Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 150: ·"fiancée"


The ice-white lake water is like a cold mirror.

The shadows of the trees swirled, but they left no trace on the lake.

Flowers and grasses of strange colors grow, and the cold dew on them is like a girl's skin, and the swaying blades of grass are inseparable.

In the early morning, the forest that seemed to be born was not as dark and strange as in the legends, but instead showed a vitality.

"Crack--" The crackling sound of the flame, accompanied by a burst of rude laughter, broke the comfort, the lively emotions were dyed, and the scenery was a bit fiery.

"This **** forest, it's still so cold in the morning." A group of mercenary-like people sat on the lakeside with big hands, set fire to their mouths, and filled their mouths with clear liquid - this is clear dew, which relieves fatigue and is cheaper than wine. A favorite of low-level mercenaries.

Another humane said: "Some of them live a good life, at least they are free - it's better than living to the death under the supervision of those **** nobles without the slightest human rights under the supervision of the hypocritical army."

"That's right!" Someone answered and laughed loudly:

"—That's why we **** want to overthrow these nobles and let them know...know what? How do you say it?"

He turned his head and asked a girl behind him.

"Prince and general, I'd rather be kind." The girl replied with a smile.

Facing this group of rude big men, she seemed not to be afraid at all, and she still had a clean smile on her face.

"—Yes, yes!" The big man laughed loudly and toasted the person next to him: "Fuck it, it's over—"

They laughed and spilled their drinks.

Lu Shu sat silently among the revolutionary army.

As soon as he entered the game, as soon as he opened his eyes, he found that he had acquired the status of "Little Commander of the Revolutionary Army".

The people who were drinking were all members of the revolutionary army, and their chats gave him a lot of information.

The revolutionary army does not seem to be as formal and formal as imagined. At best, they just have the name of an "army".

In his opinion, this is more like a group of disorderly bandits, like a group of peasants who can't survive, pick up agricultural tools and start working. There is no order, no plan, and it looks like a group of hot-blooded men. And he in it... is a complete bandit leader.

...Thinking of this made him even more sad.

Knowing that Su Ming'an was in the army made him sad enough. After knowing that he had become a "bandit leader", his mood plummeted.

But the revolutionary army was not just reckless.

As far as he knew, the team he was in was only one of the revolutionary army, and there were tens of thousands of teams moving in the same direction.

- They have to reach a place within ten days.

Then, save someone.

A savior-like person who holds the technology that can change the world and can pull the revolutionary army out of the quagmire.

Lu Shu listened to this group of people talking and feeding Xiaobi with cabbage.

The girl next to him is the healing player who was pulled into the team, her name is Lin Yin. Lin Yin's quality is still good, even in such a harsh environment, his face does not change.

"Soothe the nerves is so fierce, this is worth more than a thousand contributions!" Lin Yin glanced at the leaderboard and was shocked: "...What the **** is this doing? It has risen so much...he is Did you kill all the nearby revolutionary troops?"

"He doesn't like being called a **** by others." Lu Shu said, "You can call him Ming An."

"Oh, okay." Lin Yin nodded, not caring: "Then do we still have to stay in this team? It really doesn't feel like a future. And are we sure we won't go to the main army? Are we still in the end? To fight Ming An...?"

"We and he may not necessarily become enemies." Lu Shu said, "If we can't change our camp, we can work hard to become the leader of the revolutionary army, and then lose to him."

Lin Yin's face was "actually like this": "It's still you who is good at licking."

She said it very directly, without any shyness. And Lu Shu didn't care, but looked into the distance.

There, vaguely, there is a tall, golden-white building.


"Let go of me--I'm not doing the dungeon quest, I want to see Anshen! Anshen look at me--"

Suddenly from the middle of the team, shouting and making noise, the player who played the guard was dragged down by the NPC responsible for maintaining order.

Su Ming'an looked at this really worthless player speechlessly, and then stopped looking at him.

He realized that his identity might not be completely secret - although Hui Shuhang's move was not big, there were also people nearby who saw it. Once you think of the sudden appearance of the leaderboard, it can make people realize that the person who got 32 points may be he.

