What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become An Immortal?

Chapter 310 Online classes and homework? !

Big head this week, really...

Su Muxue couldn't help complaining: What's wrong with him, he insists on getting so close, does he think his head is pretty?

Who doesn't know he has a big head?

Qi Zi Fan: ...


At this time, we just need to listen quietly, it should be... right?

And this person who Su Muxue complained about as Zhou's big head is actually not a stranger to Qi Zi Fan, because Qi Zixiao had introduced him before.

This 'big head' is called Zhou Yuan, and he is the preaching elder of the Holy Land of Zifu. Of course, there is no problem in calling him the preaching elder.

And what he is mainly responsible for, in Qi Zi Fan's view, is basically equivalent to those relatively good academic professors in universities, who are responsible for public lectures.

General practice issues and so on, the elders of each peak will explain clearly to the juniors.

However, some of the more advanced Taoism, Taoism, or practice confusion, etc., the masters of the peaks are not incapable, but this kind of open class can help the disciples of the peaks to communicate with each other and improve each other...

In addition, Zhou Yuan's understanding of 'Tao' is very deep, so this public class is basically taught by him.

Occasionally, Xiao Zhan and others would also give a few 'public classes'. After all, alchemy and other things are still very important for cultivators.

It's just that this time the open class is a bit 'novel', it's no longer gathering many disciples together, but directly through the 'mobile phone'...

Online class? !

Qi Zi Fan rolled his eyes and sighed in his heart.

My fellow saints, this is really not me cheating you!

Although we created this live broadcast function, we really never thought about letting them use it for online classes... Who made them learn without a teacher?

Hey, you are the ones who should have this calamity, it has nothing to do with me, I have nothing to do with rain~

I never thought of the fear and despair of the children on the other side of the earth about online classes, Qi Zi Fan's mood is...


Hey hey.

What kind of scene would a cultivator take online classes?

Today we are going to see it!


Crooked crooked?!

In the picture, Zhou Yuan's 'big head' was still completely present. He seemed a little confused: Can you hear it? Can you see it?

Why didn't anyone respond...

next moment.

The response came.

Dionysus Peak Lu Ming: Elder Zhou, you are too scary, you should step back!!!

The number one alchemist of the younger generation: I can hear it, I just ask you to step back, it almost scares me to death!

Yixin only sharpened his eyes: Elder Zhou wants to preach? But you don't have to get so close...

Give me the phone!

Seeing that the barrage was interesting, Su Muxue actually took the phone and started to operate it.

a moment later...

Immediately afterwards, another bullet screen floated by.

Saintess: Big head Zhou, are you trying to scare my old lady to death? Why don't you go back a little further?! Just preach well, what the hell are you talking about?

Zhou Yuan's big head froze suddenly: ...

Then, step back a little.

Finally, he can see his whole picture. He is sitting cross-legged on a boulder at the moment, with endless clouds and mists behind him, and he is quite immortal.

In any case, at least it was countless times better than the big head before my eyes.

Qi Zi Fan: ????

Why are you looking at me like this? Su Muxue was a little curious: I know I am attractive to women now, but you know, I am also a woman~

Uncle Master!!!

Qi Zi Fan rests his forehead with one hand, why do I look at you like this, don't you count 13 in your heart? !

He sighed helplessly: You are using my mobile phone...

Yeah, what's wrong with your phone?!

You used my mobile phone to...spray Elder Zhou!


Su Muxue was taken aback: Hey, what's the matter?


She patted Su Muxue on the shoulder: Don't worry, if Zhou's big head dares to hold grudges and wear shoes for you, you can ask my uncle for help.

I can't beat him to death?!

Qi Zi Fan: ...

have to!

This 'Master' is more like an 'Immortal Gu Huo' than an immortal cultivator. With such a personality and way of doing things, it would be a pity not to join the underworld!


After a simple astonishment, Zhou Yuan was sure that many disciples could see him and hear him, so he wiped his beard and smiled lightly.

Now, the world of great controversy has begun, and many of my disciples in the Holy Land have gone out. However, the heart of cultivating the Tao must not be broken!

Fortunately, now that there are mobile phones and live broadcasts, it allows me to chat freely even if we are thousands of miles away.

And today, I am a veteran, and I will preach for you through this live broadcast function!

As always, you listen to me first, and then you can ask questions after I finish speaking. Do you understand?

Qi Zi Fan snatched the phone...

Send a barrage.

Saintess: If you understand, deduct one!

Dionysus Peak Lu Ming: Deduct one?

Saintess: Just send a barrage 'one'!




Immediately, the bullet screen was densely packed with one.

