When will I have a long tassel?

Chapter 3 The prophecy of the time traveler

Wang Zijie's intuition was right. The Tang Zifeng standing on the podium at this time was completely different from the Tang Zifeng who shared the dormitory with him back then. In his body, there was a soul from 30 years later.

That's right, today's Tang Zifeng is a time traveler. In his mind, the development process and life wisdom of the entire world in the next 30 years are hidden.

Tang Zifeng before time travel had a restless heart. Like the Kuafu who chased the sun in ancient times, he feverishly chased the limelight in the market, hoping that he could rise against the wind and achieve a great career like two horses and one plum.

Unfortunately, his fate was like Kuafu's. He never caught up with the sun, but died of thirst on the way.

He was one of the last people in the country to participate in pyramid schemes. He had just become a small boss and was severely beaten. If he hadn't run fast, he would have just been sifting sand somewhere.

Later, he grabbed the tail of Internet finance and became the 10,086th franchisee of a P2P company. Within a few days of working, the entire industry exploded, leaving him penniless.

He has studied Feng Shui, speculated on Bitcoin, made funny videos, launched crowdfunding for dozens of Internet celebrity products, and written hundreds of flashy business plans...

His last big gamble in his previous life was to sign up as a volunteer for an underground black technology project. The goal of this project was to test the reliability of a time machine.

This time, he succeeded and was transported by the time machine to the parallel world in 1992, where he became a fresh undergraduate graduate of Renmin University.

By the way, this graduate's luck is no different from that of Tang Zifeng in his previous life. The Department of Planning Economics he studied in disappeared with the spring breeze of market economy in the second year of his graduation. It added another highlight to his last bus ride record.

When Tang Zifeng traveled through time, his predecessor had already obtained a dispatch certificate from the Machinery Department and was assigned to work in the Mechanical and Electrical Department of the Second Bureau of the Machinery Department.

For students of their generation, being able to stay in Beijing and work in ministries is a very good choice. The value of college students at that time was not as devalued as it was in later generations. A genuine college student could be assigned to a ministry, work steadily for a few years, achieve a little bit, be promoted to a deputy director before the age of 30, and work as a deputy bureau before the age of 40, that would be enough to honor the ancestors.

But as a time traveler, Tang Zifeng didn't have many expectations for such a position and such a future. As he told the younger brothers and sisters who were tricked by him, the early 1990s was an era when China fully entered the market economy. All kinds of barriers that restricted innovation and entrepreneurship were broken down, and various legal norms that restricted and regulated market behavior Not established yet.

This is an era where you can do whatever you want. This is an era where you can get rich overnight as long as you dare to think and act.

For example, MLM, which is like a rat crossing the street in later generations, is still a complimentary word in this era. It represents an advanced marketing model and is touted by countless professors of marketing departments in universities. When Tang Zifeng saw academic articles introducing and praising the MLM model in academic journals, he felt like he wanted to cry without tears. Why was my life in the previous life so miserable?

However, thanks to God, thanks to black technology, and thanks to CCTV, I, Tang Zifeng, have finally come to an end, and it’s finally time for me, Tang Zifeng, to show off my skills!

This was a cry from the depths of Tang Zifeng's heart after experiencing the initial discomfort.

Although he knows the history of the next few decades, Tang Zifeng still won't do such things as resigning and going to work for the time being. Ministries and agencies are a place that guarantees good harvests despite droughts and floods. You can be assigned housing, you can be promoted, and you can also come into contact with people from all walks of life, which helps to expand your network.

In his previous life, he had to eat instant noodles for months if he failed in a project. He couldn't even afford authentic Fuling mustard, so he could only buy Peiling. No one knows better than him the necessity of having an iron rice bowl. At least, he won't consider resigning until he has complete financial freedom.

Well, in fact, there is another more important reason why he dare not resign, and that is that his biological father in this life once taught him earnestly, saying that if Tang Zifeng dared to resign and go to sea, he would personally take off his legs. All interrupted.

My father, Tang Lin, is a country farmer with a little education, with well-developed limbs and a single-minded mind. In the memories Tang Zifeng inherited from his predecessor, Tang Lin always believed that a stick produces filial sons. Tang Zifeng was beaten more times than the fools who were deceived by P2P websites in later generations... Uh, I think of sadness again. It's over.

Tang Zifeng had also seriously considered whether, as a time traveler, he should accept his ex's biological father, mother, and sister, as well as the numerous aunts and uncles. Later, he found the answer from biology, that is, no matter who his soul is now, at least the genes in his body were inherited from his parents in this life. Being filial to your parents means respecting genes, and respecting genes means respecting science.

Besides, when he went home to visit his relatives, his parents' love for him was genuine, and his sister's intimacy with him was even more irresistible. As for his seventh aunt and eighth aunt, well, I'll see you later. Sort it out slowly.

