In the next few days, during lunch time, the producer and the director would come to have a meal, and even the scene notes would come to have a meal together in the later stage.

Qi Lin was speechless, so he could only ask Master Han to bring two extra servings when he was cooking at noon.

And the contest between him and Angelina has never stopped!

These days, it can be called a fight between gods!

But for any scenes shot by two people, there is no NG, all of them are NG, and the shooting is called a smooth one!

This made Director Doug both painful and happy. The pain was because there was no chance to intervene, and he couldn't teach Angelina a lesson.

I am happy because this is also very good, and the faster shooting speed means saving money!

Qi Lin didn't change much every day, he was already used to this kind of filming schedule.

As for Angelina, it was miserable. She was filming during the day, and she stayed up long at night to read the script, and she had to go through the scenes for tomorrow's shooting in advance, just to avoid being compared by Qi Lin.

But at this moment, she has not realized what kind of terrifying opponent she is going to face!

If she had been to Huaxia, those celebrities who have worked with Qi Lin would definitely persuade her to lie down. After all, there are some people in this world that no matter how hard you try to catch up, you can't catch up!

And Qi Lin is the best of this group!

In just a few years, he has become a first-line superstar, double-gold actor, and countless investors take the initiative to ask for cooperation with money. Is such a person an ordinary person?

In just a few days, Angelina became a little haggard. After all, no matter how powerful a person is, they can't bear it if they don't have a good rest for several days.

At this moment, the work was over, and Angelina sat on the sofa a little tiredly, holding the script in her hand, on which all the content to be filmed tomorrow had been marked out, and the lines of several people were divided with colored pens.

Angelina recited the lines, recited the lines, and fell asleep unconsciously.

And when she woke up again, it was already the next day.

After sleeping on the sofa all night, her back was sore and her back ached. What made her even more desperate was that she didn't even memorize her lines!

The scene filmed today is a scene where the two are dating and going out on the street together.

Come on, everyone at the scene is ready, three two one! Let's go!

Following the director's countdown, the extras began to act, and the street suddenly became lively.

Director Doug looked at the director, and the director quickly ran to the camera to play the board.

Street shooting, the first shot, the first time!





Chang Ji dressed up and evacuated. Qi Lin and Angelina came to a booth hand in hand.

Angelina was wearing a windbreaker today, which accentuated her graceful figure. She walked to a shooting booth and picked up the gun casually, as if she was very interested.

Qi Lin decisively paid the game fee. Angelina picked up the gun, but intentionally missed it several times.

Qi Lin, who was wearing a leather jacket, leaned against the booth, looked at Angelina with gentle eyes and smiled, You have to aim.

I'm aiming.

Qi Lin just smiled, and Angelina smiled softly.

Don't laugh, I can kill you.

Qi Lin smiled and took the firearm in her hand, every bullet hit a target!

After hitting a few targets, Qi Lin looked at the boss and asked, Do we have any prizes?

The boss smiled and handed a small doll to Qi Lin, looking into Angelina's eyes, Qi Lin shrugged and smiled.

Beginner's luck.

According to the content of the script, Angelina should say to do it again at this time, but Angelina got stuck.

This is the first time!

The director, Doug, became nervous instantly. The targets Qi Lin shot just now were all in the whole area.

You know, not all actors have this kind of good marksmanship, and many actors have to edit and storyboard to shoot this kind of shot.

If Angelina is the owner at this time, wouldn't such a good shot be wasted?

Qi Lin didn't expect Angelina to be the owner, after all, Angelina hasn't made a single mistake in this period of time.

But because of the professionalism of an actor, he still let him make a temporary change.

What? Do you want to play again?

Only then did Angelina come to her senses, put her arms around Qi Lin's arm, and nodded as if coquettishly.

Qi Lin took out another dollar from his pocket and handed it to the boss: Boss, do it again.

Angelina took the gun, started aiming with a serious expression and then fired.

Qi Lin was still smiling at the beginning, but after seeing Angelina's one shot hit, his expression gradually became serious.

This time, they got a big plush toy!

Looking at Qi Lin's unbelievable expression, Angelina smiled and said, Beginner's luck.

Ca! This one is over! Qi! Angelina! You two come here!

Angelina was a little downcast, she knew what the director told her to do without guessing.

Although it is not enough to scold her, a meal of criticism is definitely indispensable.

The two walked in front of Director Doug, and before Angelina could speak, Qi Lin spoke first.

Sorry director, I changed the lines.

Angelina looked at Qi Lin in surprise, she did not expect that Qi Lin would take the responsibility at this time.

Director Doug waved his hand, he was not blind, how could he not see who was responsible?

Is that Qi Lin changing the lines? That is clearly a rescue!

But after all, Angelina is the heroine, so he can't say too much.

Angelina, you have performed very well during this time, but I can still see that your state is not right.

The schedule of our drama is enough, and there is no need to rush the progress, so I hope you can relax and play a pair with Qi Lin.

During this period of getting along, I believe you should be able to see that Qi Lin is a very, very good actor.

I hope you two can cooperate so that one plus one is greater than two, not less than, do you understand?

Angelina nodded and said, I understand the director.

Well, go back and read the script first, and I'll have a word with Qi Lin.

Good director.

After waiting for Angelina to leave, Director Doug breathed a sigh of relief.

Qi, you are doing very well, but I also hope that you don't have the same knowledge as Angelina, women, you understand.

Qi Lin smiled, of course he wouldn't have the same knowledge as the other party, after all he was here to make money, not to be angry.

Director Doug read the script and said: The progress of the filming has been very fast these days. In fact, we can slow down a little. It seems like nothing now, but if we persist for a long time, the state of the actors will inevitably decline. Then Not what I want.

Qi Lin nodded seriously and said, Director, don't worry.

Director Doug patted him on the shoulder: Go.

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