost.

But soon, Qi Feibai received the request.

When he opened it, he saw Tissini's lovely face.

Tissini continued to move away, soon, four thousand meters, five thousand meters.

The video never stopped until she flew to the edge of the Kingdom of God.

"Honey, you are so awesome!"

Seeing this scene, Qi Feibai didn't understand why.

This is the Moon Goddess using magic to simulate the radio waves of the router, and then making it cover the entire Kingdom of God!

My wife is indeed amazing!

Being praised like this by Qi Feibai, even the Moon Goddess couldn't help but see a hint of joy on her pretty face.


She was given a mouthful by Qi Fei in vain.

The Moon Goddess's face suddenly turned as red as a big apple.


Such a moon goddess made Qi Feibai find it particularly interesting.

Couldn't help but take another bite.


The expressions of the few little Holy Spirits were particularly interesting. They looked around one by one, looking like "I didn't see it."

"Milly, what's wrong with you?"

Tissini is back.

Qi Feibai coughed and said seriously: "Wife, look, this is a local area network. If the scope of this network is enlarged hundreds of millions of times, it will be a network. Based on this network, we will create something that can The websites people log on to form the Internet."

Having said this, Qi Feibai paused and said: "We can't call it the Internet here, just call it Moon Network or Moon Network."

The main purpose of everything Qi Feibai is doing now is to increase his wife's divine power. Naturally, everything he creates must be related to the moon goddess.

At that time, if everyone wants to log into the Moon Network, the password will be a prayer to the Moon Goddess.

Think about it, anyone who lands on the Lunar Network needs to pray to the goddess Luna first.

Once the moonnet becomes popular, how much faith will there be?

"However, my wife, it is not practical to realize it through radio waves. What you have to do now is to find a way to cover the network to the continent of the gods."

Qi Feibai said again.

The Moon Goddess could simulate the radio waves emitted by the router so quickly. In Qi Feibai's opinion, it was not complicated for her to understand the principles of the network.


It is not realistic to spread the Internet as it is on Earth. That would require an unknown number of base stations and optical cables all over the world.

The Continent of the Gods is bigger, and if it is to be laid, it is a big project that may not be completed in a hundred years.

Therefore, this requires the moon goddess to achieve it through magic or divine means.

Qi Feibai believed that the Moon Goddess could do it.


Deep interest was clearly visible on the Moon Goddess's face.

She was obviously very interested in what Qi Feibai said about the Internet.

The Moon Goddess was about to speak.


She noticed something.

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