Long before joining the group, Qi Lin had carefully studied and analyzed the role of Guan Zu.

Speaking of it, Guan Zu is actually a rebellious child.

Since childhood, his father was too strict with him, even corporal punishment, and his mother spoiled him too much, so that he formed a very contradictory personality.

Because of his father, he hated the police very much, and because of his mother's doting, he was unscrupulous since he was a child.

But the more this happened, the more his father looked down on him and the stricter he was.

And the stricter the father, the more rebellious he was, and over time, a vicious circle was formed!

But in fact, what Guan Zu wants is very simple, that is, his father's affirmation.

It's just that in the end, he took a completely opposite path!

It is actually not easy to play this role well, because Qi Lin has almost never had a rebellious period since he was a child, and he has never been a rich second generation, so that he has no sense of substitution.

Just like Qi Lin, if you give Qi Lin 10 million, 99% of Qi Lin may deposit the 10 million in the bank for interest.

And will the real rich second generation do this?

Qi Lin has no experience of being a rich second generation, so if he wants to play this role well, he has to work hard.

For this reason, Qi Lin even wanted to get to know a few rich second generations, but Wang Xiaohua told him not to do so.

Wang Xiaohua said that Qi Lin doesn't need to play a real rich second generation, he just needs to play a rich second generation that the audience wants to see!

Qi Lin didn't understand this sentence at first, but he realized it later.

What Wang Xiaohua meant was that the audience doesn't care what the real rich second generation looks like, they just want to see the rich second generation in their hearts!

What is the audience's stereotype of the rich second generation?

Being rich, running amok, getting into fights, young models in clubs, and the most important thing, without your father, you are nothing!

Qi Lin doesn't need to act like a real rich second generation, as long as he can perform what the audience wants to see!

Looking at it now, what Wang Xiaohua said is correct, at least the assistant director is very satisfied with Qi Lin's current performance.

Pay attention to the action. Although we are green screen, we must create that feeling of landing.

No problem director.

In the studio, five people headed by Qi Lin sat on the 'roof'.

Now that science and technology are advanced, special effects technology is very mature, of course they don't need to jump off a building.

All you need to do is make an action, which can be synthesized by computer in the later stage.

The scene of this scene is also very simple. It is the first time a few people act and go to the Bank of Asia.

Five people, led by Qi Lin, sat together on the edge of the roof, with a green screen below.

This place will become a high-rise building in the future. As for now, it is necessary to test the actor's performance skills without physical objects.

The five people lined up one by one, waiting for the director to call for the start.

Is everything ready?

Director ready, no problem!


Several people answered in turn, and the assistant director coughed lightly when he saw this.

Come on! All departments are ready, start the machine after a three-second countdown!

The scene recorder heard the words and trotted over to prepare to hit the board, and the actors also adjusted their state and prepared to shoot.





After the record hit the board and left, An Jie and the others shook their legs and yelled at the madman in front of them!

Although there is only a green screen in front of them, after finishing the post-production, it will turn into a brightly lit Xiangjiang night scene!

Several people roared loudly, venting their inner emotions to their heart's content.

Only Qi Lin remained silent, just looking at the 'distance' with a smile on the corner of his mouth!

His eyes are full of desire to conquer! It seems that this huge city has become his hunting ground!

When the assistant director saw this, he immediately asked the cameraman to push the camera over. This is called acting!

If you miss this kind of shot, how can you still be a fart director?

Of course, the rest of the people also noticed the change of the camera position. Some people turned their heads subconsciously, wanting to see how Qi Lin handled this scene.

After all, the script is in the details, and it is impossible to write every action clearly.

The scripts of the few of them are all the same, and there is only one short line in this scene.

Roaring on the roof, kicking sandbags, safety rope, jumping!

There are only eleven words in total, and the rest are all played by the actors themselves.

Most of the filming is like this now, if you meet the King of Sunglasses, it will be even more powerful, there is no script, the actors don't know what they are filming, they are just so fascinated.

Qi Lin spread out his hands, raised his head slightly, made a gesture of hugging, and gradually laughed out loud.

His laughter grew from small to large, and gradually insolent!

The other four actors couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, boss, you've performed so well every time, it's really difficult for us!

But he sighed in his heart, but he couldn't express it on the surface.

Qi Lin stood up slowly after laughing, and the others hurriedly followed suit.

After Qi Lin and the others put on their masks slowly, they tied the safety rope to the fence behind them, and Qi Lin kicked the sandbag between them down.

Afterwards, he jumped up, several people followed after seeing this, and they all followed Qi Lin's example and jumped down.

Crap! Miss Jiang, your movements were a bit slow just now, please work hard, and do it again.

Return the props! Makeup artist check.

Following the assistant director's voice, the make-up artist and prop master hurried over.

Qi Lin and others took off their masks and asked the makeup artist to check the makeup. After the makeup artist checked that there was no problem, the prop artist began to check.

Then started the second shooting, but unexpectedly it was still NG.

Then came the third time, the fourth time, more and more times of NG!

This is also a very normal thing in the crew. After the NG, the actor's mood will become tense, and he will panic and make mistakes.

Seeing this, the assistant director waved his hand and said, Forget it, everyone, take a ten-minute rest, relax and then shoot.

Hearing that the director had given him a rest, these artists also breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay, okay, just now NG made the atmosphere of the crew too dignified, and they were a little out of breath.

Like a normal person, Qi Lin got up and moved his body, took the water glass that Lin Xin handed him, and walked towards the assistant director leisurely.

The assistant director was looking at the previous shot, frowning and thinking about how to cut it, but he didn't pretend to be serious when he saw Qi Lin coming, so he casually pulled a stool beside him and signaled Qi Lin to sit beside him.

Qi Lin sat down leisurely, took a sip of hot water and said.

You don't need to be so sad, everyone has found the feeling in these two times, it's just that the NG in the front is a little nervous, and you should be able to get over it after a little rest.

The assistant director sighed inwardly, thinking that if they were all like you, I wouldn't be so sad!

This is mainly because the four of them made mistakes in turn, who can bear it?

If the studio hadn't been set up, the director really wanted to shoot the next scene directly. When will this scene be filmed!

The director is the soul of the crew, so naturally he couldn't say anything serious, but the way the other staff members looked at the four artists was obviously not right.

Add more tomorrow!

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