The scar on the chest was not a burn, but a third-degree frostbite. To drop the temperature to minus 150 to 200 degrees in an instant is something that humans simply cannot do.

"Mr. Ichijo, although the places attacked by No. 37 and No. 38 were irregular, they seemed to be taking a detour.

Does this way of moving have any specific meaning, or is it in a certain order?"

After listening, Ichijo Fumio looked at the notebook in his hand again, whispered the name of the swimming pool on it, and suddenly the girl playing the piano popped up in his mind.

"So that's it, it's that person!"

He put away the notebook and turned around to rush into the hotel, opened the piano lid and looked at the condensation on the keys, confirming the guess in his mind.

The Black Angel Guarding Smile: Chapter 57, Brother Turtle: Observing in Secret!


In the car, Officer Shida took out the notebook from his pocket, looked at the location of the incident recorded on it, and asked back in surprise.

"Do the first letters of the pools where the victims appeared represent syllables?"

"Yes, the first Dolphin Pool where the crime was committed was do, the second Lexus Pool School was re, the third Mizusawa Water Park was mi, and the current Mirage Hotel is also mi.

The number of people killed is expressed by the type of musical notes.

If there are two victims, it represents a half note, if there are eight people, it represents an eighth note, and if there are eight adults plus 16 children, it represents an eighth note plus a twelfth note, that is, a dotted eighth note."


"Now I will play the piano here according to my inference."

Ichijo Kaoru put one hand on the piano keys and played the beginning in the order above. Officer Shigida's eyes widened instantly.

"This is a revolutionary etude!"

"Although it is unbelievable, this song is the opponent's rule this time. And No. 37 also follows this rule. I looked at his movement trajectory and it was indeed carried out in the order of the fifty sounds."

So far, the game rules of the two Gou-level Gurongi have finally been deciphered.

[March 7]: "How did they deduce this?!"

[Himeko]: "It's hard to imagine. We, who have a God's perspective, are a little confused, but they can deduce this order from their personal perspective."

[Kaeya]: "However, should we say that no matter which world, they are so versatile?"

[Diluk]: "Now that we have a clue, we can ambush in advance according to the song."

The store manager, Daddy, and others who returned to the store couldn't help but feel a little scared after hearing the report about the Mizusawa Water Park.

Asahina Nana's mother called directly and said that if possible, come home now and don't stay in such a dangerous place like Tokyo.

But Asahina Nana rejected this proposal, saying that she still wanted to work hard for her dream, not to mention that she hadn't competed with Sawatari Sakurako yet.

If she left like this now, wouldn't she be giving up her beloved Nangong brother to someone else?

Nangong sister also comforted the frightened dean. Although the world is not safe now and the future of the baby in her belly may not be so beautiful, she still decided to give birth to this child.

Because being alive is a very beautiful thing in itself.

You will meet different people, see different scenery, meet someone you really like, and then get married together, until you finally form a family and cultivate the next generation.

Rainbows are not necessarily only in the sky, but also in people's hearts.

After blocking all the swimming pools, Nangong Lin and Yitiao Xun are also preparing to go to the beach. Since the other party will attack people in the water, the beach is naturally one of the hunting targets.

Sure enough, when seeing the tourists playing on the beach, the sea snake Gulongji smiled and then dived into the sea, killing one person instantly with the long whip in his hand.

She poked her head out of the water, and the tourists who came close to her turned around and fled in fear.

Just when the sea snake Gulongji was about to swing the second whip, a gunshot rang out, and the long whip in her hand fell on the beach and was swept away by the sea.

Nangong Lin ran faster, summoned his belt and transformed into a blue dragon form, and did a front flip to the enemy and picked up the wooden stick on the ground.

The azure blue dragon stick hit the sea snake Gurongi's abdomen hard and knocked her back, and the two sides began to confront each other on the beach.

"Kuuga, I am the death commander Kuuga Sea Snake Ji." (Gurongi's language)

As the sea snake Gurongi said, he tore a strip of cloth from his ankle and transformed it into a long whip, swinging it quickly like a farmer.

