What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?

Chapter 348: Criteria for Choosing a Spouse

Then the host began to randomly select fans to ask questions, but there were so many fans at the scene that the host could only select some front viewers so that the staff's microphones could get it.

The host is obviously a Yangou, and the first fan chosen is a sweet-looking young lady.

The other party seemed very excited and shouted questions at Qi Lin loudly.

He Jiaxin was quietly translating beside Qi Lin.

She said that she wanted to know what your criteria for choosing a mate are, what kind of girl you like, and if you have a specific image.

After the fan finished asking the question, the female fans at the scene were all excited. Obviously, this is what they wanted to know.

After hearing this, Qi Lin replied with a smile: I don't have too many requirements for my image. I can be fat, thin, tall or short, as long as I look pleasing to the eye. I think character is the most important thing.

I like independent women, preferably ones who can be my comrades in arms.

I hope that when I charge forward, she can protect my base camp so that I don't have to worry about my home.

I also hope that she can have her own interests and hobbies, and be more like an independent person, not just my wife, the mother of my future child.

I hope that when she sees something she likes, she will directly tell me that I want it, instead of beating around the bush with various hints.

I hope she can stand up when I am in a bad mood, even if she can be a listener.

I hope that even if one day I fall and have nothing, she can pat me on the back and say at least you still have me.

I don't need her to pay anything for me, nor do I need any dedication or sacrifice.

I just need her to stand behind me when I'm lost and tell me you're not alone and never were!

When Qi Lin said something, He Jiaxin beside him translated it.

The excited fans in the audience gradually quieted down, quietly listening to Qi Lin's mate selection criteria.

After waiting for Qi Lin on the stage to finish speaking, the fans at the scene realized that no one was shouting, but they all applauded.

Before two people meet, everyone is actually looking forward to, looking forward to what kind of other half they will find in the future.

Others are a bit lost because they don't know what they're looking for.

Maybe when watching a movie or watching a TV series occasionally, he will only say when a character that suits his heart appears.

Look! That's it, I just want to find a wife like this.

But now after listening to Qi Lin's words, no matter men or women, they are not confused anymore.

Because they think the kind Qi Lin is looking for is really good.

Someone who will stand behind them and never make you feel alone.

The host waited for the applause off the stage to die down before stepping forward.

Then let's choose another lucky fan friend. Since the first one has already chosen a young lady, let's find a male fan for the second one.

After the host finished speaking, he clicked on a male audience member.

This male spectator is not too tall, but is very fat. He wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and the flesh on his face is trembling.

Seeing that he was chosen, the excited forehead began to sweat.

Mr. Qi Lin, I have always been a fan of your movie. I have watched all your game videos and movies.

Qi Lin smiled and nodded to him after hearing this: Thank you for your support.

Mr. Qi Lin, I want to know if it is possible for you to come to Japan to shoot movies in the future? We also have many well-known directors in Japan!

After hearing this, Qi Lin laughed and said, Of course, if there is a suitable opportunity to follow the script, I would also like to come and shoot.

The fans in the audience were excited again, but Qi Lin didn't care about it in his heart.

Because his main battlefield is China, and his bigger target is Hollywood.

As for the Wa country, it was really not within the scope of the plan.

The host waited for the answer, and then picked a third fan to ask questions.

This fan didn't know if it was because he was stuttering, or because he was too excited and a little nervous, so he stuttered.

He Jiaxin on the side sounded a little struggling, and waited until he had finished speaking before translating for Qi Lin.

He wanted to ask, how did you manage to become a world star in such a short period of time from an unknown newcomer.

After hearing this, Qi Lin really thought about it seriously.

If this question is to be honest, it is not very good, because he knows very well that it is because of his talent!

It's the same as the line in the game, if hard work is useful, why do you need a genius?

But how can this kind of thing be said to the outside world? Isn't speaking out to promote hatred?

In the end, Qi Lin decided to answer in an official way and not be caught by others.

Just work hard and leave the rest to God.

This sentence has long been uttered badly in China, but now that Qi Lin said it, the audience still listened to it.

Some people even took it as a wise saying and thought it made sense!

After answering this question, it didn't take long for the next item, Qi Lin performing Kung Fu!

The reaction of the female fans at the scene was mediocre, and the male fans kept screaming when they watched Qi Lin punch!

And the photographers also showed their 120% strength, switching between close-up and long-range shots freely.

The domestic viewers who watched the live broadcast were also full of energy. If you want to say that the single-round kung fu looks good!

Li Jie is definitely at the top of the list!

And at this moment, Qi Lin's kung fu has some shadows of the other party, and the moves he uses are absolutely chic and elegant!

After performing kung fu, the fans in the audience and domestic fans almost all shouted the same name.

Thugs in suits!

Thugs in suits!

Thugs in suits!

Everyone once again remembered Qi Lin's classic image when he debuted, the warden!

Cool and handsome!

And the audience at the scene is getting more and more, more and more, and finally so many that the Japanese police are not enough.

Miss Wang, I hope you can understand. There are really too many people now. We can no longer guarantee the safety of Mr. Qi Lin and the audience, so this fan meeting can only be terminated.

In the background, a local person in charge found Wang Xiaohua.

After hearing this, Wang Xiaohua sighed, she was a little scared that there were so many people here, not to mention that these people were still increasing!

Sir, I also know that it is definitely not safe enough now, but so many fans at the scene are here for Qi Lin, if it is suddenly terminated, can they agree?

The other party also frowned after hearing this, and spoke after a few seconds.

We can go on stage to comfort the fans and explain the situation clearly to them. At the same time, we also hope that if Mr. Qi Lin wants to hold a fan meeting with us next time, it is best to report it.

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