He felt a sense of crisis—perhaps this dungeon, he needed to consider, was more than the previous dungeons.

[Live to the fifteenth day. 】

[Get the first place in the contribution value of the faction. 】

And...【Perfect Clearance】.

It is very difficult, and he needs to be tense all the time.

The barrage looked very happy. It was rare for them to see such a big scene. When they saw that the person who suddenly shouted was dragged away, they were with Yourong Yan, and they also said "Well done boy" "I will seal you as The best licking dog" giggling posture.

The barrage cannot reveal useful information related to the instance, all they can do is to become an atmosphere group.

"—Here, please."

While he was thinking about this, Hui Shuhang suddenly stopped in front of him and let him go in first.

Su Mingan raised his head and saw the iron-grey door in front of him.

The guards on both sides respectfully opened the door for him, and he saw a laboratory.

The laboratory is large, the size of a hall. Many people dressed in white lab coats similar to Anna Xu, holding record slates, were busy shuttling inside. On the ground is a huge, chained magic circle. There are faintly fluorescent ones, and bottles of colorful potions are placed aside.

But the most eye-catching is the experimental body lying on the experimental table. The pipes were entwined like pythons, completely wrapping the person. He couldn't see the appearance of the person clearly, but it could be seen that the condition of the experimental body should not be very good.



The moment he stepped into this laboratory, except for some people who were addicted to research, the rest of the researchers all cast their eyes on him with respect.

They were calling him "teacher".

These people...are all his students?

Su Mingan thought that his identity was very big, but he didn't expect it to be so big.

He also noticed that there were some dazed researchers, as if they didn't understand his identity, and there were also some people who were stiffly saluting according to the gourd painting - it seems that there are many players hidden among these people.

"Let the teacher see the situation of the No. 2 experimental subject." Xu Anna walked in behind her, and she said to the researchers with the attitude of a small monitor.

And just as she exited, someone immediately pushed a bed with a "person" marked No. 2 on the head of the bed, with various infusion tubes inserted.

This "person"'s skin was as pale as paper, with blue veins and blood streaks all over his body like spider webs. The experimental tube passed through his limbs, leaving only a few low, trapped beast-like groans in his mouth. With a flick of the energy in the hands of the experimenter next to him, the man's body instantly swelled, and a pool of blood burst out.

"...died again." Anna Xu sighed slightly, then turned to look at Su Ming'an: "It's okay, teacher, we will be able to complete the experiment before your coming-of-age ceremony. We will definitely make the final successful result, As a gift to you."

She was very calm when she said this, as if she didn't care about the tragic scene just now, and the words "died again" were also calmly said, it seems that this kind of thing is normal here.

"What about other experimental subjects?" Su Mingan asked.

"This is the most successful one recently... Others are still adapting. If you need a new one, we can go to the dungeon to catch it." Anna Xu said: "There are still many candidates in the dungeon, all of them are We still have a lot of captives and useless civilians by the revolutionary army who resisted the regular army. If we don’t have enough, we can go to the nearby villages to catch them, so you don’t have to worry about the amount.”

Su Mingan listened, and suddenly heard the system prompt:

[Identity information has been automatically supplemented. 】

[Acquired admiration · New identity self-statement: "I don't care about the origin of these experimental subjects, how cruel the experimental process is, and how many lives have to be sacrificed... In my eyes, only my results, the results of my research, can change Trillions of times more fate than this. The world needs a future, and I will bring it to them..."]

[Integrity of identity information: 45%]


"The progress is very good." A person also wearing a student uniform praised: "According to this momentum, the concept proposed by the teacher is correct, and now it is only a matter of perfection."

"In fact, it can be promoted, but the mortality rate is relatively high, and there are still problems of instability, but this method of changing talent has really appeared!" Another experimenter exclaimed: "It's great, It's a miracle!"

"Sometimes I really feel that the teacher was sent by God to save this continent..."

Su Ming'an heard a series of prompts to increase his favorability, all of which had a basic favorability level above 85.

