Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 763: test for snowballs

Zhou Fan threw a third stone, which was farther away from the snowball, but was still shattered by an ice-blue light from the snowball.

Huang Bujue and Gu Yan both looked at them solemnly.

This snowball can't attack, and if it doesn't attack it will be attacked if it tries to pass over it.

"Let's go separately and see who it will follow?" Zhou Fan thought for a while.

Huang Bujue and Gu Yan nodded slightly.

Huang Bujue stood on the spot, Zhou Fan and Gu Yan left and left.

The snowball suspended above the gully trembled slightly. There were countless snowflakes condensed on both sides of it, and soon they condensed into two snowballs. The two snowballs went in different directions, one left and one right, following Zhou Fan and Gu Yan.

Zhou Fan and Gu Yan walked back with a look of helplessness. The two snowballs also returned to the vicinity of the middle snowball, and then scattered into little snowflakes and disappeared completely.

The three of them were silent for a while looking at the snowball.

Snowball was more tricky than they thought.

"If it is really impossible, we will spend it with it all the time. I don't believe it will stay here forever." Gu Yan said helplessly.

"But can we afford it?" Huang Bujue glanced at Zhou Fan.

Of course Zhou Fan didn't want to spend all the time with this thing. He thought about it and said, "How did you say that Wen Xiao passed?"

"This is hard to say, maybe he didn't go there at all, but kept walking up the Qianhuan Mountain. I don't think this snowball will always follow, as long as it goes too far, this snowball will always give up. "Huang Bujue frowned slightly.

"It's also possible that when he passed, the snowball didn't appear at all." Gu Yan continued.

"I take back what I said just now. I now think that this snowball should be a monster, and it doesn't seem to be an object controlled by a monster." Huang Bujue said.

Zhou Fan listened to what the two said, and he kept thinking about it in his mind. He thought that Wen Xiao might not have encountered Snowball, but when he did, he would definitely not go up the Qianhuan Mountain, and would only think of other ways. .

No matter what Wen Xiao does now, Zhou Fan must find a way out.

Zhou Fan picked up another stone, Huang Bujue and Gu Yan both looked over, they wanted to see what Zhou Fan would do?

Zhou Fan threw a stone again, but this time he threw it as high as possible.

After the stone entered the Qianhuan Mountain, it passed the snowball high, and then fell toward the other side of the mountain.

The three of Zhou Fan watched intently, only to see that the gravel fell smoothly on the other side of the ravine, and Snowball did not launch any attack.

"Can you get past it as long as you jump high enough?" Gu Yan said in surprise.

"This is not necessarily." Zhou Fan shook his head: "If it has basic wisdom, then it is likely to deliberately mislead us. Once we jump over this way, maybe it will attack us immediately."

"That's right, no one can confirm that it has no wisdom, so it would be too risky to jump over it." Huang Bujue nodded.

"Then what's the point of such a test?" Gu Yan frowned slightly impatiently.

"The meaning is that if it has no wisdom, then we can use this method to pass." Zhou Fan smiled and said, "So the question is how to judge whether it has wisdom that misleads us?"

"How to judge?" Gu Yan asked curiously.

Zhou Fan fell silent, and Huang Bujue was also thinking carefully.

This question is difficult, because they don't know anything about the snowball that suddenly blocked the road. How can they judge whether the snowball is intelligent?

"I think there is basically no wisdom in it." Zhou Fan said suddenly.

Huang Bujue and Gu Yan both looked at Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan explained: "Because if it has wisdom, it won't hang there. It only attacks when something wants to jump over the mountain. It seems to be acting according to certain rules."

Huang Bujue and Gu Yan showed hesitation on their faces, Huang Bujue said: "What you said makes sense, but there is no evidence, this is just a guess."

If you guess wrong, it's a gamble.

"But I think we can take a risk." Zhou Fan pondered for a while and said, "Before we try, we can do two things. First, test the safe height for jumping, and second, how much is the attack of the snowball? Strong, can it hurt us, and if it can't hurt us, why do we think so much?"

The reason for doing these two things is that people are not the stones thrown by Zhou Fan after all. The height that can be jumped is still limited, or the higher the jump, the safer it is. Accidents happen, be aware of them.

In case this snowball really attacks them when they jump over the Thousand Illusory Mountains, there can also be certain preventive measures.

The first thing is very simple to test. Zhou Fan threw small stones and slid over the snowball. The minimum safe height is three feet.

For Zhou Fan and the others, the height of three feet is not difficult.

The second item is to test the attack strength of the snowball.

This is more troublesome. Huang Bujue took out a piece of material the size of a fingernail from his talisman bag, which was dark golden throughout.

"This is black gold iron. It is mainly added to some iron tools to increase the toughness of the iron tools." Huang Bujue explained: "Xuanjin iron is also a very tough metal, which we tempered in the resistance section. The powerful skin and the protective cover of the huge infuriating condensation are equivalent to this piece of black gold and iron."

Huang Bujue's meaning is very simple, if the black gold and iron can't hold up the snowball's attack, then they absolutely can't hold up, and the risk of them jumping over the ravines will be greatly increased.

After Huang Bujue finished explaining, he didn't say much, but with a flick of his finger, Xuan Jintie shot towards the snowball.

When it was three feet away from the snowball, the snowball shot out an ice-blue light, hitting the black metal iron.

The fingernail-sized black metal iron was immediately covered by It was just that the black metal iron did not shatter directly like the fist gangs and stones before, but was covered with a layer of ice and fell towards the bottom of the mountain. soon disappeared from their sight.

The test results made Zhou Fan and the three all relieved. Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said: "The black gold iron is not damaged, but it will be frozen and fall down. We may also encounter such a situation. Once we can't break free, then It's troublesome."

"Then let me try how powerful this freezing power is?" Gu Yan pulled off a small crimson gourd with a smile and took a sip of spirit wine. Hot white mist.

Gu Yan punched out, and the fist was wrapped in crimson flames and attacked the snowball.

When it was still three feet away, the snowball popped out an ice-blue light and shot at the fist gang. The fist gang was shrouded in frost, but the flame on the fist gang quickly melted its own frost.

It's just that the snowball popped out several icy blue rays of light, completely extinguishing the flames on the fist, destroying the fist.

But this made Zhou Fan and the three all happy.

Snowball's freezing ability is very strong, but it is not strong beyond their imagination.

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