
The entire space-time is shaking!

In the battlefield, all the immortals from the yin and yang worlds changed their expressions. The higher the cultivation level, the more shocked they were at this moment, and they showed expressions of disbelief.

This, this is?!

Fairy Meng walked out of the boundary gate and looked at the sky with an extremely solemn expression.

The whole space-time is shaking?! Why is there such an astonishing movement? What happened!

No one can give an answer.

Da Luo Jinxian, who had never participated in the battle at this moment, gathered behind Fairy Meng, all of them were shocked and unbelievable, but they didn't know how to speak.

This movement is too big!

It doesn't just refer to implicating a planet or a star field, but the entire time and space!


The long river of time emerges.

Even, the long river of fate appeared on it, spanning the entire universe, shining on the stars and pastures, and beings from the two worlds of Yin and Yang can be seen no matter where they are!

Whether it is the Yin world or the Yang world.

At this moment, even the war between the two worlds ceased, and the immortal families of both sides stopped and stepped back, watching the long river of time from a distance.

All the divine senses of the Xian family were pushed to the extreme, trying to figure out what was going on and why it all happened.

Then, they discovered an amazing scene!

what is that?!

Oh my God!

There is a living being that came from the past?!

He...he is going to come to this world?!

A terrifying, huge, and vague figure paced from the end of the long river of time! The speed is very fast, such as strolling in the garden, relaxed and freehand.

But where the existence of that statue passed, lightning and thunder, countless laws, inscriptions, and the god chain of order were shining, as if they were going to drown the world and swallow everything!

But that respect is extremely steady, with heavy and steady steps, and has never seen the slightest obstacle.

Then, when they came to the place where the River of Time was in front of their eyes, there was a sudden meal.

boom! ! !

For a long time, there was a huge earthquake in the river, and the waves went against the current, and I don't know how many miles high!

It's amazing!

No, not right!

Ancestors, this?!!!

Damn it, the river will collapse after a long time?! There is a crack on the bank of this place, and it is going to break the embankment?!

All the big Luo Jinxians were terrified.

Even Fairy Meng and the quasi-sage in the underworld looked extremely solemn at this moment, and even held their breath!


At least a quasi-sage!

They knew it well, but it was because of this that they were even more astonished: But even quasi-sages are absolutely unable to achieve this step in the long river of time, and even come from the past time and space to come to this world.

Could it be... a saint?!

They are uncertain, restless, even fearful.

Just because of understanding, I know that the power of the quasi-sage cannot play with time, and it is impossible to come to other time and space.

But the other party...

But it broke the bank of the river, is it coming? !

Who the hell?!

Could it be...

At this moment, the hearts of the two quasi-sages trembled and their scalps became numb.

They all thought of a possibility.

That is, the other party didn't come early or late, but he came at this time, and it happened to be during the period of the war between the two worlds...

And this person must not be the rescuer he invited.

In other words, maybe this is not a helper invited by the Yin world (Yang world)? !

Suddenly, they felt suffocated for a short time, and then felt that something was wrong.


The two sides immediately transmitted voices to many great Luos: Retract the troops, withdraw the troops immediately, stand in line, and guard according to the boundary gate.

Call all Da Luo, always prepare for a life-and-death battle!!!



Difficult, could it be!!!

Da Luo Jinxian is not stupid either, they didn't react at first, but when they received the news now, their faces turned pale with fright.

Go back!

The long river of time is still shaking.

That majestic and vague figure crushed the river bank, and is currently being blocked by the terrifying law of time and the heavenly chain of order.

The 'special effects' in that area are enough to dazzle the quasi-sages.

But these blocks are ineffective!

Although it slowed down the speed of the opponent's arrival, it couldn't stop it!

At the same time, both Yin and Yang circles are 'retreating their troops', and at this moment, they dare not fight any more!

And seeing the opponent's retreat, Fairy Meng and the other two quasi-sages didn't think it was an exception.

From their point of view, the other party has invited someone who is at least a quasi-sage, or even a saint, to make a move. Naturally, they need to take a good rest and then work hard.

