"Sleep forever, Kuuga!" (Gurongi language)

The green Pegasus Kuuga rode a motorcycle, and with his super high perception, he easily avoided the attack of the owl Gurongi.

And at the moment of stopping, he did a side flip in the air and used the power of gold to complete the sublimation. After landing, he raised the sublimation Pegasus crossbow and shot quickly.

Come on, snipe at the middle door!

The dense air cannons attacked, and even if the owl Gurongi was so flexible, he was hit by three air cannons, and the position of his hand was very close to the belt.

Looking at the owl Gurongi exploding in the air, Nangong Lin, who was standing on the lawn, nodded and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After everything was over, Nangong Lin brought Kirishima Taku to the station and met Mr. Kanzaki who had been waiting here.

Kirishima Taku lowered his head and dared not look at Mr. Kanzaki. He knew he had done something wrong and was afraid of being blamed by Mr. Kanzaki, but he still quietly gave a thumbs up.

Noticing the other party's actions, Mr. Kanzaki smiled brightly and gave a thumbs up to Kirishima Taku, giving the warmest response.

At this moment, Kirishima Taku finally laughed from the bottom of his heart. This was a smile of being understood, sympathized and cared for.

Mr. Kanzaki looked at the students coming towards him and seemed very happy. The three of them returned to their respective lives in this warm scene.

The Black Angel Guarding the Smile: Chapter 55, Bat Man: "Forbearance!"

In the dim factory, a group of street dance boys and girls were listening to rock music and practicing dancing.

But at this moment, a black straight long beauty in a cheongsam walked through the crowd as if no one was around, came to the front of the sound system and started to adjust it, and finally stopped at a song with a tragic atmosphere.

When ordinary people listen to this song, they usually feel very urgent or can feel the kind of wailing of struggle, but this black straight long beauty smiled with joy.

"Hey, who are you? Why are you interrupting our practice?"

Seeing that she didn't say a word and turned her back to them, one of them walked up and grabbed the other's shoulder. Unexpectedly, the moment she turned around, she suddenly turned into a sea snake-like Gurongi.

[Kiana]: "Tsk, these guys are too fast."

[Jizi]: "One after another, or should we be thankful that they play the game one by one."

In the coffee shop, Nangong Lin was adjusting his latest research curry. After tasting it, he frowned. It was obvious that the taste was not successful.

Because he dealt with the owl Gurongi, he missed the shopping with the store manager Dad, so he had to stay here to watch the store.

And Sawatari Sakurako was on vacation and chose to come to the store to watch the store with him.

During the period, the two also discussed the power of gold. Nangong Lin was basically sure that this power came from the electric shock treatment used by Dr. Tsubaki, that is, the source of this power was lightning.

The reason why there is no record on the inscription is that there was indeed no electricity in ancient times, and it is estimated that the previous generation of Kuuga had not been struck by lightning.

Due to the increasingly cruel unknown life forms, many customers in the store rarely come, but fortunately there is still business to be done.

While the two were talking, the sea serpent Gurongi had attacked the Dolphin Swimming Pool in Shinagawa District and the Lexus Swimming Academy in Ota District.

She held a sheet of music in her hand, her eyes locked on the Mizusawa Water Park in front of her, and strode inside.

At a stall, Nana Asahina was picking up the goods on the stall and spoke to the store manager Dad.

"Uncle, let's bring some gifts back to Brother Nangong?"

"No, no, no, no need to bring gifts."

Everyone walked towards the entrance and exit, talking and laughing, and passed by the sea serpent Gurongi who was playing the game, which really made everyone sweat.

[Gui Naifen]: "That was a close call. Little Guizi, I almost died."

[Ji Zi]: "It seems that Gurong's game has completely affected the people around Nangong."

[Su Shang]: "I hope everyone is okay."

In the dim room, Rose Girl and Bat Man met Gurong in military uniform, and the latter spoke expressionlessly.

"Kuuga is quite capable for destroying the owl." (Gurong's words)

"Here, it just adds excitement to the game." (Gurong's words)

Gurong in military uniform nodded slightly after hearing this, and then asked Rose Girl.

"Do you think Sea Snake can win this game?" (Gurong's words)

Rose Girl just smiled mysteriously at his question, which made him look at Rose Girl in front of him with some confusion.

