Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 116: · "Flush warmth"

"Welcome back to the world game (

Mizushima Chuankong saw that his fingernails were starting to grow, and the back of his hand was growing with tiny fluff. The door of the room was opened, and the moonlight came in tonight, as if to welcome her out.

She followed the prompts to a relatively large room. The walls of this room were densely packed with names that were hard to read. Red candles were burning on the table, making a "cluster" sound.

Inside, her werewolf teammates had gathered.

This is where the players of their werewolf camp discussed before the action.

"...He didn't come?" One person said.

"It doesn't matter, you don't need to ask that guy's opinion."

"Why don't you start during the day?"

"This town is not that simple. I don't think it's just a battle of factions. I'm worried that if we can't unlock the secrets in the town, we may end up with a total annihilation."

"So do you want to leave someone to decipher it? I said it, I think I can do it alone."

"I don't feel comfortable putting possibilities in the hands of strangers."


"Any knife tonight?"

"Is it even a knife? I'm worried that it's his clone that was killed."

"He has to die... Killing once is killing, killing several times is also killing. I don't believe he can live forever."

"That...I think I'm trying to kill others, a lot of priesthood is on the bright side..."

"No, you don't understand, identity and faction are not important in this game, the important thing is..."

"Don't say these are useless, continue the knife tonight, it doesn't matter if you don't die. Tomorrow we will muddy the water and find a chance to push a good person away, and we can still fight."

"Hmph... I don't know if it's luck or disaster to get a teammate like you."

"Don't talk nonsense, prepare to attack, I guess he is already prepared."

"So what, like the first night, it will be easy..."

The night was silent.

There was no light on the road, only the howls of wolves resounded in the deadly town.

Mizushima Chuankong and his teammates were walking on the road, landing silently, and the closed houses around them seemed to dim for a moment, and they only saw the house with "No. 1" inscribed in their eyes.

Their figures were shrouded in a thick black fog, which was impermeable to the wind, to ensure that the attackers could not see their appearance. Their voices were also faked and completely different from before.

- Now it's the Werewolf Knifeman segment.

The victim of the knife can fight back, but generally speaking, it is of little use. The space in the house is small, the victim cannot leave the house, and there are more players than him at the same time, so he has almost no resistance.

In fact, it does.

On the first night before, they attacked really easily.

"I'll restrain him first." Mizushima Chuankong said softly: "Then you guys go in again, he can't leave the room, it's easy to deal with."

"Okay, I'm responsible for restricting his movements." His teammates should agree.

Facing this quiet door, a long black knife appeared in Mizushima Chuankong's hand. She pressed the handle against the wooden door, the red light flashed, the door lock disappeared instantly, and she could easily enter.


Her attention was extremely concentrated for a moment. Although she had already had a successful experience, she did not think that the other party was someone who closed her eyes and waited for death. The other party is very cunning. Seeing how leisurely he looks for clues during the day, he must be well prepared... Tonight's attack must be extremely difficult, and it may be possible to use all the back moves to succeed.

The door squeaked softly, her figure flashed in, and the spiritual light wave spread out in an instant, completely covering the entire room, ensuring that the mental interference always existed, and the next moment, her black knife was straight towards the bed. Go!

"Shuh" the black knife plunged straight into the bed, Mizushima Chuankong shook, and the bed that had been pierced collapsed with a creaking sound.

"...Not on the bed." It was pitch black, and Mizushima Chuankong's eyes flashed red. Because of her werewolf status, she had a little night vision, but she didn't see anyone in the room.

The layout of the entire room is extremely simple, which is also related to its small area. In addition to the mahogany table with the extinguished candle holder, there is only one stool, a wooden bed, and a very obvious sliding door cabinet.

Not on the bed, not at the bottom of the bed, but also under the table, Mizushima Kawasora also looked up specially, in case the guy was hiding on the beam, but no one was seen.

Well, the only place to hide is...

"Pfft." Someone chuckled softly: "If you are not where you can see it, where else can you be? Su Ming'an, you are hiding in the most stupid place."

"Enclose the cabinet," said the other person, who also seemed to draw his weapon and pointed directly at the cabinet door.

