The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

That night, Zhou Yuan released Growlithe and Gyarados. Since Gyarados was too big, it could only curl up at home.

Zhou's mother preferred the soft and cute Growlithe, while Zhou's father preferred the bright-looking Gyarados. This also allowed Zhou Yuan's elves to get familiar with each other.

On August 9, the second and third rounds of the elimination matches of the Warm Pig Cup will be held today. After yesterday's match, there are still 2,037 participants left. There will be a bye today, and after today's match, this number will be reduced to 510.

At 9:20 in the morning, Zhou Yuan appeared again in the waiting area of ​​the No. 21 ring in Area A.

For some contestants, today's two matches will not be as easy as yesterday, after all, most of the weaker contestants were eliminated in the first round.

Except for two novice-level players who were matched together, there were basically no novice-level players left.

There were 40 people in Zhou Yuan's arena yesterday, and after the first round of eliminations, there were still 20 people left.

At 9:25, Zhou Yuan received a text message from the system, saying that he was in his fifth match today.

About half an hour after the second round of eliminations, the third round of eliminations will begin, so you can't consume too much energy in the second round, otherwise the third round will be more difficult to play.

At 9:30, the game started on time. The referee was still the same as yesterday, and the same Transfiguration Dragon was hanging on his shoulder.

Zhou Yuan had an impression of the opponents on both sides of the arena. One was yesterday's Pidgeot trainer, and the other was the winner of the tenth game yesterday. The Pokémon was a Pikachu, using high-speed harassment tactics. From this aspect, it was somewhat similar to a certain stupid thing.

The two sides are of similar level strength, one has the advantage of air superiority and high mobility, and the other has the advantage of attribute restraint. Generally speaking, Zhou Yuan is more optimistic about Pikachu and his trainer.

But what Zhou Yuan didn't expect was that after five minutes of fierce fighting, Pidgeot, under the command of the trainer "Show your courage! Use Swallow Return!", withstood Pikachu's electric shock wave and used Swallow Return to complete the counter-kill.

Okay, you are also a fool, right?

The second battle was a late-novice-level Coyote against an early-normal-level Longnose Leaf. Under the big level gap, although Coyote and its trainer have tried very hard, they still lost in the end.

The fat man Li Chengqian is in the third battle today. The strength of the middle-normal level and the extremely rich skill pool can enable him to win against most opponents, even against Zhou Yuan's Gryphon or Gyarados.

Although Squirtle's speed is not enough to launch a high-speed offensive tactic, its shell can effectively reduce the damage it suffers, thus supporting it to carry out a safe defensive counterattack tactic.

This battle was no different from the one yesterday. The opponent's Pokémon didn't even scratch its shell, but instead revealed a flaw, which was caught in time by Li Chengqian, who directed Squirtle to smear his face with a sip of water wave and then took him away with a wave missile.

After this battle, Li Chengqian received attention from the contestants.

It was not uncommon to achieve a one-shot kill in yesterday's battle, after all, there were many novice-level Pokémon, but today's battle was mostly ordinary-level Pokémon. In this case, he was able to complete the battle with only two moves without being hurt. It can only be said that this little fat man is really strong.

Soon the fourth battle ended, and it was Zhou Yuan's turn to play.

In this battle, Zhou Yuan's opponent was a cute girl with an oval face, drooping eyebrows, and two dimples when she smiled.

"Little brother, you are so handsome. Can we add each other as friends after the game?"

Zhou Yuan once again showed the benefits of being handsome. Even in the game, the opponent will be distracted by his handsomeness, especially when he meets a fangirl, the effect is outstanding.

"Thank you for your compliment, but let's start the game." Zhou Yuan felt that the topic would be deviated if he continued to talk, so he chose to bring it back on track.

The referee was still watching the show with his arms crossed, but the player took the initiative to ask for a game. He couldn't pretend not to hear it, so he immediately raised his right hand and then swiped it down.

"The game begins!"

"Little brother is really indifferent. How about this, if I win, you give me your contact information, and if you win, I will give you my contact information."

The girl smiled and sent out her elf.

"Go, little sea lion."

[Little sea lion]

[Level: Ordinary mid-term]

[Features: Thick fat]

[Skills: Headbutt, Shout, Playing in Water, Frozen Wind, Come Again, Gravel, Sleep, Water Ring, Hiccup, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Charge, Spray, Swallow, Water Wave, Snoring]

Seeing this information, Zhou Yuan also understood where the girl's confidence in defeating him came from.

I think it was because she remembered that he sent Growlithe yesterday. Growlithe has attribute resistance to attacking the little sea lion. In addition to the feature of thick fat, the power of water and fire attribute skills is weakened by half, which is equivalent to Growlithe's one-shot Flame Charge can only deal a quarter of the damage in normal state.

Fortunately, Growlithe learned Crazy Volt from Dahong, otherwise it would be difficult to cause enough damage to the little sea lion with only Thunder Fang in this battle.

Zhou Yuan also sent Growlithe, and Gyarados was ready to keep it for the time being.

"Awoo (๑°3°๑)"

The dog was still cheerful, sticking out his tongue and smiling at the girl opposite.

"Your Caterpie is so cute, can I hug you after the game?"

The girl made another request.


Zhou Yuan was speechless.

The referee on the side saw that the two seemed to be chatting again, and hurriedly interrupted.

"You two, the game has already started, and I guess you two don't want to be judged as passive in the game?"


Why is this referee so irritating?

Hearing the referee's reminder, the girl also realized that she had gone too far, and stuck out her tongue playfully, and then her face became serious.

"Brother, I'm going to attack, take it! Little Sea Lion, use Water Wave!"

"Karti Dog, use Flash Charge!"