Facing this soft weapon, Kuuga could only dodge with the swiftness and bounce of the blue dragon form, and occasionally use the blue dragon stick to resist the attack.

But facing the opponent's enthusiastic offensive of giving 100 draws as soon as he went online, he was accidentally hit on the shoulder, and white frost appeared around the wound in an instant, and white cold air also emerged.

Kuga's injured arm immediately lost strength. After he raised the Qinglong stick with one hand to block the whip, the Qinglong stick was also frozen into an old popsicle. The opponent slapped him and sent him flying.

Falling into the hut behind, Kuga quickly stood up and used the cover of sawdust to raise the Qinglong stick to hit the opponent's abdomen.

But because the Qinglong stick was frozen, it became very brittle, so it broke directly and failed to successfully use the ultimate move.

Realizing that something was wrong, Kuuga quickly distanced himself and ran towards the seaside, waiting for an opportunity to find a weapon.

Just at this time, the waves of the sea brought another wooden stick, and it was delivered directly to his feet.

The sea snake Gurungi was also shocked when he saw this scene. He hurriedly waved the whip in his hand and swung it hard at Kuga in front of him.

Kuuga, on the other hand, kicked up the wooden stick, then rolled forward to avoid the attack, and took this opportunity to use the power of gold.

Golden lightning dyed Qinglong Kuuga's body with golden lines, and golden spearheads appeared twice on the Qinglong stick in his hand.

Seeing the long whip attacking again, Sublimated Blue Dragon Kuuga jumped up, his explosive power and agility greatly improved.

"Hu Li——"

The sublimated green dragon stick pierced the belly of the sea snake Gurungi. Even though a golden symbol appeared on the opponent's body, the sea snake Gurungi still struggled without giving up.

Seeing this, Kuuga also used his strength directly, flying the sea snake Gurungi directly and throwing it into the sea. After the explosion, it caused waves.

After getting rid of the sea snake Gurungi, Kuuga also turned around and gave a thumbs up to Ichijo Kaoru.

It's just that the interaction between the two fell into the eyes of Gurungi, who was in charge of counting, and a man wearing a striped suit and a top hat in the corner.

"Is that the new power Kuuga has gained? However, this kind of power is not a big problem for Gou-level people." (Gulangki language)

After hearing the words of the man behind him, Counting Grunki nodded, reset all the counting disks in his hands to zero, and left here with him.

[March 7]: "Wow, it's endless, isn't it? Why do you show up so diligently?"

[Nangong Lin]: "Uh-huh - this is a shame!"

[Wuliangta Jizi]: "What? Do you still remember this person?"

[Nangong Lin]: "I don't remember, I just feel very familiar."

[Black Swan]: "It's interesting. The mouth can lie but the memory cannot. Can I come and sit at your house?"

[Gui Naifen]: "What do you want to do?"


The black angel who protects the smile: Chapter 58: One hero is enough

In the coffee shop early in the morning, Nangong Lin and Asahina Nana were cooking curry together to prepare for the guests who arrived at noon.

The shop owner on the side was cutting newspapers, and kept praising No. 4 for getting more and more powerful, with purple, green, and blue all turning into gold.

If red can also appear gold, then he is going to add gold foil to the curry and add it to the menu named Sparkling Curry.

Nangong Lin nodded when he heard this, then sighed and said, "Sure enough, does everyone think so?"

"Isn't that natural? Number 4 is now a big star."

He just smiled slightly when he heard this, and left after making the curry, saying that he was going to Dr. Chun.

Over at the Metropolitan Police Department, the head of the headquarters also went to the Police Research Institute in person to talk to the police.

Facing increasingly powerful enemies, what is his opinion?

"He? He is a young man who always smiles no matter what difficulties he encounters."

The head of the headquarters nodded when he heard this, and felt a bit more favorable toward this young man he had never met before.

"After joining forces with him so many times, No. 4 has become a very important topic now. I have also made up my mind to upgrade the weapons for everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department."

"Well, I am also studying special bullets with different effects. They can definitely be used on time."