"..." Mizushima Chuankong held up the black knife, she was ready to go like a cheetah, and it seemed that she might strike a thunderbolt at any time.

In the dark night, it was extremely quiet, so quiet that only the slight breathing of a few people was heard.

"Hiding on the bed, or standing in front of the door waiting... There is still a little chance of turning over." The teammate said with a sneer, "Hiding in the closet? I really don't know what you think, is this giving up?"

"...Don't talk so fast, in case he's not in the closet, the whole audience will look at you embarrassed." Another teammate reminded in a low voice.

"—! It seems that there is a problem." The teammates were a little bit angry, and they did find the problem - would that guy really choose to hide in the cabinet? Isn't it... too stupid.

The teammate seemed to want to rush to verify whether he was embarrassed just now, and whether he was embarrassed by the empty cabinet. He quickly pointed with one hand, and the cabinet door opened instantly.

"Good evening."

They heard a very familiar voice.

Then, they saw that the man was actually sitting in the cabinet, still smiling at them.

"...You haven't slept yet." Su Mingan hugged the quilt and waved: "Tonight I checked Aini, and the guide Anliana told me that he was actually a good person... It's a pity, it seems that I can't get rid of the gold. Captain's fate."

"Heh." One person let out a sneer: "It's actually inside... But, Su Ming'an, do you really think of yourself as a prophet?"

"Isn't it, I think the inspection I reported is still very real, right?" Su Mingan spread his hands: "I thought it would be safe tonight... Look, a prophet who is not trusted by everyone is very resistant to resistance. Push, you can be slandered and banished casually during the day... But ah, I made eye contact with Lu Shu so obvious in the morning, I just wanted to make it clear to you that he is a witch... In the end, I didn't kill a witch, but came to kill me, I really very sad."

The person in front of him seemed to say this without any defense, but Mizushima Chuankong's vigilance did not relax for a moment.

She knew that the person in front of her was never someone who gave up on herself, and words like giving up had nothing to do with him - this was a guy who could use up all available objects around him to let him go. If he is sitting in the closet with no way out now, and seems to be easy to deal with... then she may have overlooked something.

...why is he sitting in the cupboard, in a conversational gesture...


Mizushima Chuankong understood: "Su Ming'an, do you want to negotiate with us?"

He was deliberately lowering his position, showing his weakness without any cover, and he was so courageous... He was almost betting his life with them, betting that the first time they saw him, he didn't do it.

However, it was precisely because Su Ming'an was in the closet with no way out that they could talk to him so relaxedly. If he had been on the bed from the beginning, the two sides might have already fought.

...a terrible guy who can even take advantage of his own situation.

"Yeah, negotiation." Su Ming'an leaned on the counter, without even a weapon in his hand, looking very leisurely: "The prophet and the werewolf camp... a negotiation."

There was a slight laugh, but the laughter was quickly muffled.

"What do you want to say?" Mizushima Chuankong asked him.

"Now, turn around and turn right." Su Mingan pointed to the door: "Did you see the [four] on the house outside? Go to that house and kill him, that's a real witch, the poison is useless, no Take the chance?"

"You are so cruel to your Light Chaser," said one person.

"No way, think about the prophet is still much more important than the witch... Although I am a prophet who is not trusted by anyone, and I am a prophet who does not trust me every day, but it is too miserable that even the players of the werewolf camp don't believe me... "Su Mingan said with a smile: "But it doesn't matter, what I want to find out is not the identity of the werewolf, but the mystery of this town - it's better to let me go, let me decipher it for you, and wait until a few days before the knife comes. I?"

With a "swoosh", Mizushima Chuan took out his knife, and the face of the knife touched his throat.

Her crow-feather-like eyelashes trembled slightly, and there was a ray of blood-red light that belonged to a werewolf in her eyes.

"...No need." She said coldly: "Either I or Edward can solve the final answer, you'd better die."

"Why are you so hostile to me..." Su Mingan sighed slightly: "I remember that my charm should be A... Why can't I convince you..."

Mizushima Chuankong noticed a slight error, but the strange feeling passed by like a meteor in an instant, and she didn't let her capture the specifics.

... The tone of this guy's speech, why is it so...

"Is this still Su Ming'an's clone?" Someone pointed out the doubts in her heart.