What happened to the retreat?

The retreat is for a better counterattack!

We must take precautions early and make all preparations!

With such thoughts, the atmosphere on both sides became very dignified and subtle...


At the same time, Kunlun.

The empress and the first emperor were in doubt.

The long river of time comes from the past and goes to the future, it naturally spans the entire galaxy, so once the long river of time emerges, it can be seen everywhere!

They also saw this astonishing scene and were quite frightened.

Someone is coming?!

who is it!

Could it be the savior of the underworld?!

Fortunately, Lin Zixiao appeared next to the two of them in a 'flash'. She looked at the stalwart figure from a distance, and her eyes were full of waves.

That figure was too blurry, but she recognized it at a glance!

At the same time, at a glance, the causal lines belonging to him are densely entangled with it, pay attention to explain everything.

Of course, her causal line cannot be seen by the Empress and the First Emperor.

The gap in cultivation and realm made it impossible for them to spy on it, and it was precisely because of this that they were so frightened.

Finally...have you reached this point?

True online dating is on the horizon.


She took a deep breath, trying to calm down, but found that she couldn't calm down, and even trembled all over.


She wanted to speak, but when she opened her mouth, she found that her voice was hoarse, as if she couldn't say anything.

This guy···

I didn't even discuss it with me. This is too messy.

I'm not prepared at all.

Lin Zixiao showed a little gloomy look, but it quickly dissipated. After taking several deep breaths, he managed to remain calm and said, Empress, Emperor Shi Huang, don't worry.

He is not a rescuer invited by the underworld, but...

Another person who should be robbed.


You, you mean!

The empress and the first emperor were startled: The woman in the picture behind you?


Lin Zixiao was taken aback for a moment, then the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

that woman?

That woman is standing in front of your eyes right now! Too bad I can't tell you guys.

Immediately, she said softly, It's her.

She's in the past?!

The First Emperor frowned and said thoughtfully: Looking at history, even including myths and legends, I have never found a woman who matches her.

The empress sighed softly: No wonder she has never been discovered before. It turns out that she is in another time and space? Did she exist in the past...


Lin Zixiao blinked: She is from the future.


The Second Emperor was confused: She clearly came from upstream...


There was another huge earthquake, which could be heard throughout the entire universe, and even the brains of all the people who were shocked were buzzing, and even those creatures who had not activated their spiritual intelligence were frightened.

I don't know how many beasts hid in the cave and shivered.

I don't know how many ethnic groups knelt on the ground, shouting and worshiping...

On the sky, on the edge of the long river of time, the dense law of time and the chain of order are chasing, but they can't catch up at all!

That stalwart figure finally arrived.

It was only at this moment that many Da Luo Jinxians discovered that it was a peerless female fairy!

She has a flawless face and a peerless figure, like a female fairy emperor who walked out from ancient times, coming with the aura of destroying everything, which moved everyone!

Dare to come?!

Qi Zi Fan turned his head, frowning slightly.

At this moment, coming to this world, his heart is agitated, apprehensive, and looking forward to...

It was when I was in a complicated mood, but I found that I had clearly left the scope of the long river of time, and the dense laws of time and the chain of order were still chasing after me, trying to tie me up and drag me back?

How unreasonable!


Just for a moment, Yuantu is in hand.



The blood-colored sword energy swept across, and the world was shaken. I don't know how many fairy swords trembled at this moment. If their masters hadn't suppressed them wildly, they might have all burst out of the sky.

At this moment, Lin Zixiao's body shook violently!

In the dantian, Yuan Tu was stunned while shaking wildly.

Who is that?!

Yuantu Sword Spirit emerged, it was actually a blood-colored long-haired woman with red pupils, flaming red lips, and wearing a blood-colored dress.

At this moment, her eyes widened, she looked through the void, locked on another 'self', and was stunned.

Ah Bi is also confused!

Looking at Yuan Tu beside him, and then at the horizon, Yuan Tu in Qi Zi Fan's hand, his mind was full of question marks.

At this very moment, the sword light streaked across the universe.


