As the contestants were eliminated, the pace of the game was also accelerating.

Half an hour after Zhou Yuan finished the battle, the tenth match also came to an end. Zhou Yuan, who was sitting in the audience, watched all the matches and did not find any opponents who could pose an effective threat to him. These opponents were even worse than Wu Lingyi in the previous match.

After the match, the referee walked to the center of the ring and announced the next process to the ten contestants in the audience:

"The second round of the match is over. You will have half an hour to rest and restore your spirit state."

The referee looked at the watch.

"It's half past ten now, which means the third round will start on time at eleven o'clock. The order of the third round will be sent to your mobile phones by the system later."

Zhou Yuan stuffed an energy block into the dog's backhand, and at the same time looked at the message received on his mobile phone, and found that he would start the first battle in the third round.

Under Li Chengqian's jokes, half an hour passed quickly, and the referee walked onto the stage again.

"Please ask the two players in the first battle to come on stage."

Zhou Yuan stood up and found that the opponent he was fighting against was the trainer who fought against Pidgeot in the first game of the previous round.

Although Pidgeot achieved a Jedi counterattack in the last round, its consumption was also very large. Only rest and mild treatment during this period were not enough to fully recover. In the first few rounds of the elimination rounds of this competition, deep treatment in the Pokémon Center was not provided. After all, the labor cost was too high, and money was not spent like this.

Sure enough, after both parties communicated with each other and sent out their elves, Pidgeot seemed a little sluggish, and Growlithe made up for the little damage it had received with the help of the energy cube.

According to Growlithe's strength, it would be difficult for Pidgeot to win even if it was in its prime, not to mention that there was a big gap in the status of the two sides now.

Although Pidgeot had the advantage of air superiority, due to its poor status, it became more and more tired under the constant harassment of Growlithe's flames. In the end, it failed to avoid the flames spewed by Growlithe and was knocked to the ground. Although its tenacious willpower still supported it to stagger up, the lightning teeth that followed still harvested its remaining energy, turning it into a circle-eyed and falling to the ground.

The trainer on the other side was also a little helpless when he saw this scene. When he saw the difference in the mental state of the two elves, he knew that the result of this battle was likely to be a failure. At this moment, there was nothing to be dissatisfied with this result. Losing is losing. He took Pidgeot back to the Poké Ball and whispered:

"Thank you for your hard work, Pidgeot, let's go home."

After nodding to Zhou Yuan, he turned and walked down the ring and then left the battle area.

Zhou Yuan rubbed Growlithe's head and said thank you for your hard work.

"Awoo? (‘◇’)?"

Growlithe understood what his trainer was saying, but it didn't understand it. It wasn't hard either, so it just blew a few mouthfuls of fire. After the fight, there were still energy cubes to eat. It didn't count as hard work anyway, but since the trainer said so himself, Growlithe also took the opportunity to act very tired.

What bad intentions could a dog have? It just wanted to eat more energy cubes.

After saying hello to Li Chengqian, Zhou Yuan took Growlithe away from the No. 21 ring and headed straight for the screen in the center of the stadium.

At the opening ceremony, it was explained that this screen would broadcast relatively exciting battles, and Zhou Yuan could also extract certain information from these videos, such as which elves could threaten Growlithe and what skills they showed.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you fight a hundred battles without danger.

Zhou Yuan is not the kind of person who is arrogant and willful because his elves are strong. He is more stable.

Ninety-eight percent? Too low, too low, it can be more stable.

That's about it.

After watching for half an hour, Zhou Yuan actually found a few elves that might threaten Growlithe. According to the skill strength and physical fitness shown in the video, they are several rock-type and ground-type elves in the late ordinary level. The attribute restraint can cause effective damage to Growlithe. Remember these elves silently. Seeing that it is almost twelve o'clock, Zhou Yuan decided to go home for dinner.

On the way home in the taxi, Zhou Yuan opened Station A and cashed out the proceeds from the last live broadcast and the video playback during this period. Although it had not been long since the last withdrawal, the live broadcast

The high number of rewards and video playbacks resulted in a higher income this time than last time, with 80,000 Elf Coins in his account.

Looking at the balance displayed on the text message, Zhou Yuan decided to rent a place in the afternoon to train Growlithe and Gyarados, especially Gyarados, and also improve the tacit understanding of both sides in command and cooperation.

