The housekeeper sighed and said, Speaking of which, her husband is the first person in this ghost castle to be scared to death!

You mean that his husband's death is similar to the master's death?

Well, it's almost exactly the same, except that the medical appraisal methods at that time were not as good as they are now, and the specific cause of death is unknown, but the symptoms are almost the same, and they all died of horror and suffocation.

Qi Lin nodded slowly, thinking that these clues should be useful.

Qi Lin looked at the painting, and immediately found that the painting was a little crooked. Although it was very subtle, it still made him discover the difference.

Qi Lin wanted to straighten the painting, but unexpectedly found that the back of the painting was empty.

Qi Lin moved the portrait away, and saw a passage inside.

Qi Lin tilted his head and looked inside. The passage was not very big, and the workmanship was very rough. With Qi Lin's height, it would be very difficult for him to enter this passage, not to mention that he had to follow the camera behind him.

Qi Lin straightened the painting, thought of what the hostess said before, and subconsciously felt that this passage must lead to the nanny's room.

‘Tsk tsk tsk, rich people really know how to play. '

Qi Lin secretly sighed in his heart, and after checking again, he walked out of the room.

His second goal is the butler's room.

There are only three rooms on the third floor, the master bedroom, the butler's room and the maid's room.

The maid's room is next to the master bedroom, which is small in size, and on the opposite side is the butler's room.

After the two came to the butler's room, the butler seemed very calm, and he didn't interrupt or change the subject when Qi Lin was searching, and he remained very calm during the period.

But the more this happened, the more Qi Lin felt suspicious of him. After all, who in this world has no secrets?

On the surface, there are too many people who are upright and upright. You can try his browser records?

The more he behaved completely indifferent, the more Qi Lin doubted him.

After turning around, Qi Lin found that there was really nothing in this person's room!

At that moment, Qi Lin remembered a sentence.

The room is clean and no smell!

Either a fake girl or a gay!

Without further ado, Qi Lin walked out and asked casually at the same time.

Mr. Steward, how long have you been working here?

It's been almost thirty years. When my husband's father was still alive, I was the housekeeper here, and my husband also misses the old love. Otherwise, why would he hire a cripple as a housekeeper?

I'm sorry, I've always been curious, your legs are because of...

Hey, the car accident happened more than twenty years ago.

Qi Lin nodded, thinking that the lame leg should also be a clue, but unfortunately, he didn't see anything wrong.

Half an hour passed quickly, and everyone went back downstairs again. Bi Zimu sat directly next to Qi Lin, looked around and whispered.

Brother Qi, I went to the master bedroom to check again, and I found that the host actually has a wound on his body, but it's very small!

A wound? Where?

Qi Lin was really curious, and immediately heard Bi Zimu whisper.

In the scalp, it is not obvious because there is hair in front of it!

Qi Lin was a little surprised after hearing this, and said in surprise.

It's so secretive, how did you find it?

The current Qi Lin also knows that this variety show is indeed different, and does not put a camera in front of the clues, so he is really curious, how did this kid find out that there is a wound in his hair.

Bi Zimu smiled smugly, looking a little not very smart.

Qi Lin thought to himself that he only had the wrong name, not the wrong nickname!

'The stupid son of the landlord's family', he deserves his name!

Brother Qi, everyone says I'm a melon, but I'm actually not a melon at all. Most of the time I'm a smart bunch!

When Qi Lin heard this, the corners of his eyes twitched twice.

Bi Zimu looked around and saw that no one was looking, so he whispered.

I read a lot of detective books during this period in order to look smarter on the show! One of the cases was like this. The victim had no injuries on the surface, but the actual wound was in the head, but it was covered by hair. gone.

As soon as Bi Zimu said this, several resident guests around laughed.

They did not look here just now, but sitting next to Qi Lin, how could everyone not pay attention?

They didn't watch it, but they were listening. When Bi Zimu said that he hoped he would look smarter on the show, they couldn't help but want to laugh.

Qi Lin pretended not to hear, and asked.

What was that wound like?

I took a picture.

Bi Zimu hurriedly turned on his phone, and Qi Lin saw that the photo was taken clearly.

Seeing this, Jiang Dong and the others also came over, and saw that in the photo was a small wound, which looked like a mosquito bite, but the shape of the wound was a bit complicated, as if it was bitten by an insect with mouthparts.

Qi Lin didn't know much about it, and asked a few people.

Um, do you know what bit this?

Several people shook their heads, Dr. Li looked at the picture and said.

It's not certain, the area around the wound is still relatively round, and it may be an injection.

Hearing this, several people subconsciously turned their attention to the hostess.

Jiang Dong even asked directly.

If it's an injection, it's most likely you! Until we heard the screams, there were only you and the dead in the room!

The hostess was startled when she heard this, as if she didn't expect everyone to doubt her!

Qi Lin felt more and more that this game was a bit interesting, especially the actors who played NPCs, the reaction was absolutely amazing!

Why should I kill him?

Maybe it's a conflict between husband and wife? We heard your quarrel downstairs before!

Hearing this, the hostess glanced at the butler, then at her son and said.

Even if I want to kill him, why do I have to kill him when you come?

These words confused a few people, yes, if she wanted to kill the male master, she could wait for them to leave and kill him without anyone noticing!

But Lan Photography said: Maybe you want us to be your witnesses to prove that this matter has nothing to do with you?

Everyone nodded, just like some murderers would create an alibi for themselves before or after committing a crime!

Maybe they are the alibi that the hostess is looking for for herself?

Seeing that Qi Lin and others doubted her even more, she hurriedly said.

It can't be me. Killing him won't do me any good at all? Besides, our husband and wife relationship has always been good. The reason we quarreled is because of my son and the babysitter!

After the hostess finished speaking, she looked at the little nanny fiercely again and said.

Bitch, I blame you!

After finishing speaking, he wanted to start again, but several people stopped him anyway.

Qi Lin secretly sighed, these actors are not bad!

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