While the two were talking, Bat Man's hands were rubbing back and forth in his clothes, and it seemed that he also had his own plan in his mind.

[Sambo]: "So inspiring, this game has reached the Gou level, and he, Zi, hasn't given up yet?"

[Walter Yang (Bengtie)]: "To be honest, he is very persistent."

[Yae Shenzi]: "Could it be that he can really counterattack and the three-year period has come?!"

[Kamisato Ayaka]: "It shouldn't be possible. After all, even if Zi gets a weapon, his strength can't be compared with Gou. He still can't participate in the game."

[Arakaki Ito]: "Yes, it seems that people at the Gou level all use weapons, and the previous ones all carried their own bodies."

[Ruan Mei]: "That means that people at the Gou level may have the ability to transform weapons like Nangong."

[March 7]: "This gap is too big. The difference between the Zi-class and the Mei-class is just that, but compared to the Gou-class, it's like two species."

In the Mizusawa Water Amusement Park, the sea snake Gurongi lurking in the water stretched out his whip and tapped the victim's chest.

The other party's body immediately stiffened, and then floated directly on the water and died instantly.

Just when people were still panicking, the snake girl Gurongi had already left the swimming pool and nodded to the counting man hiding in the corner.

"Your whip is like a baton." (Gurongi's words)

Faced with his praise, the sea snake Gurongi was not impressed and just responded coldly: "I'm just playing a beautiful death song." (Gurongi's words)

As a large number of victims appeared, the Metropolitan Police Department also launched an action, and Ichijo Kaoru also notified Nangong Lin to start the action.

The two sides finally met at the Lexus Swimming School, and learned from it that the victims had traces of suspected burns on their chests, and the forensic doctor is currently performing an autopsy for analysis.

Xun Yichi had no choice but to call Dr. Tsubaki and ask him to stop his vacation and return to the hospital to help other forensic doctors analyze the case.

When he learned that there were 16 children among the victims, Dr. Tsubaki nodded seriously and returned to the hospital.

At this moment, the radio on Nangong Lin's motorcycle sounded, saying that there were traces of suspected unknown life forms in the Mizusawa Water Park in Bunkyo District, and there were already victims.

After hearing the news, Nangong Lin's face changed wildly, and he put on his helmet and headed towards the water park.

Fortunately, the store manager and others were not in trouble, but the director of the nursery was frightened and fainted after hearing the news. After all, she already had a fetus in her belly.

Nangong Lin, who was rushing to the scene, suddenly heard a familiar engine sound behind him, and the next second a familiar red scarf came into view.

"When were you..."


He smiled contemptuously without replying, and then accelerated to block Nangong Lin, driving the motorcycle left and right to provoke and hinder his progress.

But in terms of driving skills, Nangong Lin is naturally not inferior at all. He directly seized the opportunity to accelerate and surpass his opponent.

The two came to a warehouse one after the other. The man with the red scarf lifted the wheel and hit him hard on the back seat. After he slowed down, he overtook him again and stopped him.

The two turned the car head at the same time and took off their helmets.

The red scarf and the white silk scarf swayed in the air. Nangong Lin looked at the man in front of him and said solemnly.

"Are you No. 38?"


The Black Angel Guarding the Smile: Chapter 56, the duel between knights!

"I am the terrible knight Gou Locust Ba!" (Gurongi language)

As he said that, the young man in front of him made a transformation action, and a belt appeared around his waist and transformed into Locust Gurongi, but the red scarf on his neck remained.

"Who are you?!"

Nangong Lin looked at the familiar locust monster in front of him and was also a little surprised. This locust was exactly the same as the Locust Gurongi when he awakened the Azure Dragon form.

In fact, these two locusts are indeed twin brothers, but it seems that there is a big gap in their strength.

After transforming into Kuuga, his motorcycle also changed color to red and gold, while the locust Gurongi in front of him took off the sharp blade at his elbow and put it on the motorcycle, and the ordinary motorcycle instantly changed its appearance.

Now it can be completely confirmed that people at the Gou level can also turn other things into their own weapons like Kuuga.

"Nangong, a new victim has appeared again, this time in the Mirage Hotel."

"I know, but..."

Kuuga stepped on the accelerator on the spot, and did not dare to be distracted at all when facing the enemy in front of him.