Everything is quiet.

The dense law of time recedes.

The innumerable divine chains of order were all severed and no longer existed.


In the long river, the water is turbulent and the waves are extremely rough.

The river bank of the Jedi is gradually being repaired, and I don't know how many god chains of order are 'busy', using themselves to block the gap in the river bank and repair it.

At the same time, the long river of time and the rules of order seem to have finally chosen to give up and gradually disappear.

But at this moment, a thunderbolt exploded, and then the terrifying law of destruction struck...

This strike has the power to kill a quasi-sage!


In the sky, Qi Zi Fan raised his eyebrows.

In Kunlun, Lin Zixiao drew his sword and immediately soared into the sky.

Do you want to kill my dog ​​thief, as well as my real body?!

I'll kill you first!

The two Yuantu gathered together. At this moment, they logged into each other's 'account', stood side by side in the sky, looked at each other lightly, and then looked away, looking at the falling Law of Destruction and Tribulation Thunder.

Shy, hesitant, awkward, overwhelmed?

At this moment, it's all gone.

We can only fight together!

In the imagination, the person who met for the first time had thousands of words, but at this moment, all of them are useless.

it is more than words.

With one sword strike, thousands of words are contained in it!


The two Yuan Tu are very confused!

Looking at the familiar but unfamiliar 'self' who is close at hand, and want to 'fight side by side' at this moment, I am so confused that I can't be more confused.

However, Qi Zi Fan and Lin Zi Xiao are not confused.

This blow should have originated from the ancient heavenly way.

When the sword was drawn, Qi Zi Fan whispered.

Just now the law of time and the chain of order are the new way of heaven. Lin Zixiao responded with a dignified expression.

It seems that when you and I gather together, whether it is the Ancient Heavenly Dao or the New Heavenly Dao, we can no longer calm down, but so what?


The time has come for Yuan Tu and Ah Bi to be more confused.

They were stunned to find that the 'opponent' was not only the same as themselves, but also the sword formula and sword intent cut out by the opponent's master were exactly the same as their own master? !

Even, after the sword was drawn, the two sword lights, sword energy, and sword intent directly merged into one!

It's like the confluence of yin and yang, perfect fusion, not only did not affect each other, but made this sword extremely sublimated, even almost as powerful as a saint!


This sword is like cutting the sky!

Where the sword light passes, the thunder is extinguished, and the law of destruction disappears without a trace...

Between heaven and earth, there is a clear sky.


At this moment, I don't know how many immortal families, from all over the place, made the sound of air-conditioning.

Especially in the underworld, many big Luos and even the quasi-sage showed extremely dignified expressions.

That sword...

Among them, quite a few of them had fought against Lin Zixiao, and they had also seen Yuantu and Abi. At this moment, when Lin Zixiao and Qi Zifan used Yuantu, they would naturally recognize it.

But it was precisely because of recognition that I felt unbelievable at this moment.


At this moment, they were sure that Qi Zi Fan must be the rescuer invited by Yang Realm, and he was so amazing and powerful!

Even, they could join hands with that 'Lin Fan' intimately!

Who is this person...?!

Nowadays, the strength of Yang Realm has increased greatly, and our Yin Realm...

The quasi-sage sighed softly: The order will go on, all the immortal families will retreat 10,000 stars, and guard according to the boundary gate, and they are not allowed to leave the gate to fight.


The Da Luo Jinxians looked at each other, feeling a little overwhelmed.

Then, someone couldn't help but said: But ancestor, if this is the case, wouldn't we...

That's right, ancestor, how long shall I wait? Keep guard at the boundary gate, this...

wait until···

He shook his head slowly: Wait until the time comes.


Da Luo Jinxian was completely puzzled, but they couldn't change anything under the order of the quasi-sage, they could only sigh and take the order and leave.


who is she?!

Fairy Meng's eyes pierced through the endless void, and fixed on Qi Zi Fan, not because of his astonishing appearance and figure, but because of his astonishing strength.

So familiar with Lin Fan?

