What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?

Chapter 227 Advanced? Just them?

Faced with Lu Yang's eloquent talk, the host seemed very interested on the surface, but in fact he was almost cursing in his heart.

'Hey Hey hey! Just say a few words! Qi Lin is still waiting for me to interview. Well, who are you rushing to when there are so many people in the audience? '

Fortunately, director Lu Yang was more self-aware, and after talking for a while, he took the initiative to step aside.

The host couldn't wait to come straight to Qi Lin, and directly handed over the microphone and said.

Mr. Qi Lin, as far as I know, the initial investment in Embroidered Spring Knife was not high, so how did director Lu Yang successfully attract you to join the film crew, and even brought money into the film?

After hearing this, Qi Lin thought for a while and said: Actually, there is no reason. I am an actor. When I see a good script and a good role, I always want to act in it, and this Embroidered Spring Knife is in line with my heart. The definition of a script.

But if you want to say what moved me the most, it has to be a sentence from director Lu Yang back then.

Qi Lin deliberately paused at this point, waiting for the host to cheer.

Sure enough, the professional host did not disappoint Qi Lin, and answered the conversation skillfully.

Which sentence? Is it convenient to talk about it?

Qi Lin said with a smile: Director Lu Yang told me at the time that as long as I come, I can choose any role! Even if it's Wei Zhongxian!

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience laughed. They didn't expect Qi Lin to be quite humorous.

The host turned to look at Lu Yang, and Lu Yang nodded with a smile.

Actually, many of our roles hadn't been settled yet, but when I thought of kung fu, martial arts! The first impression in my mind was Qi Lin, so I had the courage to send the script to Teacher Qi Lin, but it turned out that Teacher Qi Lin I really agree.

Everyone in the audience laughed again, and the host looked at Liu Shi and asked.

Where is Miss Liu? Why did you act in this movie?

Liu Shi took the microphone and answered crisply.

Because the director told me that Qi Lin was the starring role in this movie, I thought the movie starring Koi would definitely be the same! So I came here.

Hearing this, the director looked at Lu Yang in a strange way, thinking that this guy is quite good at using resources.

Then the host looked around again, coughed lightly and said, Me too, the director said that Qi Lin will also participate! I had a great time working with Mr. Qi Lin in I'm Not the God of Medicine, so when I heard Here we come.

Now everyone in the audience laughed, but with a smile, they realized that something was wrong, because many of them came because Lu Yang said 'Qi Lin will come'!

Thinking about it this way, director Lu Yang really squeezed out Qi Lin's use value!

Even the way Qi Lin looked at Lu Yang was a bit weird, how could this grandson be talking like a tiger? It's clearly Zhou Papi!

But Lu Yang didn't show any embarrassment, on the contrary he was a little complacent.

After all, he is poor!

No Money!

With such a small investment to attract so many artists to film, how can it be done without some small tricks?

But Lu Yang is very confident, he firmly believes that after this movie is released, he will be famous!

At that time, with just his word 'Lu Yang', countless investors will come to him with money to make a movie!

After the host asked questions one by one, it was time for the reporters and self-media big V to ask questions.

The way to ask questions is also relatively simple, raise your hand to ask questions, but each person or each media can only ask once!

As soon as the host finished speaking, a large number of people raised their hands.

In the end, the host selected a well-known media in the industry and asked him to take the lead in asking questions.

Hello teachers, I'm Hu Jing, a reporter from [Entertainment World], and I have a question I want to ask Teacher Qi Lin.

Upon hearing this, the host skillfully handed the microphone to Qi Lin.

It's Mr. Qi Lin like this. We know that you have won many honors in the martial arts world. You even defeated two boxing champions in Lijian Country, which proves that Chinese martial arts can not only be watched, but also have a certain lethality!

But now there are not many traditional martial arts in our country, but karate, taekwondo and other martial arts are very popular. What do you think about this?

Do you think that taekwondo or karate are more advanced than Chinese traditional martial arts?

Wang Xiaohua's eyes immediately narrowed. This reporter's question is a bit interesting!

Fortunately, as long as this question is grasped, it is still relatively easy to answer.

For example, whether it is karate or kung fu, they are all used to strengthen the body.

But when Wang Xiaohua saw Qi Lin's eyes, she panicked, Qi Lin got on top!

Sure enough, in the next second, Qi Lin picked up the microphone and said slowly: Advanced? How do you know they are advanced?

Because there are far more people who study them than those who study martial arts. On the contrary, it is Chinese martial arts, and there are not many martial arts schools in sight.

Qi Lin's expression gradually became serious: They just borrowed some superficial Chinese martial arts. I didn't see anything advanced.

As for what you said about not being able to see the martial arts gym, it's easy to understand, because the current regulations are like this! It is not allowed to spread some vicious and vicious fighting skills!

That's why those things are so popular. If you shout twice, kick two wooden boards, and do a roundabout kick, you can be considered a master?

Every member of the gymnastics team can be considered a master!

The reporter who asked the question became excited, he didn't expect Qi Lin to be so bold! He actually opened up directly!

But what he doesn't know is that Qi Lin is usually easy to get along with, but he also has his own bottom line, that is, no one is allowed to discredit Huaxia martial arts!

They belittled Huaxia martial arts to nothing. Does that mean that his master has been doing useless things all his life?

If Huaxia Wushu is really useless, why are so many fighting skills borrowed? Why do some people in the army specialize in teaching martial arts, and why do some foreign troops even invite coaches?

The reporter didn't care about the limit of one question per person, so he asked again.

But Mr. Qi Lin, besides you, there are also many martial artists who claim to be the heirs of Chinese martial arts to challenge or kick the gym. The winning rate is really terrible. Isn't this proof?

After hearing this, Qi Lin said flatly: Prove what? Prove that they are advanced?

I can only say that they are lucky, and the people they meet are the kind of people who have learned kung fu for two or three years! Kung fu takes time to hone!

The reporter wanted to ask more questions after hearing this, but was directly stopped by the host.

This reporter friend, you have already asked two questions! This is very unfair to the reporter friends behind. After all, everyone's time is limited, and it is impossible to answer only your question!

Many reporters below followed suit and interrupted the man's questioning.

Wang Xiaohua silently took out her mobile phone and took a photo of the reporter, who she remembered.

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