Two loud engine sounds sounded at the same time, and the two people launched at the same time, one in front and one behind, lifted the front wheels and collided with each other. After landing, the two turned on the spot to maneuver the car body.

Kuuga took the lead and rushed over, and there was an iron frame directly between him and the locust Gurongi behind him. The two sides turned at the same time at the end with tacit understanding.

Bright sparks appeared on the two motorcycles, and the two sides circled and collided again, and for a while, they were evenly matched.

In the third fight, the two sides no longer competed with their motorcycles, but directly jumped into the air and had a short fight in the air to test their driving skills.

In the air, Kuuga punched the opponent in the abdomen, and then kicked him with lightning speed, which could be said to have the upper hand.

But when he flipped and sat on the motorcycle to turn the body, the figure of Locust Gurongi was no longer behind him, and there was no other noisy sound around except the sound of his engine.

Just as he was searching around, Locust Gurongi attacked directly from the pile of cardboard boxes on the side, and hit the center of his motorcycle straight, sending him and the roof flying dozens of meters away.

Kuuga, who fell into the chemical waste, accidentally touched the wires that fell in the sky. The arc directly detonated the chemical waste, blowing him to the ground.

The Locust Gurongi looked at the embarrassed Kuuga in front of him, sneered, turned around and distanced himself, then rushed over at full speed.

Fortunately, this level of explosion was nothing, Kuuga quickly stood up and sat on the motorcycle, using his arms to lift the motorcycle and himself up, dodging the opponent's attack like an antelope crossing a cliff.

When the locust Gurongji saw this scene, he also turned back into a human, with a different smile on his face.

"You did a good job, Kuuga." (Gurongji's words)

After leaving these words, the locust Gurongji left, and Nangong Lin realized that the locust Gurongji in front of him should not be underestimated.

[Yukong]: "The driving skills of both sides are comparable, but in general, the locust has the upper hand."

[March 7]: "But if it wasn't for the sneak attack, Nangong would not have lost."

[Yukong]: "There is no problem in terms of technology. The problem is the motorcycles of both sides. Nangong's motorcycle limits his technology."

[Bronya Rand]: "This should not be a problem. I remember that after the last battle with Chameleon Gurongi, the Metropolitan Police Department had already classified Kuuga as a friendly party."

[Kiana]: "Although the technological level of that world is not as advanced as it is now, it should not be underestimated. It should be able to develop more powerful motorcycles."

Nangong Lin was unable to reunite with Ichijo Kaoru in time because of the trouble caused by the locust Gurongi. The latter also arrived at the Mirage Hotel first.

Ichijo Kaoru, who had just arrived in the hotel, suddenly heard the sound of a piano when passing by a room, and the music was very familiar, it was Chopin's "Revolutionary Etude".

The player was the sea snake Gurongi who had just killed someone. At this moment, her hands flew quickly on the black and white keys, leaving drops of condensed water on almost every key.

In any case, it was too strange for a girl to play piano music without paying attention to others at a crime scene suspected of being committed by an unknown life form.

Ichijo Kaoru wanted to step forward to interrogate, but was stopped by the police officer at the scene, and just passed by the sea snake Gurongi.

The two victims at the scene were in the same situation, with small burn marks on their chests, and the cause of death was also cardiac arrest.

There was no pattern in the distribution of these swimming pools, and they were not killed as usual.

At the beginning, there were 16 people in the Dolphin Pool, 24 people in the Lexus Swimming School, 16 of whom were children, and 16 people in the Water Park, but in this Mirage Hotel, it suddenly became 2 people.

Obviously, not only the location, but also the number of people killed has a deeper meaning.

[Mockingbird]: "Hmm... I think I have some clues."

[Wendy]: "Me too, I have already guessed it."

[Xin Yan]: "I see, the killings were carried out according to this thing, so it matches the death song."

[Xing]: "Here it comes, here comes my favorite riddle session."

Ichijo Xun noticed something, and Nangong Lin happened to arrive at the scene, so the two of them went outside and began to discuss the killing pattern this time.

When Owl Gurongi was around, nine people were killed in each area, and now Sea Serpent Gurongi is attacking swimming pools, and no other information has been inferred so far.

Nangong Lin took the notebook handed over by Ichijo Xun, and looked at the areas and deaths counted on it, and always felt a little familiar.

At this time, Dr. Chun also called and said that these victims died of cardiac arrest due to drastic temperature changes.

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