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Vol 2 Chapter 149: · "Battle of the Factions"

Those players who suddenly attacked themselves may be members of the "Revolutionary Army" mixed in with the "Main Army". And Hui Shuhang killed them, and the contribution value was counted on his head.

If you can make good use of this high status in the "main army" and harvest the heads of the "revolutionary army", you can firmly occupy the top position of the camp rankings.

He noticed that in the rankings, at the current stage, players who chose the "Revolutionary Army" camp had a high contribution value. He thought about the current situation of the "Revolutionary Army" and almost understood it.

The "revolutionary army" should be an army similar to an uprising, and the "principal army" is the faction he is currently in. The "Revolutionary Army" can quickly obtain contribution points by doing some acts of burning, killing and looting. As for the "main army"... at least I can only see this peaceful and peaceful square at the moment, and I don't know if there is any other way to obtain contribution points.

If I can think of a way to launch a regular army to attack the revolutionary army...

"Ding dong!"

He heard a new system prompt again:


[The internal chat of the game copy has been opened, and players can chat on the public screen (cannot be anonymous). 】


Su Mingan looked at the system prompt, and before he had time to watch the chat on the public screen, Hui Shuhang, who was next to him, came over.

"Looks like it's time for some garbage to be cleaned up in the **** team."

She looked at the dragged corpses lightly, and stared at him with burgundy eyes: "Are you alright, I'm sorry, it was our negligence... I didn't expect someone to come in at this juncture. …”

"The people who attacked me were the Revolutionary Army?" Su Mingan asked tentatively.

"Yes, it's just a group of disorderly thieves." Hui Shuhang replied: "After sending you to the laboratory, I will report to Your Majesty and clean up these well-hidden mice. You don't have to worry about your safety. Question, we will protect you all the way."

Su Ming'an did not respond.

...Protect me, and then you will kill me on the tenth day?

After the last week, he knew what this group of people thought.

But along the way, he also saw many people saluting him with reverence on their faces. He knew that he might be a respected figure, and he would not be killed blatantly if he wanted to be killed. He wanted to know what was going on. Which group of people are hurting themselves.

It stands to reason that, as a person in power, the characters of the same faction are at least [friendly] to him, and he should not want to kill himself just for selfish desires.

Then, not for selfish desires, but only for...


He looked at Hui Shuhang's expression, she concealed it well, and she seemed to be indifferent, but he had seen the regret and apology in her eyes - she also wanted to save herself.

【No one is born a victim...and you are the future. 】

...that's what she said in the last episode.

He had always suspected that it was the "Your Majesty" she called who wanted to kill him.

If you can meet up with that majesty and forcibly increase his favor, you may get more information.

He followed Hui Shu all the way, and noticed that the chat inside the game dungeon just opened was frantically swiping the screen:

[Barton: I didn't expect to be able to chat in the game copy, I thought it was the patent of the audience players. 】

[Hill: Can you only chat with 10,000 people in the same dungeon... Sorry, I forgot to team up with my lover, she is still in another parallel dungeon...]

[**Special: This chat is useful, you can pass messages! 】

[Bit: No... You pass the message, and people from both camps can see it. Are you conspiring publicly? 】

[Pulitzer: I was quite scared at first, and there was no one in the live broadcast room, so I could start a chat... Now I'm not scared anymore. 】

[Liu Yiwen: My God, how does this system show that I have automatically joined the "main army"? I obviously haven't made a choice yet? 】

[Keff: Me too, I just stayed in my room, and before I went out to take a look, it showed that I joined the "main army". 】

[Toynbee: I was possessed by a member of the army in a forest, and it was revealed that I was a "revolutionary army" as soon as I came here. 】

[Jin Yaowen: The faction can be changed, as long as you leave your own faction and run to the other side. 】

[Amy: There are too few people in the revolutionary army... I am going to take refuge in the regular army, where is the base of the regular army? 】

[Harris: What is everyone's identity? I am in the army, and in a square, I am a table mover. 】

[Focus: I'm moving a chair, where are you? Let's meet? 】

[Harris: No, a squad leader NPC has been staring at me, let's find another chance when I finish my work...]


Su Mingan watched these people chatting all the way.

He learned that the initial identities of many players were "Guardians of the Army", "Members of the Revolutionary Army", "Servants of the Army Square", etc., and they are currently in the stage of blindly following their own troops.

As for those with higher status, such as team captains, he also saw them, but not many.

He looked at his [Team Formation] interface, which showed that Lu Shu and the healing player had entered the same dungeon as him, but private chats with friends were blocked, and he couldn't privately chat with them to find out where they were now.

The dungeon chat is still going on, but now the trend of the chat seems to have changed:

[Murphy: Wait. 】

[Murphy: Did I read it wrong? 】

[Murphy: How do I see... there is the name of the first player on the leaderboard? 】

【Conan: ... 】

[Baker: Let’s repeat the name, what a coincidence. 】

[Sawyer: ...Can the same name even have the same name as Lu Shu? There is also Lu Shu on the leaderboard. 】

[Yang Yang: I rely on it. 】

[Wang Xing: I rely on it! 】

[Xie Yuanyuan: I rely on it! ! Dragon Kingdom players are ecstatic. 】

[Jinx: The first player doesn't care what your nationality is... Put your strength up first, otherwise it will be a tragedy to be on the same stage with him...]

[Duncan: This leaderboard shows that it is a faction-style dungeon. Players have to compete with each other. I feel like I have no hope...]

[Clark: The first player is the army camp! ! Goodbye guys in the Revolutionary Army, I'm going to find someone to hug my thighs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Anderson: No, you know who is in this copy, and you don't know who he is playing...]

[Gallacher: Guys, choose carefully! If you don't have the strength, you are just cannon fodder. 】

[Song Yuhao: I don't care! I'm going to rush! Where are you, Su Mingan! I'm your faithful little brother—look at me—]


Su Mingan didn't watch the copy chat again.

He did not choose to speak for the time being, nor did he join Lu Shu and the others. Lu Shu and the others have limited abilities. Even if they meet up, it won't change anything. Instead, it will make the situation even more chaotic.

He now knows that among the many loyal guards in the square, there have been many players with different minds. They have a variety of identity tasks, and may do various behaviors that NPCs can't expect.

Along the way, he had already seen a bodyguard who suddenly shouted "Where are you, player number one! I'm going to be your little brother—", and was dragged down.

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