Therefore, she was able to monopolize a kingdom with a population of tens of millions.

"However, the goddess is not the strongest god in the moon system. A long time ago, there was a male god who occupied a moon. Now his strength is probably above the goddess, and he is very close to the main god."

Tissiny pointed to another moon.

In the world of gods, there is more than one moon. With the size of the continent of gods, one moon is far from enough.

Are there any male gods in the moon god system?

Qi Feibai looked at the moon god and asked, "Who is this person?"

"Ogudu Moon Lord, originally, the goddess had hoped to become the main god of the moon system before him, but now it seems that he may be the first to do so."

Tissini said.

Qi Feibai pondered for a moment, looked at the Moon Goddess, and asked: "Is it possible that the god who wanted to seize the Plantagenet Kingdom a while ago is him?"

Moon Goddess: "Probably not. The other party should be a star god who does not have his own complete country."

"Star God?"

Qi Feibai asked.

"They are the gods who live on the God Star. They are the most numerous gods in the God Realm. Most of the goddess's friends are on the God Star."

Tissini explained.

Qi Feibai became curious: "Honey, if the Kingdom of Plantagenet expands and conquers some countries, will it make your country bigger?"

The Moon Goddess shook her head: "No, my divine light cannot shine in a very wide range. If the divine light cannot shine, I can only collect faith through my priestly abilities."

Having said this, the Moon Goddess moved her finger, and a ball of light appeared on her finger.

Then, she handed the light ball to Qi Feibai.

As soon as Qi Feibai came into contact with this light group, it entered his mind and brought some intuitive information to Qi Feibai.

After digesting this information, Qi Feibai understood.

The kingdom of God cannot expand without limit.

Of course, unlimited expansion is possible, but when a god is not strong enough, taking risks to expand the kingdom is of little use.

Within the scope of her divine light, the Moon Goddess can gather complete faith.

But outside the scope of the divine light, no matter how devout a believer is to the Moon Goddess, the faith gathered by the Moon Goddess will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, the Moon Goddess is so passive in the Eternal Night Empire, because her clerical ability is related to the moon. Only when night falls can the Moon Goddess collect faith through her clerical ability.

This is also normal.

If it can be expanded without limit, then there will be no other gods. The most powerful god in the divine world, one person can occupy the entire kingdom.


"Outside of their own country, all gods compete and gather faith through their priestly abilities. Among them, the Sun God System is inherently more advantageous. Therefore, the Moon God System only has one main god until now, but the Sun God System has several The main god, there is even a big main god in it.”

Tissini further explained.

"The Moon God System also has a main god?"

Qi Feibai asked.

"Yes, but it has fallen."

Tissini said.

Even the Lord God has fallen?

"Who did it?"

Qi Feibai asked.

Tisini's eyes looked outside the world of gods.

Qi Feibai was also curious about what was outside the world of gods.

Judging from this model, there is only boundless darkness, and the starry sky that people in the Gods Continent see when they look up are only the divine stars in the God Realm.

In fact, these divine stars themselves do not emit light.

The light that people the divine light of God!

Tisini was about to speak when the Moon Goddess stopped her: "Bai, don't understand this now."

While speaking, she gave Qi Feibai's hand a rare squeeze.

This small action made Qi Feibai vaguely understand.

"Honey, will the magician provide more faith?"

Qi Feibai put aside his curiosity and got down to business.

The Moon Goddess said: "Yes, but it is not easy to gain faith in magicians. Only the goddess of magic can gain more faith from magicians."

This is quite normal. Magicians pursue the truth of the world, and it is indeed not easy to gain faith from them.

"Honey, can your priesthood be increased or expanded?"

Qi Feibai asked.

Add and expand priesthood?

The Moon Goddess thought for a while and said: "It is not easy to expand the priesthood, but it is not impossible. If there are brand-new functions that are somewhat related to my original priesthood and have no conflicts, they can be expanded."

Qi Feibai pondered for a moment, and then took out a few things from his space.

Among these things, there are two mobile phones and a battery-powered router.

"Your Excellency Feibai, what is this?"

Tissini asked curiously.


Qi Feibai turned on the two mobile phones and turned on the router.

047 Genius idea!

Tisini was already used to the strange things Qi Feibai took out.

However, this is the first time Tisini has seen a mobile phone.

On earth, everyone has a mobile phone, but in Tissini's eyes, they are just two rectangular objects.

It wasn't until Qi Feibai turned on the phone that the screen of his phone lit up.

Only then did Tissini's eyes look filled with surprise.

"Your Excellency Feibai, what is this?"

Tissini was very curious.

There is also a trace of curiosity in the eyes of the Moon Goddess, but as a god, her expression will not be as easy to show as Tisini's.

After Qi Feibai turned on his mobile phone, he connected it to the router's LAN, and then opened two software that can video through the LAN.

"Tisini, take this and go three hundred meters away."

Qi Feibai said.

"Okay, Sir Feibai."

Tisini took her cell phone and flew three hundred meters away.

Then, she looked at the screen curiously. There were two pictures on the screen, one was her, and the other was Qi Feibai and the Moon Goddess.

"Tishini, can you hear me?"

Qi Feibai showed a smile to Tisini and said.

Tissini's expression suddenly became wonderful.

"Your Excellency Feibai, what kind of magic is this?"

Tissini asked in surprise.

In her opinion, this can only be done through divine magic. Not only are there pictures, but there are also sounds, and they are so clear.

But Qi Feibai is not a god and has no magic at all.

The question is, how did Qi Feibai do it?

It's not magic, it can only be magic, but what kind of magic is so powerful!

Tisini thought of the movie Qi Feibai played in the Plantagenet Kingdom.

However, the current situation seems a little different from the movie.

Next to Qi Feibai, the Moon Goddess's eyes were even more curious.

If she uses divine magic, she can do better. Even from a long distance, she can directly give revelations to believers.

But that is divine magic, and it has its own limitations.

It requires devout believers, prayers from believers, and the consumption of divine power.

But what Qi Feibai took out was done so easily.


"This is not magic, this is called a mobile phone. Where we are, basically everyone has one. Tissini, come back and I will teach you how to use it."

Qi Feibai said.

Tissini flew back.

"The mobile phone has many functions, but there is no Internet connection here, and many things cannot be opened."

As Qi Feibai said this, he found a few apps that didn't require the Internet and gestured.

This time, his main purpose is not to introduce mobile phones.

It is currently completely unrealistic to popularize mobile phones in the continent of the gods.

What Qi Feibai wanted to create was something else.


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