Mizushima Chuankong's eyes lit up - the tone of this person's speech was too frivolous, not like that Su Mingan at all... His eyes were not so deep and heavy when he looked at him, not like the eyes he looked at his so-called "lighthouse", but rather like Look at an ordinary player in general.

In an instant, her sense of concern disappeared.

"Be careful with his real body! We don't know if the real body can move at night..." Mizushima Kawakura quickly retracted his divergent thoughts and noticed the surroundings for a moment. She was actually aware of the existence of the clone, but she was not sure whether the two Can act simultaneously at night.

But if it is a front and back attack, there may be some dangers that they are not aware of.

"Where is your body?" Someone asked him nervously.

"Answer my question first?" The black knife was already pressed against his neck, and one more inch would kill him, but Su Ming'an's smile remained the same.

He was clearly in the most dangerous situation, but he seemed to be in his own home safely, smiling at the guests who barged in at night, his eyes languid:

"—answer me first, werewolves, would you try to cooperate with your dear prophets? Would you try, provide me with a little fluffy warmth?"

"Let's kill it first." The person on the side couldn't help his overly frivolous attitude and turned his head to say this.

"Wait... Actually, I don't think it's impossible to cooperate..." A werewolf hesitated.

"You want to cooperate with him?" the man said, "Do you believe in this guy?"

"Actually, is our attitude towards him too much... I don't think he is actually that selfish..."

"This is not a question of selfishness or selfishness." Mizushima Chuankong said coldly: "We are enemies, and there is no way out."

The werewolf stopped talking.

"...It seems that the negotiation failed?" Su Mingan leaned against the counter and looked at them.

"Wait a minute, don't kill it yet." Someone pressed Mizushima Chuankong's blade and gently moved it away: "We finally got this opportunity, let's find a way to force his main body out, or even Killing his clone here, we can still see this guy tomorrow, it doesn't matter."

Mizushima Kawasora nodded.

In fact, she also thought so, that's why she never made a knife.

The avatar skill is indeed a bug. What's even more buggy is that through the observation of the summary posts on the World Forum, they have long discovered that if the avatar and the main body are not killed together, the other party will spend a price they don't know to resurrect the other party... Therefore, it is best to find Su Ming'an's body and kill him before he can react.

"No, Mizushimagawa, are you really that cruel?" Su Ming'an's words came from the cabinet.

When Mizushima Chuankong was called by his name, he moved his eyes subconsciously before reacting.

With a "swoosh", her black knife stabbed into the counter, wiping the opponent's face.

"...Where is your body?" Mizushima Kawasora stared into his eyes.

"Guess what?" Su Mingan smiled innocently. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"Shuh!" The black knife flashed by, but only wiped a space ripple. Mizushima Chuankong quickly turned around and saw Su Mingan who was moved to the mahogany table.

"Edward didn't come?" Su Mingan glanced at him: "So he is really a hunter?"

"Is he, you don't know?" Mizushima Chuankong slashed again, and secretly released a mental attack.

But the next moment, before the other werewolves had time to make a move, she felt that her neck was being held up by a sharp object.

… The speed of the other party is astonishingly fast.

"Edward didn't come, what are you proud of?" Su Ming'an's blade pressed against her neck: "I was really unprepared on the first night, and I was still talking to Anliana before you succeeded. You don't really think that I The sss of the first three worlds are for nothing, right? You still want to kill me with this combat power...?"

"Ah! He talks a lot! This clone is so annoying!" The werewolf teammates opened their palms, and a strong wind instantly pushed Su Mingan away, saving Mizushima Chuankong in danger.

She raised her head and looked at Su Ming'an who was attacking quickly again.

...is really annoying.

In the past, she felt that Su Ming'an's character was inexplicable, and the eyes she looked at her were also frighteningly eager. The act of committing suicide in front of the whole world made her unable to forget his eyes all night long... But after coming into contact with a clone in such a state , she began to rejoice that the real Su Mingan looked like that...

At least he won't keep taunting like the avatar in front of him, messing up her otherwise calm mind.

She really wanted to cut this clone to death.

She wanted to go further and quickly took him down, but she felt a tremor all over her body, and before the knife was fired, she saw a blue light flashing in his eyes.

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