He was very puzzled—since he was the key to this experiment and the common teacher of these researchers, and the research results could change the entire continent, why would he be sent to the altar ten days later and die...?

Without getting a response from him, the group of researchers started chatting on their own, and the more they chatted, the more excited they became, like a proud peacock and a child eager to praise, shaking off all their lifelong learning in front of him. .

"The rest is to first overcome this unstable problem, which is fatal..."

"Yes, there are still ten days. I remember that there were problems in the experiments of three, seven and ten. We can further refine..."

Su Mingan heard the system prompt:

[Further progress in key experiments]

[Get 1000 points of contribution value of "Main Army". 】

He was startled.

He quickly opened the leaderboard, and then saw his name on the top, which became 1032 contribution points.

And Armani, who was in second place, only rose to 38 contribution points.

The dungeon chat has already been fried. They guessed whether Su Mingan ran to be the leader of the army, and then suddenly gained a thousand points. They began to guess which role was Su Mingan. Many people wanted to run to the army. Check out the palace.

The barrage also started to fry the pot:

【Ah this. 】

[Although, I really doubt that this dungeon is here to take care of Brother Ming An. 】

[I went to other live broadcast rooms for a turn. In the parallel dungeons, many of them also played high-status, but there was no such high-status like Su Mingan...]

[This is too simple, stand for a while and contribute a thousand points. There is also a loli girl who escorted all the way for free...]

【Is it difficult? Is it difficult? Is it difficult? 】

[The coming-of-age ceremony ten days later... I heard the male voice "be optimistic about him" at the beginning of the copy, I don't think it should be that simple...]

[Like a meal with a broken head. 】

[There is a conspiracy, I don't believe that this copy is really such a world. 】


"Teacher, do you have any guidance on this...?"

At this moment, a researcher suddenly asked.

They watched the teacher stand at the door for a long time without saying a word, and wondered if there was something wrong with the research process.

Su Ming'an didn't speak - he didn't understand this at all, he couldn't even read it.


He thought about saying goodbye to deal with it, and suddenly felt his sleeves being pulled.

He saw Xu Anna's worried eyes.

"Teacher, because of this experiment, you haven't slept for a few days... Even if you slept yesterday, with Miss Shuhang helping you, you still can't stand it." She said slowly.

The researchers also suddenly realized this.

"Yeah, teacher, it's no longer critical that the experiment has progressed to this point, and you don't need to bother with your step-by-step instructions. Please give us this opportunity to practice!"

"Please be sure to take care of your body, and you have to give up your mind at the coming-of-age ceremony."

They all said that, looking respectful to him.

Su Ming's An An's doubts became more serious - everyone seemed to be very concerned about their state, and they didn't seem to want to die. In the eyes of these people, the coming-of-age ceremony ten days later looks like a real celebration without any danger.

"Teacher." Anna Xu looked at him: "If you think there is no problem with our current progress, why don't you go back to rest first..."

As she spoke, she suddenly thought of something, and then her tone became obviously lower:

"Ah, by the way." She said softly: "Your fiancee, Miss Fia also said - she's coming to see you today."


Su Mingan didn't need to look at it to know that the barrage was screaming "It's free again" at this time. He rubbed his temples annoyed - he really didn't want to deal with an unknown person.

First, try the power-holder skills on this Miss Fia, and see if you can get the information. If you can't get it, go back.

There is still too little information.

"...Yah~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Anna Xu suddenly made a sound, she turned around and looked at the door:

"Just said Miss Fia, Miss Fia is here."

...is this coming?

Su Mingan seemed to feel something.

He turned his head.

A young girl stood quietly at the door, facing the steady light in the room.

She was not wearing a noble dress, but a light armor that was easy to move. As he approached, he saw her brown wool roll obediently hanging beside her face, her side face was brightly illuminated by the top light on the side, her flawless skin was embedded with transparent black eyes, her facial features were bright and gentle.

She has an unusual appearance and temperament, just like the eldest lady who walked out of the castle in European fairy tales.

As she walked slowly, Su Ming'an's eyes gradually moved down.

He saw a thin sword attached to her waist.

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