What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?

Chapter 549 Brazilian Wandering Spider

After waiting for the hostess to relax, everyone shared their findings again.

Lan Ying said: I went to the little nanny's room. Her room was very tidy and tidy, and it was very simple. I didn't find any clues in it. It's just that the surrounding walls are somewhat scratched, as if they were scratched by something. Had the same.

After hearing this, Qi Lin also shared his findings.

I saw a painting in the little master's room, and there is a secret passage behind the painting.

When Qi Lin was talking, he kept looking at the faces of the little master and the little nanny.

When he saw the little master's complexion changed, Qi Lin smiled secretly, and his heart really led to the nanny's room.

In addition, I also found a jar of mealworms, which I said was left over from fish farming.

What Qi Lin didn't expect was that the little master's face changed only slightly when he was talking about secret passages, but when he talked about mealworms, his face changed even more.

'what's the situation? Could it be that mealworms are the more important clue? '

Qi Lin was a little confused, and then everyone started to analyze it, Jiang Dong hosted again, and searched again!

Qi Lin and others started searching again, and Qi Lin went straight to the maid's room, trying to find the secret passage.

In the end, he found a secret passage under the bed. Qi Lin thought that his guess was correct, but then he heard Bi Zimu shout.

I also found the secret passage!

Qi Lin was startled, and saw that Bi Zimu had also found a secret passage in the butler's room that Qi Lin had searched in the first round.

Then secret passages were found in the master room and the guest room where they rested!

Qi Lin was really confused this time, and thought to himself what's going on? Did the people who built the castle have evil intentions?

And after two rounds of searching, is there a suspect?

Didn't the director swear before that there might be a murderer among them? But Qi Lin doesn't even know why the hero died! What does this matter have to do with the gold robbery thirty years ago!

But fortunately, he is not the most stupid, there is Bi Zimu too!

When the second wave of guessing who the murderer was, Bi Zimu pointed to the little master and said.

The murderer must be you!

The little master suddenly 'turned pale with shock' and stuttered again.

No no no no!

Look! You stuttered in fright and said it wasn't you!

The little master waved his hands again and again, and this time he couldn't even speak.

The housekeeper sighed and said: My little master is like this, he can't speak when he gets nervous. And this time it's obviously a series of crimes. My little master is only nineteen years old. Even if the husband killed him, then don't those people before Is that too?

Bi Zimu pointed at the housekeeper and said, That's you! You are the person who has lived in this room for the longest time! You are the most suspicious!

The corners of Qi Lin's eyes twitched again, thinking that this child has changed so fast! Since the butler is the most suspected, why did you say that the young master was a murderer?

Dr. Li waved his hand and said, Not necessarily, and this matter is not necessarily a homicide. I went to carefully observe the wound of the deceased before. I think he died of poisoning!


That's right, and I can already make a preliminary judgment that he should have been bitten to death by a Brazilian wandering spider! That kind of spider is known as the most poisonous spider on Earth!

Qi Lin swallowed after hearing this, thinking to himself what is all this? What are you talking about! Didn't you say it was an injection? How did this become a spider again?

But then, everyone turned their attention to the little master!

Because mealworms can not only feed goldfish, but also spiders!

What's more, his face didn't change much when he said the secret passage, but it changed drastically when he said mealworms!

Qi Lin even found out when he played for the first time, let alone these old people!

Your mealworms feed spiders?

Yu Wuti was the first to ask. This time, the young master did not refute.

Qi Lin and Bi Zimu were originally sitting next to the little master, but when they saw this, they moved subconsciously.

The man who raises spiders is really scary, right?

But Jiang Dong frowned and said: That's not true, what the steward said before is correct, even if the male master was killed by him, what about those people before?

After hearing this, Qi Lin said calmly: It's hard to say, there are many imitations in murder cases.

Imitating crimes is a means of framing.

For example, if a serial killer killed three people and was judged to be a serial murderer, then someone might learn his killing techniques, imitate the crime, and then put the blame on him!

Hearing Qi Lin's words, several people nodded in agreement. This is indeed very possible!

The little master shook his head at this time and said: I raised the spiders, but I didn't kill the people!

Dr. Li sneered, It's like saying that I hired the murderer, but I didn't do it!

This metaphor is already very easy to understand, at least a few people understand it in seconds.

The little master still shook his head: I really didn't kill people.

Hearing this, Qi Lin felt something was wrong. He kept saying that many people killed themselves, but the spiders were raised by him.

It is very likely that he knows who the killer is, and he also knows that the killer is killing people! It might even be that the killer forced him to raise the spider, but he couldn't accept the fact that he was an accomplice, so he kept comforting himself, saying that people didn't kill themselves!

Qi Lin began to observe his eyes, but then he laughed inwardly, he was really playing tricks, this is all acting, could he still have a guilty conscience and peek at the real killer?

But the reality is really like this!

The little master silently glanced at the butler, and Qi Lin's mind flickered.

The butler has lived in this room for the longest time, so he must have known about the secret passage for a long time!

In addition, he helped the little master cover up before, and the little master also said that he didn't kill anyone. Could it be that the murderer was the housekeeper?

But why did the butler kill? There must be a motive for murder!

Qi Lin really couldn't figure it out, and he didn't give any hints to play around. Director, can you recharge the money? I want to be a Huaxia coin player.

Crap! The teachers performed very, very well. Everyone has worked hard, and now we will rest for half an hour!

The makeup artist rushed over again and began to touch up the makeup of the artists.

It wasn't until Qi Lin came to his senses that he was almost completely integrated into it. Playing this kind of script killing was completely different from acting, but let alone, it was quite fun.

Qi Lin began to think on one side, and on the other side, the director had already called Jiang Dong over.

Qi Lin knew without guessing, he must have told Jiang Dong the real answer, after all, Jiang Dong had to be responsible for advancing the plot, if no one knew the correct answer, just guessed, relying on the IQ and professional knowledge of a few people, it might be impossible to play for a year Don't know the real answer!

But after thinking about it, Qi Lin suddenly thought of a possibility, and felt more and more that it might be the truth! But this truth needs to be verified by yourself to confirm!

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