While the two were talking, they came to a rolling shutter door. After the rolling shutter door was raised, a brand new motorcycle came into view. From the appearance, it was clear that this motorcycle was good.

It turns out that the 樚逅心吭蓖ü心浚⑾ refers to the 逭逭馭逤褬 shrimp耡prayer 鹗羝@stop zai sent 郙心灹欬gulululazy.

This new motorcycle not only has improved performance, but it can also withstand about five hundred fusions.

The head of the headquarters also said that this is correct. They must take precautions to prepare for these stronger unknown life forms in the future.

The Metropolitan Police Department has strengthened its defense force, and the Gurungi side also feels threatened by the Gold Power Kuuga, so Rose Girl specially came here with the general in military uniform.

In the elevator, Bat Man deliberately hid in a corner, placing his palms in his chest pockets and rubbing them constantly.

As the elevator ascended, the general took the initiative to express his feelings about the current record.

"Unexpectedly, even the sea snakes were killed by Kuuga." (Guranga)

"Kuuga must be killed, otherwise the Gou-level Kikilu game may not be able to start smoothly." (Gulangi language)

After hearing Rose Girl's words, the general's originally serious face suddenly became more murderous, and he spoke in a strong tone.

"Only I can kill that beetle!" (Guranga)

After hearing this, Rose Girl didn't say much, she just smiled. She was very optimistic about the top-notch Gurungi.

After walking out of the elevator, Rose Girl and others came to a room where there were also three people.

A thin young man who was reading a book, a woman with manicures on her hands spinning a roulette wheel, and a man wearing a striped suit with an excited look on his face.

"Welcome to my game." (Gurangi)

The general stepped across the crowd and looked at the roulette wheel on the table, then glanced at Rose Girl, who also raised the ring and said.

"Can it be done with 567 people in 72 hours?" (Gurangi)

Upon hearing this number of people, the man in the suit just crossed his arms and let out a cool "hum".

In the Kanto University Hospital, Dr. Chun posted x-photos all over the place, looking at the various changes displayed on them, he said with a little worry.

"Although it was just a joke at first, after this period of investigation, it is found that your golden power may really come from electroshock therapy."

"That's true. It's not even recorded on the inscription. This is exactly what I guessed."

"Because the electric shock caused the Yamadam to change, it seemed to be able to generate and release electrical energy."

At this point, Dr. Chun was silent for a moment, staring at the X-ray photo of the belt position and slowly spoke.

"Probably because of the golden power, your body has also undergone drastic changes. The activity current of the muscles has increased, and the number of nerves invaded by Yamadam in the brain has also increased.

If you continue like this, you might really... turn into a pure biological weapon. "

A solemn atmosphere instantly enveloped the three of them. Ichijo Kaoru, who had been silent all this time, raised his own question at this moment, that is, why Yamadam only showed the power to act in battle.

Dr. Chun also thought about it, but did not find the answer.

"Maybe it's because I want to become stronger. Just after that electric shock ended, they also became stronger, so sometimes I often think that it won't work if I don't stay stronger.

From that moment on, my body began to feel like it was buzzing, maybe it was a mutual interaction. "

[Ruan Mei]: "In other words, Yamadam has changed based on the host's thoughts."

[March 7]: "There is no way at all. If this continues, will it really turn into a biological weapon?"

[Black Tower]: "There should be no other way. Remember the words on the inscription."

[Himeko]: "When the sacred spring dries up, stern warriors will appear like thunder, and the sun will be buried in darkness."

[Su Shang]: "Now, I can't be sure yet. After all, it's said that the spring water needs to dry up for this to happen."

[Diluc]: "Indeed, I don't believe that Nangong will become a so-called biological weapon."

Just like on the barrage, Dr. Tsubaki and Kaoru Ichijo also had a heated discussion.

Dr. Chun even directly asked Nangong Lin if he had any special feelings in his body recently, but the answer he received was still the same "no problem".

Seeing his appearance, Dr. Chun bluntly pointed out that his right leg should be in great pain now. If the golden power is used in the red state, it will cause a great burden on the body.

"It's no problem, I feel like I'm in good shape."

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