A classic reappearance. Since the attack range of Water Wave is relatively large, it is difficult for Karti Dog to dodge even if it uses high-speed movement under the restriction of the arena. Guarding Zhou Yuan also intends to keep the ambush, so under his command, Karti Dog rushed out of the range of Water Wave with heavy flames, and only got his butt rubbed.

"Awoo? (⊙x⊙;)"

Karti Dog felt a chill on his butt and couldn't help looking back.

Seeing that the first attack missed, the girl asked Little Sea Lion to use Charge.

The Charge skill is very interesting and can be used together with Spray and Swallow.

After charging, using Spray will cause damage, and the impact strength depends on the charging time, while using Swallow will restore energy, and the amount of energy restored also depends on the charging time.

It is very wise for the girl to make such a command, which can be used for attack or defense.

Zhou Yuan knew that he couldn't waste time, otherwise the longer the charging time, the harder it would be to fight. Especially when the opponent's little sea lion was equipped with a water ring and was sleeping, if he didn't defeat it at a very fast speed, he would fall into a tug-of-war. Although Chen Guang could also support the tug-of-war, he always had to keep a trump card, and the word "steady" would never fade.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yuan commanded Caterpie to use high-speed movement to quickly approach the little sea lion, and then the electricity lingered on the canine teeth, and a lightning tooth caused considerable damage to the little sea lion.

Why not use Crazy Volt?

In order to create an illusion for the opponent, Zhou Yuan created the illusion that Caterpie had not learned this skill, so that the opponent would misjudge the damage that Caterpie could cause. Once the blood control was wrong, it would be taken away directly.

The girl was really confused, thinking that Caterpie had only learned this electric skill. After letting the little sea lion use swallowing to restore some energy, she chose to use the water ring.

The Water Ring skill can continuously restore energy for a long time, but the energy restored in a single time is less.

Since the energy of the little sea lion is at a relatively safe level after using Swallow, at least it can resist another Thunder Fang and fight back, so its trainer chose a slow and steady tug-of-war style.

Seeing the opponent fall into the information blind spot created by himself, Zhou Yuan commanded the Caterpie to approach the little sea lion again, and bit out another Thunder Fang.

Although the girl commanded the little sea lion to dodge, it was still unable to avoid the bite due to the enhanced high speed of Caterpie and the relatively low speed of the little sea lion.

But she was not in a hurry, it just happened that the dog came to the door by himself, and it was impossible to dodge a water wave close to the face. Moreover, the effect of the Water Ring is continuing, and it will not be defeated by the Thunder Fang after the energy is restored. At that time, another water wave will be added, and this Caterpie will not be able to take it even if it has 100,000 lives.

Under her command, the little sea lion's water wave did hit Caterpie, but it did not cause as much damage as expected. Here we have to mention the effect of a mouthful of Thousand Fragrance Fruit.

Thousand Fragrance Fruit is also known as anti-fruit. After eating it, it can reduce a certain amount of damage when it is restrained by water attributes. Zhou Yuan used this tree

As raw materials, I made a lot of energy blocks for Growlithe.

In addition, Zhou Yuan originally raised Growlithe to be very tanky, so overall it seemed that the damage was a bit low.

Seeing that the damage seemed to be unsatisfactory, the girl was also a little confused, but she was not worried that her little sea lion would be defeated, after all, the blood was well controlled, until she heard Zhou Yuan's next command.

"Growlithe, use Crazy Volt!"


If you have this skill, why didn't you use it earlier?

You come to cheat and sneak attack me, a beautiful girl!

The moment she saw Growlithe's body was surrounded by electricity, the girl knew that she had lost, lost to Zhou Yuan, this lyb, who even set off smoke bombs for herself.

The two elves were almost face to face, and it was too late to command the little sea lion to dodge or use sleep. Even the little sea lion was a little panicked when he saw the electricity on the opponent.

"Ooooooooooooooo? (#゚Д゚)"

This seems to be different from the previous one. I took it with my head, looked back at the trainer, and conveyed the meaning of "I'm dead first". The little sea lion was knocked over by Caterpie and turned into a circle-eyed.

"The little sea lion lost its ability to fight, and the winner is Zhou Yuan!"

The referee appeared in time to announce the result.

Zhou Yuan was not surprised by this result. After all, he seduced the opponent step by step into his trap.

The opponent also knew that he was defeated, but he did not have any negative emotions. After taking the little sea lion back into the Poké Ball, he approached Zhou Yuan happily.

"Little brother, you won. According to the agreement before the game, I will tell you my contact information. My contact number is 13xxxxxxxx. Be sure to add me as a friend~"

After saying that, she left the ring. After walking halfway down the stairs, she seemed to remember something and turned to Zhou Yuan and said:

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that my name is Wu Lingyi. Don't forget it."

After saying that, she did not stay any longer and left the battle area directly.

Hearing her words, Zhou Yuan did not react and shook his head. Shuangqing City is so big that whether they can meet in the future is another matter. As for the contact information, he did not remember it at all. This girl spoke quickly and anxiously.

The battle was over. After feeding the dog an energy block, Zhou Yuan also walked down the ring and gave the ring to the sixth group of players.

As soon as he walked down the ring, Li Chengqian approached again.

"Zhou Yuan, no, I should call you Brother Zhou. Brother Zhou is a good fighter. He is very good at using smoke bombs. I was fooled when I saw you from the audience. I thought you were going to be carried away. I didn't expect you to have a crazy volt hidden."

Hearing this, Zhou Yuan was also a little surprised. If you are not the person involved, it is difficult to make an accurate judgment of the situation on the stage just sitting in the audience. This little fat guy has a sharp vision.

The two exchanged a few words and sat in the waiting area waiting for the start of the third round of the game.

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