Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 117: "My Dear Werewolves"

"Welcome back to the world game (

【HP-50! (Dizzy!)]

The spirit of the clone in the "Ming" state is pitifully low, with only a little fixed damage.

But at the same time, the stun effect also worked.

【HP-920! (Combat power suppression! Physical resistance!)]

【HP-50! (Real damage!)]

Yanhong's injury popped out of him, and Mizushima Chuankong's eyes flashed with confusion, almost falling to the ground.

Even when the blade was added to her body, the passive protective cover jumped out from her body, which did not make her feel much at ease.

The moment the opponent's blade came over and stabbed at her neck... She really felt an intuition that death was approaching.

...the other party's eyes were still smiling.

But the act of taking people's lives showed no mercy.

She glanced nervously at the blood bar that she had almost bottomed out, and for the first time, she truly felt the fighting power of the opponent.

The teammates next to him immediately came to help, but the damage caused did not make Su Mingan react at all.

Mizushima Kawasora stared at each other.

In the World Forum, there are actually a lot of analysis about the first player.

He has a main body and a clone with two states, one focuses on strength and physical sensitivity, and the other focuses on mental points. It seems that the weakness is obvious, but once the opponent is used, the damage caused will be devastating.

On the first night before, the werewolves came so suddenly that they didn't even have the chance to move in space.

But this night...they seemed to be incredibly relaxed.

She resisted the feeling of dizziness and fainting that came from her chest, the black knife propped up on the ground and almost fainted.

"—Do you want to consider cooperation?"

Su Ming'an stood on the roof beam and looked at them: "If the cooperation cannot be achieved, I may not mind being a... a prophet with a knife who can face a werewolf."

"Idiot," said a werewolf.

Su Ming'an's eyes narrowed slightly.

And in the hands of the werewolf below, the blood-red light burst out in an instant.

A strip-shaped object suddenly appeared in the werewolf's hand. Due to the black mist, the object could not be seen clearly, but the moment the object appeared, the whole room began to glow, a formation covered with blood-red patterns. , rises in an instant.

"Su Ming'an, don't you think that we haven't studied how to deal with you?" There was a light green pattern on the man's body, and the pattern was firmly in front of him, completely blocking the spatial fluctuations: " Your ability is too single, as long as you can prevent it, it will be easy to defeat you... You... don't really think that you have won by your strength, right?"

"You are really hostile to me, and your remarks are also extremely stupid and arrogant." Su Ming'an said: "I guess...the way you talk like this, you should be Mizushima Chuanqing? It's a pity The thing is, you don't even have the capital to win now. Compared with your sister, Miss Mizushimagawa, who is known as the future of mankind, you should be the one who should feel inferior."

"Oh, the main body is still more pleasing to the eye... Your avatar in this state is really annoying." The man sneered, obviously moving more violently, the next moment, the blood-red tattoo instantly shrouded Come up!

Su Ming'an held the sword and jumped down avoiding the tattoo.

But the tattoo followed him like a shadow, sticking to him in an instant.

But unexpectedly, at the moment of contact, the two did not explode with each other, but seemed to be abruptly staggered, pushing each other and cutting it, like two slippery fish.

The next moment, the blade spun, and several werewolf players fell to the ground, and the blood-red pattern finally fell on him.

"Draw--" There was a slight sound, and then Su Mingan fell down.

On his body, there was a blood-colored pattern, which instantly wiped out the white light in the space around him.

Both fell to the ground at the same time.

"Hmm..." Mizushima Chuankong held his head, gritted his teeth, his body was so soft that he couldn't stand up.

She felt that a large spoon was stirring desperately in her mind, causing her vision to shake.

She tried hard to calm the tumbling feeling in her chest, and quickly glanced at her own health bar - fifty points left.

Immediately, after a while, fear crawled up his back like an ant.

If the equipment on her body is not inclined to increase her physical strength, and her physical defense is high enough, she may die under the opponent's sword.

The opponent's sword... shone with a snow-white light when it slashed, and it was the white light that made her feel sick, not the blade itself.

... She saw the numbers jumping out of her body, [True Damage], and it actually had this effect.

The public opinion that Edward's people deliberately created did not seem to engulf the other party... On the contrary, they themselves, because of these deliberately despised remarks they made up, despised the other party.

...How could they think that the first player has no actual combat ability?

Perhaps the first player's performance in the previous dungeons was not a combat ability, so that they thought that this was just a player who could talk shit.

She tilted her head with some difficulty and looked at her teammates. The green pattern was firmly protected in front of them, blocking out the aftermath.

"Be careful, be careful of his body..." Mizushima Chuankong squeezed a hint from the gap between his lips, she remembered that there was such an unstable threat.

"It doesn't matter." The teammates who were surrounded by green tattoos said, and they seemed to be in good condition. While talking, they slowly got up from the ground: "My red tattoos are for the purpose of targeting His skill."

TA stood up slowly, staggered for half a step, then stood firm and looked at Su Mingan who fell on the ground:

"People on the forum analyzed that the main body and the clone communicate with each other's five senses. Therefore, what is the situation on your side, the main body will receive it as soon as possible."

"Exactly, then what?" Su Ming'an was restrained and unable to move, but he still looked up at the man wrapped in black mist as if he didn't feel any danger.