After returning home, his parents were not at home. Yesterday, Liu Yongming told them that there was no problem for his son to enter the top eight, so they waited to watch the battle when they got to the main stage later. Now they continue to run the hot pot restaurant. Yesterday, before the restaurant opened at noon, many old customers called to ask if something happened.

After heating up the food left by Zhou's mother in the refrigerator and eating it, Zhou Yuan began to plan for the future.

Growlithe is okay, even if it evolves. The average height of Arcanine is about 1.9 meters, so it can be released in the house, but Gyarados is a bit difficult. The average length of Gyarados is 6.5 meters, and it is thick. Even if it curls up, it will appear crowded in the residential building, and Gyarados will be uncomfortable if it curls up for a long time.

So the top priority is to find a house where Gyarados can be a little more comfortable. Although Uncle Liu's house is very open and Gyarados can fly freely there, it is not good to disturb him all the time. Besides, school will start in September, and he will definitely move back to the city to live and go to school.

After thinking about it, Zhou Yuan locked a small villa on his mobile phone, with a garden and a basement. There is a small fish pond with a side length of 7x7 in the garden. Although it is a bit small, it is just right for Gyarados to go in and turn over.

He did it as soon as he said it. After calling the owner, Zhou Yuan went out and took a taxi to the villa.

In fact, it is not far, a little more than two kilometers away in a straight line. After Zhou Yuan arrived at the place, he looked at the house and found that there were no problems with water, electricity, and gas, so he signed a contract with the landlord. The rent was 15,000 yuan per month, with a deposit of one and a third of the rent. The water and electricity were free for the first three months, and the rent and water and electricity were charged monthly after three months.

After the landlord collected the money and handed the key to Zhou Yuan, he left. Zhou Yuan looked at the house again. It was no different from what he saw on the phone. It was a three-story villa with a vacant space in the middle of the second floor. Even if Gyarados stood up in the living room on the first floor, it would be fine. It had two terraces, a small attic, and a basement with a garden. It was fully equipped with home appliances and could be moved in directly.

The small garden was well maintained, but there was some moss in the fish pond. It looked like it hadn't been raised for a long time.

Zhou Yuan didn't have to clean the fish pond himself. He raised his hand and threw a healing ball.

"Come out, Gyarados."

Gyarados fell to the ground and looked down at the trainer in front of him, wondering why he called him out.

Zhou Yuan pointed to the fish pond behind it and said.

"You can rest in here in the future. Although it's a little small, it's better than in the Poké Ball, right? It's not cleaned now. Can you spray water to wash away the moss?"

Red Storm looked back at the fish pond behind him, feeling a little touched. He knew that the place Zhou Yuan took him to last time was his home. This time, he probably found a new place outside to take care of himself.

He stretched out his tail and patted Zhou Yuan, who was caught off guard and staggered.


Looking up at Gyarados, it didn't seem angry. Zhou Yuan could only understand that this was Gyarados's caress for its trainer.

Gyarados opened its mouth, and water energy gathered in its mouth, and then a thick stream of water gushed out, washing away the moss in the pool.

Under Zhou Yuan's command, Gyarados used a small tornado to transfer the garbage produced by the flushing to the trash can, and then gathered water energy again to fill the pool.

Although Zhou Yuan wanted to open the tap to fill the pool, Gyarados couldn't wait and filled the pool in one gulp.

After filling the pool with water, Gyarados jumped directly into the pool, almost splashing Zhou Yuan on the shore.

Seeing Gyarados, who could only circle in the pool because it was too small, Zhou Yuan also smiled.

After watching Gyarados for a while, Zhou Yuan took it back into the Poké Ball and took the two Pokémons to find a training hall to open a room.

Opening the car door, Zhou Yuan got out of the taxi and looked up at the building in front of him.

Diamond Training Hall.

Zhou Yuan searched and found that this was the best training hall nearby, with complete facilities and a large venue. It was very suitable for large Pokémons to train. There were even large pools and artificial rockery venues, which were very suitable for Gyarados to train.

Seeing Zhou Yuan come in, the front desk lady stood up to greet him.

"Hello, sir, what do you need?"

"Hello, I would like to know the venue and facilities of your training hall.

Hearing this, the salesman sitting next to him stood up and led Zhou Yuan to the business area next to him and poured him a glass of water.

“Sir, our Diamond Training Hall has the most advanced training facilities in Shuangqing City, as well as venues suitable for training elves of various attributes, and senior and even elite coaches to help with training.