Seeing this, Zhou Yuan blinked, and nodded with satisfaction: The Holy Maiden's method is not bad. I've made a note of it as an old man. If I understand it, I will deduct one. It's really good.

Zhou Yuan said that he learned it!

Isn't that very convenient?

Otherwise, do you understand the way I asked the question just now?

Then the answer, isn't it varied? How can there be a large piece that looks real at first glance?

Unexpectedly, this small live broadcast also has some knowledge. Sure enough, learning is boundless, just like our heart of seeking Tao, it should be like a rock, indestructible!

Today, let's start with the heart of seeking Tao...

Ah, I almost forgot.

After this sermon, you need to write down your impressions from this sermon within three days and send it to me.

If you don't have one, or if you are the same as others... then you will definitely not want to try the consequences.

Understood and deducted one!

Zhou Yuan added a sentence.

Then... Naturally, there is a large piece of one.

But the problem is...

Many disciples who are watching the live broadcast are against their will! ! !


Dionysus Peak.

Fan Jianqiang wanted to scold her.


I shouldn't be watching this live broadcast!

Just listen to this boring talk, and write about your feelings? Don't wait for such a scam! Even though it was troublesome to listen to sermons in the past, I just put up with it and got over it!

After all, if you don't go, the master will beat you.

But now?

Not only do you have to listen, but if you don't listen, it's a mixed doubles!

Forget it, do you still have to 'do your homework' after listening?

Just kill me!

This guy was crying and howling.

On the other hand, Lu Ming's eyes were filled with resentment: Brother...


Your screen name... can you change it?

He saw it!

Fan Qiangqiang's online name turned out to be 智€赤空迓芔节。

So here comes the question, you are Lu Ming, who am I? !

Lu Ming glanced at his screen name again - Heart to the Sky...

Senior Brother!

Fan Jianqiang's face remained unchanged, but he said earnestly: You don't know, senior brother is here to sharpen you!

Besides, a name is just a code name. You can be called Lu Ming, I can be called Lu Ming, and everyone can be called Lu Ming, let alone a net name?

What's the name, what's the difference...

But brother. Lu Ming really wanted to say, although we are honest, we are not stupid!

You use this screen name... people will hit me along the network line.

In the middle, he didn't dare to say a word.

That is...

With your ability to cause trouble and your 'technique' of trolling people, I'm really afraid of being beaten to death along the network cable, junior brother!

how come?

After hearing this, Fan Qiangqiang waved his hands again and again: It must be impossible, your brother and I are the most honest and honest, and I will never provoke others, how can I implicate you?

Lu Ming: ...

He left Tian Qi, who was sleeping on the tree and stalking by the way, silent, everything was in silence.


Fan Jianqiang coughed dryly, and then sighed: Oh, junior brother, I am doing this for your own good! Just think about it, even though you got a fat beating last time, did you walk on the road of immortality and complete yourself? dream?!

Besides, did Master treat you badly? How dare you hold grudges so much?


Tian Qi opened his eyes and glanced at Lu Ming...

I... how could I remember my teacher's grudge? Brother, you misunderstood. Lu Ming was taken aback, and thought carefully, isn't that the case?

Although he was beaten before, he has also embarked on the road of immortality, and his wife has been urging him to let him practice at a rapid pace.

Speaking of which, did he earn his own money?

He was suddenly ashamed: Brother, I misunderstood you...

No problem!

Fan Jianqiang smiled indifferently: How can I blame you?

But I thought about it, this screen name should indeed be returned to you, but you haven't tempered enough.

How about this, senior brother, I will test you. If you pass the test at any time, then senior brother will change your name at any time.

What is the exam, brother?

As for the insights from Elder Zhou's preaching this time, in addition to writing a copy to Elder Zhou, you should also write a copy to me from another angle. If I think it is qualified, I will return this net name to the original owner.

Good brother!

Lu Ming was full of confidence.

This is a piece of concern and heavy love from senior brother for me!

How can I disappoint my brother?

Well, children can be taught~

Fan Jianqiang nodded lightly, but his heart was already full of joy...


Fan Jianqiang was overjoyed.

The other disciples who were watching the live broadcast wanted to vomit blood...

It's like when I was in elementary school, the teacher said after a class: Come on, come on, according to what I said, write an after-listening review, no less than 800 words!

Do you make elementary school students collapse or not? !

It's fine for primary school students, at least they have experience, anyway, it's not the first time, they have experience, right?

But for the cultivators, this is indeed the first time!

In the past, it was fine for everyone to finish listening. How could there be homework after listening to the class? !

collapse! ! !

Total breakdown! ! !

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