"So..." The man slowed down his tone, as light as a murmur: "...It hurts on your side, and it hurts on your body, right?"

Mizushima Kawasora had a foreboding.

"Wait, isn't this too..." She couldn't help but say.

...too much.

She wanted to stop her teammates.

Whether it’s a normal competition, or a battle of power and wits, so many viewers are watching, if her teammates do this kind of trick to force confessions, she is really afraid that those crazy “first player fans” will put their heads on the forum. spray off.

...also not honorable.

Originally, this kind of targeted behavior is not very glorious.

"Mizushima Chuan, you don't need to worry about it." In Mizushima Chuan Kong's clear vision, the man showed an extremely strange smile: "This is just a feast that belongs to me alone. He doesn't think he can do it himself. To get light and justice, do you want to shine in front of everyone?"

The man said, the knife light flashed in his hand, and the smile became more and more strange: "...Then, I will show his most failed and most unbearable side in front of everyone."

Mizushima Chuankong watched the teammate walk towards Su Mingan who was lying on the ground step by step, and she frowned slightly.

She opened her mouth, trying to dissuade her, but remembered Su Ming'an's frenzied performance in the arena after the end of the second world, and turned her head hesitantly.

"...Wait a minute."

But what she didn't expect was that in addition to her, another teammate actually made a blocking sound: "Wait a minute, this is not appropriate."

"...Where is it inappropriate?" The teammate with the knife turned his head, with a hint of impatience in his tone.

"Not suitable." The teammate repeated, shaking his head all the time: "...In any case, it is not suitable."

"Are you kidding me?" The knife-wielding teammate sneered: "It was obvious that he almost died just now, and he said that he wanted to fight for the faction. Tell me this now? And you, Mizushimagawa, you Don't you regard this guy as the only enemy? I still remember the declaration of war you posted on the forum... Although you have deleted that thing, I remember that he clearly declared war on you. Why, to Now, I can't bear it anymore? You are also like Lu Shu's dog-licking guy, so you have a crush on this guy? Have you forgotten his attitude towards the Light Chaser?"

"...It's inappropriate." Mizushima Kawasora glanced at the barrage in his live broadcast room.

They are all swiping "until you click", "Don't bully Brother Ming An!" "Why are you targeting him like this!" "Sister Mizushimagawa is actually such a person..." "Bad people! They are all bad people!" "Knife That's it, don't do this to the first player!" Such a naive barrage.

She had expected this.

In fact, apart from the upper-level players who have already clarified their camps and are inclined towards Edward's faction, the vast majority of bottom-level players and middle-level players absolutely support the first player's faction.

The first player has come a long way and has gained too much. The title of "First Player" is also officially recognized by the organizer. Not yet in contention.

Mizushima Chuankong and the others targeted him like this just because the hostility had already become established and there was no way out.

But in fact, this person's appeal is extremely terrifying. You can see from the popularity of his live broadcast room. As long as the other party waved his arm, I don't know how many viewers can turn into a big forum watering can and volunteer to become light chasers, blasting them on the World Forum. Those against him.

Haven't you seen the group of people who call themselves "beacon system supporters" on the World Forum, and they have ravaged almost every hot post - they are almost everywhere.

The other party is the natural core of the world, and comes with a large amount of tap water. They tried their best to manipulate public opinion, but it only had a slight effect. If they really want to make a difference... It's the current situation, even the audience in her live broadcast room can't wait for herself. Going to save people in the end, stand on the side of this person without hesitation.

...this is the first player.

...That's why Edward and the others wanted to take his crown, replace him, and become him.

...after all, who doesn't want to be the centerpiece of being embraced by the world?

"Okay, don't use punishment, there is too much pressure from public opinion." Mizushima Chuankong said, "Just kill him~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ If the body doesn't come out, find a chance to kill him tomorrow."

"Hmph..." The teammate holding the knife snorted coldly, a little dissatisfied, but still put the knife back.

Mizushima Chuankong finally recovered from the dizziness in that space. Holding the black knife, she staggered over and raised the black knife.

"Goodbye, self-righteous "prophet"." She said, the black knife suddenly appeared.

"...Then, goodbye, Miss Werewolf?" She saw the opponent who had no resistance and was smiling at her.

Mizushima Chuankong vaguely sensed that something was wrong. It would be too easy to say that this was all the other party's recourse...

She noticed something flashing in her line of sight, and when she looked down, she saw a silvery thing in his hand.

【Testing in progress...】

[The detection is completed, the target name: mechanical explosives, from the Second World Daylight Floating City, the threat is extremely high...]

Mizushima Chuankong's pupils shrank suddenly.

At the moment when the black knife fell and the blood flower exploded, she saw the man lying on the ground with a lunatic smile on his face.

"—To die with the most important prophet, my dear werewolves."

He smiled brightly and deeply, like the last rays of the sunset.

The silver-white line was pulled in an instant.

The temperature rose suddenly, extremely fast, and it was too late for people to react.

"Run..." Her heart suddenly raised, her footsteps turned slightly, and the words didn't even have time to come out of her mouth——


Blazing white overwhelms everything.

A violent explosion resounded throughout the boundless quiet night, and the bright white light enveloped the entire small house, illuminating it as if it were daytime, as if it had fallen into a black and white quagmire.

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