NG is a very normal thing in the crew, but if there are too many NGs, the staff must not tire of it, because it directly determines when people get off work!

This is especially true in this kind of production crew divided into groups A and B. Everyone gets exactly the same salary. Group A gets off work at five o'clock in the afternoon, and they don't get off work until ten o'clock in the middle of the night. Who would like that?

What's even more exasperating is that the working hours will be the same tomorrow, who can bear it?

Several people also noticed the eyes of the staff around them, they were a little unnatural.

Seeing this, the assistant director waved to the staff and said, Hurry up and go to rest, those who go to the bathroom or smoke, hurry up, and start the machine in ten minutes!

Hearing the director's order, the staff left in twos and threes.

Qi Lin moved his body and watched the replay with the director, and soon he found something wrong.

I also know where the director is struggling.

The main reason is the falling posture of these people. Except for Qi Lin and An Jie, the jumping posture of the others is outrageous.

It doesn't look like jumping high-rise buildings, but more like jumping over a wall.

In fact, they can't be blamed for this. After all, the rooftop in reality is only more than one meter high, less than two meters high.

Especially Jiang Yi, who made this mistake twice in a row.

Once you know the cause of the problem, the rest is easy to handle.

Qi Lin got up and walked in front of several people and said, Do you want to go through the play?

Several people were taken aback after hearing this, but Qi Lin waved his hands after thinking about it.

Forget it, I'll go through it first, you guys take a look first.

After Qi Lin finished speaking, he went directly to the 'roof' and jumped without using the safety rope.

After making this movement, except for An Jie, the rest of them were still at a loss.

Qi Lin, who was standing on the protective pad, said, Actually, there was nothing wrong with your acting skills just now, it's just that when you jumped off the high platform, your body subconsciously made protective movements.

And this will make your movements out of shape and not elegant! The few of us are playing the kind of people who regard human lives as nothing. They don't care about other people's lives, and they don't care about their own.

They only pursue excitement, so your subconscious self-protection actions are not acceptable.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Jiang Yi and the others immediately understood what was going on, and looked at Qi Lin with a grateful expression.

Qi Lin smiled and said: This kind of action needs to go against the body's instincts, but it is not difficult. As long as everyone notices this, I believe it is easy to overcome. In this way, there is still time. If we take turns to play, others can do it too. How about giving one?

They were all NG and embarrassed, now that they heard Qi Lin's words, of course they wouldn't refuse.

So Jiang Yi was the first, and Yin Wei was the second, jumping in turn.

Sure enough, after Qi Lin's guidance, each danced twice and found the feeling.

At this moment, the staff who had finished smoking also returned to their jobs one after another. Qi Lin simply asked everyone to jump together, and after confirming that there was no problem, the filming started directly.

This time, after going through it directly, many staff members were taken aback. They didn't understand why they could improve so much after a ten-minute rest!

Only the assistant director and scene recorder in the studio understood that these were all thanks to Qi Lin.

The time passed slowly like this, and it was mid-April in a blink of an eye, and the private scenes of Guan Zu and others were finally finished.

Group B has officially joined Group A, and can cooperate with Fang Long to shoot together.

After these ten days of running-in, Qi Lin, the five-person villain team, has some tacit understanding.

At first, the other four were somewhat unconvinced, after all, Qi Lin was the youngest among them in terms of age alone.

But it didn't take long for these people to understand why Qi Lin's popularity was so high!

His acting skills are really not covered! They were even curious, is this really an acting skill that a sports student can have? Could it be that this child has been a drama star since he was a child, or did the patriarch give him a dream?

And when they started filming together with Brother Fang Long, they were even more surprised to find that Qi Lin did not lose the slightest bit!

You know, that's Fang Long!

After two days of filming with Brother Fang Loon, they finally ushered in the main scene, which can also be said to be the most exciting scene of their villains, the warehouse fight!

They had been preparing for this scene for a few days, especially An Jie, who had done almost nothing these days, and had been checking the moves with the action director.

If you want to say that the most indispensable thing for filming with Fang Loon is the action director and martial artist. Almost everyone in the family class can do both.

Everyone! How are your preparations going?

Brother Fang Long walked over in a special police uniform, and An Jie, who was matching the action director, stopped quickly.

No problem, big brother!

Fang Long smiled and patted him on the shoulder, then his eyes fell on Qi Lin.

Where's Xiao Qi? Is there any problem?

Qi Lin also waved his hand, of course he has nothing wrong with it, after all, he is not the one who will be abused in a while.

As for the other three, they didn't have much sense of presence in this scene, so Fang Long didn't pass by, but instead looked at the special police officers whose hands were tied.

In order to pursue reality, the crew did not use dummies, but selected some martial artists to do these.

Of course, there is still protection that should be provided. At this moment, the ground is covered with inflatable protective pads, and safety can still be guaranteed.

Fang Long came to an old martial artist, patted him on the shoulder and said, Old Lu, can you cover him?

Old Lu patted his chest vigorously and said, What is this, big brother! Back then, brothers dared to dance with a newspaper under them, let alone now?

Fang Long also laughed out loud after hearing this. These are all old brothers who worked hard together with him, and he also knows what they are capable of.

No matter what, you still have to pay attention to safety.

After Fang Long finished speaking, he clapped his hands and drew everyone's attention to him.

Come on everyone, try to pass it!

it is good!

no problem!

Everyone responded one after another, director Chen Sheng had already sat in the director's chair, picked up the loudspeaker and spoke.

Come on! Take your places!

Following the director's instructions, the actors and photographers returned to their predetermined locations, ready to shoot.

Qi Lin and others also came to the second floor of the warehouse, waiting for the shooting to start.

Warehouse Rescue Fifth Shot for the first time! Countdown to three seconds!





As the director's voice sounded, Brother Fang Long ran in at the door with sweat on his face. He saw Qi Lin and others on the second floor at a glance. After all, who is a good person wearing such a mask?

He immediately raised his pistol and pointed it at several people: Who are you?

We hate you as cops!

Qi Lin's voice was a little sick, and he grabbed the rope with one hand and slid directly to the first floor. The leather shoes collided with the steel wire mesh on the ground, making a loud noise.

Big brother Fang Long retreated subconsciously, and the atmosphere became tense.

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