As soon as the news came out, the fans became even more crazy!

They haven't heard Qi Lin sing before, and they didn't expect to have such a blessing today.

Qi Lin felt a little guilty after hearing the voice. How can I say that he can only sing well, far from the so-called sounds of nature.

His ability to imitate is limited to what he can see and hear.

Hearing is that he can remember and repeat it, not that he can imitate human voices!

After all, as long as Qi Lin can see the movements, he can imitate them with his excellent memory and physical coordination.

But you can't see where the sound needs to be exerted. Qi Lin can't imitate it, he can only rely on his talent.

Up to now, Qi Lin still doesn't know how to use his dantian to make a sound, he relies entirely on his fleshy voice.

This kind of result is that singing is no problem, but if you let him hold a concert and sing for an hour or two, he will definitely become dumb after the concert and cannot speak for a week.

However, this situation does not exist when using the dantian to vocalize.

To describe Qi Lin in one sentence, a layman with a nice voice, that's all.

But this is Qi Lin's home field!

His fans are all around, not to mention Qi Lin singing, even if Qi Lin snores, these fans will think it sounds good.

On the stage, the host and He Jiaxin retreated, and the background music started to play slowly.

Qi Lin had already sung this song countless times when recording the opening theme, and he still knew when the melody entered.

I will give my life to you

Famous toast in France.

“American Spicy Chicken.”

And all kinds of sushi in Japan.

Qi Lin sang this song in Mandarin, and the audience couldn't understand it at all, but they still waved their arms in a face-saving manner. Although they couldn't understand the lyrics, they could at least understand the melody!

They couldn't understand it, but the domestic audience could understand it. Many people laughed and played bullet screens one after another.

Hahaha, it's all about food, no wonder it's called Ai Shou once, this must be a song written by a big fat man.

I guess so, but Qi Lin is so affectionate when he sings this song, it's mine.

You're farting! Even if Qi Lin sings or not, it's mine!

Netizens were talking about it, but Qi Lin couldn't see it at the moment, and he was still singing this song with his heart.

This is also the suggestion given to him by the music teacher. When you don't have much music skills in the early stage, you should use more emotions to bring in!

Didn't there be a saying on Shaking Hands before, that there is no skill, it's all about emotion!

Ten thousand willing.

Forget it all.

You have taken over my body.

All the bits and pieces.

in my heart.

It cannot be replaced.

Qi Lin's voice is so gentle, even though the fans in the audience can't understand the lyrics at all, they can feel the emotion and love in this song by Qi Lin.

The so-called music without borders, is the truth.

For example, some people in China like to listen to foreign songs, even though they don't understand the meaning of the lyrics, it doesn't hinder their liking.

Are they pretending? Some may be, but most are not.

They just love the melody of that song and the emotion the singer gives when he sings it.

Or happy, or sad, or release.

Oh no

There is no trace of falling in love with you.

Why are you fat and fat so beautiful.

Irresistible is like chocolate.

Black mystery with seductive sweetness.

The Huaxia audience who were watching the live broadcast gradually slowed down the speed of posting barrage, and they unexpectedly discovered that this song is really good!

At least it still sounds good now, it feels good to listen to.

And as long as people who study music can easily find some problems in Qi Lin's singing, such as breathing, resonance, true and false sounds, etc.

But this still doesn't affect their appreciation of the music at the moment, saliva song?

No matter what song he sings, the one that can move people is a good song.

The mannerisms take your breath away.

But I have nothing to explain to you.

I love you very much.


Qi Lin held his heart with his right hand, and his voice became a little louder. Everyone understood that this song was about to enter the chorus, and in general songs, the chorus is the most important part!

Whether it can attract people to listen to it, to pass it on, depends on the chorus!

I really do.

Slim down once for love.

Only one second also once belonged.

Me and you.

At this moment, Qi Lin brought out his acting state!

Affectionate, infatuated, willing to give up himself for love.

With the blessing of all these emotions, Qi Lin's voice is simply the best weapon!

The audience who were watching the live broadcast shook their heads, especially the audience off the stage!

Of course, some people are not interested, after all, not everyone likes music.

I hope you will.

Love once for me.

You'll know I'm worth cherishing.

I love you.

You love yourself.

no problem.

At this moment, many domestic music platforms have become serious, how about the song?

It's ok, but it's too hot right now! No matter what, let's talk about the copyright of this song!

As long as the copyright of this song is won, it can be drained for at least one month!

Immediately, several domestic music platforms began to contact Wang Xiaohua.

On the stage, after Qi Lin sang a song, the host and He Jiaxin came up again.

Mr. Qi, does this song sound good!

The supporter spoke loudly, and the audience responded with fierce applause.

At this moment, even He Jiaxin was a little excited.

Although I knew Qi Lin was very popular before, but after all, I can only feel it when the fans are in front of me!

This feeling is like having a million in your bank card, but putting one million in front of you and putting it in the card are completely different feelings!

Qi Lin also felt hot in his heart, and suddenly found that he really liked this feeling of being watched by everyone!

No wonder the actors who joined the circle want to be famous, and they can make money after they don't mention the popular. Just this feeling of attention is already addictive!

The host continued: Then, who has any questions to ask Mr. Qi Lin?

The host's words instantly ignited the scene of the meeting. Almost everyone rushed forward, raised their hands, and shouted loudly.

The security personnel in the audience were all red, Qi Lin felt the terror of the fans for the first time!

If all these people rushed over, it would be no surprise if nothing happened!

It's a trivial matter if the stage collapses, if someone falls down, the only thing waiting for him is to be trampled to death!

Qi Lin hurriedly said: Calm down! I hope everyone calm down!

He Jiaxin, who was behind her, was also busy translating, and Wang Xiaohua's heart was aroused when she appeared in the background.

Fortunately, at the critical juncture, more Japanese police came to the scene to help maintain order, and the security company's car also arrived, and more security personnel joined in.

Qi Lin swallowed, and began to seriously consider whether to hold this kind of fan meeting in the future

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