Although he did not plan to resign from public office for the time being, Tang Zifeng could not wait for a moment and immediately launched his money-making plan. He partnered with his ex's best friend in college, Wang Zijie, and made his first pot of gold by "saving books." The idea of ​​collecting books was not invented by Tang Zifeng, but he stole it from successful people he had heard of in his previous life.

He had thought about how he would first make a quick buck by saving books and then enter several popular industries in his life. After having the initial capital, he wanted to buy the "must die" and hire Xiao Zha to be his pawn. He wants to invest in Apple and follow Lao Qiao's path, leaving Lao Qiao with nowhere to go. He wants to tie up with Larry Page and open a website called Gu Ge... In short, he will get in first to make money in future generations. In his previous life, he always couldn't keep up with the heat of whatever he ate. In this life, he will become the man standing at the top of the food chain!

"Old man, why are you laughing?"

Wang Zijie looked at Tang Zifeng, who was standing on the podium smiling like a mentally retarded child, and asked angrily. All the students who had just received the training (brainwashing) were gone, but Tang Zifeng still stood there in a daze for some unknown reason.


Tang Zifeng was imagining the wonderful life of standing at the top of the food chain, holding two five-nut moon cakes in his hands, eating one and throwing one away, when he was awakened by Wang Zijie's voice, and realized that he was still on the earth. The name Wang Zijie just called him was based on his ranking in the dormitory. Tang Zifeng was the youngest in the dormitory. He was called the eighth boy all four years of college. As for Wang Zijie, well, he is the seventh child.

"Old Qi, let me ask you, what are you going to do with the money?"

Tang Zifeng wiped the corners of his mouth, stepped down from the podium, and asked Wang Zijie.


Wang Zijie’s answer was concise and clear.

"What if there is too much money and I can't finish it?"

"Marry a wife and have a bunch of babies to eat together."

"What if you can't finish the meal with your wife and children?"

"Take in a few concubines and give birth to more rabbits to eat."


Tang Zifeng was defeated. Wang Zijie said this not to argue with Tang Zifeng, but because he did have such an obsession in his heart.

Wang Zijie was also born in a rural area. His hometown is a coastal area in the southeast. People in this area have always believed in the religion of having many children. The more children you have, the more respect you have. When he was in college, Wang Zijie initiated discussions in the dormitory more than 100 times, asking everyone to give him ideas on how to circumvent national policies and have more children.

"Old Qi, have you ever thought about becoming a big company and becoming the richest man in the world?"

"What are the benefits of being the world's richest man? Can you have more children?"

"Of course. When you become the richest man in the world, you can immigrate to Bermuda, so you don't have to be governed by Chinese law. You can have as many concubines as you want. You can also marry wives from all over the world and give birth to a bunch of different children. The skin color of the rabbits is red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Wouldn’t it be beautiful to have a dozen of them in one color?”

"Really? Then let's open a big company!" Wang Zijie's eyes shone with desire.

Of course, this kind of chat is just nonsense between roommates. Tang Zifeng once talked to Wang Zijie about future market opportunities in the name of prediction, and formulated a several-step development strategy for the company.

Regarding this strategy, Wang Zijie's attitude is to take it one step at a time. If the future market is really what Tang Zifeng said, then follow this strategy. Otherwise, make timely adjustments. As for the ultimate goal, there are some differences between the two. Tang Zifeng wants to become the richest man in the world, but Wang Zijie thinks that having a house and a car in the capital is enough.

The two left the teaching building and walked toward the east gate while chatting about the company's business issues. Tang Zifeng said to Wang Zijie:

"Lao Qi, we have to hurry up on this matter of saving books. Others will know this model as soon as they see it. If there are too many people doing it, we won't be able to make money."

Wang Zijie felt the same way: "Yes, I think the graduate students who helped us save books have the idea of ​​​​doing the same thing as us, but they are not brave yet."

"Sooner or later, someone will follow this example." Tang Zifeng said.

"I think we should also create some books with a higher standard so that others can't imitate them." Wang Zijie suggested.

Tang Zifeng said: "This is a good idea. Then, the glorious and arduous task of finding a topic will fall on your shoulders."

"why me?"

"Because you are a top student. There are so many people in the class, so you are the only one who stays in school and becomes a teacher."


"Stop it, young man, there is no harm in working more. You will understand in the future." Tang Zifeng imitated the behavior of the leaders in the unit, patted Wang Zijie on the shoulder and said to him.

While they were chatting, they heard a beeping sound coming from Tang Zifeng's waist. Tang Zifeng took off his Chinese display pager from his belt, turned it on and saw only five words on the screen:

I'm looking for the director, please come back soon.

"Look, I have a lot of things to do right now. We can't live without me for a moment. Do I have time to find some topics to choose from?"

Tang Zifeng waved the pager in front of Wang Zijie, and then walked away.

This guy has really changed! Did he become so bullish because he made money, or was he inherently bullish, so he was able to make money? ...Bah, bah, I wonder what he is doing. I have also made money, should I do something?

Wang Zijie stood there, watching Tang Zifeng run out of the east gate and get into a taxi, and began to have wild thoughts in his mind.

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