Now the eldest son and third son of his family can be regarded as entertainers, and the second son plays in a band.

But judging from their current situation, the only one who can make a move is the boss Hong Tianming.

For the few remaining people, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are unknown.

There are really too few examples of Lao Tzu being a hero and being a hero in the entertainment industry.

And in recent years, Qi Lin has been rising the most! Especially now that Qi Lin still has 'Huang Gengsheng' as his backer!

In every era, there will be two extremely brilliant people, and his era was Fang Loon.

And Hong Bao thinks that in the current era, this brilliant person is Qi Lin!

Now that Qi Lin has set up his own studio, then, should he let his two sons cook a cold stove?

Hong Bao was a little hesitant, because he himself was considered an arrogant person, if he let his two sons join [Kirin Studio], wouldn't he indirectly admit that he was incapable of making his son popular?

Besides, are those two sons of my family expected to be stars?

Thinking of this, Hong Bao couldn't help hesitating.

Both Wang Xiaohua and Qi Lin saw that Hong Bao might be a little embarrassed, but neither of them spoke.

How can the two of them handle things that can embarrass Hong Bao, a big boss in the industry?

It is easy to embarrass both parties when asked.

So much so that until the end, when Qi Lin and Wang Xiaohua said goodbye and left, Hong Bao didn't speak.

Forget it, let's wait another two years. If this kid really grows up in two years and it's time for someone to be employed by his side, then letting Hong Ming and Hong Zhao go will be regarded as helping him.

Hong Bao silently thought in his heart, but at this moment, Hong Bao never dreamed that Qi Lin's soaring speed was so fast.

Mr. Hong may have something to worry about.

Inside the car, Wang Xiaohua frowned and said.

Qi Lin nodded and said, I can see that too, but even Uncle Hong's troubles, we probably won't be able to deal with them.

Well, if we really need our help, Mr. Hong must have said it. Jiaxin has already booked a ticket and will fly to Yanjing at night.

it is good!

Qi Lin agreed, and Hong Bao's mansion could no longer be seen when he turned his head.

On June 5th, the release conference of Embroidered Spring Knife!

The movie was released on June 10th, and the press conference was held on June 5th. It can be said that there are not many people in the circle.

But this is also thanks to Qi Lin's 'blessing'! Who let the movie starring just have time?

That night, Lu Yang invited a lot of people, and facing the media who were reluctant to come, he just said a word.

Mr. Qi Lin will also come, and it is said that there will be a martial arts performance.

With this sentence, the media have expressed that they will definitely come to join in!

It can be seen how skillfully Lu Yang used Qi Lin's tiger skin!

In addition to the big media, Lu Yang invited many self-media people, such as Weibo big V, movie commentary with tens of millions of fans on Shaking Hands, etc.

Don't underestimate these people, their influence is no less than normal media nowadays!

Especially in the matter of promoting movies, it is their old line of work!

There have been a few relatively successful cases before, all of which were small-investment films, but because of the publicity of these media people, the box office was really good, at least not hitting the street.

At the moment backstage, Li Yue is checking Qi Lin's makeup.

Today, Qi Lin was wearing a black suit, and his hairstyle was simply combed back, looking mature and capable.

Li Yue has done Qi Lin's makeup for the past two years, and she has also summed up a little experience, that is, Qi Lin's foundation is very good! When putting on makeup, you don't need so many sophisticated makeup techniques or exaggerated appearances.

It only needs to be modified briefly to highlight the facial features.

It is this natural appearance that is more attractive!

It's fun to say, when Qi Lin just became popular, some people said that Qi Lin had plastic surgery! How could a normal person be so handsome?

It wasn't until Qi Lin's classmates posted photos that they were convinced, because Qi Lin was handsome all the way from childhood to adulthood!

The only time when he is not handsome is before practicing martial arts.

At that time, Qi Lin ate and drank well all day long and didn't exercise, he was an out-and-out chubby man!

When walking, the flesh on the cheeks trembled, which was one of the reasons why Qi Lin learned martial arts in the first place, to lose weight!


Qi Lin sat in front of the makeup mirror and asked.

Li Yue looked at it carefully for a couple of times, then nodded and said, Okay, it's absolutely amazing!

Qi Lin stretched his neck and stood up. The audience was already immune to Li Yue's amazing words, because Li Yue said so every time he put on makeup for him.

Those who just pushed away from the dressing room saw Liu Shi and other leading actors waiting outside.

Liu Shi's eyes lit up when he saw Qi Lin's appearance.

Hero Changqing, this suit suits you very well.

Qi Lin smiled, even after such a long time, Liu Shi still likes to call him the name of the character in Sword.

Before Qi Lin could speak, director Lu Yang trotted over.

Are you ready? The reporters and friends outside are waiting, oh, brother Qi, your suit suits you so well!

Qi Lin wanted to laugh when he saw Lu Yang. After such a long time, Lu Yang still looked so radiant!

It seems that there is inexhaustible power in this small body!

Let's go, don't make them wait.

Qi Lin greeted, and Lu Yang ran towards the front desk after listening.

Alright, let me inform the host.

Looking at Lu Yang who ran away, Qi Lin looked at Liu Shi and others in surprise and said.

Uh, the director is still so hands-on.

A few people were a little speechless, like this kind of director who was reluctant to use the scene to work, and did everything by himself. They had only met such a director for many years in the industry.

Then let us applaud, our main creative team and actors of Xiu Chun Knife!

The voice of the host on the stage was excited, giving Qi Lin the feeling that he had been an emcee.

In the sound of background music, Qi Lin and others appeared together.

The audience and the media in the audience became excited instantly, and some even shouted Qi Lin's name loudly.

Qi Lin!


Qi Lin! Qi Lin!

Wang Xiaohua was also sitting under the stage, and when she heard the excited shouts from the people around her, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

Now Qi Lin's fans are getting more and more, you can see a thing or two from these cheers!

After waiting for Qi Lin and others to come on stage one after another, even the host was somewhat excited.

It's really an honor to see several teachers. May I ask Director Lu Yang, what kind of experience made you think of making a movie like Embroidered Spring Knife?

Lu Yang is not only the director of this movie, but also one of the screenwriters, so he is naturally able to answer such questions.

I believe that every man has a martial arts dream in his heart, of course I am no exception. My dream has been since I was a child.

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