Unfortunately, the long river of time is gradually disappearing, even for me, it is difficult to spy from such a long distance...

Good thing, though.

No matter who she is, where she comes from, or what identity she is, she will ultimately help my Yang Realm.

After thinking for a while, Fairy Meng sneered coldly: Send the order, repair it for ten years!

Ten years later, attack the underworld in one go!


The crisis dissipated.

On the sky, Qi Zi Fan put away Yuantu, looked at Lin Zixiao beside him, and suddenly... felt a little at a loss.

Lin Zixiao was even more so.

I was so panicked that I was about to die, and I was afraid that if I didn't pay attention, I would 'die', so I could only resist to look at this guy, and then slowly fell.


Up to now, the two of them have just said that sentence.

Seeing this, Qi Zi Fan rolled his beautiful eyes.

After all, she is now a 'daughter', so it is reasonable to roll her eyes.

Then he let out a 'hum', and flew in front of Lin Zixiao at a faster speed, heading towards Kunlun and the underworld.

Seeing this, Lin Zixiao was speechless for a while, even a little dumbfounded.

Do you want to be ashamed?!

She couldn't help but transmit the sound transmission.

Why am I shameless?

In fact, the two have already been very familiar with each other. You know my length, and I know your depth. How can there be so many twists and turns?

It's just that after so many years, they have never really met each other with their own eyes, and now they have finally successfully appeared, after all, there is a little bit of unnaturalness.

However, as long as the chatterbox is opened, all unnaturalness will disappear without a trace, just like this moment.

And you said you are not shameless?

Lin Zixiao muttered: You dog thief, you dog thief, you are a man! A man!

I rolled my eyes again, and hummed again, I don't think I really regard myself as a woman, as a virgin, right?!

Hey?! Is this still worth it? I'm on your tuba now, so it's possible that I'm acting in my own way?

Like walking and swaggering...

Such as smoking two cigarettes, picking your nostrils, or picking your feet?

you dare?!


Qi Zi Fan snorted again.

Lin Zixiao: ...

Dog thief!

She cursed through voice transmission: You bullied me again!

What do you mean, when did I bully you?

Can Qi Zi Fan admit it? Must not!


Lin Zixiao was furious for a moment, but then couldn't help but burst out laughing, and looked at this guy.

Qi Zi Fan was also looking at her.

The two looked at each other, made eye contact, and hit the soul directly.

Time seems to freeze at this moment.

At this moment, they finally landed.

It was not far from the empress and the first emperor.

However, these two ignored the 'two emperors' and only had each other in their eyes, as if they would not move away even after experiencing vicissitudes.


The empress blinked, and suddenly showed a little daughter's look.

If there is a situation, there must be a situation!

The First Emperor smiled, and lost his momentum, and then said with emotion: I think back then, I... also had such a lush time.

That was my lost youth.

Empress: ...

However, they are not in the same time and space, so how can they have this feeling... that makes me feel goosebumps all over my body, and even so sweet that I lose my teeth?

Yes, why is this?!

'Second Emperor' muttered and whispered quietly.

But they don't know that Qi Zi Fan and Lin Zi Xiao, who seem to them so sweet that they lose their teeth and feel so greasy at the moment, besides the satisfaction of finally finding out about their online love, are more... novel.

Yes, it is novelty.

Looking at myself, standing in front of my eyes, how can this feeling not be novel?


Lin Zixiao's gaze suddenly moved down from Qi Zifan's face, and then slowly stopped on his chest.


(PS: Let me tell you, it is expected that Chapter 888 will end the main story line, and then I will write extra episodes, such as the dog leftover chapter, the post-marriage chapter, etc.

In addition, a new book has been released, titled My Disciple is Super Powerful but Convinces People with Virtue, please bookmark, comment, and recommend tickets.

The new book is still easy to stream in the city, and it has something to do with becoming a fairy, huh. Also please ignore the title of the book, I know the title is very silly, ahem.

Or it can be understood as Learn Criminal Law Before Learning Martial Arts or I'm as far as I know.

Finally, this section is free of charge. )

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