Our training hall has a membership system, from low to high, it is level 5, level 4, level 3, level 2, level 1, and there are special members above level 1. ”

“Can you explain the difference between different levels of members?” Zhou Yuan asked.

“Okay, sir, each level of member can train in the public training ground without time limit, and other benefits are slightly different. Level 5 members are 3,000 yuan per month, and have 30 hours of time to use the personal level 3 training ground each month. They can seek guidance from senior coaches or their elves to teach moves three times, two hours each time. ”

“Level 4 members pay 6,000 yuan per month, with 60 hours of use of the Level 3 training ground and 10 hours of use of the Level 2 training ground. They can also seek guidance or instruction from senior coaches six times. ”

“Level 3 members pay 10,000 yuan per month, with 100 hours of use of the Level 3 training ground and 30 hours of use of the Level 2 training ground. They can seek guidance or instruction from senior coaches ten times and from elite coaches once. ”

“Level 2 members pay 15,000 yuan per month, with 200 hours of use of the Level 3 training ground, 30 hours of use of the Level 2 training ground, and 10 hours of use of the Level 1 training ground. They can seek guidance from senior coaches 20 times and from elite coaches three times. ”

“Level 1 members pay 30,000 yuan per month, with 300 hours of use of the Level 3 training ground, 100 hours of use of the Level 2 training ground, 50 hours of use of the Level 1 training ground, 30 times of guidance from senior coaches, and five times of guidance from elite coaches. ”

“Special members get 200,000 yuan per month, unlimited use of the third-level training ground, 300 hours of use of the second-level training ground, and 100 hours of use of the first-level training ground. They can choose a senior coach to follow and guide them, and enjoy 20 times of guidance from elite coaches every month.”

After listening to the detailed introduction, Zhou Yuan set his sights on the second-level membership, after all, the other money was not enough.

“Then can I know more about the difference between the first, second and third-level training grounds?”

Hearing Zhou Yuan’s question, the other party did not show any impatience. It seems that there are more new trainers recently, and many customers have asked about it. Her salary is linked to sales, so her attitude has always been good.

“That’s right, sir. The public training ground is a very large venue, which is divided into a training area and a battle area. The basic training facilities in the training area are complete and can withstand attacks of senior level and below. However, it is a public area with more trainers and Pokémons for training. But please rest assured, sir, we have enough facilities, and there will be no shortage of facilities due to too many people. ”

“The third-level training ground is a separate venue. Only you and the coach can enter. The training facilities are complete. In addition, there are certain facilities for targeted training, such as wave makers, which can allow water elves such as horned goldfish to train. Elves of other attributes also have similar equipment. The specific equipment to be used is determined by the user. The training room has a screen that can judge the elves' attacks on the target. The entire training ground covers an area of ​​100 square meters, which is enough for basic training. ”

“The second-level training ground and the first-level training ground are both separate venues with larger areas. Starting from the second level, there are changes in terrain, such as large pools, small stone forests and other terrains. Our training grounds are all made according to the alliance standard battle venues and the actual situation in the wild. Customers don’t have to worry about quality issues. ”

After hearing the detailed explanation of the salesperson, Zhou Yuan decided to open a membership here to conduct training.

“Okay, no problem, go sign the contract, I’ll open a second-level membership for one month. . ”

“Okay, sir, please follow me. ”

Under the guidance of the salesperson, Zhou Yuan looked at the contract and found nothing wrong, then swiped his card to apply for a one-month second-level membership at the Diamond Training Hall.

After getting the membership card, Zhou Yuan returned to the front desk.

"Hello, please help me open a third-level training room with a pool."

The front desk swiped his membership card and said:

"Okay, sir, there is a third-level training room available now. It has been arranged for you. It is training room No. 36 in Area D. Please come to the front desk to register again after you finish your training. Also, if you need to use the training room in the future, you can make an appointment in advance to avoid too many trainers using the same level of training room at the same time, resulting in no vacant rooms. "

"Okay, show me your coach again

Well, I'm going to choose one. "

"Okay, sir, this is the list of coaches who are available and in our training hall now."

The front desk handed Zhou Yuan a tablet computer with different coaches displayed on it.

After looking at the information card for a while, Zhou Yuan chose a senior coach. Zhou Yuan liked his Infernape, or more accurately, his Infernape's Reverse Scale skill.

"Okay, you have been registered. Coach Wang will be in Training Room No. 36, Area D, soon."

After operating the computer for a while, the front desk handed the membership card back to Zhou Yuan and pointed Zhou Yuan to the training room.

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